Kentucky Clerk Jailed for Contempt of Court

It is NOT the 14th Amendment that is in jail for.....This reply of yours is completely inane.....

BTW...the 14th does NOT predate the 1st.....
she's in jail for violation of a court order. that court order is based on her denial of equal treatment under the law - a right guaranteed in the 14th amendment.
her first amendment rights do not allow her to violate the rights of others - and it especially doesn't give her the right to use her office to violate the rights of others.
You cannot be denied equal treatment when that treatment can be had everywhere....Every clerk in every county BUT hers provides the licenses.....

The Judge is out of order. The people of Kentucky need to fight to have him removed from the bench and the case appealed up.
so she's denying the citizens of her county equal treatment.
and you forget - if she's allowed to discriminate what stops every other county?

affirmative action is race based discrimination against citizens the government
in your mind i'm sure that non-sequitr was somehow pertinent.

you mentioned discrimination. I gave an example.
Sure they can. Laws like that are passed all of the time. She can not be made to violate her religious beliefs, however, as she is a ELECTED OFFICIAL, she is bound to FOLLOW the LAW. That is the oath she swore.

If she can't reconcile her beliefs with the oath she swore then her only option is to resign in protest. Generals and business executives do it all the time and so should she.
Except it only works that way in a dictatorial tyranny....

She held the position BEFORE the law was passed. This means that the law intentionally targets people of faith.....I hope that she appeals to the SCOTUS......

And to be honest.....I really don't care what anyone on this or any forum thinks regarding this.....The day this country can pass a law that requires ME to have to alter My beliefs or behaviors is the day that that government needs to be abolished.

It spells the death of liberty.

It doesn't matter. If the judges rule in a way you think is wrong, or immoral, you resign your position and fight the fight in a legal way. You don't assume you have all the power and ignore judicial rulings. SHE was the one being dictatorial.
It appears that what you are now saying is that anyone who stands on their faith cannot be in an elected positon?

If their religion forces them to violate other peoples rights, that is correct. If a Muslim told me that I couldn't do something based on their religious views I would likewise demand that they resign their position. Other wise what you are advocating for is SHARIA law.

See how that works?
The people voted her into hat position. Judges made up something that is no where written into the constitution and now she is expected to go with the flow with her name assigned to a document that was not in place when the people voted her into that position.

I see how people capitulate so easily and give up; so many claim that they believe on the written Word and then they turn right around and what the Word says and do not stand on truth. I see when activist judges are out of control.

Now I see a woman who has true grit that refuses to be bullied by a few sick people who are more than willing to accept deviant behavior as a norm or fall away from the truth in favor of letting the unjust ride over those who disagree.

I see children in public schools assaulted with propaganda daily that all sorts of abhorrent behavior is perfectly acceptable, they really can't think or have a thought process of their own and Hitler was not really a bad guy after all.

I also see that if the people do not or are not willing to take a stand against this type of crap freedom and liberty will become a thing of the past here for a period of time until people are once again sick and tired of being ruled over by tyrants.

Then again the spirit told me that the rebellious children of Umm [sic]were brought forth and will accept their own destruction for this day and time in history.

And you still haven't addressed the central point which in this country is no religion shall take precedence over the law of this country. If you allow a christian to impose her will on others then fully expect a duly elected Muslim to do likewise.
Sure they can. Laws like that are passed all of the time. She can not be made to violate her religious beliefs, however, as she is a ELECTED OFFICIAL, she is bound to FOLLOW the LAW. That is the oath she swore.

If she can't reconcile her beliefs with the oath she swore then her only option is to resign in protest. Generals and business executives do it all the time and so should she.
Except it only works that way in a dictatorial tyranny....

She held the position BEFORE the law was passed. This means that the law intentionally targets people of faith.....I hope that she appeals to the SCOTUS......

And to be honest.....I really don't care what anyone on this or any forum thinks regarding this.....The day this country can pass a law that requires ME to have to alter My beliefs or behaviors is the day that that government needs to be abolished.

It spells the death of liberty.

