Katie Pavlich: The protected, connected liberal media elite


Platinum Member
Oct 26, 2011
Why is it that the more the left wing accuses the right wing of something the more it is found out that it is the left wing that is actually guilty? I can understand why these crimes from left wingers are ignored, it is because they have to fight the evil Right wingers that they have created in their minds. They are the modern Don Quixote creating enemies that only they can destroy. When in fact it is they who are the enemies of what is good and true. Geez I hope the board judge of POVs allows this post.

Katie Pavlich The protected connected liberal media elite TheHill

On Dec. 23, 2012, former NBC anchor David Gregory hosted an interview with National Rifle Association Executive Vice President Wayne LaPierre on “Meet the Press.”

As expected, the interview was hostile, with Gregory repeatedly badgering LaPierre over his not supporting a federal high-capacity magazine ban. But instead of simply talking about 30-round magazines, Gregory brought one on set to wave in front of the cameras. The problem? The “Meet the Press” studio is located in Washington, D.C., where merely possessing an empty high-capacity magazine is illegal.
“No person in the District shall possess, sell, or transfer any large capacity ammunition feeding device regardless of whether the device is attached to a firearm,” the law states. “For the purposes of this subsection, the term large capacity ammunition feeding device means a magazine, belt, drum, feed strip, or similar device that has a capacity of, or that can be readily restored or converted to accept, more than 10 rounds of ammunition.”

The punishment for possession of a high-capacity magazine is up to one year in jail and a $1,000 fine. NBC had apparently contacted the police to ask for special permission to use the magazine on air, and the request was denied. Gregory used it anyway and got a free pass on the consequences for doing so.
And the criminals keep on keeping on:

Stephanopoulos was busted by the Washington Free Beacon last week for donating a total of $75,000 to the Clinton Foundation without disclosure to his employer or the audiences he serves. The revelation came less than one week after Stephanopoulos conducted a harsh interview withClinton Cash author Peter Schweizer, where he accused him of having a lack of evidence to support his claims that Hillary Clinton traded political favors for donations to the Clinton Foundation during her time as secretary of State. Stephanopoulos defended the Clintons and the Clinton Foundation and claimed ABC News had done a thorough investigation and found no wrongdoing — all while hiding his own donations to the organization.

ABC hasn’t announced any plans to reprimand Stephanopoulos — after all, he was just helping to protect the environment and fund AIDS research.
The first line of the article is a fallacy..Since liberals encompass the right and the left, it is illogical to assume only the left is or has liberal elements in the party..
Why is it that the more the left wing accuses the right wing of something the more it is found out that it is the left wing that is actually guilty? I can understand why these crimes from left wingers are ignored, it is because they have to fight the evil Right wingers that they have created in their minds. They are the modern Don Quixote creating enemies that only they can destroy. When in fact it is they who are the enemies of what is good and true. Geez I hope the board judge of POVs allows this post.

Katie Pavlich The protected connected liberal media elite TheHill

On Dec. 23, 2012, former NBC anchor David Gregory hosted an interview with National Rifle Association Executive Vice President Wayne LaPierre on “Meet the Press.”

As expected, the interview was hostile, with Gregory repeatedly badgering LaPierre over his not supporting a federal high-capacity magazine ban. But instead of simply talking about 30-round magazines, Gregory brought one on set to wave in front of the cameras. The problem? The “Meet the Press” studio is located in Washington, D.C., where merely possessing an empty high-capacity magazine is illegal.
“No person in the District shall possess, sell, or transfer any large capacity ammunition feeding device regardless of whether the device is attached to a firearm,” the law states. “For the purposes of this subsection, the term large capacity ammunition feeding device means a magazine, belt, drum, feed strip, or similar device that has a capacity of, or that can be readily restored or converted to accept, more than 10 rounds of ammunition.”

The punishment for possession of a high-capacity magazine is up to one year in jail and a $1,000 fine. NBC had apparently contacted the police to ask for special permission to use the magazine on air, and the request was denied. Gregory used it anyway and got a free pass on the consequences for doing so.
Accusing your opponent of doing or saying things that you are actually guilty of is called "Turnspeak." Created by the Nazis and perfected by Palestinians, it has been hijacked by Liberal Democrats. You can see it's used here on USMB by the Leftwingers.

A technique of propaganda called "Turnspeak"
The Arab League makes use of a cognitive technique of propaganda called "turnspeak", where you attack someone and then turn it around 180 degrees and claim they attacked you. Because the truth is the exact opposite of the information being disseminated it is psychologically difficult to counter and leads to confusion.
Turnspeak leads to psychological confusion and a feeling of being "burned-out" or "overwhelmed" with too much information, effectively creating a blanket of "white noise" which makes clarity difficult to achieve.

A technique of propaganda called turnspeak
Accusing your opponent of doing or saying things that you are actually guilty of is called "Turnspeak." Created by the Nazis and perfected by Palestinians, it has been hijacked by Liberal Democrats. You can see it's used here on USMB by the Leftwingers.
He said while using it!

