Kentucky elects Black Republican as Attorney General...democrats weeping and gnashing teeth...

Yep.....White Republicans voted in Black Republican as AG in Kentucky.... democrats hardest hit...

BREAKING: First African-American Wins Kentucky AG Race. He’s A Republican.
It's funny you completely failed to mention the people of Kentucky booted the Republican incumbent and elected a Democratic governor. :lol:

Man, talk about selective bias!!!
Every race in Kentucky was won by a conservative except the gov., and that one is under recount.
With 100 percent of the Kentucky vote in, Beshear had 709,763 votes (49.2 percent), Bevin had 704,523 votes (48.8 percent) and Libertarian John Hicks had 28,426 votes (2 percent).
Difference of 0.4% of votes cast. The Left wants desperately to call this a landslide.

And if Beshear had lost, they'd be claiming a rigged election and demanding a recount. This is not up for debate.

And again....every other race in Kentucky went republican.....

Wowie zowie, imagine republicans [sic] winning elections in kentucky [sic]. Who ever herd of that? Why, next thing you know the sun will rise in the east or sump'm.
Yep.....White Republicans voted in Black Republican as AG in Kentucky.... democrats hardest hit...

BREAKING: First African-American Wins Kentucky AG Race. He’s A Republican.
It's funny you completely failed to mention the people of Kentucky booted the Republican incumbent and elected a Democratic governor. :lol:

Man, talk about selective bias!!!
Every race in Kentucky was won by a conservative except the gov., and that one is under recount.
With 100 percent of the Kentucky vote in, Beshear had 709,763 votes (49.2 percent), Bevin had 704,523 votes (48.8 percent) and Libertarian John Hicks had 28,426 votes (2 percent).
Difference of 0.4% of votes cast. The Left wants desperately to call this a landslide.

And if Beshear had lost, they'd be claiming a rigged election and demanding a recount. This is not up for debate.

And again....every other race in Kentucky went republican.....

Wowie zowie, imagine republicans [sic] winning elections in kentucky [sic]. Who ever herd of that? Why, next thing you know the sun will rise in the east or sump'm. is you asshats making the democrat taking the Governors race as if hilary won the election...not dumb ass....
It's funny you completely failed to mention the people of Kentucky booted the Republican incumbent and elected a Democratic governor. :lol:

Man, talk about selective bias!!!
Every race in Kentucky was won by a conservative except the gov., and that one is under recount.
With 100 percent of the Kentucky vote in, Beshear had 709,763 votes (49.2 percent), Bevin had 704,523 votes (48.8 percent) and Libertarian John Hicks had 28,426 votes (2 percent).
Difference of 0.4% of votes cast. The Left wants desperately to call this a landslide.

And if Beshear had lost, they'd be claiming a rigged election and demanding a recount. This is not up for debate.

And again....every other race in Kentucky went republican.....

Wowie zowie, imagine republicans [sic] winning elections in kentucky [sic]. Who ever herd of that? Why, next thing you know the sun will rise in the east or sump'm. is you asshats making the democrat taking the Governors race as if hilary won the election...not dumb ass....

Actually I didn't even know about the Governor's race, as you can see if you FUCKING READ THE THREAD, moron. Nor have I posted anything about it --- not my state, not my concern. See, I take a different approach to posting than you do ---- if I don't know about something........ THEN I DON'T POST ABOUT IT, moron.
so little time so many lies to tell,,
gator youre out of your fucking mind,,,
we all know racist flock to the democrat party and racism is their bread and butter,,,

and you cant prove that anyone on this forum is anything thing but trolls,,,

That was a pathetic response even by your low standards.

need coffee,,,

and that doesnt mean its wrong,,,
sorry the dems have always been the racist party

and you have no proof broke loser is a repube or even human,,,

I have no proof you are human. You could be a Russian bot.

what I have proof of is that BL claims to be a Repub and that 95% of the racist shit he post is never called out by you and the others claiming to be Repubs. BL is fully accepted member of your group on here
IM2 is a racist. I don't recall you calling him out on it.