It doesn't matter. If the judges rule in a way you think is wrong, or immoral, you resign your position and fight the fight in a legal way. You don't assume you have all the power and ignore judicial rulings. SHE was the one being dictatorial.
It appears that what you are now saying is that anyone who stands on their faith cannot be in an elected positon?

If their religion forces them to violate other peoples rights, that is correct. If a Muslim told me that I couldn't do something based on their religious views I would likewise demand that they resign their position. Other wise what you are advocating for is SHARIA law.

See how that works?
The people voted her into hat position. Judges made up something that is no where written into the constitution and now she is expected to go with the flow with her name assigned to a document that was not in place when the people voted her into that position.

I see how people capitulate so easily and give up; so many claim that they believe on the written Word and then they turn right around and what the Word says and do not stand on truth. I see when activist judges are out of control.

Now I see a woman who has true grit that refuses to be bullied by a few sick people who are more than willing to accept deviant behavior as a norm or fall away from the truth in favor of letting the unjust ride over those who disagree.

I see children in public schools assaulted with propaganda daily that all sorts of abhorrent behavior is perfectly acceptable, they really can't think or have a thought process of their own and Hitler was not really a bad guy after all.

I also see that if the people do not or are not willing to take a stand against this type of crap freedom and liberty will become a thing of the past here for a period of time until people are once again sick and tired of being ruled over by tyrants.

Then again the spirit told me that the rebellious children of Umm [sic]were brought forth and will accept their own destruction for this day and time in history.
This is as ridiculous as it is ignorant and wrong.

The Supremacy Clause is very much 'part' of the Constitution, it was the Framers' intent that state and local governments be subordinate to Federal laws, subject to the rulings of Federal courts, with the Constitution and its case law binding on the states and local jurisdictions:

'The interpretation of the Fourteenth Amendment enunciated by this Court in the Brown case is the supreme law of the land, and Art. VI of the Constitution makes it of binding effect on the States "any Thing in the Constitution or Laws of any State to the Contrary notwithstanding." P.358 U. S. 18.

No state legislator or executive or judicial officer can war against the Constitution without violating his solemn oath to support it. P. 358 U. S. 18.' (Cooper v. Aaron)
...So you support christian sharia law.
There is no such thing.

However, in the interest of fairness, we should let you go out on a limb here, and define 'Christian Sharia Law' for the audience.

Please proceed.
There most certainly is christian sharia law and you support it.....and if you don't know what it is running our country thru your interpretation of what your god wants....NOT on the U.S. Constitution.

There is no such thing as Christian sharia law. Just stop already, it's stupid
And is running our country thru your interpretation of what your god wants....NOT on the U.S. Constitution. By supporting Kim Davis, you are supporting christian sharia law.
For more than 200 years, We the People have run the United States based upon a moral and sane interpretation of the US Constitution in this context, not Religion A or B.

Very recently, five (a bare-squeaker majority) old lawyers in Washington, DC, have chosen to RE-interpret the Constitution, in the service of sexual deviancy and perversity.

Americans who will stand-up to the Gay Mafia merely strive to bring-about a RETURN to that older and saner and time-honored interpretation of the US Constitution.

You may leave the gods out of it.

Epic Fail.

But thank you for playing.
Last edited:
...So you support christian sharia law.
There is no such thing.

However, in the interest of fairness, we should let you go out on a limb here, and define 'Christian Sharia Law' for the audience.

Please proceed.
There most certainly is christian sharia law and you support it.....and if you don't know what it is running our country thru your interpretation of what your god wants....NOT on the U.S. Constitution.

There is no such thing as Christian sharia law. Just stop already, it's stupid
And is running our country thru your interpretation of what your god wants....NOT on the U.S. Constitution. By supporting Kim Davis, you are supporting christian sharia law.

again...there is no such thing as Christian sharia law, you can keep spewing it but that does not make it a fact
It is what you want...christian sharia law...running our country based on YOUR interpretation of what YOUR god wants....not on the U.S. Constitution. That's why you support Kim Davis.
No law can be made that violates a persons conscious.....Any law becomes un-Constititutional that requires a person to give up their deeply held beliefs...

Sure they can. Laws like that are passed all of the time. She can not be made to violate her religious beliefs, however, as she is a ELECTED OFFICIAL, she is bound to FOLLOW the LAW. That is the oath she swore.

