Kate Steinle murderer found not guilty of murder.

We will see what he gets for the possession of a firearm by a felon conviction.

What do you cons want? You want to pay for the jails with higher taxes or a 6th deportation?
He will get time served for the firearm charge and waltz out.
He deserves the death penalty.
So much for innocent until proven guilty or even innocent after proven innocent if you are on the Right-wing hate list.
They only care about their racist beliefs. When George Zimmerman shot and killed an unarmed black teenager and was found not gulty, that was great. They hate blacks, they hate Mexicans, so killing those people is just fine for them.
Are you trying to say that Kate Steinle was trying to kill that illegal by beating his head into the cement?
So much for innocent until proven guilty or even innocent after proven innocent if you are on the Right-wing hate list.
They only care about their racist beliefs. When George Zimmerman shot and killed an unarmed black teenager and was found not gulty, that was great. They hate blacks, they hate Mexicans, so killing those people is just fine for them.

You seem to be ignoring the fact the zimmerman is Hispanic. Why is that?

I'm not ignoring it, but for American racists, there is a hierarchy of who they hate the most: blacks top the list. I think Muslims are second, Mexicans third (especially illegal aliens), etc. An Hispanic who is not Mexican is lower down. Zimmerman is not an alien, not Mexcian and half white, so he would be considered by our racists as less culpable in any circumstance than any black American. Their hate is well embedded and actually has a system. Zimmerman's mother is Peruvian and his father 'white' American. He was described as a 'white Hispanic.' They hate these types a whole lot less than blacks.n The worst thing you can be in America, as far as our racists are concerned, has always been black. Now it is also Muslim. And coming up third are illegal Mexican immigrants.

So, where do you get your racist american stats? There are indeed racists in America, but they are of every color and the violence in the USA is overwhelmingly black on black, so no racism involved at all. Just gang violence.
I know about racism because my nephews are half black. When there are kids in the family, the adults are always protective about them and don't want them to be hurt either physically, mentally or emotionally. I have seen how racism works in America, in mainstream society. Gangs are another issue altogether.

Oh? Where do they live?
They only care about their racist beliefs. When George Zimmerman shot and killed an unarmed black teenager and was found not gulty, that was great. They hate blacks, they hate Mexicans, so killing those people is just fine for them.

You seem to be ignoring the fact the zimmerman is Hispanic. Why is that?

I'm not ignoring it, but for American racists, there is a hierarchy of who they hate the most: blacks top the list. I think Muslims are second, Mexicans third (especially illegal aliens), etc. An Hispanic who is not Mexican is lower down. Zimmerman is not an alien, not Mexcian and half white, so he would be considered by our racists as less culpable in any circumstance than any black American. Their hate is well embedded and actually has a system. Zimmerman's mother is Peruvian and his father 'white' American. He was described as a 'white Hispanic.' They hate these types a whole lot less than blacks.n The worst thing you can be in America, as far as our racists are concerned, has always been black. Now it is also Muslim. And coming up third are illegal Mexican immigrants.

So, where do you get your racist american stats? There are indeed racists in America, but they are of every color and the violence in the USA is overwhelmingly black on black, so no racism involved at all. Just gang violence.
I know about racism because my nephews are half black. When there are kids in the family, the adults are always protective about them and don't want them to be hurt either physically, mentally or emotionally. I have seen how racism works in America, in mainstream society. Gangs are another issue altogether.

Oh? Where do they live?
You seem to be ignoring the fact the zimmerman is Hispanic. Why is that?

I'm not ignoring it, but for American racists, there is a hierarchy of who they hate the most: blacks top the list. I think Muslims are second, Mexicans third (especially illegal aliens), etc. An Hispanic who is not Mexican is lower down. Zimmerman is not an alien, not Mexcian and half white, so he would be considered by our racists as less culpable in any circumstance than any black American. Their hate is well embedded and actually has a system. Zimmerman's mother is Peruvian and his father 'white' American. He was described as a 'white Hispanic.' They hate these types a whole lot less than blacks.n The worst thing you can be in America, as far as our racists are concerned, has always been black. Now it is also Muslim. And coming up third are illegal Mexican immigrants.

So, where do you get your racist american stats? There are indeed racists in America, but they are of every color and the violence in the USA is overwhelmingly black on black, so no racism involved at all. Just gang violence.
I know about racism because my nephews are half black. When there are kids in the family, the adults are always protective about them and don't want them to be hurt either physically, mentally or emotionally. I have seen how racism works in America, in mainstream society. Gangs are another issue altogether.

Oh? Where do they live?

Oh? Why am I crazy for wishing more information. You made a statement, I'm not asking for their address I am wondering in which city they live in. Your anecdotal "evidence" isn't scientific, so I wish to search for instances of racism where they live.
I'm not ignoring it, but for American racists, there is a hierarchy of who they hate the most: blacks top the list. I think Muslims are second, Mexicans third (especially illegal aliens), etc. An Hispanic who is not Mexican is lower down. Zimmerman is not an alien, not Mexcian and half white, so he would be considered by our racists as less culpable in any circumstance than any black American. Their hate is well embedded and actually has a system. Zimmerman's mother is Peruvian and his father 'white' American. He was described as a 'white Hispanic.' They hate these types a whole lot less than blacks.n The worst thing you can be in America, as far as our racists are concerned, has always been black. Now it is also Muslim. And coming up third are illegal Mexican immigrants.

