Kevin McCarthy Vows To Subpoena 51 Deep State Intelligence Agents Who Stated Hunter Biden Laptop Was Likely Russian Election Interference

The FBI was given the data from the faked laptop in early 2020 and the Trump Campaign spent the entire year trying and failing to get the stuff out into the media. Dropping the laptop off at the repair shop seemed like the desperate last attempt of a failed strategy to create yet another fake Republican scandal against the Democrats.

Rudy Gulliani came back from the Ukraine in early 2020 with "evidence" of the Bidens' corruption, which was dismissed as Russian propaganda plants by all American security agencies at the time.

The emergence of some sort of fakery from the GRU was expected because Burisma was hacked in early 2020 by the Russians and a similar hacking preceded Russian attempts to inject fake documents into the French election against President Macron was caught on the eve of that election.

Crackhead Biden dropped the laptop off at the repair shop, not Republicans.

Holy shit you are stupid.
That's the NYT's conclusion, not the report's. The report concludes that it looks shady and needs further investigation...

The records acquired by the Committees also show that Hunter Biden and his family
were involved in a vast financial network that connected them to foreign nationals and foreign
governments across the globe....

Biden and ArcherArcher’s work with Chinese
nationals connected to the Communist regime illustrate the deep financial connections that
accelerated while Joe Biden was v ice p resident and continued after he left office.

The Chairmen’s investigation has faced many obstacles from the minority and from
executive agencies that have failed to comply with document requests. Accordingly, there
remains much work to be done.

The Report - written by a Republican Senate Committee, members of which tried to enter proven Russian propaganda into evidence, wrote a report saying they had found nothing, but it "looked suspicious", which is pretty much what every House and Senate investigation into the Clintons found as well.

At the least, these 51 fascist cockroaches need to be humiliated in front of the whole Nation!!

"Fascist cockroaches"???? Humiliated???? Does this sound like it has ANYTHING to do with national security, or sound governance here? It's all about name calling and being in control of who is being humiliated in the public square?????

Get your head out of your ass and start living in the real world. Your nation has REAL problems to address, and your macho boy schemes of "owning the libs" are leading your country into anarchy and chaos.
"Fascist cockroaches"???? Humiliated???? Does this sound like it has ANYTHING to do with national security, or sound governance here? It's all about name calling and being in control of who is being humiliated in the public square?????

Get your head out of your ass and start living in the real world. Your nation has REAL problems to address, and your macho boy schemes of "owning the libs" are leading your country into anarchy and chaos.

Too bad that they won't be pilloried on the Washington mall and have the public pelt them with rotten fruit and vegetables!!
The irony of this, is that it was actually the US intelligence, US social media companies, and US mainstream media which colluded in a misinformation campaign in order to influence the elections by censoring Conservative viewpoints and suppressing any negative information on the Bidens.

The media used this misleading and inaccurate letter to justify not covering factual developments the American people had a right to know about. Don't forget, they actually banned the NY Post for posting the true information!

McCarthy vows subpoenas for 51 intel-agents who signed letter saying Hunter laptop story was Russian collusion - as part four of Twitter Files reveal pressure from Michelle Obama to ban Trump​

  • Presumed future House Speaker Kevin McCarthy said that he will subpoena the 51 intelligence officials who signaled the Hunter laptop story was fake
  • In the days prior to the 2020 election, intel community officials including former CIA and DIA heads, said the laptop appeared to be Russian disinformation
  • McCarthy's promise arrives as more information about Twitter's internal communications seeking to ban former President Trump come to light
  • In recent days, the Twitter Files have illustrated how senior executives at the online platform worked in the time around the last election to aid Democrats
During a Fox interview over the weekend, McCarthy - who will likely become the lower chamber's next leader - said Republicans, under his leadership, will 'bring the (the intelligence agents) before committee' and ask them 'why did they lie to the American public?'

'Those 51 intel agents that signed a letter that said the Hunter Biden information was all wrong - was Russia collusion - many of them have a security clearance,' he said.

'Why did they sign it?' he asked. 'A Clapper, a Brennan? Why did you use the reputation that America was able to give to you more information, but use it for a political purpose and lie to the American public.'

Let him. This sort of embarrassing behavior will only drum up more votes against the GOP.
The NYT says nothing to see here? Imagine that! :)

The report did not even address 10% for The Big Guy!


