Kevin McCarthy Vows To Subpoena 51 Deep State Intelligence Agents Who Stated Hunter Biden Laptop Was Likely Russian Election Interference

It’s not fascism because it’s a fantasy.

The government was working with social media to combat foreign meddling and disinformation into our election system.

Your media is whipping you into a frenzy based on false allegations.
The NY Post isnt a foreign govt…in fact it’s one of rhe oldest papers in the country, founded by Alexander Hamilton…how as a founding father…i can see how he’s considered foreign to you demafasict
The NY Post isnt a foreign govt…in fact it’s one of rhe oldest papers in the country, founded by Alexander Hamilton…how as a founding father…i can see how he’s considered foreign to you demafasict
The DoJ didn’t tell social media to do anything about the NY Post.

Another fail. Does it get old loser?
The irony of this, is that it was actually the US intelligence, US social media companies, and US mainstream media which colluded in a misinformation campaign in order to influence the elections by censoring Conservative viewpoints and suppressing any negative information on the Bidens.

The media used this misleading and inaccurate letter to justify not covering factual developments the American people had a right to know about. Don't forget, they actually banned the NY Post for posting the true information!

McCarthy vows subpoenas for 51 intel-agents who signed letter saying Hunter laptop story was Russian collusion - as part four of Twitter Files reveal pressure from Michelle Obama to ban Trump​

  • Presumed future House Speaker Kevin McCarthy said that he will subpoena the 51 intelligence officials who signaled the Hunter laptop story was fake
  • In the days prior to the 2020 election, intel community officials including former CIA and DIA heads, said the laptop appeared to be Russian disinformation
  • McCarthy's promise arrives as more information about Twitter's internal communications seeking to ban former President Trump come to light
  • In recent days, the Twitter Files have illustrated how senior executives at the online platform worked in the time around the last election to aid Democrats
During a Fox interview over the weekend, McCarthy - who will likely become the lower chamber's next leader - said Republicans, under his leadership, will 'bring the (the intelligence agents) before committee' and ask them 'why did they lie to the American public?'

'Those 51 intel agents that signed a letter that said the Hunter Biden information was all wrong - was Russia collusion - many of them have a security clearance,' he said.

'Why did they sign it?' he asked. 'A Clapper, a Brennan? Why did you use the reputation that America was able to give to you more information, but use it for a political purpose and lie to the American public.'

They have the right to free speech. The Congress does not have the right to harass them. The DOJ should tell Republicans that they will not support this harassment and thewy will bring no cases against them.
The NY Post isnt a foreign govt…in fact it’s one of rhe oldest papers in the country, founded by Alexander Hamilton…how as a founding father…i can see how he’s considered foreign to you demafasict

The NY Post is nothing but right wing nuts. Maybe the staffers who refused to take the byline should testify as to why they did that.
The DoJ didn’t tell social media to do anything about the NY Post.

Another fail. Does it get old loser?
i don’t know…the twitter files seem to suggest otherwise…those weekly meetings…we shall see after a full probe
The NY Post is nothing but right wing nuts. Maybe the staffers who refused to take the byline should testify as to why they did that.
not surprised a demafasict is calling Alexander hamilton’s a nut

and wants to attack the reporters at his paper…what other american institutions are on your chopping block?
If your gonna Deep State do it correctly.

Republican Inquiry Finds No Evidence of Wrongdoing by Biden › U.S. › Politics

Nov 7, 2020 — Biden Jr. and his son, Hunter, involving Ukraine found no evidence of improper influence or wrongdoing by the former vice president, closing out ...
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Let them off..

This isn't about Hunter's Laptop this is about investigating until they find something... White water yielded Monica, Bhengazi yielded Emails...

They know there is nothing in Hunter Laptop which would even get prosecutor busy for an afternoon... It is about feeding red meat to the base...

Saying that Hunter is a bit of a basket case and has used his name to open doors and taken no show jobs, the Obama Admin was not happy with Hunter taking the Ukraine job. They will try and use him against his father...
Democrats should be very clear, is it open season on families? This would mean separate congressional investigations on all politicians families even if they are not in or have no connection to the government...
If they want to open that, good luck to them. Nothing like GOP to set new lows...
Democrats just concentrate on getting things done...
Wow great.

For the first time ever, we'll see some names attached to the mythical "deep state" you guys have been talking about for over a decade.
When the fake and infamous Russian Dossier was released, I read it in full. I thought, my gosh, this thing is so ridiculous, it's obviously a piece of fiction which no one who reads could possibly believe. Yet, it was blasted all over the media for months, and our "intelligence" agencies continued to give it credibility.