If she can't reconcile her beliefs with the oath she swore then her only option is to resign in protest. Generals and business executives do it all the time and so should she.
Except it only works that way in a dictatorial tyranny....

She held the position BEFORE the law was passed. This means that the law intentionally targets people of faith.....I hope that she appeals to the SCOTUS......

And to be honest.....I really don't care what anyone on this or any forum thinks regarding this.....The day this country can pass a law that requires ME to have to alter My beliefs or behaviors is the day that that government needs to be abolished.

It spells the death of liberty.
she held her position prior to the ratification of the 14th amendment?
It is NOT the 14th Amendment that is in jail for.....This reply of yours is completely inane.....

BTW...the 14th does NOT predate the 1st.....
she's in jail for violation of a court order. that court order is based on her denial of equal treatment under the law - a right guaranteed in the 14th amendment.
her first amendment rights do not allow her to violate the rights of others - and it especially doesn't give her the right to use her office to violate the rights of others.
She is in jail under religious percucution and a political prisoner.
There is no such thing.

However, in the interest of fairness, we should let you go out on a limb here, and define 'Christian Sharia Law' for the audience.

Please proceed.
There most certainly is christian sharia law and you support it.....and if you don't know what it is running our country thru your interpretation of what your god wants....NOT on the U.S. Constitution.

There is no such thing as Christian sharia law. Just stop already, it's stupid
And is running our country thru your interpretation of what your god wants....NOT on the U.S. Constitution. By supporting Kim Davis, you are supporting christian sharia law.

again...there is no such thing as Christian sharia law, you can keep spewing it but that does not make it a fact
It is what you want...christian sharia law...running our country based on YOUR interpretation of what YOUR god wants....not on the U.S. Constitution. That's why you support Kim Davis.'re using a made up term. There is no such thing. Keep spewing it but it won't change the facts
Davis' lawyer, Roger Gannam, said it was the first time in history an American citizen has been jailed for believing that marriage is a union between one man and one woman. He compared her willingness to accept imprisonment to what Martin Luther King Jr. did to advance civil rights.

BINGO! Martyr for religious rights.

Nope................sorry, but to be an actual martyr, you have to follow the teachings of your religion and dogma.

She's not doing that, because Jesus said that if your right eye offends thee, pluck it out and throw it away, because it's better to enter Heaven missing an eye than to end up in Hell because you allowed your right eye to cause you to sin.

Here's the verse....................................

Matthew 5:29 If your right eye causes you to stumble, gouge it out and throw it away. It is better for you to lose one part of your body than for your whole body to be thrown into hell.

Now, in her case, it's not her right eye that is offending her, it's her job. Why? Because she feels like she's being forced to sin in issuing marriage licenses to gay couples.

So, she should pluck out her job (resign from her position), and get on with her life.

Even Jesus thinks she should resign.

Jesus would follow the Word and the Bible is clear that we are to follow human law EXCEPT when it violates God's law and the Bible is clear that homosexuality is a sin, an abomination unto the Lord. God's law trumps human law
Fucken A...
Sure they can. Laws like that are passed all of the time. She can not be made to violate her religious beliefs, however, as she is a ELECTED OFFICIAL, she is bound to FOLLOW the LAW. That is the oath she swore.

If she can't reconcile her beliefs with the oath she swore then her only option is to resign in protest. Generals and business executives do it all the time and so should she.
Except it only works that way in a dictatorial tyranny....

She held the position BEFORE the law was passed. This means that the law intentionally targets people of faith.....I hope that she appeals to the SCOTUS......

And to be honest.....I really don't care what anyone on this or any forum thinks regarding this.....The day this country can pass a law that requires ME to have to alter My beliefs or behaviors is the day that that government needs to be abolished.

It spells the death of liberty.
she held her position prior to the ratification of the 14th amendment?
It is NOT the 14th Amendment that is in jail for.....This reply of yours is completely inane.....

