Kelly Is Back And Still Stands Behind Her Insane Comments

Typical of the rw's to get their panties in a bunch over a pair of imaginary creatures. And, Kelly - brainless ditz - she'll probably get a raise over this latest pretend battle in the non-existent war on xmas. Remember, the name of the game is ratings. That's all this is about and the rw sheeples are falling for it.

Why don't you all get on down to WalMart and show us what you really believe the meaning of xmas is.


Kelly is not 'brainless". She is an attorney with a Doctorate in Law, from the prestigious Albany Law School, in Albany, NY (the capitol of the state of New York), and the oldest independent law school in the United States. It was founded in 1851. And your highest level of education is >>> ?

PS - would you mind sharing with us what you see as "misinformation" on Fox News (3 examples, if you please)
Then she's just playing dumb for her audience?
“Kelly has made a serious error about Jesus,” Jonathan Merritt, senior columnist for Religion News Service and author of “A Faith of Our Own: Following Jesus Beyond the Culture Wars,” wrote in the Atlantic. “The scholarly consensus is actually that Jesus was, like most first-century Jews, probably a dark-skinned man. If he were taking the red-eye flight from San Francisco to New York today, Jesus might be profiled for additional security screening by TSA.”

Did that dude ask for 3 examples of FOX News misinforming people?

Yup! That's what I asked for. You got'm ?

That was a serious request? As don't think there are three examples of FOX News passing on misinformation?

This is where you do the research, come up with three examples, and he turns around and argues that those aren't misinformation, using bullshit Republican talking points.
“Kelly has made a serious error about Jesus,” Jonathan Merritt, senior columnist for Religion News Service and author of “A Faith of Our Own: Following Jesus Beyond the Culture Wars,” wrote in the Atlantic. “The scholarly consensus is actually that Jesus was, like most first-century Jews, probably a dark-skinned man. If he were taking the red-eye flight from San Francisco to New York today, Jesus might be profiled for additional security screening by TSA.”


Sorry, given where Jesus was from, he was not black, nor dark skinned maybe not even tan skinned. Jesus was born in Nazareth, which is now a predominantly Arab city in Israel. Take Benjamin Netanyahu for example:


Taking away the fact that Benjamin is an Israeli, anyone would perceive him to be white. Given that Jesus was born in the same area of the Middle East as Netanyahu was, one can deduce that Jesus' skin color was probably the same hue as BiBi's. An off white or slightly peach colored white complexion.

Simple deductive reasoning.
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FALSE! The white, Caucasian image of Jesus Christ is from thousands of drawings and paintings done by hundreds of ancient artists, living in various locations, during the years of Jesus' life, just as the image of George Washington is shown to us today from the same way, also in the years before the invention of photography.

Are you drunk? There is no contemporary source that tells us what Jesus looked like. NONE! The closest we have to a description is the Gospels stating that Jesus was a Nazarite. That tells us that he didn't cut his hair. And that's all we've got. The earliest images of Jesus date to over 200 years after his death. And incidentally, they depict Jesus as a relatively dark skinned individual.

The truth of the matter is that Jesus looked alot more like Osama bin Laden than he did John Paul II.

baloney. the truth is you, as a typical uneducated graduate of American school have no idea about how people of the first century ( living in Judea, Galilee and Samaria) looked like.
In China Santa is definitely Chinese. In Mexico Papa Noel speaks Spanish. In Italy Santa is an old ugly woman called Befana.

In America, Santa is a white guy who speaks English.

Santa Clause is absolutely white.

If some one wants to invent a penguin that gives out presents they can. After all Kwaanza was completely invented.
“Kelly has made a serious error about Jesus,” Jonathan Merritt, senior columnist for Religion News Service and author of “A Faith of Our Own: Following Jesus Beyond the Culture Wars,” wrote in the Atlantic. “The scholarly consensus is actually that Jesus was, like most first-century Jews, probably a dark-skinned man. If he were taking the red-eye flight from San Francisco to New York today, Jesus might be profiled for additional security screening by TSA.”


Sorry, given where Jesus was from, he was not black, nor dark skinned maybe not even tan skinned. Jesus was born in Nazareth, which is now a predominantly Arab city in Israel. Take Benjamin Netanyahu for example:


Taking away the fact that Benjamin is an Israeli, anyone would perceive him to be white. Given that Jesus was born in the same area of the Middle East as Netanyahu was, one can deduce that Jesus' skin color was probably the same hue as BiBi's. An off white or slightly peach colored white complexion.

Simple deductive reasoning.

Simple lack of knowledge. All of Netanyahu's grandparents were from Belarus, Lithuania and Poland.
This is damn funny. Kelly ranted on and on for two days but NOW, suddenly, she was just kidding?


And, Jesus and Santa are still imaginary, made up, not for real, just pretend. Just like The Tooth Fairy and The Easter Bunny. Quit whining about it and just deal.

As for lies from fox, you gotta be kidding. Even rw's who hang on their every word know they're being lied to. Nonetheless, go to News Corpse » The Internet's Chronicle of Media Decay: and start reading. The lies go on for many MANY pages.
In China Santa is definitely Chinese. In Mexico Papa Noel speaks Spanish. In Italy Santa is an old ugly woman called Befana.