The investigation found that Hunter Biden had “cashed in” on his father’s name to close lucrative business deals around the world. It also concluded that his work for Burisma Holdings, a Ukrainian energy company then mired in a corruption scandal, while the former vice president was directing American policy toward Kyiv had given the appearance of a conflict of interest and alarmed some State Department officials.

...over the course of the next several years, Hunter Biden and Devon Archer were paid
millions of dollars from a corrupt Ukrainian oligarch for their participation on the board.

Hunter Biden
was not the only Biden who cashed in on Joe Biden’s v ice p residency

In addition to the over $4 million paid by Burisma for Hunter Biden ’s and Archer’s board
membership s Hunter Biden his family, and Archer received millions of dollars from
foreign nationals with questionable backgrounds.

Archer received $142,300 from Kenges Rakishev of Kazakhstan purportedly for a car
the same day Vice President Joe Biden appeared with Ukrainian Prime Minister Arsemy
Yasenyuk and addressed Ukrainian legislators in Kyiv regarding Russia’s actions in

Hunter Biden received a $3.5 million wire transfer from Elena Baturina, the wife of the
former mayor of Moscow.

Hunter Biden opened a bank account with Gongwen Dong to fund a $100,000 global
spending spree with James Biden and Sara Biden

Hunter Biden had business associations with Ye Jianming, Gongwen Dong, and other
Chinese nationals linked to the Communist government and the People’s Liberation
Army. Those associations resulted in millions of dollars in cash flow.

Hunter Biden paid non resident women who were nationals of Russia or other Eastern
European countries and who appear to be linked t o an “Eastern European p rostitution or
human trafficking ring.

In 2016, UkraineUkraine’s top prosecutor, Viktor Shokin, had an active and ongoing
investigation into Burisma and its owner, Mykola Zlochevsky. 10 At the time, Archer and Hunter
Biden continued to se rve on BurismaBurisma’s b oard of d irectors According to news reports, then Vice President Biden “threatened to withhold $1 billion in United States loan guarantees if Ukraine’s leaders did not dismiss [ 11 After that threat, UkraineUkraine’s Parliament fired Shokin.

The conclusion of the report is quite different from what the NYT sated...

The Chairmen’s investigation has faced many obstacles from the minority and from
executive agencies that have failed to comply with document requests. Accordingly, there
remains much work to be done.

The senate Republicans said nothing to see here including that duped Jim.

Hunter Biden paid non resident women who were nationals of Russia or other Eastern
European countries and who appear to be linked t o an “Eastern European p rostitution or
human trafficking ring.

Spread the wealth I always say.
The irony of this, is that it was actually the US intelligence, US social media companies, and US mainstream media which colluded in a misinformation campaign in order to influence the elections by censoring Conservative viewpoints and suppressing any negative information on the Bidens.

The media used this misleading and inaccurate letter to justify not covering factual developments the American people had a right to know about. Don't forget, they actually banned the NY Post for posting the true information!

McCarthy vows subpoenas for 51 intel-agents who signed letter saying Hunter laptop story was Russian collusion - as part four of Twitter Files reveal pressure from Michelle Obama to ban Trump​

  • Presumed future House Speaker Kevin McCarthy said that he will subpoena the 51 intelligence officials who signaled the Hunter laptop story was fake
  • In the days prior to the 2020 election, intel community officials including former CIA and DIA heads, said the laptop appeared to be Russian disinformation
  • McCarthy's promise arrives as more information about Twitter's internal communications seeking to ban former President Trump come to light
  • In recent days, the Twitter Files have illustrated how senior executives at the online platform worked in the time around the last election to aid Democrats
During a Fox interview over the weekend, McCarthy - who will likely become the lower chamber's next leader - said Republicans, under his leadership, will 'bring the (the intelligence agents) before committee' and ask them 'why did they lie to the American public?'

'Those 51 intel agents that signed a letter that said the Hunter Biden information was all wrong - was Russia collusion - many of them have a security clearance,' he said.

'Why did they sign it?' he asked. 'A Clapper, a Brennan? Why did you use the reputation that America was able to give to you more information, but use it for a political purpose and lie to the American public.'

Wow great.

For the first time ever, we'll see some names attached to the mythical "deep state" you guys have been talking about for over a decade.
Wow great.

For the first time ever, we'll see some names attached to the mythical "deep state" you guys have been talking about for over a decade.

