Kerry: US Will Sign UN Arms Treaty

A. (from your own link, btw): The treaty would require countries that ratify it to establish national regulations to control the transfer of conventional arms and components and to regulate arms brokers, but it will not explicitly control the domestic use of weapons in any country.

B. Treaties with foreign nations cannot override the constitution. It's in the constitution.

Exactly - the opposition stems from the NRA hierarchy who make millions out of arming child soldiers around the world.

Heaven forbid that people would not be able to make money by arming terrorists!

Do you honestly think that it will do what it says it will? Or will liberals use this as a platform for more gun regulations here in the United States? Sigh.
Who doesn't support this treaty other than those nations like Iran and North Korea?

Syria,anyway (dark brown)

Russia and China abstain (yellow)

blue = absent

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Easily. I have this saved on my hard drive for people just like you.

Name: Barack Hussein Obama

Born: August 4, 1961, Honolulu, Hawaii

Profession: Community Organizer

Obama Administration Position:
44th and 45th President of the United States
Constitutional Transgression(s), Oath Violation(s):

1. Invaded Libya, Yemen, Sudan, Uganda and Pakistan without prior Congressional approval. (Article 1, Section 8)

2. Killed Americans without Due Process rights. (14th Amendment, Section 1)

3. Issued Soviet-style order to Catholic and other faith-based institutions to violate their beliefs and provide insurance covering abortifacients, contraceptives and sterilizations. (1st Amendment)

4. Appointed agency "czars" without approval from the Senate. (Article II, Section 2)

5. Made illegal recess appointments. (Article II, Section 2)

6. Forced Americans into a colossal monstrosity known as Obamacare, insisting it was a tax, and ruled a tax by the Supreme Court. (Article I, Section 8)

7. Refuses to enforce laws faithfully, for lack of will or preference. (Article II, Section 3)

8. Stonewalled Fast and Furious investigation. (Contempt of Congress)

9. Did not prosecute two New Black Panther members for intimidating voters at a Pennsylvania polling place. (14th and 15th Amendments)

10. Allowed the FCC to enact "net neutrality" protocols, later stuck down by lower court. (1st Amendment)

11. Sued Arizona in 2010 for upholding Federal law. (10th Amendment)

12. Upon swearing to "preserve, protect and defend the Constitution" he gives a foreign (Felipe Calderon) leader a platform to denounce an American state. Upon swearing that oath, he affirms the the States are part of the United States and no other foreign state by default.

13. Allowed the NLRB to sue Boeing for not setting up it's plant in a Right-to-work state, upon Union objections. Nowhere in the Constitution does it say that the Federal Government call tell businesses where to operate.

14. Signed Dodd-Frank into law. (5th and 14th Amendment; Article 2, Section 2, Clause 2)

15. 9/11 Responders Relief Fund (Article 1, Section 8)

16. Accepted Chairmanship of the UN Security Council. (Article 1, Section 9)

17. Instituted Cap and Trade (Article 1, Section 8)

18. Cash for Clunkers (Article 1, Sections 2 and 8)

19. TARP funding (Article 1, Section 8)

20. Failed to protect the border. (Article 4, Section 4)

21. Has planned to enter into a treaty with a foreign power without a two thirds vote from the Senate (Article II, Section 2, Clause 2)

Yes, you're wrong.

Crikey, that is quite a list!
Do you have the Supreme Court decision numbers for any of those?
It would be interesting to understand how their opinions were formulated.

It would be, if you could bring a case against him. But our government has grown so big, so oppressive, and so corrupt, it makes it quite hard to bring a case, or hold him accountable for his actions. You just don't bring up a Supreme Court case each and every time the president violates the Constitution. You know hes done it, he has made no effort to hide his behavior on all but a few issues.

The list is a compilation of many hours of due diligent research. Studying to be a paralegal will have that effect.

