Keith Olbermann SUSPENDED From MSNBC Indefinitely Without Pay

Hey dumbshit, all I "have done here" is ask you a question for clarification, but if you're too much of a pussy to address it, then that is fucking hilarious.:lol:

gee, how unoriginal

It is so amusing to me how they know every move made by Keith, Rachel, and Chris. They claim to hate MSNBC and say it has no value. But they sure know a lot about it. I say the right is petrified by MSNBC. HA!!!

Ubetcha. you don't have to watch them, people post their stupidity all over the Internet for entertainment. that's how I catch some of their crap. other than that I wouldn't waste my time.
another thing, what is there to be afraid of people who have no ratings or viewership.:lol:
Hey dumbshit, all I "have done here" is ask you a question for clarification, but if you're too much of a pussy to address it, then that is fucking hilarious.:lol:

gee, how unoriginal

It is so amusing to me how they know every move made by Keith, Rachel, and Chris. They claim to hate MSNBC and say it has no value. But they sure know a lot about it. I say the right is petrified by MSNBC. HA!!!



pathetic, con
i guess this makes all you fucking morons deathly terrified of MSNBC
So, what's the problem with a journalist supporting a political party? Is that illegal, is it against journalistic standards, or was it just against MSNBC standards?

Doesn't everyone already know that Olbermann is a leftie?
So, what's the problem with a journalist supporting a political party? Is that illegal, is it against journalistic standards, or was it just against MSNBC standards?

Doesn't everyone already know that Olbermann is a leftie?
and it wasnt that he donated, it was that he didnt ASK FOR PERMISSION first
thats a fucking pathetic rules
i have no problem with requiring disclosure, but to require permission is pathetic
So, what's the problem with a journalist supporting a political party? Is that illegal, is it against journalistic standards, or was it just against MSNBC standards?

Doesn't everyone already know that Olbermann is a leftie?
and it wasnt that he donated, it was that he didnt ASK FOR PERMISSION first
thats a fucking pathetic rules
i have no problem with requiring disclosure, but to require permission is pathetic

I agree. I don't like Olbermann much, but I think that's ridiculous.
Fuck you..

You wish my death..come deal.


I am ready.

No one fucks with the wolf.
lighten up francis
he did not threaten your life, he said "stay away from tall buildings"
not go jump off one


He showed someone killing themselves.

I live in NYC.

We had 9/11...where people jumped to avoid being burned to death.

And last summer..while at work...some poor woman jumped to her death while I was at work.

I don't like death.

Maybe you shouldn't either.


Indeed son........some adults never learn to buckle up their fcukking chinstraps and spend thier lives in a perpetual state of limpwristedness!!!
So, what's the problem with a journalist supporting a political party? Is that illegal, is it against journalistic standards, or was it just against MSNBC standards?

Doesn't everyone already know that Olbermann is a leftie?

It wasn't a political party though that probably required clearance too. It was a policy that reporters would not contribute to specific candidates given that they would be reporting on the activities of those candidates. The same rule would be in place for a law firm or accounting firm doing government work or operating in a role in which they needed to be seen as completely neutral and honestly objective.

Of course saying 'neutral' and 'honestly objective' in the same sentence with MSNBC is a joke, but that is the rationale behind a policy like that. But avoiding conflict of interest was the policy when I was working in the news room and I would imagine all news outlets do have some rules like that.
Really? Forty-one pages because of a frailed sportscaster-come-political pundit? And now you dweebs are wrapped up in a pissing contest as a result? Seriously?

Fuckin' take a step back and think about that...

You make a good point.
Really? Forty-one pages because of a frailed sportscaster-come-political pundit? And now you dweebs are wrapped up in a pissing contest as a result? Seriously?

Fuckin' take a step back and think about that...

It just goes to show just how much the RW FEARS Keith Olberman.

What's funny is...he'll be back, and stronger than ever.


Fears? Stretching here alittle aren't we?
So, what's the problem with a journalist supporting a political party? Is that illegal, is it against journalistic standards, or was it just against MSNBC standards?

Doesn't everyone already know that Olbermann is a leftie?
and it wasnt that he donated, it was that he didnt ASK FOR PERMISSION first
thats a fucking pathetic rules
i have no problem with requiring disclosure, but to require permission is pathetic

It's pretty pathetic to me too. But then I am wondering if this whole thing is only an issue because Olbermann has low ratings and MSNBC wanted to come up with a way to get rid of him without admitting what a poor job he was doing.
Keith's back! :)
I tend to agree with Rachel on this - It proves the difference between MSNBC and FOX. FOX is a political operation. They employ 4 potential 2012 GOP Presidential candidates, a number of their hosts both donate and fundraise for Republican candidates throughout the country, give them an open outlet to speak through (with little to no challenge on the lies they spew), and donates $$$ to help get them elected. MSNBC is a pure news organization with opinion at night (something they correctly label as opinion, not "fair and balanced"). Though I think it was stupid to suspend Keith for using his private money to donate to a Democrat, it does create a great example of the differences between FOX and MSNBC. It'll be great to see Keith back! And for you dumbass cons that pretend that Olbermann is irrelevant or doesn't have viewers: you sure do care to comment on this thread! So obviously you care about him! And behind FOX, his is the highest rated show on TV.. Though your viewer count doesn't actually decide whether you have the facts or not.

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