Kate Steinle murderer found not guilty of murder.

Mexicans make this a bigger issue than it ever needed be. Follow the laws, or not, call down the thunder, You get the lightning. Most other immigrants from other countries follow American immigration laws. Mexicans don't get a freebie. Funny how fairness works.

People only follow the law if they are forced to follow the law, otherwise they do as they please, which is apparently what illegal immigrants do.

I wonder what would have happened to the illegal immigrant had he shot a "sea animal" that he said he was trying to shoot that may have been endangered. I wonder if the crazy Dims in San Fran would have given him the death penalty.
The pieces of shit couldn't even convict this cretin of manslaughter.

It would be most ironic if he kills again, killing a liberal. I know...repugnant.

The judge has the right to overturn a jury verdict. I don't expect that in this case, not in SF.
"San Francisco’s decision to protect criminal aliens led to the preventable and heartbreaking death of Kate Steinle." — AG Jeff Sessions
He deserves the death penalty.
So much for innocent until proven guilty or even innocent after proven innocent if you are on the Right-wing hate list.
They only care about their racist beliefs. When George Zimmerman shot and killed an unarmed black teenager and was found not gulty, that was great. They hate blacks, they hate Mexicans, so killing those people is just fine for them.
Are you trying to say that Kate Steinle was trying to kill that illegal by beating his head into the cement?
So..let me get this right.

If I accidentally kill someone with an illegal gun, even though I am a criminal with many convictions and an illegal alien, I can get off scot-free.

Now that's justice!

I would guess criminal illegal aliens will flock to San Fran even more than before.
Murked, you have cleaned up your act some but not enough for me to associate with you. Templar, you have not grown up at all.
Lol, your standards are garbage. How dare you attempt to judge me.
You judge yourself every time you post, TK. You are a walking joke. You need to grow up, get a job, and be responsible, instead of passing your opinion on others. Just the way it is.

Let's just say this: The next time some POS illegally enters this country and decides to murder someone, I just hope that it's someone you love: Maybe a friend, a family member. Maybe then you'll have a clue as to what is happening in this country.
Karma, you bottom bang, is a bitch.

The prosecution did not prove the case.
Oh because you are an expert! You’re a dumbass. It was an open a shut case. He admitted to taking a sleeping pill, finding the gun and it going off in his hand.You liberal scumbags have no honor. These were liberal cocksucking faggots that did this!Sent from my iPhone using USMessageBoard.com
Because I am right and you are wrong. Nothing new here. Fox reported it. He found a gun on the pier a week after a BLM agent lost it. He was playing with it. It went off. The ricochet hit the woman and killed her. No murder. The prosecution mischarged. Why do you confuse the truth with liberalism. I am no more a liberal than you care about America.
The jury decision was unanimous.

7 felony convictions
5 deportations
Ice had a hold placed on him and the city let him go anyway. The city is guilty of negligent homicide imo. I hope they pay DEARLY.

He deserves the death penalty.
Well, now it's official.
San Francisco juries now think that guns kill all by themselves.
This is why I don't live in CA anymore.
Build a wall between CA and the rest of America.

Felon with a firearm, got off several rounds, ran after the shooting, threw the gun away. The jury couldn't even find this cretin guilty of manslaughter.
People like Jake celebrate today.
He deserves the death penalty.
So much for innocent until proven guilty or even innocent after proven innocent if you are on the Right-wing hate list.
They only care about their racist beliefs. When George Zimmerman shot and killed an unarmed black teenager and was found not gulty, that was great. They hate blacks, they hate Mexicans, so killing those people is just fine for them.
Are you trying to say that Kate Steinle was trying to kill that illegal by beating his head into the cement?
So..let me get this right.

If I accidentally kill someone with an illegal gun, even though I am a criminal with many convictions and an illegal alien, I can get off scot-free.

Now that's justice!

I would guess criminal illegal aliens will flock to San Fran even more than before.
I did not say anything about getting off scott free. Didn't even suggest or insinuate it. WTF are you reading?


The article states that three immigrates were on the jury, not illegal.


How many frigging Illegals live in Kalifornia? Do the math.

Kate was never going to get justice in commie Kalifornia. Especially from the Libtard queers and illegals in San Francisco that elect those Democrat asshole that govern a filthy ass sanctuary city.

This case is a great example of how out of control these Liberals are in our country nowadays. They are destroying this country.