Ah, so it's your opinion that your list represents violations of the Constitution.
Well, you're entitled to that of course, it's still a free country...until Obama tramples all over that as well I suppose.
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Crikey, that is quite a list!
Do you have the Supreme Court decision numbers for any of those?
It would be interesting to understand how their opinions were formulated.

It would be, if you could bring a case against him. But our government has grown so big, so oppressive, and so corrupt, it makes it quite hard to bring a case, or hold him accountable for his actions. You just don't bring up a Supreme Court case each and every time the president violates the Constitution. You know hes done it, he has made no effort to hide his behavior on all but a few issues.

The list is a compilation of many hours of due diligent research. Studying to be a paralegal will have that effect.

Ah, so it's your opinion that your list represents violations of the Constitution.
Well, you're entitled to that of course, it's still a free country...until Obama tramples all over that as well I suppose.

It is simple observational analysis. Connecting the dots, as it were. I can't help it that some people are unable or unwilling to make such a connection. You would much rather follow the man off a cliff if you could rather than acknowledge his faults. You fail to grasp the complexities of our justice system.
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Who doesn't support this treaty other than those nations like Iran and North Korea?

And you say you're a Republican? Man I hate liars.

I am a registered Republican and have voted for the last two Republican Presidential nominees. I also casted a vote for my current Repub governor. I was simply pointing out the irony that these backwards nations oppose this treaty as well as the backwards sub-culture that brews in the GOP.

Most people on this board will tell you that the only thing worse than a liberal to me is a radical fringe conservative. A.K.A the NRA. I believe these people are the greatest determent to the longevity of the GOP and unfortunately a lot of this board is made up of those people. My political affiliation does not stop at the (R) next to my name, unlike many others it goes a little deeper than that.
Templar -

Do you really think 145 million gun owners support North Korea and Iran?

I think not.

Very few Americans support terror, IMO.
Templar -

Do you really think 145 million gun owners support North Korea and Iran?

I think not.

Very few Americans support terror, IMO.

For some reason gun advocates seem to think that they should all hold the same opinion on firearms issues...that they should all flock sheep...'sheeple' if you will....
Who doesn't support this treaty other than those nations like Iran and North Korea?

And you say you're a Republican? Man I hate liars.

I am a registered Republican and have voted for the last two Republican Presidential nominees. I also casted a vote for my current Repub governor. I was simply pointing out the irony that these backwards nations oppose this treaty as well as the backwards sub-culture that brews in the GOP.

Most people on this board will tell you that the only thing worse than a liberal to me is a radical fringe conservative. A.K.A the NRA. I believe these people are the greatest determent to the longevity of the GOP and unfortunately a lot of this board is made up of those people. My political affiliation does not stop at the (R) next to my name, unlike many others it goes a little deeper than that.
Jake, is that you???
Who doesn't support this treaty other than those nations like Iran and North Korea?

And you say you're a Republican? Man I hate liars.

I am a registered Republican and have voted for the last two Republican Presidential nominees. I also cast a vote for my current Repub governor. I was simply pointing out the irony that these backwards nations oppose this treaty as well as the backwards sub-culture that brews in the GOP.

Most people on this board will tell you that the only thing worse than a liberal to me is a radical fringe conservative. A.K.A the NRA. I believe these people are the greatest determent to the longevity of the GOP and unfortunately a lot of this board is made up of those people. My political affiliation does not stop at the (R) next to my name, unlike many others it goes a little deeper than that.

But then you advocate a woman's right to "choose" on another thread, then you come here advocating advancements on the rights of law abiding gun owners? You can vote for a Republican, but that doesn't automatically make you one. You are willing to let the President further violate the boundaries of his power by signing a treaty without approval from the Senate? Anyone who advocates government excess is either a progressive or a liberal. And how did you vote for McCain in 2008? You would have been only 17 years of age on Super Tuesday of that year. That is only unless you were to turn 18 by election day, or you turned 18 on or before Super Tuesday of course.

