Keystone is over

Thank you Nebraska Republicans for sticking to your guns and putting common sense and your own livelihoods ahead of short-sighted greed so that a Canadian company could primarily benefit from what would be the longest & largest tarsands pipeline on the planet.

A spill from a pipeline that wide (about 4 times larger than your average pipeline) would totally destroy Nebraska, and which of course would cost America money to clean up a Canadian mess. TransCanada is hoping a Republican wins next year so they can ask for their approval in 2017.

To correct the misinformed, very few Americans would actually get jobs due to this pipeline (fewer than 5,000 part-time positions) but American taxpayers would be on the hook for cleanup costs, which would eventually happen according to historical statistics.

Time to go the alternative energy route anyway.

The Nebraska Supreme Court allowed the right of way of Trans Canada for the pipeline. They reversed the lower court decision.

Get up to speed. And your post is full of bullshit. Trans Canada would be liable for any and all clean up costs.

And isn't it a little late to worry about a pipeline going thru Nebraska? This is all bullshit left wing politics. D's get a fortune from enviro whackos.


Nebraska court approves controversial Keystone XL pipeline route
Ruling from state supreme court clears one of the last remaining obstacles before President Obama is forced to make a decision on the pipeline

Nebraska court approves controversial Keystone XL pipeline route


Check out all the pipelines that already exist and stop bullshitting that one more will ruin any given state. You really don't have a clue what you're babbling on about.

XL is a smidge. Just a small bypass to pick up North Dakota.

Keystone was done a couple of years ago. That's what makes all of this such a laugh to me.
It's not a laugh to the people who's land would have been taken from them through eminent domain.

Most individuals had no problem with $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$ from Trans Canada. Have you ever seen the fabulous restoration work done by Trans Canada?

I bet you haven't. Ignorance of facts is strong in this thread.

"Instead of approaching Wildhorse Creek restoration as fundamentally an engineering challenge, he and the team he assembled saw it as an opportunity to try something new and different in terms of environmental stewardship.

“We wanted to do it the right way. We wanted to have the right people at the table every step of the way,” Bonazzo says. “In terms of the design, we wanted an expert who could deliver the ‘natural’ solution we were looking for, but we also needed people on the team who could ensure that the design we preferred could be constructed.”

Bonazzo’s team included several outside contracting services and he also brought in Jackson Lamb, an environmental specialist who is part of TransCanada’s U.S. Environmental Planning and Permitting group in Houston.

“We call him the creek doctor,” Bonazzo says.

The restoration of the creek and banks was a testament to the lengths we go to ensure we’re doing the right thing for the environment

“Fluvial geomorphology is the science devoted to understanding rivers, both in their natural setting as well as, in the case of Wildhorse Creek, how they respond to human-induced changes in the watershed,” Lamb says.

A necessary part of the design was to provide a way to strengthen the banks against the effects of flowing water."

Environmental innovation restores Wildhorse Creek | TransCanada Corporation Blog
XL is a smidge. Just a small bypass to pick up North Dakota.

Keystone was done a couple of years ago. That's what makes all of this such a laugh to me.
It's not a laugh to the people who's land would have been taken from them through eminent domain.

Most individuals had no problem with $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$ from Trans Canada. Have you ever seen the fabulous restoration work done by Trans Canada?

I bet you haven't. Ignorance of facts is strong in this thread.

"Instead of approaching Wildhorse Creek restoration as fundamentally an engineering challenge, he and the team he assembled saw it as an opportunity to try something new and different in terms of environmental stewardship.

“We wanted to do it the right way. We wanted to have the right people at the table every step of the way,” Bonazzo says. “In terms of the design, we wanted an expert who could deliver the ‘natural’ solution we were looking for, but we also needed people on the team who could ensure that the design we preferred could be constructed.”

Bonazzo’s team included several outside contracting services and he also brought in Jackson Lamb, an environmental specialist who is part of TransCanada’s U.S. Environmental Planning and Permitting group in Houston.

“We call him the creek doctor,” Bonazzo says.

The restoration of the creek and banks was a testament to the lengths we go to ensure we’re doing the right thing for the environment

“Fluvial geomorphology is the science devoted to understanding rivers, both in their natural setting as well as, in the case of Wildhorse Creek, how they respond to human-induced changes in the watershed,” Lamb says.

A necessary part of the design was to provide a way to strengthen the banks against the effects of flowing water."

Environmental innovation restores Wildhorse Creek | TransCanada Corporation Blog
That didn't address anything I said but whatever don't let that stop you.
Just heard on TV.

You really do need to get up to speed. Canuck crude has been flowing to the Gulf since January 2014.

