Kevin McCarthy Vows To Subpoena 51 Deep State Intelligence Agents Who Stated Hunter Biden Laptop Was Likely Russian Election Interference

Lots of links in there as well, in support as sources to read as well.

please read the whole piece, to inform yourself and to answer all of your questions that you may have....

The passages that attempt to claim what you also claimed have ZERO documentation, they are partisan opinions and nothing more.
Every single one of these 50+ "senior intelligence officials" got it wrong, and you're not even willing to ask how such a monumental fuck up happened.
No. They got it right. It had the hallmarks of disinformation.

They never said it was.

They said that we need to verify the laptop before running with it, which is a pretty obvious thing to say.
You must be new on the block and don't understand how loans work.

Biden called them "loan guarantees", which means no interest and most of the time they never end up getting paid back.
So it really is more of a bribe than anything else.

And there is no question that Biden is ensuring that the Ukraine illegally fired the head prosecutor Shokin, and later Prosecutor General Iryna Venediktova.
Biden did not have the authority, and it is illegal to fire a Prosecutor General without conviction for a crime, since that is a protected civil service position.
Biden should be prosecuted for that.
Once again, the right gleefully contemplates making complete fools of themselves by investigating Republican lies and rumours and hoping to find evidence of corruption. 30 years and 25+ investigations of the lies and rumours about the Clintons which produced no charges and cost the taxpayers more than $100 million have taught you NOTHING.

This will ensure a Democratic victory in 2024, so by all means, persecute a sick and fragile man for your own pleasure of watching him squirm. It's so typical of the stupidity of the Republican Party.
If he is sick and fragile, what is he doing trying to be president?

Republican Inquiry Finds No Evidence of Wrongdoing by Biden › U.S. › Politics

Nov 7, 2020 — Biden Jr. and his son, Hunter, involving Ukraine found no evidence of improper influence or wrongdoing by the former vice president, closing out ...
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Hey look everybody! Our board retard thinks the Bidens ARENT corrupt. Has this retard convinced any of you into believing his idiocy?
If Ukraine wants our money they need to address corruption including firing well known corrupt prosecutor.

Makes sense right?

First of all, Congress is the only one who is supposed to control money, not a VP like Biden.
Second is that Prosecutor General is a protected civil service job that can not legally be fired without a conviction for a crime.
You can not just "claim" a Prosecutor General is "corrupt".
You have to prove it in a court of law.
Otherwise you are committing a crime when you fire them.
That it was Russian disinformation.

They're going to be subpoenaed to explain how they came to that conclusion, and why they were willing to go public with it. It should be a very interesting conversation, don't you think?
Since when do we subpoena people for having an opinion?


Oh, and they never claimed to know that it was disinformation.

This is just a witch hunt seeking to chill freedom of political speech.
Right, they didn't miss it.

So why the hell do you ignore their conclusions that there is no evidence Joe did anything wrong?

VPs and presidents can NOT legally withhold foreign aid allocated by Congress.
That is what people impeached Trump over with his call to Zelensky, asking for a Biden investigation.
But the truth is Trump withheld nothing, so was not found guilty.
But clearly Biden admitted he threatened to withhold, so obvious IS totally guilty.
It was totally and completely illegal to get Shokin fired with out any proof of corruption in court.
Biden completely violated US law.
Since when do we subpoena people for having an opinion?


Oh, and they never claimed to know that it was disinformation.

This is just a witch hunt seeking to chill freedom of political speech.

Over 50 so-called "senior intelligence officials" colluded with the DemoKKKrat party and the media to falsify information in an attempt to change the outcome of the 2020 election. They're going to be subpoenaed to explain why. Deal with it.
No. They got it right. It had the hallmarks of disinformation.

They never said it was.

They said that we need to verify the laptop before running with it, which is a pretty obvious thing to say.
They required ZERO verification to spread the "Russia collusion" lie for 4 years straight, so how about you shut your stupid fucking mouth and let the adults discuss this topic? Thanks, fag.

Lots of links in there as well, in support as sources to read as well.

please read the whole piece, to inform yourself and to answer all of your questions that you may have....

The "whole piece" is incredibly condemning.
It shows that clearly Joe Biden was getting kickbacks from US foreign aid to the Ukraine, and that Zelensky was illegally protecting Burisma Holdings from investigation, by firing Shokin.
Which is substantiated not only by the fact Burisma Holding was paid to do nothing, but it was illegal to fire Shokin without a trial proving guilt of a crime.
Kudos to Biden for getting a corrupt prosecutor thrown out.


That is not legal.
Prosecutor Generals have civil service protection, and there was never any evidence of "corruption" by Shokin.
That is the ultimate in corruption, for Biden to have said anything about Shokin to Zelensky.
Totally and completely inappropriate, for dozens of reasons.

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