When the Hunter laptop files were released, I reviewed them until I got nauceous. I thought, my gosh, it's so obvious all of this is real. Yet the mainstream media didn't cover it all, and it was censored on social media, using the "intelligence" community's vague and speculative assessment as justification in part. And now they all acknowledge it was true.

The Deep State is alive and well.
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not surprised a demafasict is calling Alexander hamilton’s a nut

and wants to attack the reporters at his paper…what other american institutions are on your chopping block?

You loon, no one is calling Hamilton a nut. He's long gone and Rupert Murdoch owns it now. Murdoch is the nut in question, not Hamilton.
When the fake and infamous Russian Dossier was released, I read it in full. I thought, my gosh, this thing is so ridiculous, it's obviously a piece of fiction which no one who reads could possibly believe. Yet, it was blasted all over the media for months, and our "intelligence" agencies continued to give it credibility.

When the Hunter laptop files were released, I reviewed them until I got nauceous. I thought, my gosh, it's so obvious all of this is real. Yet the mainstream media didn't cover it all, and it was censored on social media, using the "intelligence" community's vague and speculative assessment as justification in part.

The Deep State is alive and well.
Cult paranoia and imagination is what's alive and well.
When the fake and infamous Russian Dossier was released, I read it in full. I thought, my gosh, this thing is so ridiculous, it's obviously a piece of fiction which no one who reads could possibly believe. Yet, it was blasted all over the media for months, and our "intelligence" agencies continued to give it credibility.
Sure you did.
When the Hunter laptop files were released, I reviewed them until I got nauceous. I thought, my gosh, it's so obvious all of this is real. Yet the mainstream media didn't cover it all, and it was censored on social media, using the "intelligence" community's vague and speculative assessment as justification in part.
If it was censored, the censors did a bad job of it because it was being shopped around for weeks by Ghouliani and he could only find a Rupert Murdoch tabloid that would agree to publish anything about it.

Even Fox passed on it.

I've still never heard what was on the laptop that was supposedly so "Naucieating".

I do know the cartoonish plot that was concocted to where the President's personal lawyer ends up with an alleged laptop of a political rival is straight out of a Comedy Central plot though.
The Deep State is alive and well.
I'm sure it is in your mind.
They were Hunter's personal emails, did the laptop owner get permission to distribute them to the public?

He may have now owned Hunter's physical laptop as he claims, because it was never picked up, but to claim that made it ok for the computer repair man to then give this personal and financial content of the original owner to the public is beyond unethical imo.

I would hate all of my personal and financial documents and emails put on to the open market....for goodness sake, wouldn't you think we were protected from that?
From the contract Hunter signed (Post 40, Link )

"Equipment left with the Mac Shop after 60 days of completed service will be treated as abandoned and you agree to hold the Mac Shop harmless for any damages or loss of property."


They can legally do whatever they please with abandoned property, and Hunter gave them written authorization to do so.

cc: struth
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haha Congress isn’t part of the Admin…geez did they not teach civics at your middle school?

Apparently they did not teach you any civics. Abusing your authority to get even with your enemies is not a legitimate use of power.
Biden called them "loan guarantees", which means no interest and most of the time they never end up getting paid back.
So it really is more of a bribe than anything else.

And there is no question that Biden is ensuring that the Ukraine illegally fired the head prosecutor Shokin, and later Prosecutor General Iryna Venediktova.
Biden did not have the authority, and it is illegal to fire a Prosecutor General without conviction for a crime, since that is a protected civil service position.
Biden should be prosecuted for that.
Rigby, it's an awful mess.

the problem arises with a two sentence paragraph that was inserted in to this higher education student loan bill, during the Clinton administration.

those two lines said student loans could not be dismissed through bankruptcy, under the hardships all businesses and individuals could declare bankruptcy.

what this did, is give the banks a free reign in loaning more money to a student, than the student could ever afford to pay back. Then Congress instituted a program for students to reduce their monthly payments under hardships conditions, but it was a gift to the banks because what they did was compound the interest in the loan and students who started with $40k in debt, 15 years later of paying the minimum payment, left them with now $120,000 in debt still owed....

These banks can do anything scuzzy they want to these students held hostage, with no way out, and no bankruptcy out. Leaving banks in big heaven with rampant abuse.

This is why student loan cancellation of $10 grand is not the answer, it's a bandaid, not a fix.

The fix would be to remove the ban on bankruptcy, where th would force the banks to be wiser and less abusive and predatory.

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