My political affiliation changed from far right conservative to Conservative Libertarian in little less than a year, because it wasn't "fringe conservatism" that served as the detriment to the party, it was the unwillingness of the party to find common ground. A party cannot succeed when it so oft divided. Your language tells me that your attitudes towards others of your own party serve as the detriment. This country suffers from the same via the two party system. I merely see the partisan macrocosm existing within GOP as a great example of what goes on between Democrats and Republicans on a daily basis. Therefore I chose to disabuse myself from it.

"A house divided against itself cannot stand."

-Abraham Lincoln, Republican

Maybe if Republicans were more united, as the name of our country implies, perhaps I would reconsider, but when I hear of people like you willing to give up the core values of their party for the sake of progress, that time isn't now. You can compromise without giving up what you truly believe in. However, you breed derision within the GOP when you refer to people in your party with slightly different viewpoints as a "backwards subculture." I refuse to take part in such behavior. Perhaps if there were more grownups instead of politicians in the Republican party, I would reconsider. But not before.
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Who doesn't support this treaty other than those nations like Iran and North Korea?

And you say you're a Republican? Man I hate liars.

I am a registered Republican and have voted for the last two Republican Presidential nominees. I also casted a vote for my current Repub governor. I was simply pointing out the irony that these backwards nations oppose this treaty as well as the backwards sub-culture that brews in the GOP.

Most people on this board will tell you that the only thing worse than a liberal to me is a radical fringe conservative. A.K.A the NRA. I believe these people are the greatest determent to the longevity of the GOP and unfortunately a lot of this board is made up of those people. My political affiliation does not stop at the (R) next to my name, unlike many others it goes a little deeper than that.

You're a fucked up left leaning rino. Leave my god damn party you fucking piece of shit.
And you say you're a Republican? Man I hate liars.

I am a registered Republican and have voted for the last two Republican Presidential nominees. I also casted a vote for my current Repub governor. I was simply pointing out the irony that these backwards nations oppose this treaty as well as the backwards sub-culture that brews in the GOP.

Most people on this board will tell you that the only thing worse than a liberal to me is a radical fringe conservative. A.K.A the NRA. I believe these people are the greatest determent to the longevity of the GOP and unfortunately a lot of this board is made up of those people. My political affiliation does not stop at the (R) next to my name, unlike many others it goes a little deeper than that.

You're a fucked up left leaning rino. Leave my god damn party you fucking piece of shit.

I wondered when you'd turn up bigrednec.
Mentioning guns in a thread is like burley in the water to you.
I am a registered Republican and have voted for the last two Republican Presidential nominees. I also casted a vote for my current Repub governor. I was simply pointing out the irony that these backwards nations oppose this treaty as well as the backwards sub-culture that brews in the GOP.

Most people on this board will tell you that the only thing worse than a liberal to me is a radical fringe conservative. A.K.A the NRA. I believe these people are the greatest determent to the longevity of the GOP and unfortunately a lot of this board is made up of those people. My political affiliation does not stop at the (R) next to my name, unlike many others it goes a little deeper than that.

You're a fucked up left leaning rino. Leave my god damn party you fucking piece of shit.

I wondered when you'd turn up bigrednec.
Mentioning guns in a thread is like burley in the water to you.

I protect my tools from thieves like you.
I am a registered Republican and have voted for the last two Republican Presidential nominees. I also casted a vote for my current Repub governor. I was simply pointing out the irony that these backwards nations oppose this treaty as well as the backwards sub-culture that brews in the GOP.

Most people on this board will tell you that the only thing worse than a liberal to me is a radical fringe conservative. A.K.A the NRA. I believe these people are the greatest determent to the longevity of the GOP and unfortunately a lot of this board is made up of those people. My political affiliation does not stop at the (R) next to my name, unlike many others it goes a little deeper than that.

You're a fucked up left leaning rino. Leave my god damn party you fucking piece of shit.

I wondered when you'd turn up bigrednec.
Mentioning guns in a thread is like burley in the water to you.

As opposed to a liberal like you:


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