Gulf Coast Project Begins Delivering Crude Oil to Nederland, Texas

NEDERLAND, TEXAS--(Marketwired - Jan. 22, 2014) - TransCanada Corporation (TSX:TRP) (NYSE:TRP) (TransCanada) announced today that at approximately 10:45 a.m. CST on January, 22, 2014, the Gulf Coast Project began delivering crude oil on behalf of our customers to Texas refineries. The completion of this US$2.3 billion crude oil pipeline provides a safe and direct connection between the important oil hub in Cushing, Oklahoma and delivery points on the U.S. Gulf Coast.

"This is a very important milestone for TransCanada, our shippers and Gulf Coast refiners who have been waiting for a pipeline to supply oil directly from Cushing," said Russ Girling, president and chief executive officer. "This project is a critical, modern piece of American energy infrastructure that allows producers to safely connect growing production with the world's most efficient refiners on the U.S. Gulf Coast. It also provides those American refineries the opportunity to use more of the crude oil produced in both Canada and the United States for decades to come."

Construction of the 487-mile crude oil pipeline involved more than 11 million hours of labor completed by 4,844 workers in the United States of America, more than 50 contracts with manufacturers and companies building the pipeline and equipment from across the U.S. It also includes the addition of 2.25 million barrels of new oil storage capacity at Cushing, Oklahoma.

"The workers who helped build this project are in addition to 8,969 men and women who constructed the initial Keystone Pipeline system, and we are waiting for approval of Keystone XL so we can employ more than 9,000 more Americans who are waiting to put their skills and experience to work," added Girling.

Gulf Coast Project Begins Delivering Crude Oil to Nederland, Texas

XL is a smidge. Just a small bypass to pick up North Dakota.

Keystone was done a couple of years ago. That's what makes all of this such a laugh to me.
It's not a laugh to the people who's land would have been taken from them through eminent domain.

Most individuals had no problem with $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$ from Trans Canada. Have you ever seen the fabulous restoration work done by Trans Canada?

I bet you haven't. Ignorance of facts is strong in this thread.

"Instead of approaching Wildhorse Creek restoration as fundamentally an engineering challenge, he and the team he assembled saw it as an opportunity to try something new and different in terms of environmental stewardship.

“We wanted to do it the right way. We wanted to have the right people at the table every step of the way,” Bonazzo says. “In terms of the design, we wanted an expert who could deliver the ‘natural’ solution we were looking for, but we also needed people on the team who could ensure that the design we preferred could be constructed.”

Bonazzo’s team included several outside contracting services and he also brought in Jackson Lamb, an environmental specialist who is part of TransCanada’s U.S. Environmental Planning and Permitting group in Houston.

“We call him the creek doctor,” Bonazzo says.

The restoration of the creek and banks was a testament to the lengths we go to ensure we’re doing the right thing for the environment

“Fluvial geomorphology is the science devoted to understanding rivers, both in their natural setting as well as, in the case of Wildhorse Creek, how they respond to human-induced changes in the watershed,” Lamb says.

A necessary part of the design was to provide a way to strengthen the banks against the effects of flowing water."

Environmental innovation restores Wildhorse Creek | TransCanada Corporation Blog
That didn't address anything I said but whatever don't let that stop you.

Trans Canada had 100% voluntary approval by landowners in Montana and South Dakhota and if I remember correctly over 80% in Nebraska. And the restoration projects are amazing. They guarantee that the landowner has to be absolutely thrilled with their restoration project on their land.
By turning it into a political football, Republicans killed Keystone
Which are also temporary jobs, dear. And if you don't think there are tax breaks for infrastructure jobs, I have a bridge in Alaska I want to sell ya.
There go lots of jobs down the drain.

short term.... permanent jobs, not so much. just a lot of tax free money to multinational corporations.

let them employ people rebuilding our infrastructure.
Where, exactly, did I post I want to abolish capitalism.

You even lost track of your deflections yourself...

It will, probably, over the course of time, be taken over by another economic mechanism. "probably" will, huh? and what will supplant it? Communism?..socialism?...We already know those don't do anything except advance the elite...

But this should happen gradually and "naturally". It should not be opposed by the interests of a few.
Describe this process where capitalism "gradually" and "naturally" is "replaced by another economic mechanism". What is the name of this "economic mechanism" and how will goods and services be exchanged under your new "mechanism"?

Which by the way, is happening with the oil energy lobby, which has a stranglehold on this and many economies.
Oil is what the world runs it or not...and if we hamper our own production it doesn't hurt anyone except americans.