So, where do you get your racist american stats? There are indeed racists in America, but they are of every color and the violence in the USA is overwhelmingly black on black, so no racism involved at all. Just gang violence.
I know about racism because my nephews are half black. When there are kids in the family, the adults are always protective about them and don't want them to be hurt either physically, mentally or emotionally. I have seen how racism works in America, in mainstream society. Gangs are another issue altogether.

Oh? Where do they live?

Oh? Why am I crazy for wishing more information. You made a statement, I'm not asking for their address I am wondering in which city they live in. Your anecdotal "evidence" isn't scientific, so I wish to search for instances of racism where they live.
Not gonna happen and stop being a bully.
So, where do you get your racist american stats? There are indeed racists in America, but they are of every color and the violence in the USA is overwhelmingly black on black, so no racism involved at all. Just gang violence.
I know about racism because my nephews are half black. When there are kids in the family, the adults are always protective about them and don't want them to be hurt either physically, mentally or emotionally. I have seen how racism works in America, in mainstream society. Gangs are another issue altogether.

Oh? Where do they live?

Oh? Why am I crazy for wishing more information. You made a statement, I'm not asking for their address I am wondering in which city they live in. Your anecdotal "evidence" isn't scientific, so I wish to search for instances of racism where they live.
Not gonna happen and stop being a bully.

Lady, if you think my asking you simple questions is being a bully you need to go find a different message board because you are clearly not old enough to post here.
San Franshitsco is the worst human filth that ever came out of America's collective large intestine. Please terrorists or Kim Jong, do whatever you please with that evil city, it will be doing this country a favor.
Turning her death into a political point is a sin; the jury ruled. Can you turn off thee hate long enough to even think of her?


Cut the shit; you liberals don't give a fuck about her. You just hate hearing any negative results about your open borders sickness and the 3rd-world subhumans you traitors love to venerate.
This is insane, just because the killer was not a citizen does not alter the traged

THAT'S NOT THE POINT, DUMMY! The point is that THIS particular crime wouldn't have happened if that illegal hadn't been here. I swear, you liberals are so disgusting I'll never understand you look at yourselves in the mirror.
When we need Spanish interpreters in the courtroom, when most of the jurors speak English, something seems broken here. We can't expect immigrants to acclimate, or accept English common laws, I don't know who "we" are anymore.

This is who 'we' are.

by Rudyard Kipling

It was not part of their blood,
It came to them very late,
With long arrears to make good,
When the Saxon began to hate.

They were not easily moved,
They were icy -- willing to wait
Till every count should be proved,
Ere the Saxon began to hate.

Their voices were even and low.
Their eyes were level and straight.
There was neither sign nor show
When the Saxon began to hate.

It was not preached to the crowd.
It was not taught by the state.
No man spoke it aloud
When the Saxon began to hate.

It was not suddently bred.
It will not swiftly abate.
Through the chilled years ahead,
When Time shall count from the date
That the Saxon began to hate.
This is what gets me, he was found guilty on the felony possession of a firearm, yet not on involuntary manslaughter. Makes absolutely no sense.

Let me explain it to you then.

Mexican immigrants now run California, particularly the major cities.

If a nonwhite kills a white person, there is a very good chance that the racist minorities on the jury will use jury nullification to not punish the nonwhite offender because they are not assimilating. To them nonracial multiculturalism is just a bad joke at the white guys expense.

It is now Open Season on white people in California.
They only care about their racist beliefs. When George Zimmerman shot and killed an unarmed black teenager and was found not gulty, that was great. They hate blacks, they hate Mexicans, so killing those people is just fine for them.

Katre Steinle was not sitting on Zarate's chest pounding his head into the concrete when she was shot, moron.

It is amazing how you cannot see past the racial identities on this topic and yet accuse everyone else of racism if they disagree.

Go fuck yourself.
San Franshitsco is the worst human filth that ever came out of America's collective large intestine. Please terrorists or Kim Jong, do whatever you please with that evil city, it will be doing this country a favor.
San Francisco, the Tip of the Turd.
Turning her death into a political point is a sin; the jury ruled. Can you turn off thee hate long enough to even think of her?


Cut the shit; you liberals don't give a fuck about her. You just hate hearing any negative results about your open borders sickness and the 3rd-world subhumans you traitors love to venerate.
Yeah, the stupid bitch is so concerned about her and her family that she cheers when her killer is acquitted of the charges, even though he admitted he did it.


Anything dumber or more fucking annoying than liberal white women? Yeah, I include liberal white men with that. Unless you think liberal white men are men.
What a disgrace California.

Join me in boycotting the state of California. Spend your vacation dollars elsewhere.

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