Keith Halloran (D) Wishes Palin was on Stevens' plane!!!!

No excuse,,,,

The guy is out of line. Some things you don't joke about
So I guess by this measure, wishing for the death of specialist Manning is equally disturbing?

I haven't heard anyone "wish" Manning dead. I have heard some suggest that he should be shot for an act they consider treasonous.
All Democrats feel that, he just had the balls to say it

You are such an ass hole. You have no idea what any Democrat thinks. And for your information I detest Sara Palin yet I would never think anything like that, let alone say it. The woman has young children and there are people in her life that love and need her.

Next time don't speak of what you don't know. But you do that every single day, don't you?? And this goes for the morons that thanked you too. Bunch of idiots.
I'd bet dimes to dollars if you go over to democratic underground they would be disproving your statement.

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