Hopefully Trump will use the tragic murder of Kate as a rallying point to increase deportations, build the wall and defund these filthy ass Democrat controlled sanctuary cities.
Felon with a firearm, got off several rounds, ran after the shooting, threw the gun away. The jury couldn't even find this cretin guilty of manslaughter.
People like Jake celebrate today.
Why do you lie? One shot was accidentally fired. People like you and Flash are the reason why Trump's numbers are going south: because he has adopted your view of America, which real America rejects.
So much for innocent until proven guilty or even innocent after proven innocent if you are on the Right-wing hate list.
They only care about their racist beliefs. When George Zimmerman shot and killed an unarmed black teenager and was found not gulty, that was great. They hate blacks, they hate Mexicans, so killing those people is just fine for them.
Are you trying to say that Kate Steinle was trying to kill that illegal by beating his head into the cement?
So..let me get this right.

If I accidentally kill someone with an illegal gun, even though I am a criminal with many convictions and an illegal alien, I can get off scot-free.

Now that's justice!

I would guess criminal illegal aliens will flock to San Fran even more than before.
I did not say anything about getting off scott free. Didn't even suggest or insinuate it. WTF are you reading?
Just making a post at no one in particular. No need to take it personally.

I never stated nor thought, you said scot-free. Just making a conclusion based on the verdict.
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Felon with a firearm, got off several rounds, ran after the shooting, threw the gun away. The jury couldn't even find this cretin guilty of manslaughter.
People like Jake celebrate today.
Why do you lie? One shot was accidentally fired. People like you and Flash are the reason why Trump's numbers are going south: because he has adopted your view of America, which real America rejects.

I did not lie. I had heard he had fired several other shots at sea lions, but I cannot find that information now. Obviously it's not true, but I did not lie.
[Qen a shut case. He admitted to taking a sleeping pill, finding the gun and it going off in his hand.You liberal scumbags have no honor. These were liberal cocksucking faggots that did this!Sent from my iPhone using USMessageBoard.com
Because I am right and you are wrong. Nothing new here. Fox reported it. He found a gun on the pier a week after a BLM agent lost it. He was playing with it. It went off. The ricochet hit the woman and killed her. No murder. The prosecution mischarged. Why do you confuse the truth with liberalism. I am no more a liberal than you care about America.[/QUOTE]

You are confused Moon Bat.

Being a bad shot should not be an excuse to let an illegal alien get away with murdering a girl with a stolen weapon.

Even if there was no premeditation then he should have been convicted of manslaughter or reckless endangerment or several other lesser crimes..

I guess in commie Libtard Kalifornia, which is supposes to be so anti right to keep and bear arms, if you are filthy ass Illegal you get to shoot people and get away with it.

There were illegals on the jury so Kate was never going to get justice. Great example of how these Liberal shitholes like San Francisco are totally out of control.

Rocket Man want to nuke an American city. Can we convince him that the city should be San Francisco? We could get that Kaepernick asshole, a lot of queers, a bunch of aging hippies, UC Berkeley and the Democrat dumbasses that run the city all at once. It would be a great service to this country.
They only care about their racist beliefs. When George Zimmerman shot and killed an unarmed black teenager and was found not gulty, that was great. They hate blacks, they hate Mexicans, so killing those people is just fine for them.
Are you trying to say that Kate Steinle was trying to kill that illegal by beating his head into the cement?
So..let me get this right.

If I accidentally kill someone with an illegal gun, even though I am a criminal with many convictions and an illegal alien, I can get off scot-free.

Now that's justice!

I would guess criminal illegal aliens will flock to San Fran even more than before.
I did not say anything about getting off scott free. Didn't even suggest or insinuate it. WTF are you reading?
Just making a post at no one in particular. No need to take personally.

I never stated nor thought, you said scot-free. Just making a conclusion based on the verdict.
You are not making any sense. Apparently you took objection to what I thought about someone else's post. You're just not being thoughtful or clever.

I wasn't on the jury, but I think the man should have gotten the same punishment that anyone else would get in that situation, not harsher punishment because he is an illegal. But I think he should be punished for being illegally in possession of a gun, using it carelessly and endangering life (perhaps manslaughter), and if he is a felon, his punishment should reflect a felon in possession of a gun and his previous convictions.
Looks like Trump has the courage to do what the Moon Bats in San Francisco are too chickenshit to do. They are going to charge that Illegal asshole with federal charges. MAGA!

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