Kelly Is Back And Still Stands Behind Her Insane Comments

This is truly nuts but goes to show how left and right wing networks conduct themselves.

On left leaning networks, when someone does something very unprofessional, they are immediately fired. On right wing networks like fox, they get a pat on the back and tell them to keep going with their racist remarks :cuckoo:

Megyn Kelly doubles down on ?white Santa?: I did it for the kids | The Raw Story

the insane here is YOU and all the ignorant idiots "outraged" by the simplek facts.

Facts? :lol: That an imaginary guy has a certain skin tone....period? :lol:
Where did Saint Nicholas come from? Come on lefties.....................Let's see your intelligence level.

Greek in are welcome.

They don't look White to me...




Explain slowly for me why saying Santa Claus is white or that Jesus is white is racist? Be VERY specific.

Don't forget that Saint Nick was white or that Jesus was either white or slightly off white.

It may or may not be racist but its certainly inaccurate.

But its fox and the rw's so its okay.

Ok since you chose to dog the question, explain why it is insane to say they are white?

I will remind you again that Saint Kick was a Greek, and Greeks are white. And that Jesus was born in Israel so was either white or off white.

If Greeks are White, and Palestinians are White, then Mexicans are White.

You can't have it both ways. Unless you want to explain which factors separate Mexicans from Semites and Mediterraneans.
First of all, there are secularist liberals on this thread who feign outrage over Jesus being called white. Well, if you're a secularist, what do you care what color Jesus' skin was? You'd get more outraged over what someone says about Santa than Jesus.

Alas, a plethora of double standards to behold...
I can only say one thing to all the poor little lefties trying so desperately to turn this into a Martin Bashir type controversy bless your heart. Those in the South know what it means.

This is the difference between those on the left and the right wing scum.

Bashir makes a metaphor and the right wing propaganda machine and their sheep go absoutly ballistic in faux outrage, but MSNBC are a legitimate network at let him go.

Kelly says likely the dumbest and most outrageous thing in cable news history and she isn't fired, on the contrary gets a pat on the back and doubles down on her stupidity.

This is another example of how those on the left hold their people accountable, while the right wing filth praise those that are fellow scumbags.

A metaphor?

Ok you whack job. Explain to me and others how Bashirs fuck up was a metaphor?

I can't wait.

For one, he didn't say that Poor Sarah should have her mouth shat in.

Kelly actually did say that Santa and Jesus are White.
Kelly's comments are historically accurate. Santa Claus originated as Sinterklaas in Northern Europe (Netherlands, Belgium, Luxembourg, Germany and Austria). It is highly doubtful that the medieval people who celebrated Sinterklaas didn't view him as being physically similar to themselves....WHITE PEOPLE.

^^^ Your streak of constantly being wrong is in no danger with this post.

St. Nicholas was Greek.
First of all, there are secularist liberals on this thread who feign outrage over Jesus being called white. Well, if you're a secularist, what do you care what color Jesus' skin was? You'd get more outraged over what someone says about Santa than Jesus.

Alas, a plethora of double standards to behold...

We are laughing at Kelly going on about an imaginary character and his skin color.
This is the difference between those on the left and the right wing scum.

Bashir makes a metaphor and the right wing propaganda machine and their sheep go absoutly ballistic in faux outrage, but MSNBC are a legitimate network at let him go.

Kelly says likely the dumbest and most outrageous thing in cable news history and she isn't fired, on the contrary gets a pat on the back and doubles down on her stupidity.

This is another example of how those on the left hold their people accountable, while the right wing filth praise those that are fellow scumbags.

A metaphor?

Ok you whack job. Explain to me and others how Bashirs fuck up was a metaphor?

I can't wait.

For one, he didn't say that Poor Sarah should have her mouth shat in.

Kelly actually did say that Santa and Jesus are White.

Just curious... do they tell jokes where you live?
“Kelly has made a serious error about Jesus,” Jonathan Merritt, senior columnist for Religion News Service and author of “A Faith of Our Own: Following Jesus Beyond the Culture Wars,” wrote in the Atlantic. “The scholarly consensus is actually that Jesus was, like most first-century Jews, probably a dark-skinned man. If he were taking the red-eye flight from San Francisco to New York today, Jesus might be profiled for additional security screening by TSA.”
“We continually see St. Nick as a white man in modern-day America ... Should that change? Well, that debate got lost because so many couldn’t get past the fact that I acknowledged, as Harris did, that the most commonly depicted image of Santa, does, in fact, have white skin."

-Megyn Kelly

“The fact that an off-hand jest I made during a segment about whether Santa should be replaced by a penguin has now become a national firestorm says two things: Race is still an incredibly volatile issue in this country, and Fox News, and yours truly, are big targets for many people.”

-Megyn Kelly

As for who said Santa was white first:

Two decades later, America is less and less white, but a melanin-deficient Santa remains the default in commercials, mall casting calls, and movies. Isn't it time that our image of Santa better serve all the children he delights each Christmas? Yes, it is. And so I propose that America abandon Santa-as-fat-old-white-man and create a new symbol of Christmas cheer. From here on out, Santa Claus should be a penguin.

Aisha Harris, Slate Mag

It's time to give Santa Claus a makeover - Aisha Harris

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