Kavanaugh Protestors - Here's Your Future

Leftists don't seem to Get It. They lose an election, then protest in the streets. What the Fuck? That's not how it works. You mobilize BEFORE the election,and try to win. When you lose you prepare for next time.

On this Kavanaugh thing, they gave it their best shot, and LOST. Case closed move on.

They seem to think that when THEY lose, they have some right to protest the results, just because they don't like them.

In 2012, an unqualified, un-American twit won an election against a true American hero - someone who was more qualified by orders of magnitude. Were there "protests" in the streets by outraged Republicans? Do you think for a moment that we didn't hate O'Bama as much as you hate Trump?

Message to the Left: GROW THE FUCK UP.
You're living in a fantasy world if you think gay people are going to banned from tv/movies and if you think the court is going to force people to stand for the national anthem.
There they were. Protesting outside the Supreme Court building and the Capitol. They're unhappy because the Kavanaugh confirmation didn't go their way. They expect everything to be how they want it to be. And if it doesn't, well they get downright mad and nasty about it.

Never mind that the scheme their heros came up with > fabricating claims of sexual assault (without a shred of evidence), was about the dumbest thing most of us have ever seen. Well, anyway, so now that Judge Kavanaugh has been confirmed (as we knew he would), here's a list to ponder, for all those loud protestors, of what life is going to be like in the Supreme Court Justice Kavanaugh era >>>
1. No illegal aliens

2. No abortion

3. No Affirmative Action

4. No Muslim immigration/travel.

5. No gun-free zones.

6. No same sex marriage. Homosexuality may be banned from TV and movies too.

7. No national anthem kneeling.

8. No sanctuary cities.

9. No idiocy.

10. Plenty of common sense.

You really are an idiot if you thing any of those 10 are going to come true.
You're living in a fantasy world if you think gay people are going to banned from tv/movies and if you think the court is going to force people to stand for the national anthem.

What is really sad is not that he thinks it will happen, but he wants it to happen and not a single of the far right wingnuts that have replied have any issues with any of these things happening.
There they were. Protesting outside the Supreme Court building and the Capitol. They're unhappy because the Kavanaugh confirmation didn't go their way. They expect everything to be how they want it to be. And if it doesn't, well they get downright mad and nasty about it.

Never mind that the scheme their heros came up with > fabricating claims of sexual assault (without a shred of evidence), was about the dumbest thing most of us have ever seen. Well, anyway, so now that Judge Kavanaugh has been confirmed (as we knew he would), here's a list to ponder, for all those loud protestors, of what life is going to be like in the Supreme Court Justice Kavanaugh era >>>
1. No illegal aliens

2. No abortion

3. No Affirmative Action

4. No Muslim immigration/travel.

5. No gun-free zones.

6. No same sex marriage. Homosexuality may be banned from TV and movies too.

7. No national anthem kneeling.

8. No sanctuary cities.

9. No idiocy.

10. Plenty of common sense.

...but any time they need money or a job they can count on SOROS...

You're living in a fantasy world if you think gay people are going to banned from tv/movies and if you think the court is going to force people to stand for the national anthem.

What is really sad is not that he thinks it will happen, but he wants it to happen and not a single of the far right wingnuts that have replied have any issues with any of these things happening.

He also wants to ban Spanish television programs, newspapers, and even speaking the language illegal in the United States. I take great solace in knowing none of his statist bullshit is ever going to come to pass.
You're living in a fantasy world if you think gay people are going to banned from tv/movies and if you think the court is going to force people to stand for the national anthem.

What is really sad is not that he thinks it will happen, but he wants it to happen and not a single of the far right wingnuts that have replied have any issues with any of these things happening.

He also wants to ban Spanish television programs, newspapers, and even speaking the language illegal in the United States. I take great solace in knowing none of his statist bullshit is ever going to come to pass.

Capitalism in action promoting an multi ethnic society.
You're living in a fantasy world if you think gay people are going to banned from tv/movies and if you think the court is going to force people to stand for the national anthem.

What is really sad is not that he thinks it will happen, but he wants it to happen and not a single of the far right wingnuts that have replied have any issues with any of these things happening.

