Keith Olbermann SUSPENDED From MSNBC Indefinitely Without Pay

So, what's the problem with a journalist supporting a political party? Is that illegal, is it against journalistic standards, or was it just against MSNBC standards?

Doesn't everyone already know that Olbermann is a leftie?
and it wasnt that he donated, it was that he didnt ASK FOR PERMISSION first
thats a fucking pathetic rules
i have no problem with requiring disclosure, but to require permission is pathetic

It's pretty pathetic to me too. But then I am wondering if this whole thing is only an issue because Olbermann has low ratings and MSNBC wanted to come up with a way to get rid of him without admitting what a poor job he was doing.

Dumbfuck. He has the highest rated show on MSNBC. Shows how much you know.. Dumbfuck.
No comment. Just gonna sit here a second and think about the things that would have been posted in here if the same exact thing had happened to O'Reilly or Hannity or Beck.

Those 3 are Commentators, Kieth was an Anchor.

Do you people not understand the difference between a Commentator and a News Anchor? Really?
and it wasnt that he donated, it was that he didnt ASK FOR PERMISSION first
thats a fucking pathetic rules
i have no problem with requiring disclosure, but to require permission is pathetic

It's pretty pathetic to me too. But then I am wondering if this whole thing is only an issue because Olbermann has low ratings and MSNBC wanted to come up with a way to get rid of him without admitting what a poor job he was doing.

Dumbfuck. He has the highest rated show on MSNBC. Shows how much you know.. Dumbfuck.

Key words....."on MSNBC" all their shows ratings were at the bottom of their time slots. Kieth's included.
It's pretty pathetic to me too. But then I am wondering if this whole thing is only an issue because Olbermann has low ratings and MSNBC wanted to come up with a way to get rid of him without admitting what a poor job he was doing.

Dumbfuck. He has the highest rated show on MSNBC. Shows how much you know.. Dumbfuck.

Key words....."on MSNBC" all their shows ratings were at the bottom of their time slots. Kieth's included.

Actually, wrong again. He's the highest rated show right behind FOX. Nice try though. And it's completely irrelevant.
No comment. Just gonna sit here a second and think about the things that would have been posted in here if the same exact thing had happened to O'Reilly or Hannity or Beck.

Those 3 are Commentators, Kieth was an Anchor.

Do you people not understand the difference between a Commentator and a News Anchor? Really?

Tell us. Who's a News Anchor? The freaks of FOX & Friends? Britt Hume? Brett Baier? Who?

Keith is a commentator. He is unabashedly biased.. Just like Beck (the difference is that one has facts, the other doesn't). He doesn't claim "fair & balance" like Dooshy and co. @ FOX, while being the exact opposite.
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So, what's the problem with a journalist supporting a political party? Is that illegal, is it against journalistic standards, or was it just against MSNBC standards?

Doesn't everyone already know that Olbermann is a leftie?
and it wasnt that he donated, it was that he didnt ASK FOR PERMISSION first
thats a fucking pathetic rules
i have no problem with requiring disclosure, but to require permission is pathetic

It's pretty pathetic to me too. But then I am wondering if this whole thing is only an issue because Olbermann has low ratings and MSNBC wanted to come up with a way to get rid of him without admitting what a poor job he was doing.

Except he's back on tuesday, which makes it more of a publicity stunt
No comment. Just gonna sit here a second and think about the things that would have been posted in here if the same exact thing had happened to O'Reilly or Hannity or Beck.

Those 3 are Commentators, Kieth was an Anchor.

Do you people not understand the difference between a Commentator and a News Anchor? Really?
Keith is supposed to be an achor?


He's just like Rach and Beck: news + opinion
No comment. Just gonna sit here a second and think about the things that would have been posted in here if the same exact thing had happened to O'Reilly or Hannity or Beck.

Those 3 are Commentators, Kieth was an Anchor.

Do you people not understand the difference between a Commentator and a News Anchor? Really?
do you have a source that Olbermann was anything other than a commentator?
Indeed son........some adults never learn to buckle up their fcukking chinstraps and spend thier lives in a perpetual state of limpwristedness!!!

All of your posts are stupid, but this one takes the cake. Grow up, little boy. Adults don't submit such childish, unfunny posts.
Keith's back! :)
I tend to agree with Rachel on this - It proves the difference between MSNBC and FOX. FOX is a political operation. They employ 4 potential 2012 GOP Presidential candidates, a number of their hosts both donate and fundraise for Republican candidates throughout the country, give them an open outlet to speak through (with little to no challenge on the lies they spew), and donates $$$ to help get them elected. MSNBC is a pure news organization with opinion at night (something they correctly label as opinion, not "fair and balanced"). Though I think it was stupid to suspend Keith for using his private money to donate to a Democrat, it does create a great example of the differences between FOX and MSNBC. It'll be great to see Keith back! And for you dumbass cons that pretend that Olbermann is irrelevant or doesn't have viewers: you sure do care to comment on this thread! So obviously you care about him! And behind FOX, his is the highest rated show on TV.. Though your viewer count doesn't actually decide whether you have the facts or not.

Oh we CARE for Keity Olberdork for COMEDIC VALUE.
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LOL, Keith Olbermann get SUSPENDED from PMSnbc, and the Rachael Maddcow and her cult followers RANT ABOUT FOX NEWS.

how bout that one..

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If he'd only incorporated himself, he would have been ok as a corporation.
So, what's the problem with a journalist supporting a political party? Is that illegal, is it against journalistic standards, or was it just against MSNBC standards?

Doesn't everyone already know that Olbermann is a leftie?
and it wasnt that he donated, it was that he didnt ASK FOR PERMISSION first
thats a fucking pathetic rules
i have no problem with requiring disclosure, but to require permission is pathetic

It's pretty pathetic to me too. But then I am wondering if this whole thing is only an issue because Olbermann has low ratings and MSNBC wanted to come up with a way to get rid of him without admitting what a poor job he was doing.

I think you're right. After the NPR fiasco with Juan whatever his name is, they probably saw how that attracted so much attention. And that NPR firing might have been already set up by an agreement between Fox and Juan in the first place, with him having a job lined up.

Now, all of a sudden, MSNBC is strictly enforcing their policy. I'll bet Olbermann has been donating for years.

This was definitely a copycat publicity ploy.
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I don't think the stunt is gonna improve their ratings one bit. They are too far gone.

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