Kelly Is Back And Still Stands Behind Her Insane Comments

Irrefutable Proof that Santa is ODIN:


Irrefutable Proof that Santa is Odin « Mirovia
Talking about a "fictional" Santa Claus on Fooooooooooooooooox News was such a huge deal he had to make a follow up thread on it..

what a life, or lack of one maybe

just petty and shallow

I hope you get a bag of aids for fucking troll and waste of life.
I think that's a little over the top for political debate, sir or madam.

Ten bucks, you have never called out Stephanie for the asshole stuff she has said.

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baloney. the truth is you, as a typical uneducated graduate of American school have no idea about how people of the first century ( living in Judea, Galilee and Samaria) looked like.

They didn't look like Europeans. He would have looked something like this:


Jesus was probably just a hair over 5 foot tall, and a little more than 100 pounds. He would probably have been fairly muscular, and also would most likely have appeared older than his actual age. His skin would have been a dark olive color, his eyes dark. His hair dark and curly. His hair would have been long, and his beard uncut.
Im not sure why it matters. But the scriptures say very clearly Christ is white:

Revelation refers to a post ascension Jesus in Heaven, glowing with holy light. Furthermore, Revelation was written some 30 to 60 years after Jesus' death by someone who probably would not have ever met him.

What we can deduce from biblical texts is that Jesus would have not appeared significantly different than any common Jew living in Palestine at the time. This is evident from the story of Jesus' arrest, which required Judas to identify Jesus to the Romans by kissing him. Had Jesus had a European appearance he would have been so distinctly different in appearance from his gathered apostles that this would not have been necessary, and indeed would have been odd.

Sorry, given where Jesus was from, he was not black, nor dark skinned maybe not even tan skinned. Jesus was born in Nazareth, which is now a predominantly Arab city in Israel. Take Benjamin Netanyahu for example:


Taking away the fact that Benjamin is an Israeli, anyone would perceive him to be white. Given that Jesus was born in the same area of the Middle East as Netanyahu was, one can deduce that Jesus' skin color was probably the same hue as BiBi's. An off white or slightly peach colored white complexion.

Simple deductive reasoning.

Simple lack of knowledge. All of Netanyahu's grandparents were from Belarus, Lithuania and Poland.

So you say. Benzion Netanyahu was from Poland originally, but lived most of his life in Israel. He married a woman living in British mandated Palestine, Tzila Segal, who was born in Petah Tikva, in what is now central Israel. That throws part of your assertion out of the window.
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Sorry, given where Jesus was from, he was not black, nor dark skinned maybe not even tan skinned. Jesus was born in Nazareth, which is now a predominantly Arab city in Israel. Take Benjamin Netanyahu for example:


Taking away the fact that Benjamin is an Israeli, anyone would perceive him to be white. Given that Jesus was born in the same area of the Middle East as Netanyahu was, one can deduce that Jesus' skin color was probably the same hue as BiBi's. An off white or slightly peach colored white complexion.

Simple deductive reasoning.

Simple lack of knowledge. All of Netanyahu's grandparents were from Belarus, Lithuania and Poland.

So you say. Benzion Netanyahu was from Poland originally, but lived most of his life in Israel. He met his future wife who was a Palestinian, Tzila Segal. That throws part of your assertion out of the window.

No it doesn't! That's ridiculous.
Taking away the fact that Benjamin is an Israeli, anyone would perceive him to be white. Given that Jesus was born in the same area of the Middle East as Netanyahu was, one can deduce that Jesus' skin color was probably the same hue as BiBi's. An off white or slightly peach colored white complexion.

Simple deductive reasoning.

Had we not gone through 2000 years of Diaspora this subject might be a little more straight forward. Ben Netanyahu may have been born in Tel Aviv, but his parents were not. His mother's family name of "Segal" indicates an east European origin. Possibly Russian, Lithuanian, or Romanian. His father was born in Poland.