Why doesn't it bother you that ALL 50+ "senior intelligence officials" got it completely wrong on the laptop? How did they ALL come to the conclusion that it was "Russian disinformation"? Our so-called "intelligence officials" are batting absolutely fucking ZERO on this, and you're fine with it. That's sad.
Why doesn't it bother you that ALL 50+ "senior intelligence officials" got it completely wrong on the laptop?
I'm not so sure they did get it (I'll expand later on).
How did they ALL come to the conclusion that it was "Russian disinformation"?
Russian disinformation sounds incorrect to me. The Russians would have done much better on this.

Disinformation--mostly if not totally made up? Definitely. Clumsily and silly...FOX didn't even want a part of this
Our so-called "intelligence officials" are batting absolutely fucking ZERO on this, and you're fine with it. That's sad.
Trump's administration was riddled with political appointments and when you continuously appoint people based on sometimes get poor work product.
I see our resident Biden cultists are more than happy to accept that ALL 50+ "senior intelligence officials" got this story wrong. That level of incompetence is stunning.
That's not at all true.

What do you base that on?
I'm not so sure they did get it (I'll expand later on).

Russian disinformation sounds incorrect to me. The Russians would have done much better on this.

Disinformation--mostly if not totally made up? Definitely. Clumsily and silly...FOX didn't even want a part of this

Trump's administration was riddled with political appointments and when you continuously appoint people based on sometimes get poor work product.
Mix Russian disinfo and Drunk Roody...and this is what you get
Why doesn't it bother you that ALL 50+ "senior intelligence officials" got it completely wrong on the laptop? How did they ALL come to the conclusion that it was "Russian disinformation"? Our so-called "intelligence officials" are batting absolutely fucking ZERO on this, and you're fine with it. That's sad.
Because Giuliani was sent to the Ukraine to dig up dirt on Biden, for the Trump campaign and the intelligence agencies knew Giuliani was working with Russian Ukrainian operatives and Russian oligarch sympathizers to create the "story" on Shokin being a good guy bull crap, and Burisma was hacked by Russians, and other things Trump's impeachment revealed.....

ALL were aware of Russian sympathizers in the Ukraine that were part of a disinformation campaign, on Biden, for Trump.

So a lap top that is Hunter's dropped off at a computer repair shop, and not picking it up, where the repair man decided to go through the personal records of Hunter's, which is unethical in the computer repair field, and then conveniently this computer repair man was a Trumper, and conveniently found a way to reach Rudy Giuliani, and Giuliani took a call from this stranger and accepted it, and conveniently the computer repair man gave a copy of Hunter's laptop to Giuliani, also highly unethical to say the least.... And then Giuliani takes the laptop and tries like hell to get the press to report on the laptop in October of 2020 as a political campaign's OCTOBER SURPRISE.....

Was all good background to why the Intel agencies were skeptical at the time, along with the rest of us being skeptical and the legitimate press being the Wall Street Journal who Giuliani brought the laptop story to print initially...was skeptical..... Is my understanding.
Because Giuliani was sent to the Ukraine to dig up dirt on Biden, for the Trump campaign and the intelligence agencies knew Giuliani was working with Russian Ukrainian operatives and Russian oligarch sympathizers to create the "story" on Shokin being a good guy bull crap, and Burisma was hacked by Russians, and other things Trump's impeachment revealed.....

ALL were aware of Russian sympathizers in the Ukraine that were part of a disinformation campaign, on Biden, for Trump.

So a lap top that is Hunter's dropped off at a computer repair shop, and not picking it up, where the repair man decided to go through the personal records of Hunter's, which is unethical in the computer repair field, and then conveniently this computer repair man was a Trumper, and conveniently found a way to reach Rudy Giuliani, and Giuliani took a call from this stranger and accepted it, and conveniently the computer repair man gave a copy of Hunter's laptop to Giuliani, also highly unethical to say the least.... And then Giuliani takes the laptop and tries like hell to get the press to report on the laptop in October of 2020 as a political campaign's OCTOBER SURPRISE.....

Was all good background to why the Intel agencies were skeptical at the time, along with the rest of us being skeptical and the legitimate press being the Wall Street Journal who Giuliani brought the laptop story to print initially...was skeptical..... Is my understanding.
And the ONLY evidence I have heard that this is legit is that some 20,000 of the 130,000 emails appear to be real.
And the ONLY evidence I have heard that this is legit is that some 20,000 of the 130,000 emails appear to be real.
Correct! Only about 23000 of the emails have been verified as real, many others were inserted in to his laptop while he owned it and other emails on his laptop were inserted after Hunter allegedly dropped it off, like the 10% for the big guy email....

So, a lot more is going on here that meets the eye and it is still being investigated from what I understand.

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