BTW...the 14th does NOT predate the 1st.....
she's in jail for violation of a court order. that court order is based on her denial of equal treatment under the law - a right guaranteed in the 14th amendment.
her first amendment rights do not allow her to violate the rights of others - and it especially doesn't give her the right to use her office to violate the rights of others.
She is in jail under religious percucution and a political prisoner.
Someone who is for christian sharia law would certainly agree with what you just said.
...So you support christian sharia law.
There is no such thing.

However, in the interest of fairness, we should let you go out on a limb here, and define 'Christian Sharia Law' for the audience.

Please proceed.
There most certainly is christian sharia law and you support it.....and if you don't know what it is running our country thru your interpretation of what your god wants....NOT on the U.S. Constitution.

There is no such thing as Christian sharia law. Just stop already, it's stupid
And is running our country thru your interpretation of what your god wants....NOT on the U.S. Constitution. By supporting Kim Davis, you are supporting christian sharia law.
For more than 200 years, We the People have run the United States based upon a moral and sane interpretation of the US Constitution in this context, not Religion A or B.

Very recently, five (a bare-squeaker majority) old lawyers in Washington, DC, have chosen to RE-interpret the Constitution, in the service of sexual deviancy and perversity.

Americans who will stand-up to the Gay Mafia merely strive to bring-about a RETURN to that older and saner and time-honored interpretation of the US Constitution.

You may leave the gods out of it.

Epic Fail.

But thank you for playing.
No, the ignorant, ridiculous rhetoric about 'old lawyers' in Washington 'reinterpreting' the Constitution is actually the epic fail.
...So you support christian sharia law.
There is no such thing.

However, in the interest of fairness, we should let you go out on a limb here, and define 'Christian Sharia Law' for the audience.

Please proceed.
There most certainly is christian sharia law and you support it.....and if you don't know what it is running our country thru your interpretation of what your god wants....NOT on the U.S. Constitution.

There is no such thing as Christian sharia law. Just stop already, it's stupid
And is running our country thru your interpretation of what your god wants....NOT on the U.S. Constitution. By supporting Kim Davis, you are supporting christian sharia law.

again...there is no such thing as Christian sharia law, you can keep spewing it but that does not make it a fact
is your objection to the idea that christians have rules about how to act and treat others or is your objection solely to the word 'sharia'?
There most certainly is christian sharia law and you support it.....and if you don't know what it is running our country thru your interpretation of what your god wants....NOT on the U.S. Constitution.

There is no such thing as Christian sharia law. Just stop already, it's stupid
And is running our country thru your interpretation of what your god wants....NOT on the U.S. Constitution. By supporting Kim Davis, you are supporting christian sharia law.

again...there is no such thing as Christian sharia law, you can keep spewing it but that does not make it a fact
It is what you want...christian sharia law...running our country based on YOUR interpretation of what YOUR god wants....not on the U.S. Constitution. That's why you support Kim Davis.'re using a made up term. There is no such thing. Keep spewing it but it won't change the facts
The facts are that anyone who supports Kim Davis and what she did is a supporter of christian sharia law. That is what she tried to put in place.
...So you support christian sharia law.
There is no such thing.

However, in the interest of fairness, we should let you go out on a limb here, and define 'Christian Sharia Law' for the audience.

Please proceed.
There most certainly is christian sharia law and you support it.....and if you don't know what it is running our country thru your interpretation of what your god wants....NOT on the U.S. Constitution.

There is no such thing as Christian sharia law. Just stop already, it's stupid
And is running our country thru your interpretation of what your god wants....NOT on the U.S. Constitution. By supporting Kim Davis, you are supporting christian sharia law.
For more than 200 years, We the People have run the United States based upon a moral and sane interpretation of the US Constitution in this context, not Religion A or B.

Very recently, five (a bare-squeaker majority) old lawyers in Washington, DC, have chosen to RE-interpret the Constitution, in the service of sexual deviancy and perversity.

Americans who will stand-up to the Gay Mafia merely strive to bring-about a RETURN to that older and saner and time-honored interpretation of the US Constitution.

You may lave the gods out of it.

Epic Fail.

But thank you for playing.

The Declaration of Independence states that we have the right to Life, Liberty, and the Pursuit of Happiness. Where in the Constitution does it deny gay marriage? Be specific.
...So you support christian sharia law.
There is no such thing.

