Kerry: US Will Sign UN Arms Treaty

You're a fucked up left leaning rino. Leave my god damn party you fucking piece of shit.

I wondered when you'd turn up bigrednec.
Mentioning guns in a thread is like burley in the water to you.

As opposed to a liberal like you:


He's what American liberals strive to be, why is something I'll never understand.
Templar -

Do you really think 145 million gun owners support North Korea and Iran?

I think not.

Very few Americans support terror, IMO.

For someone who is well read, you weren't paying attention. There are that many HERE IN AMERICA!

Yes, I know that is what you meant.

And why do you think they support terrorist states like Iran and North Korea?
Templar -

Do you really think 145 million gun owners support North Korea and Iran?

I think not.

Very few Americans support terror, IMO.

For someone who is well read, you weren't paying attention. There are that many HERE IN AMERICA!

Yes, I know that is what you meant.

And why do you think they support terrorist states like Iran and North Korea?

And where do you get such a notion? Please, stop. Calling people terrorists for not supporting a "treaty" is out of line.
And where do you get such a notion? Please, stop. Calling people terrorists for not supporting a "treaty" is out of line.

Do Iran, Syria and North Korea support terror? (Yes)

Is the NRA on the same side in this debate as those countries? (Yes)

Ergo, does the NRA support Iran, Syria and North Korea in this topic? (Apparently, yes.)
And where do you get such a notion? Please, stop. Calling people terrorists for not supporting a "treaty" is out of line.

Do Iran, Syria and North Korea support terror? (Yes)

Is the NRA on the same side in this debate as those countries? (Yes)

Ergo, does the NRA support Iran, Syria and North Korea in this topic? (Apparently, yes.)

Apparently you support stereotyping people. The NRA takes the same stance for completely different reasons as opposed to Iran, Syria and North Korea. So is this all you have? Equating NRA members to terrorists? Are you that desperate? The Senate already said no, why can't you liberals accept that? For once they DID their job.
And where do you get such a notion? Please, stop. Calling people terrorists for not supporting a "treaty" is out of line.

Do Iran, Syria and North Korea support terror? (Yes)

Is the NRA on the same side in this debate as those countries? (Yes)

Ergo, does the NRA support Iran, Syria and North Korea in this topic? (Apparently, yes.)
Stupid post from a stupid poster. That's like saying that because both Christians and muslims are against abortion, Christians must support Islamic terrorism.
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And where do you get such a notion? Please, stop. Calling people terrorists for not supporting a "treaty" is out of line.

Do Iran, Syria and North Korea support terror? (Yes)

Is the NRA on the same side in this debate as those countries? (Yes)

Ergo, does the NRA support Iran, Syria and North Korea in this topic? (Apparently, yes.)

Apparently you support stereotyping people. The NRA takes the same stance for completely different reasons as opposed to Iran, Syria and North Korea. So is this all you have? Equating NRA members to terrorists? Are you that desperate? The Senate already said no, why can't you liberals accept that? For once they DID their job.

I'm not desperate at all, and I consider my points here not only valid, but self-explanatory.

The NRA's stance is the same as, and made for much the same reasons as Iran. The only difference is that Iran needs to buy guns, and the NRA leaders want to sell guns.
And where do you get such a notion? Please, stop. Calling people terrorists for not supporting a "treaty" is out of line.

Do Iran, Syria and North Korea support terror? (Yes)

Is the NRA on the same side in this debate as those countries? (Yes)

Ergo, does the NRA support Iran, Syria and North Korea in this topic? (Apparently, yes.)
Stupid post from a stupid poster. That's like saying that because both Christians and muslims are against abortion, Christians must support Islamic terrorism.

No, it isn't the same at all - there is no link between terror and abortion. The NRA, Syria, North Korea and Iran all survive by trading weapons.

Do you know how many members of the board of the NRA earn money directly from sales of arms and ammunition to rogue states and terrorists?

Some of the biggest terror groups in the world, and clear enemies of the US, use US-made weapons.

The NRA profit from that.

Feel free to prove otherwise.
A. (from your own link, btw): The treaty would require countries that ratify it to establish national regulations to control the transfer of conventional arms and components and to regulate arms brokers, but it will not explicitly control the domestic use of weapons in any country.

B. Treaties with foreign nations cannot override the constitution. It's in the constitution.

It is making treaties with other foreign nations, which they may only do "by and with advice and consent from the Senate," and "provided two thirds of the Senators present concur." So says Article II, Section 2, Clause 2 of the Constitution. So that is also irrelevant.

How do you liberals sit there and say "we aren't advocating infringement of a constitutional right" but then later on sit there and passively support such things? This kind of double standard is admittedly beyond any comprehension of mine.

Please provide evidence the ATT would infringe on the Second Amendment.

You see, SAYING it does and PROVING it does are two different things. Any retard can SAY it does. The more stupid of the retard clan just parrot what they have heard from others.

Repeating a bogus claim over and over again does not create truth.

I've been waiting and waiting and waiting for that evidence.

You have none.
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For someone who is well read, you weren't paying attention. There are that many HERE IN AMERICA!

Yes, I know that is what you meant.

And why do you think they support terrorist states like Iran and North Korea?

And where do you get such a notion? Please, stop. Calling people terrorists for not supporting a "treaty" is out of line.

You are supporting terrorists and state sponsors of terror by opposing this treaty, retard.
A lot of smoke has been thrown up in this topic to conceal the very simple fact that the idiots opposing this treaty have NO EVIDENCE to support their claim it violates the Second Amendment.

This is a classic ipse dixit fallacy. Textbook.

They heard this manufactured bullshit a year ago, before the treaty was even available to the public. They were front-loaded with this bullshit claim by those who stand to lose money by the treaty.

And now they just repeat the claim over and over, and throw up a LOT of smoke to conceal their lack of evidence. It does not bother them in the slightest that by their support and the support of their retard Congressmen, they are perpetuating the international trade in arms which make their way to terrorists and terror states.

The retards are responsible for the blood of innocents being spilled. That's what their retardation has finally come to. Their idiotic, paranoid, completely bogus fantasies which they happily slurped down from their piss pouring masters are resulting in innocent men, women, and children being slaughtered.

Most have not even bothered to read the treaty to this day.
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Kerry would sell our country out just like he did the military he served with..

honor to our country is not in him..but a traitor is

His appointment for Sec. of defense was their way to spit in our face by this administration.
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