I guess you fully accept him as a member of your group.

can you point me to a post from him that is racist in nature?
Dood, if you haven't recognized it by now, it's because you don't want to.
1. Electing a black man, proves that the GOP voters of a southern state almost universally, did not consider black skin to be a serious problem in a candidate. This refutes, by itself, refutes the idea that the GOP, or America, is racist.

2. It is not, by itself. There are decades of similar examples, and non-racists policies, and your lies being based on the most pathetic of spin. Each and ever example is a testimony to your willful ignorance. This is just the example du jour.

3. The "bragging" is not about what is going on within the Party, but is against the lies of those outside the Party. Your pretense otherwise, is stupid.

1. A single event does not prove anything. That is like saying a single amazing TD throw proves a QB is the greatest ever.

2. Yet here you are crowing about a single black man being elected as if it is some crazy out of the ordinary event.

3. No, it is all about your beloved party, you are like the guy that says “but I have ONE black friend”
We should adopt the Left's view that black people simply aren't smart enough and good enough to succeed on their own without help.

Or that of the right/s that even with the Govt help they are not smart enough or good enough.
Why you gotta make shit up? Oh, yes, to make you feel better about your soft bigotry of low expectations.

I am not making up a thing little man.

Oh ,and not only do I not support dumb shit like AA I think that anti-discrimination laws are unconstitutional when applied to anyone but the government.

you are wrong about me with every post...then again you are wrong about just about everything so it is no surprise
So, you recognize the bigotry of the Democratic Party -- but you blame Republicans for it.

You can just run along now, Skippy.
Yep.....White Republicans voted in Black Republican as AG in Kentucky.... democrats hardest hit...

BREAKING: First African-American Wins Kentucky AG Race. He’s A Republican.
It's funny you completely failed to mention the people of Kentucky booted the Republican incumbent and elected a Democratic governor. :lol:

Man, talk about selective bias!!!
Every race in Kentucky was won by a conservative except the gov., and that one is under recount.
With 100 percent of the Kentucky vote in, Beshear had 709,763 votes (49.2 percent), Bevin had 704,523 votes (48.8 percent) and Libertarian John Hicks had 28,426 votes (2 percent).
Difference of 0.4% of votes cast. The Left wants desperately to call this a landslide.

And if Beshear had lost, they'd be claiming a rigged election and demanding a recount. This is not up for debate.

And again....every other race in Kentucky went republican.....
I know. It's awesome. :113:
need coffee,,,

and that doesnt mean its wrong,,,
sorry the dems have always been the racist party

and you have no proof broke loser is a repube or even human,,,

Needing coffee is never wrong;
However there is no "racist party", since racism is not a political ideal but a social construct. Hate to be your history teacher for free, but racism needs no party and predates parties by literally centuries. So, nice froth-at-the-mouth fantasy, but utter bullshit.

true but the dems have been the party with the most racist [sic] in it for centuries,,and have based their platform on it,,,

Kinda makes this hard to explain then donut....


What was that event called again? I can't remember.
Something like "Cleft the Left"? Nah, that's not it

Oh and btw the "Dems" haven't even existed yet for "centuries". As I said, utter bullshit, and you did just that.
Patio torches. Terrifying.

Not just "patio torches" --- Tiki torches. Is there even a gheyer word than "Tiki"?

Actually the pic isn't of ghey torches. It's of the faces of ghey bigots.
I agree they're bigots. We probably differ quite a bit on the estimation of their influence in and acceptance by the GOP, however.
Yep.....White Republicans voted in Black Republican as AG in Kentucky.... democrats hardest hit...

BREAKING: First African-American Wins Kentucky AG Race. He’s A Republican.
It's funny you completely failed to mention the people of Kentucky booted the Republican incumbent and elected a Democratic governor. :lol:

Man, talk about selective bias!!!
Every race in Kentucky was won by a conservative except the gov., and that one is under recount.
With 100 percent of the Kentucky vote in, Beshear had 709,763 votes (49.2 percent), Bevin had 704,523 votes (48.8 percent) and Libertarian John Hicks had 28,426 votes (2 percent).
Difference of 0.4% of votes cast. The Left wants desperately to call this a landslide.

And if Beshear had lost, they'd be claiming a rigged election and demanding a recount. This is not up for debate.

And again....every other race in Kentucky went republican.....