In America, Santa is a white guy who speaks English.

Santa Clause is absolutely white.

If some one wants to invent a penguin that gives out presents they can. After all Kwaanza was completely invented.

So was Christmas, Thanksgiving, Easter ...

This is damn funny. Kelly ranted on and on for two days but NOW, suddenly, she was just kidding?


And, Jesus and Santa are still imaginary, made up, not for real, just pretend. Just like The Tooth Fairy and The Easter Bunny. Quit whining about it and just deal.

As for lies from fox, you gotta be kidding. Even rw's who hang on their every word know they're being lied to. Nonetheless, go to News Corpse » The Internet's Chronicle of Media Decay: and start reading. The lies go on for many MANY pages.

Not fair or accurate to say Jesus is imaginary. He shows up in histories written by non-religious sources about a hundred years after his life. Those histories were written from previously written histories. We don't have those previous histories, but we know the historians that wrote the ones we do have used written histories to compile their own.
This is damn funny. Kelly ranted on and on for two days but NOW, suddenly, she was just kidding?


And, Jesus and Santa are still imaginary, made up, not for real, just pretend. Just like The Tooth Fairy and The Easter Bunny. Quit whining about it and just deal.

As for lies from fox, you gotta be kidding. Even rw's who hang on their every word know they're being lied to. Nonetheless, go to News Corpse » The Internet's Chronicle of Media Decay: and start reading. The lies go on for many MANY pages.

Not fair or accurate to say Jesus is imaginary. He shows up in histories written by non-religious sources about a hundred years after his life. Those histories were written from previously written histories. We don't have those previous histories, but we know the historians that wrote the ones we do have used written histories to compile their own.

I never said there was not probably a teacher/profit hippie who had a following and a prostitute lover. I say "probably" because, as you say, we don't have an accurate record.

But, none of that has any relationship to the magical stories about a super-being impregnating someone elses wife, then disappearing, then deciding the kid was his after all and killing him only to have him crawl out of a cave after having been dead for three days and on and on and on .............

And, none of THAT has any relationship to the self-serving fwap that now passes for Cafeteria Christianity.
FALSE! The white, Caucasian image of Jesus Christ is from thousands of drawings and paintings done by hundreds of ancient artists, living in various locations, during the years of Jesus' life, just as the image of George Washington is shown to us today from the same way, also in the years before the invention of photography.

Are you drunk? There is no contemporary source that tells us what Jesus looked like. NONE! The closest we have to a description is the Gospels stating that Jesus was a Nazarite. That tells us that he didn't cut his hair. And that's all we've got. The earliest images of Jesus date to over 200 years after his death. And incidentally, they depict Jesus as a relatively dark skinned individual.

The truth of the matter is that Jesus looked alot more like Osama bin Laden than he did John Paul II.

baloney. the truth is you, as a typical uneducated graduate of American school have no idea about how people of the first century ( living in Judea, Galilee and Samaria) looked like.

You obviously don't.

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First of all, there are secularist liberals on this thread who feign outrage over Jesus being called white. Well, if you're a secularist, what do you care what color Jesus' skin was? You'd get more outraged over what someone says about Santa than Jesus.

Alas, a plethora of double standards to behold...

Nobody is outraged.
It may or may not be racist but its certainly inaccurate.

But its fox and the rw's so its okay.

Ok since you chose to dog the question, explain why it is insane to say they are white?

I will remind you again that Saint Kick was a Greek, and Greeks are white. And that Jesus was born in Israel so was either white or off white.

If Greeks are White, and Palestinians are White, then Mexicans are White.

You can't have it both ways. Unless you want to explain which factors separate Mexicans from Semites and Mediterraneans.

Some Mexicans are white.

Im not sure why it matters. But the scriptures say very clearly Christ is white:

And I turned to see the voice that spake with me. And being turned, I saw seven golden candlesticks;

And in the midst of the seven candlesticks one like unto the Son of man, clothed with a garment down to the foot, and girt about the paps with a golden girdle.

His head and his hairs were white like wool, as white as snow; and his eyes were as a flame of fire; (Rev 1:12-14)

Again, why does it matter? He could be black or purple, and yet He would still be the Savior of the World. He would still be the Son of God. He still atoned for our sins.

Again, I don't know why you guys think this is a big deal. Nor why you are so offended that she stated the truth of the matter.
First of all, there are secularist liberals on this thread who feign outrage over Jesus being called white. Well, if you're a secularist, what do you care what color Jesus' skin was? You'd get more outraged over what someone says about Santa than Jesus.

Alas, a plethora of double standards to behold...

Nobody is outraged.

And yet you keep starting threads on the matter.
Talking about a "fictional" Santa Claus on Fooooooooooooooooox News was such a huge deal he had to make a follow up thread on it..

what a life, or lack of one maybe

just petty and shallow

I hope you get a bag of aids for fucking troll and waste of life.
I think that's a little over the top for political debate, sir or madam.

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