Kayla Mueller....kept as a slave by ISIS chief baghdadi

She was a moron.

She was a moron.

According to other prisoners, Mueller was forced to wear an Islamic headscarf, but refused repeated demands to renounce her Christian faith and become a Muslim. She was known to directly contradict Jihadi John’s claims that she had converted in front of other prisoners.

Those other prisoners described Mueller as a woman of remarkable courage and willpower, as she resisted constant torture, sleep deprivation, sensory deprivation, sexual assault, and slave labor. According to a Yazidi sex slave who was held along with Mueller by Abu and Umm Sayyaf, ISIS fighters tore Mueller’s fingernails out during the early days of her captivity. Mueller nevertheless risked the wrath of her captors on numerous occasions to help other prisoners.

I wonder many of the big bad libs attacking this woman would sing a different tune if she werent white, and Christian, and a reminder to everyone that the first black president and muslim panderer abandoned her while saving that traitorous rat Bo Berghdal?

As long as we remember her it reminds us of what a creep obama is
No responses from the fucking left I see.
Kayla Mueller was one of the four Americans whose murder by the Islamic State (ISIS) President Donald Trump described as “especially heinous” on Sunday morning when he announced the appropriately cowardly demise of the man who ordered them tortured and murdered, Islamic State leader Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi.

National Security Adviser Robert O’Brien said on NBC’s Meet the Press Sunday morning that the mission to take out Baghdadi was named after Mueller.

“We finally brought justice to a man that beheaded the three Americans, two journalists and a humanitarian worker. And Kayla Mueller who was working as a humanitarian, great young American, idealistic, young girl,” said O’Brien.

“One of the things that General [Mark A.] Milley, the chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, did was name the operation that took down al-Baghdadi after Kayla Mueller, after what she had suffered. And that was something that people should know,” he said.


Nope, no responses from the left about a woman who was tortured, raped and murdered by a brown scumbag.

Instead they want us to honor the fucking brown smelly scumbag. Get that? Honor that fucking brown stink fucking scumbag. All because of the fact that the brown fucking scumbag is brown, hates Christians, hates, America and hates Israel.

Make no mistake. That is why and don't ever let the left think they actually care about women's rights.

Who wants anyone to "honor" al-Bagdadi? Name someone. What do you want people to say and/or do? What do you mean by your mentions of race, religion, America, Israel, women's rights, and "the left," whoever that is? And what do "women's rights" have anything to do with this? You apparently are expecting some sort of reaction, but what is it?

You should be ashamed of trying to make political hay of whatever sort out of the death of this poor woman and the sufferings of all the other unfortunates who have ended up in the hands of ISIS and its related groups. Really, what is your point?
So the only thing that stands out to you in the story is that she's white huh? Why is it that that was only important to you alone? What is it with you you stupid fuck? My guess is your upset Bahgdadi was taken out on Trumps watch.

Naw, I'm kind of indifferent, really. We've been spending the last 30 years in the Middle East saying, "All we got to do is take out this one guy, and they'll all be happy with us stealing their oil and land!!!" Good. You got one guy. Someone else will take his place. Big Whupp.

Also can't get worked up that some dumb twit ignored State Department Warnings not to travel with Syria, got kidnapped by one faction and killed when another faction bombed them. (This chick was killed when the Jordanians- our "allies" - bombed an ISIS Camp.)

I guess you must have missed all those news stories about Yazidi women and girls being kidnapped by ISIS for years now... it wasn't a big deal says You. Mueller story was a story about a white girl... says you. Your a real Asshole. you dumb fuck, if mueller was any American of color it still would have been a news story. If anything it should be a story that Obama's admin told her parents to remain silent.

The fact is, we barely talked about the Yazidis, who are hated in the region because they worship the Islamic Satan.

After Kayla’s death, the Muellers became outspoken critics of the American government’s handling of its foreign hostages. They had been encouraged to keep her captivity secret, and discouraged from attempting to free her or pay a ransom.

I'm old enough to remember when Ronnie Reagan traded weapons for hostages. The bad guys just took more hostages. Ransoms never work, they just encourage more kidnappings.

Here's a crazy idea. Don't get involved over there. Don't back any faction. Tell our citizens not to go over there, but if you do and get kidnapped, IT'S YOUR OWN FUCKING FAULT.
I wonder many of the big bad libs attacking this woman would sing a different tune if she werent white, and Christian, and a reminder to everyone that the first black president and muslim panderer abandoned her while saving that traitorous rat Bo Berghdal?