It's the reason we go to war in the middle east and spend so much of our resources.
israel and their interests is the main reason we keep the ME destabilized. How much oil did you say we imported from the ME?..where DO we import the most oil from? (figured I'd repeat the question, cuz you usually dodge and try to change the subject...but on the off chance that I can get an honest response...)

LMAO..keep chanting the party line...don't bother to educate yourself, much oil do we import from the middle east?

Where DO we import the most oil from?

Why do we import ANY oil?
Are we out of oil in america?....or is there a political "reason"?

Energy Task Force - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Iraq War - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

irrelevant and non responsive...
but now you're off on another tangent as you purposely evade and introduce new subjects.

Regarding the destruction of capitalism;
sallow said:
But this should happen gradually and "naturally". It should not be opposed by the interests of a few.
Describe this process where capitalism "gradually" and "naturally" is "replaced by another economic mechanism". What is the name of this "economic mechanism" and how will goods and services be exchanged under your new "mechanism"?

Regarding importing oil from the ME;

Where DO we import the most oil from?

Why do we import ANY oil?

Are we out of oil in america?....or is there a political "reason"?

Of course it's relevant and in direct response to your point.

Cheney had private heads of oil corporations secretly determining public policy in terms of energy. Part and parcel with that was the invasion of Iraq, which the PNAC, a group that Cheney and many folks in the Bush administration were a part of, overtly advocated for.

And as to what replaces Capitalism? Who knows?

It's probably something that looks like a blend of both capitalism and socialism in the short term.

But over the longer term it will be as "radical" as the eventual evolution of capitalism out of monarchies.

so you don't know how or just know it will happen...Ok, that's a safe position to don't have to support anything..just say "I think such and such will happen....." LMAO

for the fifth (or 6th) time
Regarding importing oil from the ME;

Where DO we import the most oil from?

Why do we import ANY oil?

Are we out of oil in america?....or is there a political "reason"?

Sorry, really?

The point wasn't to grab oil for America..

The point was to keep oil from American enemies and create scarcity in the world.

Which, worked out very nicely.

American oil companies made a bundle.
Wrong, temporary jobs for around 3900, just as any infrastructure job would be, dear.
To the very end, Republicans could have gotten Obama's approval on Keystone if they didn't use it as a stick to beat them with

Obama had a jobs bill sitting in Congress for a year and a half. If Republicans had offered up approval of those needed infrastructure projects in return for Keystone, they could have had it

but they decided to go "all in" on a foreign pipeline w/ a net job total of 35 and this great nation being on the hook for the inevitable spill clean-ups. How'd that work out Repubs? :rofl:
And why weren't enviro whackos protesting the Alberta Clipper or Southern Lights that was built at the same time every one was freaking out about the XL?

You even lost track of your deflections yourself... "probably" will, huh? and what will supplant it? Communism?..socialism?...We already know those don't do anything except advance the elite...

Describe this process where capitalism "gradually" and "naturally" is "replaced by another economic mechanism". What is the name of this "economic mechanism" and how will goods and services be exchanged under your new "mechanism"?

Oil is what the world runs it or not...and if we hamper our own production it doesn't hurt anyone except americans.

israel and their interests is the main reason we keep the ME destabilized. How much oil did you say we imported from the ME?..where DO we import the most oil from? (figured I'd repeat the question, cuz you usually dodge and try to change the subject...but on the off chance that I can get an honest response...)

LMAO..keep chanting the party line...don't bother to educate yourself, much oil do we import from the middle east?

Where DO we import the most oil from?

Why do we import ANY oil?
Are we out of oil in america?....or is there a political "reason"?

Energy Task Force - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Iraq War - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

irrelevant and non responsive...
but now you're off on another tangent as you purposely evade and introduce new subjects.

Regarding the destruction of capitalism;
sallow said:
But this should happen gradually and "naturally". It should not be opposed by the interests of a few.
Describe this process where capitalism "gradually" and "naturally" is "replaced by another economic mechanism". What is the name of this "economic mechanism" and how will goods and services be exchanged under your new "mechanism"?

Regarding importing oil from the ME;

Where DO we import the most oil from?

Why do we import ANY oil?

Are we out of oil in america?....or is there a political "reason"?

Of course it's relevant and in direct response to your point.

Cheney had private heads of oil corporations secretly determining public policy in terms of energy. Part and parcel with that was the invasion of Iraq, which the PNAC, a group that Cheney and many folks in the Bush administration were a part of, overtly advocated for.

And as to what replaces Capitalism? Who knows?

It's probably something that looks like a blend of both capitalism and socialism in the short term.