Actually it was credited to Marx and Lenin, and perfected by your MessiahRushie who still uses it today.
See my Sig for an obvious example.
Why is it that the more the left wing accuses the right wing of something the more it is found out that it is the left wing that is actually guilty? I can understand why these crimes from left wingers are ignored, it is because they have to fight the evil Right wingers that they have created in their minds. They are the modern Don Quixote creating enemies that only they can destroy. When in fact it is they who are the enemies of what is good and true. Geez I hope the board judge of POVs allows this post.

Katie Pavlich The protected connected liberal media elite TheHill

On Dec. 23, 2012, former NBC anchor David Gregory hosted an interview with National Rifle Association Executive Vice President Wayne LaPierre on “Meet the Press.”

As expected, the interview was hostile, with Gregory repeatedly badgering LaPierre over his not supporting a federal high-capacity magazine ban. But instead of simply talking about 30-round magazines, Gregory brought one on set to wave in front of the cameras. The problem? The “Meet the Press” studio is located in Washington, D.C., where merely possessing an empty high-capacity magazine is illegal.
“No person in the District shall possess, sell, or transfer any large capacity ammunition feeding device regardless of whether the device is attached to a firearm,” the law states. “For the purposes of this subsection, the term large capacity ammunition feeding device means a magazine, belt, drum, feed strip, or similar device that has a capacity of, or that can be readily restored or converted to accept, more than 10 rounds of ammunition.”

The punishment for possession of a high-capacity magazine is up to one year in jail and a $1,000 fine. NBC had apparently contacted the police to ask for special permission to use the magazine on air, and the request was denied. Gregory used it anyway and got a free pass on the consequences for doing so.

If you look at the owners of stations and the strong connections to liberals, it's not hard to see how the Dems literally control much of the media. A reporter would be in trouble and maybe even get fired if they dared to ask a tough question of a Democrat. Obama calls them into closed meetings to read them the riot act. And they were told they could not report on the meeting, though some who refused to attend did talk about it. The relationship between Dems and media is corrupt and ensures that the media is more about propaganda than informing the public. FOX is called names for not playing the game and actually reporting on things. Funny that they are also the most popular, so it's really no secret anymore than much of the liberal media aren't reliable sources of information.

As long as the media carries water for the Dems, none of them will face consequences and that is how Gregory was let off the hook for having possession of the magazine. A veteran didn't get away with having antique ammo that was useless because he wasn't connected.
Why is it that the more the left wing accuses the right wing of something the more it is found out that it is the left wing that is actually guilty? I can understand why these crimes from left wingers are ignored, it is because they have to fight the evil Right wingers that they have created in their minds. They are the modern Don Quixote creating enemies that only they can destroy. When in fact it is they who are the enemies of what is good and true. Geez I hope the board judge of POVs allows this post.

Katie Pavlich The protected connected liberal media elite TheHill

On Dec. 23, 2012, former NBC anchor David Gregory hosted an interview with National Rifle Association Executive Vice President Wayne LaPierre on “Meet the Press.”

As expected, the interview was hostile, with Gregory repeatedly badgering LaPierre over his not supporting a federal high-capacity magazine ban. But instead of simply talking about 30-round magazines, Gregory brought one on set to wave in front of the cameras. The problem? The “Meet the Press” studio is located in Washington, D.C., where merely possessing an empty high-capacity magazine is illegal.
“No person in the District shall possess, sell, or transfer any large capacity ammunition feeding device regardless of whether the device is attached to a firearm,” the law states. “For the purposes of this subsection, the term large capacity ammunition feeding device means a magazine, belt, drum, feed strip, or similar device that has a capacity of, or that can be readily restored or converted to accept, more than 10 rounds of ammunition.”

The punishment for possession of a high-capacity magazine is up to one year in jail and a $1,000 fine. NBC had apparently contacted the police to ask for special permission to use the magazine on air, and the request was denied. Gregory used it anyway and got a free pass on the consequences for doing so.

If you look at the owners of stations and the strong connections to liberals, it's not hard to see how the Dems literally control much of the media. A reporter would be in trouble and maybe even get fired if they dared to ask a tough question of a Democrat. Obama calls them into closed meetings to read them the riot act. And they were told they could not report on the meeting, though some who refused to attend did talk about it. The relationship between Dems and media is corrupt and ensures that the media is more about propaganda than informing the public. FOX is called names for not playing the game and actually reporting on things. Funny that they are also the most popular, so it's really no secret anymore than much of the liberal media aren't reliable sources of information.

As long as the media carries water for the Dems, none of them will face consequences and that is how Gregory was let off the hook for having possession of the magazine. A veteran didn't get away with having antique ammo that was useless because he wasn't connected.

Notice also that the most tiny of mistakes that FOX news might make in it's reporting is blown up into the lie of the century. Meanwhile the liberal left releases fictional papers on GWB and that is only a fact checking error.

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