Unfortunately, modern Jews are not a direct image of native Palestinian Jews of 2000 years ago. Consider these other individuals who were also born in Israel. Clearly, they have a different look than Netanyahu.


Taking away the fact that Benjamin is an Israeli, anyone would perceive him to be white. Given that Jesus was born in the same area of the Middle East as Netanyahu was, one can deduce that Jesus' skin color was probably the same hue as BiBi's. An off white or slightly peach colored white complexion.

Simple deductive reasoning.

Had we not gone through 2000 years of Diaspora this subject might be a little more straight forward. Ben Netanyahu may have been born in Tel Aviv, but his parents were not. His mother's family name of "Segal" indicates an east European origin. Possibly Russian, Lithuanian, or Romanian. His father was born in Poland.

Unfortunately, modern Jews are not a direct image of native Palestinian Jews of 2000 years ago. Consider these other individuals who were also born in Israel. Clearly, they have a different look than Netanyahu.



Natalie Portman.
Ok since you chose to dog the question, explain why it is insane to say they are white?

I will remind you again that Saint Kick was a Greek, and Greeks are white. And that Jesus was born in Israel so was either white or off white.

If Greeks are White, and Palestinians are White, then Mexicans are White.

You can't have it both ways. Unless you want to explain which factors separate Mexicans from Semites and Mediterraneans.

Some Mexicans are white.

Im not sure why it matters. But the scriptures say very clearly Christ is white:

And I turned to see the voice that spake with me. And being turned, I saw seven golden candlesticks;

And in the midst of the seven candlesticks one like unto the Son of man, clothed with a garment down to the foot, and girt about the paps with a golden girdle.

His head and his hairs were white like wool, as white as snow; and his eyes were as a flame of fire; (Rev 1:12-14)

Again, why does it matter? He could be black or purple, and yet He would still be the Savior of the World. He would still be the Son of God. He still atoned for our sins.

Again, I don't know why you guys think this is a big deal. Nor why you are so offended that she stated the truth of the matter.

White Mexicans ...

Their last names are all Romney.
Simple lack of knowledge. All of Netanyahu's grandparents were from Belarus, Lithuania and Poland.

So you say. Benzion Netanyahu was from Poland originally, but lived most of his life in Israel. He met his future wife who was a Palestinian, Tzila Segal. That throws part of your assertion out of the window.

No it doesn't! That's ridiculous.

All Jews originated in the Middle East, then branching out into Europe and Asia. Historical evidence suggests common origins in the Middle East, followed by migrations leading to the establishment of communities of Jews in Europe, Africa and Asia, in what is termed the Jewish Diaspora. Given that, he would be an Ashekanazi, Sephardic Jew descending from the Eastern Mediterranean with little to no Alpine/Northern European/Eastern European genetic influences. I was thinking his mother may have had Romanian origins, but his father Benzion Netanyahu may not have been native to northern Europe, and he himself may have descended from Sephardic Jews.

As referenced in this chart, Benjamin Netanyahu would cluster with the Ashekanazi, from the Levant, and Sephardic Jews who migrated to areas of Spain, which might explain why Benzion and subsequently his parents were in Poland and why Benzion's field of expertise was the history of the Jews in Spain:


Ashekanazi Average According To Dodecad V3:

34.4 Mediterranean
24.5 West_Asian
19 West_European
12.7 Southwest_Asian
3.7 East_European
2.7 Northwest_African
1.1 East_African
0.9 Southeast_Asian
0.6 Northeast_Asian
0.2 South_Asian
0.1 Neo_African
0.0 Palaeo_African

Meaning people, that my original analogy stands. Jesus may have very well been white. Any questions?
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I'm still wondering at all these so many people invested in believing a man born in the Middle East is white.
Sephardic Jew here. ;)

Very nice.

So, this is Ben-Zion Netanyahu (Name spelled correctly this time)


And an assortment of Sephardic Jews:


Very striking similarities in the facial features if you ask me. I have made my case scientifically, ethnically, and demographically. I leave it up to you and others to rebut.
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