He also wants to ban Spanish television programs, newspapers, and even speaking the language illegal in the United States. I take great solace in knowing none of his statist bullshit is ever going to come to pass.

While I would like to agree that it will never come to pass, it is worth noting that not a single person that calls themselves "conservative" that posted in this thread had any issues with the government doing any of those things.

I remember a time when conservatives stood for smaller, less intrusive government
You're living in a fantasy world if you think gay people are going to banned from tv/movies and if you think the court is going to force people to stand for the national anthem.

What is really sad is not that he thinks it will happen, but he wants it to happen and not a single of the far right wingnuts that have replied have any issues with any of these things happening.

He also wants to ban Spanish television programs, newspapers, and even speaking the language illegal in the United States. I take great solace in knowing none of his statist bullshit is ever going to come to pass.

While I would like to agree that it will never come to pass, it is worth noting that not a single person that calls themselves "conservative" that posted in this thread had any issues with the government doing any of those things.

I remember a time when conservatives stood for smaller, less intrusive government

Sad, isn't it?
You're living in a fantasy world if you think gay people are going to banned from tv/movies and if you think the court is going to force people to stand for the national anthem.

What is really sad is not that he thinks it will happen, but he wants it to happen and not a single of the far right wingnuts that have replied have any issues with any of these things happening.

He also wants to ban Spanish television programs, newspapers, and even speaking the language illegal in the United States. I take great solace in knowing none of his statist bullshit is ever going to come to pass.

While I would like to agree that it will never come to pass, it is worth noting that not a single person that calls themselves "conservative" that posted in this thread had any issues with the government doing any of those things.

I remember a time when conservatives stood for smaller, less intrusive government

Sad, isn't it?

Yes, it really is.
They got Bill Clinton for lying under oath. Just as Kavanaugh likely did according to his roommate.

Republicans are really starting to look corrupt & idiotic in all these scandals.
"Roommate' HA HA HA. Are you all believing some of the posts appearing here ? :rolleyes:
You're living in a fantasy world if you think gay people are going to banned from tv/movies and if you think the court is going to force people to stand for the national anthem.
Yeah ? Why is that ? Got anything to back your comments with ?
What is really sad is not that he thinks it will happen, but he wants it to happen and not a single of the far right wingnuts that have replied have any issues with any of these things happening.
Yes, I want them to happen. Absolutely, and why should anybody have an issue with these things happening ?
Bill Clinton was so wrong but Kavanaugh is so right.
Still can't prove anything but you keep coming to conclusions. Based on what?

Very risky, personally I'd pick another Republican candidate.

Americans are so desperate & vindictive now
A days

This is on the fast track to dysfunction & civil war.

What? You no like American dollars?

The American people have lost my support both Democrats & Republicans.
What is really sad is not that he thinks it will happen, but he wants it to happen and not a single of the far right wingnuts that have replied have any issues with any of these things happening.
Yes, I want them to happen. Absolutely, and why should anybody have an issue with these things happening ?

If you are a communist then those are great things to wish for. If you happen to like freedom, then not so much.

But, now we know where you stand.
If you are a communist then those are great things to wish for. If you happen to like freedom, then not so much.

But, now we know where you stand.
So, protecting Americans in conformance with our protective immigration laws is denying freedom ? If you think that, you have a very odd conception of "freedom".

And you think restricting abortion on demand is restricting freedom ? Maybe you think restricting murder is restricting freedom too, huh ?

And you think stopping racial discrimination against whites is going against
freedom". Well it is. It goes against the "freedom" to racially discriminate - another freedom that shouldn't exist in American society.

Want to let Muslims unrestricted entrance into the country ? That's not freedom. It is suicide.

What to keep gun-free zones ? Oh why not ? They've only caused dozens of people to be shot to death in America, right ? No big deal ?

Same sex marriage - all goes to what kind of a society you want. A normal one or one overflowing with sex perverts.

National anthem kneeling. If they just wanted to protest something (as they falsely claim) they could do it OUTSIDE in the street, like all other protestors do. In the stadiums during the national anthem, it isn't a protest, Its a disturbance (in most states, a criminal act)

Sanctuary cities - another criminal act, currently not being enforced, which it should
(8 U.S. Code § 1324 - Bringing in and harboring certain aliens)

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