Keith Olbermann SUSPENDED From MSNBC Indefinitely Without Pay

So...violate MSDNC's "journalist integrity" :)doubt:) standards, and you get a long weekend. Woot!

Have you confirmed that the 'without pay' part of the suspension without pay has been rescinded?
Keef's one of those eeeeevil rich people, right? He can afford it.

Oh, wait, that is unless you're a total hypocrite about the politics of wealthy people. You are, aren't you?

If he lost that pay my estimate is he lost 60,000. And you think that's an appropriate penalty for this.
Countdown has over a million viewers per night.

Why would you wingnuts think MSDNC is happy with that?

I was just correcting the other poster's 999,983 viewer error.

Aparently basement dwelling has stripped away your ability to detect satire...

At least Keith Olbertool has you to carry his water... Thank goodness...

Maybe you and the other people who like Keith Olbertool can rent a room at the Sheraton and discuss his good qualities... Should take you all of 15 seconds....
Why would you wingnuts think MSDNC is happy with that?

I was just correcting the other poster's 999,983 viewer error.

Aparently basement dwelling has stripped away your ability to detect satire...

At least Keith Olbertool has you to carry his water... Thank goodness...

Maybe you and the other people who like Keith Olbertool can rent a room at the Sheraton and discuss his good qualities... Should take you all of 15 seconds....

Of course you guys hate Olbermann. No one begrudges you that sentiment. He makes fun of rightwingers on a nightly basis. Most people don't like their own kind being made fun of.
I was just correcting the other poster's 999,983 viewer error.

Aparently basement dwelling has stripped away your ability to detect satire...

At least Keith Olbertool has you to carry his water... Thank goodness...

Maybe you and the other people who like Keith Olbertool can rent a room at the Sheraton and discuss his good qualities... Should take you all of 15 seconds....

Of course you guys hate Olbermann. No one begrudges you that sentiment. He makes fun of rightwingers on a nightly basis. Most people don't like their own kind being made fun of.

I hate no one...

I can recognize tools, though...
Except he's back on tuesday, which makes it more of a publicity stunt

I agree. I was unaware of that when I posted my opinion, more information changes perspectives.

No, you were just wrong.

Which I freely admitted to. I'm not sure why you felt the need to reiterate things.

Of course, I've realized, I am not sure about alot of the things other people think or do. that's what's fun about learning. There is always something new out there.
Of course you guys hate Olbermann. No one begrudges you that sentiment. He makes fun of rightwingers on a nightly basis. Most people don't like their own kind being made fun of.

Name calling is meaningless. Just because you hate people that insult you doesn't mean we have to hate people that make fun of us.

In fact, enjoy it all you want. Do you honestly thinking mocking us proves your views correct? One of the thing so frustrating about discussions nowadays is that everyone is trying to insult and prove themselves superior to everyone else through name calling and insults and so few people are willing to drop them and just discuss the facts.

So few people are willing to take the lead in civility.
No comment. Just gonna sit here a second and think about the things that would have been posted in here if the same exact thing had happened to O'Reilly or Hannity or Beck.

Those 3 are Commentators, Kieth was an Anchor.

Do you people not understand the difference between a Commentator and a News Anchor? Really?

Tell us. Who's a News Anchor? The freaks of FOX & Friends? Britt Hume? Brett Baier? Who?

Keith is a commentator. He is unabashedly biased.. Just like Beck (the difference is that one has facts, the other doesn't). He doesn't claim "fair & balance" like Dooshy and co. @ FOX, while being the exact opposite.

From the article.

MSNBC has suspended star anchor Keith Olbermann following the news that he had donated to three Democratic candidates this election cycle.

And yes Brett would be an example of an Anchor on Fox. Both Fox and Msnbc have Hard news sides, and Commentary programing as well. Humanity, Oriley and Beck. Opine on the News. Brett and Kieth Host shows where the news is Reported to you, and the Host does not offer opinions on it. Kieth just sucked at hiding his Opinions. His time slot was not billed as commentary it was billed as hard news.

It's hilarious. One set of wingnuts attacking MSNBC for suspending him, the other set attacking MSNBC for bringing him back.

Irrational hatred personified.
I think its called FEAR in their case.

They are DEATHLY afraid of Keith Olberman for exposing their ludicrousness.

Yeah, the radio guy who couldn't make it on television mocking the television guy.



It's hilarious. One set of wingnuts attacking MSNBC for suspending him, the other set attacking MSNBC for bringing him back.

Irrational hatred personified.
I think its called FEAR in their case.

They are DEATHLY afraid of Keith Olberman for exposing their ludicrousness.

* * * *

Most rational people consider Keith an assclown. Fearing him is like fearing you. :lol: There's no sense in it.


It's not fear.

It's ridicule.

You know what that's like. Little teeny "men" like you, Malcolm Ex-Lax, get laughed at all the time.
Have you confirmed that the 'without pay' part of the suspension without pay has been rescinded?
Keef's one of those eeeeevil rich people, right? He can afford it.

Oh, wait, that is unless you're a total hypocrite about the politics of wealthy people. You are, aren't you?

If he lost that pay my estimate is he lost 60,000. And you think that's an appropriate penalty for this.
I really do wish you guys would be consistent in your attitudes toward the wealthy.

Well, in a way, I suppose you are: Conservative rich people = evil. Liberal rich people = angels.

You'll take a leftist's double standards when you pry them from his cold, dead fingers.
Of course you guys hate Olbermann. No one begrudges you that sentiment. He makes fun of rightwingers on a nightly basis. Most people don't like their own kind being made fun of.

Name calling is meaningless. Just because you hate people that insult you doesn't mean we have to hate people that make fun of us.

In fact, enjoy it all you want. Do you honestly thinking mocking us proves your views correct? One of the thing so frustrating about discussions nowadays is that everyone is trying to insult and prove themselves superior to everyone else through name calling and insults and so few people are willing to drop them and just discuss the facts.

So few people are willing to take the lead in civility.

That's what's so hilarious about the Left. They insult most Americans, then expect them to vote for them. :lol:
Those 17 people will be happy tomorrow night.

Countdown has over a million viewers per night.

HOLY MOTHER OF GOD...................

You talk about somebody who just cant think on the margin...........1 million viewers/night is akin to being off the air. In the industry.....those ratings are laughable. Would be shut down in 1 week if it were a network show. All those prime time MSNBC shows hang by a thread. Why? Because they never draw any new viewers. Its the same fringe part of the country that tunes those shows in........taken only from amongst the 20%ers in the country.

See their new marketing banner? "Lean Forward"? Also laughable..........only a sliver of the American population think that way. Samon even acknowledged that last week..........which means shows like Olbermann's have zero impact at changing anybody's views. Its like a Science Club in a school that is studying rocks. You get a few people who really go for that shit, but just a handful. Nobody else could give a rats ass.

It's hilarious. One set of wingnuts attacking MSNBC for suspending him, the other set attacking MSNBC for bringing him back.

Irrational hatred personified.
I think its called FEAR in their case.

They are DEATHLY afraid of Keith Olberman for exposing their ludicrousness.

* * * *

Most rational people consider Keith an assclown. Fearing him is like fearing you. :lol: There's no sense in it.


It's not fear.

It's ridicule.

You know what that's like. Little teeny "men" like you, Malcolm Ex-Lax, get laughed at all the time.

I'm guessing that most rational people did not agree to make you their spokesman.

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