As long as we remember her it reminds us of what a creep obama is

Bergdahl was sent over by our government after he enlisted in the US Army. The Army lied about how he was captured. Obama kind of had an obligation to secure his release.

White Woman In Peril ignored a State Department Warning that Syria was unsafe for travel, went there anyway, and got captured.

See the difference?
This doesn’t sound very “Austere” to me. The press is your enemy.
I wonder many of the big bad libs attacking this woman would sing a different tune if she werent white, and Christian, and a reminder to everyone that the first black president and muslim panderer abandoned her while saving that traitorous rat Bo Berghdal?

As long as we remember her it reminds us of what a creep obama is

Bergdahl was sent over by our government after he enlisted in the US Army. The Army lied about how he was captured. Obama kind of had an obligation to secure his release.

White Woman In Peril ignored a State Department Warning that Syria was unsafe for travel, went there anyway, and got captured.

See the difference?

I'm sure her head was filled with lots of anti-racist nonsense which made her think she'd be treated nicely by middle eastern savages.
The shocking report on how the obama whitehouse and obama himself failed Kayla...an absolute disgrace to America.

Kayla Mueller: The American Baghdadi Kept as His Slave | Breitbart

Kenyan Obama was more concerned with freeing his brothers in Jihad
I'm sure her head was filled with lots of anti-racist nonsense which made her think she'd be treated nicely by middle eastern savages.

Again, you think filling your head with racist nonsense is making you better?

Kenyan Obama was more concerned with freeing his brothers in Jihad

And we're going into the crazy talk.

The biggest problem with Obama is that for all his big talk, he pursued the same Neo-Con interventionist policies that Bush did. Then again, Trump is trying to break that mold, and now he's being impeached.
She'd still be alive today if she thought as I do.

Wow... really? So we teach our kids to be racist assholes, that's the only way to keep them from doing stupid things?

I'm sure you are very, very safe in whatever basement you dwell in...

She'd be alive and have many beautiful, white christian babies. If only she used her head and avoided certain people based on observable patterns of behavior.
I wonder many of the big bad libs attacking this woman would sing a different tune if she werent white, and Christian, and a reminder to everyone that the first black president and muslim panderer abandoned her while saving that traitorous rat Bo Berghdal?

As long as we remember her it reminds us of what a creep obama is

Bergdahl was sent over by our government after he enlisted in the US Army. The Army lied about how he was captured. Obama kind of had an obligation to secure his release.

White Woman In Peril ignored a State Department Warning that Syria was unsafe for travel, went there anyway, and got captured.

See the difference?

Bergdahl was sent over by our government after he enlisted in the US Army. The Army lied about how he was captured. Obama kind of had an obligation to secure his release.

The Army lied about his capture?

Thats insane

He deserted his post and joined the enemy

Obama made a damn fool of himself by the way he treated bergdahl
poor girl . I forget details but I don't think that she shoulda gone traveling eh .
Many of us did foolish things while in the grips of youthful idealism, had Trump been President, maybe she would have had an opportunity to add years and wisdom, but Obama saw Americans who didn't support him as his primary enemies and terrorists as a distraction.

aw . she is a girl and that's a bad starting point . Still , my sympathy certainly lies with Kayla Zorro .
Fuck you loser. Woman deserves to be tortured and raped you pathetic gasbag? I fucking reported you, you fucking loser.

Again, you go INTO A WAR ZONE, that's on you.

Thousands of women of color were being tortured and raped by all sides in Syria's Civil War. It's only a big deal when it's a white American woman who died 4 years ago?

Curious but did you hold the same view when non-US citizen Khashoggi was killed?
He has sympathy for Muzzies killed by Muzzies. No sympathy for a Christian girl who actually did a lot of good where she was. She died a TRUE martyr, unlike the satanic Muzzie version of martyrdom
She was a moron.
Another Piece of Shit.
I wouldnt call her that, you asshole. She was just dumb for going into an active war zone.
It reminds me of leftists that want to prove third world savages are nice people then they get murdered.
Its dumb.
I'm calling YOU that. Your hatred of Christianity clouds your view of anything good. She has her reward. You will have yours too unless you change your attitude.
The Muellers received the official confirmation of Baghdadi's death in listening to Trump's news conference Sunday morning. They praised and thanked the President, the US military and special forces for taking action.

"We were deeply touched by what he said. We were grateful that they didn't mess around and went right in," Marsha Mueller said in a phone interview.

White House national security adviser Robert O'Brien said the US military operation that resulted in the death of Baghdadi was named after Kayla Mueller.

This is why we love this president!

Kayla Mueller: The Baghdadi raid was named after the ISIS victim - CNNPolitics

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