However, in the interest of fairness, we should let you go out on a limb here, and define 'Christian Sharia Law' for the audience.

Please proceed.
There most certainly is christian sharia law and you support it.....and if you don't know what it is running our country thru your interpretation of what your god wants....NOT on the U.S. Consititution.

There is no such thing as Christian sharia law. Just stop already, it's stupid
Given your posting history, you're in no position to refer to anything as 'stupid.'
Sure they can. Laws like that are passed all of the time. She can not be made to violate her religious beliefs, however, as she is a ELECTED OFFICIAL, she is bound to FOLLOW the LAW. That is the oath she swore.

If she can't reconcile her beliefs with the oath she swore then her only option is to resign in protest. Generals and business executives do it all the time and so should she.
Except it only works that way in a dictatorial tyranny....

She held the position BEFORE the law was passed. This means that the law intentionally targets people of faith.....I hope that she appeals to the SCOTUS......

And to be honest.....I really don't care what anyone on this or any forum thinks regarding this.....The day this country can pass a law that requires ME to have to alter My beliefs or behaviors is the day that that government needs to be abolished.

It spells the death of liberty.
she held her position prior to the ratification of the 14th amendment?
It is NOT the 14th Amendment that is in jail for.....This reply of yours is completely inane.....

BTW...the 14th does NOT predate the 1st.....
she's in jail for violation of a court order. that court order is based on her denial of equal treatment under the law - a right guaranteed in the 14th amendment.
her first amendment rights do not allow her to violate the rights of others - and it especially doesn't give her the right to use her office to violate the rights of others.
She is in jail under religious percucution and a political prisoner.
Nope, she's in jail because she can't understand that no one can serve two masters. That and the fact that she's a useless **** who won't do her damn job.
Except it only works that way in a dictatorial tyranny....

She held the position BEFORE the law was passed. This means that the law intentionally targets people of faith.....I hope that she appeals to the SCOTUS......

And to be honest.....I really don't care what anyone on this or any forum thinks regarding this.....The day this country can pass a law that requires ME to have to alter My beliefs or behaviors is the day that that government needs to be abolished.

It spells the death of liberty.

It doesn't matter. If the judges rule in a way you think is wrong, or immoral, you resign your position and fight the fight in a legal way. You don't assume you have all the power and ignore judicial rulings. SHE was the one being dictatorial.
It appears that what you are now saying is that anyone who stands on their faith cannot be in an elected positon?

If their religion forces them to violate other peoples rights, that is correct. If a Muslim told me that I couldn't do something based on their religious views I would likewise demand that they resign their position. Other wise what you are advocating for is SHARIA law.

See how that works?
The people voted her into hat position. Judges made up something that is no where written into the constitution and now she is expected to go with the flow with her name assigned to a document that was not in place when the people voted her into that position.

I see how people capitulate so easily and give up; so many claim that they believe on the written Word and then they turn right around and what the Word says and do not stand on truth. I see when activist judges are out of control.

Now I see a woman who has true grit that refuses to be bullied by a few sick people who are more than willing to accept deviant behavior as a norm or fall away from the truth in favor of letting the unjust ride over those who disagree.

I see children in public schools assaulted with propaganda daily that all sorts of abhorrent behavior is perfectly acceptable, they really can't think or have a thought process of their own and Hitler was not really a bad guy after all.

I also see that if the people do not or are not willing to take a stand against this type of crap freedom and liberty will become a thing of the past here for a period of time until people are once again sick and tired of being ruled over by tyrants.

Then again the spirit told me that the rebellious children of Umm [sic]were brought forth and will accept their own destruction for this day and time in history.

And you still haven't addressed the central point which in this country is no religion shall take precedence over the law of this country. If you allow a christian to impose her will on others then fully expect a duly elected Muslim to do likewise.
I did, sodomy does not take precedence over religion. It is not protected nor mention anywhere in the Constitution or the Bill of Rights; her God given rights are protected in Kentucky's Bill of Rights as a state and in the United States Constitution and Bill of Rights. Activist judges are not legislators.

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