Wowie zowie, imagine republicans [sic] winning elections in kentucky [sic]. Who ever herd of that? Why, next thing you know the sun will rise in the east or sump'm.
Your average Kentucky Democrat is far more conservative than, say, your average California Republican.
The oddity of a black Republican is so rare, it is worth a lot of hulabaloo from the racist Republicans to tout their token negro. :lol:

There are literally only 2 black Republicans in Congress and one of them is retiring. They truly are the party of tokenism.
Weird how there were no black Democrats running for statewide office in Kentucky, huh?

Weird how there are currently 56 black politicians in Congress and only 2 of them are Republican and one of them is retiring. The current Congress is the most diverse yet thanks mostly to Democrats considering that 90% of non-white members of Congress are Democrats and only 10% are Republican. But go ahead and make a token out of the new Kentucky AG if that makes you feel good. In reality, you've got a lot of catching up to do.
I don't vote for people based in their race. I'm a conservative. I voted for Cameron based on his views, not his skin color.

Let me know if you're having trouble understanding this. Liberals like to vote for people for their skin and/or genitals.

Of course conservatives don't vote for people based on there race what else could explain a party of white people having a vast, vast majority of white politicians?
So, you recognize the bigotry of the Democratic Party -- but you blame Republicans for it.

You can just run along now, Skippy.

I blame the Repubs for their own bigotry, the Dems own their own. There is not an innocent party in this regards.
Needing coffee is never wrong;
However there is no "racist party", since racism is not a political ideal but a social construct. Hate to be your history teacher for free, but racism needs no party and predates parties by literally centuries. So, nice froth-at-the-mouth fantasy, but utter bullshit.

true but the dems have been the party with the most racist [sic] in it for centuries,,and have based their platform on it,,,

Kinda makes this hard to explain then donut....


What was that event called again? I can't remember.
Something like "Cleft the Left"? Nah, that's not it

Oh and btw the "Dems" haven't even existed yet for "centuries". As I said, utter bullshit, and you did just that.
Patio torches. Terrifying.

Not just "patio torches" --- Tiki torches. Is there even a gheyer word than "Tiki"?

Actually the pic isn't of ghey torches. It's of the faces of ghey bigots.
I agree they're bigots. We probably differ quite a bit on the estimation of their influence in and acceptance by the GOP, however.

Actually the point was that they're unlikely to be, as the poster I quoted calls them, "dems [sic]"

Unless he can make that case, and I don't expect he will since after three days we're still waiting for his "weeping and gnashing teeth [sic]" people.
Last edited:
The oddity of a black Republican is so rare, it is worth a lot of hulabaloo from the racist Republicans to tout their token negro. :lol:

There are literally only 2 black Republicans in Congress and one of them is retiring. They truly are the party of tokenism.
Weird how there were no black Democrats running for statewide office in Kentucky, huh?

Weird how there are currently 56 black politicians in Congress and only 2 of them are Republican and one of them is retiring. The current Congress is the most diverse yet thanks mostly to Democrats considering that 90% of non-white members of Congress are Democrats and only 10% are Republican. But go ahead and make a token out of the new Kentucky AG if that makes you feel good. In reality, you've got a lot of catching up to do.
I don't vote for people based in their race. I'm a conservative. I voted for Cameron based on his views, not his skin color.

Let me know if you're having trouble understanding this. Liberals like to vote for people for their skin and/or genitals.

Of course conservatives don't vote for people based on there race what else could explain a party of white people having a vast, vast majority of white politicians?
Ooooh, and I bet you thought you had a point, too.

As KY's AG election showed, conservatives vote for people whose beliefs align with theirs.
So, you recognize the bigotry of the Democratic Party -- but you blame Republicans for it.

You can just run along now, Skippy.

I blame the Repubs for their own bigotry, the Dems own their own. There is not an innocent party in this regards.
Did that hurt to say?

If you have to be browbeaten to condemn something, you don't really condemn it.
true but the dems have been the party with the most racist [sic] in it for centuries,,and have based their platform on it,,,

Kinda makes this hard to explain then donut....