But over the longer term it will be as "radical" as the eventual evolution of capitalism out of monarchies.

so you don't know how or just know it will happen...Ok, that's a safe position to don't have to support anything..just say "I think such and such will happen....." LMAO

for the fifth (or 6th) time
Regarding importing oil from the ME;

Where DO we import the most oil from?

Why do we import ANY oil?

Are we out of oil in america?....or is there a political "reason"?

Sorry, really?

The point wasn't to grab oil for America..

The point was to keep oil from American enemies and create scarcity in the world.

Which, worked out very nicely.

American oil companies made a bundle.

you guys are Pavlovian.... even when you don't know what you're talking about, in a pinch...blame bush for everything.

...oil is a commodity..the price rises and falls regardless of what our enemies one can micromanage the world oil supply..that's delusional..

The more one posses of a desired commodity, the better off one will be.

the more oil we produce here, the better for americans overall.
Now go ahead and tell me I'm wrong and "explain" how producing our own oil will be bad for the economy and importing oil is better....:popcorn:

irrelevant and non responsive...
but now you're off on another tangent as you purposely evade and introduce new subjects.

Regarding the destruction of capitalism;
sallow said:
But this should happen gradually and "naturally". It should not be opposed by the interests of a few.
Describe this process where capitalism "gradually" and "naturally" is "replaced by another economic mechanism". What is the name of this "economic mechanism" and how will goods and services be exchanged under your new "mechanism"?

Regarding importing oil from the ME;

Where DO we import the most oil from?

Why do we import ANY oil?

Are we out of oil in america?....or is there a political "reason"?

Of course it's relevant and in direct response to your point.

Cheney had private heads of oil corporations secretly determining public policy in terms of energy. Part and parcel with that was the invasion of Iraq, which the PNAC, a group that Cheney and many folks in the Bush administration were a part of, overtly advocated for.

And as to what replaces Capitalism? Who knows?

It's probably something that looks like a blend of both capitalism and socialism in the short term.

But over the longer term it will be as "radical" as the eventual evolution of capitalism out of monarchies.

so you don't know how or just know it will happen...Ok, that's a safe position to don't have to support anything..just say "I think such and such will happen....." LMAO

for the fifth (or 6th) time
Regarding importing oil from the ME;

Where DO we import the most oil from?

Why do we import ANY oil?

Are we out of oil in america?....or is there a political "reason"?

Sorry, really?

The point wasn't to grab oil for America..

The point was to keep oil from American enemies and create scarcity in the world.

Which, worked out very nicely.

American oil companies made a bundle.

you guys are Pavlovian.... even when you don't know what you're talking about, in a pinch...blame bush for everything.

...oil is a commodity..the price rises and falls regardless of what our enemies one can micromanage the world oil supply..that's delusional..

The more one posses of a desired commodity, the better off one will be.

the more oil we produce here, the better for americans overall.
Now go ahead and tell me I'm wrong and "explain" how producing our own oil will be bad for the economy and importing oil is better....:popcorn:

We currently produce more than we import. The global supply is way up hence the low cost. Drilling operations are already slowing because of the price. Calling for more right now makes no sense.

irrelevant and non responsive...
but now you're off on another tangent as you purposely evade and introduce new subjects.

Regarding the destruction of capitalism;
sallow said:
But this should happen gradually and "naturally". It should not be opposed by the interests of a few.
Describe this process where capitalism "gradually" and "naturally" is "replaced by another economic mechanism". What is the name of this "economic mechanism" and how will goods and services be exchanged under your new "mechanism"?

Regarding importing oil from the ME;

Where DO we import the most oil from?

Why do we import ANY oil?

Are we out of oil in america?....or is there a political "reason"?

Of course it's relevant and in direct response to your point.

Cheney had private heads of oil corporations secretly determining public policy in terms of energy. Part and parcel with that was the invasion of Iraq, which the PNAC, a group that Cheney and many folks in the Bush administration were a part of, overtly advocated for.

And as to what replaces Capitalism? Who knows?

It's probably something that looks like a blend of both capitalism and socialism in the short term.

But over the longer term it will be as "radical" as the eventual evolution of capitalism out of monarchies.

so you don't know how or just know it will happen...Ok, that's a safe position to don't have to support anything..just say "I think such and such will happen....." LMAO

for the fifth (or 6th) time
Regarding importing oil from the ME;

Where DO we import the most oil from?

Why do we import ANY oil?

Are we out of oil in america?....or is there a political "reason"?

Sorry, really?

The point wasn't to grab oil for America..

The point was to keep oil from American enemies and create scarcity in the world.

Which, worked out very nicely.

American oil companies made a bundle.

you guys are Pavlovian.... even when you don't know what you're talking about, in a pinch...blame bush for everything.

...oil is a commodity..the price rises and falls regardless of what our enemies one can micromanage the world oil supply..that's delusional..

The more one posses of a desired commodity, the better off one will be.

the more oil we produce here, the better for americans overall.
Now go ahead and tell me I'm wrong and "explain" how producing our own oil will be bad for the economy and importing oil is better....:popcorn:

Canadian bitumen isn't ours, and it isn't oil.
irrelevant and non responsive...
but now you're off on another tangent as you purposely evade and introduce new subjects.

Regarding the destruction of capitalism;
Describe this process where capitalism "gradually" and "naturally" is "replaced by another economic mechanism". What is the name of this "economic mechanism" and how will goods and services be exchanged under your new "mechanism"?

Regarding importing oil from the ME;

Where DO we import the most oil from?

Why do we import ANY oil?

Are we out of oil in america?....or is there a political "reason"?

Of course it's relevant and in direct response to your point.

Cheney had private heads of oil corporations secretly determining public policy in terms of energy. Part and parcel with that was the invasion of Iraq, which the PNAC, a group that Cheney and many folks in the Bush administration were a part of, overtly advocated for.

And as to what replaces Capitalism? Who knows?

It's probably something that looks like a blend of both capitalism and socialism in the short term.

But over the longer term it will be as "radical" as the eventual evolution of capitalism out of monarchies.

so you don't know how or just know it will happen...Ok, that's a safe position to don't have to support anything..just say "I think such and such will happen....." LMAO

for the fifth (or 6th) time
Regarding importing oil from the ME;

Where DO we import the most oil from?

Why do we import ANY oil?

Are we out of oil in america?....or is there a political "reason"?

Sorry, really?

The point wasn't to grab oil for America..

The point was to keep oil from American enemies and create scarcity in the world.

Which, worked out very nicely.

American oil companies made a bundle.

you guys are Pavlovian.... even when you don't know what you're talking about, in a pinch...blame bush for everything.

...oil is a commodity..the price rises and falls regardless of what our enemies one can micromanage the world oil supply..that's delusional..

The more one posses of a desired commodity, the better off one will be.

the more oil we produce here, the better for americans overall.
Now go ahead and tell me I'm wrong and "explain" how producing our own oil will be bad for the economy and importing oil is better....:popcorn:

Canadian bitumen isn't ours, and it isn't oil.

Not what we're talking about, though, is it?
irrelevant and non responsive...
but now you're off on another tangent as you purposely evade and introduce new subjects.

Regarding the destruction of capitalism;
Describe this process where capitalism "gradually" and "naturally" is "replaced by another economic mechanism". What is the name of this "economic mechanism" and how will goods and services be exchanged under your new "mechanism"?

Regarding importing oil from the ME;

Where DO we import the most oil from?

Why do we import ANY oil?

Are we out of oil in america?....or is there a political "reason"?

Of course it's relevant and in direct response to your point.

Cheney had private heads of oil corporations secretly determining public policy in terms of energy. Part and parcel with that was the invasion of Iraq, which the PNAC, a group that Cheney and many folks in the Bush administration were a part of, overtly advocated for.

And as to what replaces Capitalism? Who knows?

It's probably something that looks like a blend of both capitalism and socialism in the short term.

But over the longer term it will be as "radical" as the eventual evolution of capitalism out of monarchies.

so you don't know how or just know it will happen...Ok, that's a safe position to don't have to support anything..just say "I think such and such will happen....." LMAO

for the fifth (or 6th) time
Regarding importing oil from the ME;

Where DO we import the most oil from?

Why do we import ANY oil?

Are we out of oil in america?....or is there a political "reason"?

Sorry, really?

The point wasn't to grab oil for America..

The point was to keep oil from American enemies and create scarcity in the world.

Which, worked out very nicely.

American oil companies made a bundle.

you guys are Pavlovian.... even when you don't know what you're talking about, in a pinch...blame bush for everything.

...oil is a commodity..the price rises and falls regardless of what our enemies one can micromanage the world oil supply..that's delusional..

The more one posses of a desired commodity, the better off one will be.

the more oil we produce here, the better for americans overall.
Now go ahead and tell me I'm wrong and "explain" how producing our own oil will be bad for the economy and importing oil is better....:popcorn:

We currently produce more than we import. The global supply is way up hence the low cost. Drilling operations are already slowing because of the price. Calling for more right now makes no sense.

the more one owns of a (finished) valuable commodity (not oil in the ground..oil reserves), the better one is in the long run.

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