What was that event called again? I can't remember.
Something like "Cleft the Left"? Nah, that's not it

Oh and btw the "Dems" haven't even existed yet for "centuries". As I said, utter bullshit, and you did just that.
Patio torches. Terrifying.

Not just "patio torches" --- Tiki torches. Is there even a gheyer word than "Tiki"?

Actually the pic isn't of ghey torches. It's of the faces of ghey bigots.
I agree they're bigots. We probably differ quite a bit on the estimation of their influence in and acceptance by the GOP, however.

Actually the point was that they're unlikely to be, as the poster I quoted calls them, "dems [sic]"

Unless he can make that case, and I don't expect he will since after three days we're still waiting for his "weeping and gnashing teeth" people.
You do have a point. Openly racist Democrats tend to be non-white.
So, you recognize the bigotry of the Democratic Party -- but you blame Republicans for it.

You can just run along now, Skippy.

I blame the Repubs for their own bigotry, the Dems own their own. There is not an innocent party in this regards.
Did that hurt to say?

If you have to be browbeaten to condemn something, you don't really condemn it.

i have been saying it my whole time on this forum, do try and keep up next time
Kinda makes this hard to explain then donut....


What was that event called again? I can't remember.
Something like "Cleft the Left"? Nah, that's not it

Oh and btw the "Dems" haven't even existed yet for "centuries". As I said, utter bullshit, and you did just that.
Patio torches. Terrifying.

Not just "patio torches" --- Tiki torches. Is there even a gheyer word than "Tiki"?

Actually the pic isn't of ghey torches. It's of the faces of ghey bigots.
I agree they're bigots. We probably differ quite a bit on the estimation of their influence in and acceptance by the GOP, however.

Actually the point was that they're unlikely to be, as the poster I quoted calls them, "dems [sic]"

Unless he can make that case, and I don't expect he will since after three days we're still waiting for his "weeping and gnashing teeth" people.
You do have a point. Openly racist Democrats tend to be non-white.

I wouldn't know. I don't see color. :dunno:
There are literally only 2 black Republicans in Congress and one of them is retiring. They truly are the party of tokenism.
Weird how there were no black Democrats running for statewide office in Kentucky, huh?

Weird how there are currently 56 black politicians in Congress and only 2 of them are Republican and one of them is retiring. The current Congress is the most diverse yet thanks mostly to Democrats considering that 90% of non-white members of Congress are Democrats and only 10% are Republican. But go ahead and make a token out of the new Kentucky AG if that makes you feel good. In reality, you've got a lot of catching up to do.
I don't vote for people based in their race. I'm a conservative. I voted for Cameron based on his views, not his skin color.

Let me know if you're having trouble understanding this. Liberals like to vote for people for their skin and/or genitals.

Of course conservatives don't vote for people based on there race what else could explain a party of white people having a vast, vast majority of white politicians?
Ooooh, and I bet you thought you had a point, too.

As KY's AG election showed, conservatives vote for people whose beliefs align with theirs.

Let'f face it, Republicans elect poc at a much lower percentage than they represent in our population. And on the very rare occasion a black Republican is elected they are immediately tokenized such as the OP in this thread.
So, you recognize the bigotry of the Democratic Party -- but you blame Republicans for it.

You can just run along now, Skippy.

I blame the Repubs for their own bigotry, the Dems own their own. There is not an innocent party in this regards.
Did that hurt to say?

If you have to be browbeaten to condemn something, you don't really condemn it.

i have been saying it my whole time on this forum, do try and keep up next time
Odd how I seem to have missed it your whole time on this forum. Oh, well.
Patio torches. Terrifying.

Not just "patio torches" --- Tiki torches. Is there even a gheyer word than "Tiki"?

Actually the pic isn't of ghey torches. It's of the faces of ghey bigots.
I agree they're bigots. We probably differ quite a bit on the estimation of their influence in and acceptance by the GOP, however.

Actually the point was that they're unlikely to be, as the poster I quoted calls them, "dems [sic]"

Unless he can make that case, and I don't expect he will since after three days we're still waiting for his "weeping and gnashing teeth" people.
You do have a point. Openly racist Democrats tend to be non-white.

I wouldn't know. I don't see color. :dunno:
Uh huh.
Republicans have always been desperate to be seen voting for blacks.

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