Keystone XL Fails to Pass Senate 59 - 41

at this point, how could anyone be opposed to the keystone pipeline EXCEPT for political reasons?

I get so sick of that, a good idea is a good idea, who cares which party comes up with it.
Easy...we dont need it....
Sez who? Besides, none of your money is going towards it. You would think Dems would be happy to have someone else footing the bill for jobs.
50 jobs....woooooooo
Yeah try again

35 actually.

Well isn't this interesting. You didn't actually supply a quote from TransCanada.

You supplied a link to a paper written by Cornell University,
and dishonestly hid the link and changed your hyperlink to say that TransCanada was quoted as saying

KXL will divert Tar Sands oil now supplying Midwest refineries, so it can be sold at
higher prices to the Gulf Coast and export markets. As a result, consumers in the
Midwest could be paying 10 to 20 cents more per gallon for gasoline and diesel
fuel. These additional costs (estimated to total $2–4 billion) will suppress other
spending and will therefore cost jobs.

why in the hell did you have to lie like that?
The times they are a-changing! In a couple of short weeks,the Democrats have got their tails between their legs. Who could have imagined this three weeks ago?

You forget the filibuster.

The democrats will do to the republicans what the republicans have been doing since they lost the majority in 2007. You people don't think that democrats won't play your game? You actually believe that your party could get away with their endless filibusters for all these years and not have it come back to bite them in the butt? LOL! You certainly are good for comic relief.

republicans may have the majority but the democrats will have control with the filibuster.

republicans don't have 60 seats so they won't get anything passed in the senate without the approval of the democrats.

And try taking a basic math corse or at least learn how to count. It's not just a couple of weeks. The republicans won't be sworn in until next year which is around 6 weeks from now.
In 90 days, Keystone will pass the Senate ... gloat while you can.

It will still be 59-41.....:rolleyes-41:

But it'll only need 51 to pass then. ;)

Wow are you people obtuse.

It will need 60 votes. The democrats will filibuster it and it won't go anywhere no matter who controls the senate. republicans won't have 60 seats to break the democratic filibuster.

The same thing that happened today will happen the next time the republicans try to violate the constitution and take the decision out of the State Department and Obama's hands. The constitution says that it's not the congress that approves international projects and permits. The constitution says it's the State Department and the President who approves such things.

Yet here you republicans are. Condemning democrats for upholding the constitution. None of you people respect that document beyond the second amendment.
The times they are a-changing! In a couple of short weeks,the Democrats have got their tails between their legs. Who could have imagined this three weeks ago?

You forget the filibuster.

The democrats will do to the republicans what the republicans have been doing since they lost the majority in 2007. You people don't think that democrats won't play your game? You actually believe that your party could get away with their endless filibusters for all these years and not have it come back to bite them in the butt? LOL! You certainly are good for comic relief.

republicans may have the majority but the democrats will have control with the filibuster.

republicans don't have 60 seats so they won't get anything passed in the senate without the approval of the democrats.

And try taking a basic math corse or at least learn how to count. It's not just a couple of weeks. The republicans won't be sworn in until next year which is around 6 weeks from now.

Amazing the irony impairment from the far left..

The far lefts acts is if the filibuster is some new invention.
In 90 days, Keystone will pass the Senate ... gloat while you can.

It will still be 59-41.....:rolleyes-41:

But it'll only need 51 to pass then. ;)

Wow are you people obtuse.

It will need 60 votes. The democrats will filibuster it and it won't go anywhere no matter who controls the senate. republicans won't have 60 seats to break the democratic filibuster.

The same thing that happened today will happen the next time the republicans try to violate the constitution and take the decision out of the State Department and Obama's hands. The constitution says that it's not the congress that approves international projects and permits. The constitution says it's the State Department and the President who approves such things.

Yet here you republicans are. Condemning democrats for upholding the constitution. None of you people respect that document beyond the second amendment.

The far left irony impairment drone rolls in and shows they do not know anything beyond their programming..
In 90 days, Keystone will pass the Senate ... gloat while you can.

It will still be 59-41.....:rolleyes-41:

But it'll only need 51 to pass then. ;)

Wow are you people obtuse.

It will need 60 votes. The democrats will filibuster it and it won't go anywhere no matter who controls the senate. republicans won't have 60 seats to break the democratic filibuster.

The same thing that happened today will happen the next time the republicans try to violate the constitution and take the decision out of the State Department and Obama's hands. The constitution says that it's not the congress that approves international projects and permits. The constitution says it's the State Department and the President who approves such things.

Yet here you republicans are. Condemning democrats for upholding the constitution. None of you people respect that document beyond the second amendment.

The far left irony impairment drone rolls in and shows they do not know anything beyond their programming..

Useless blabber.

Well isn't this interesting. You didn't actually supply a quote from TransCanada.

You supplied a link to a paper written by Cornell University,
and dishonestly hid the link and changed your hyperlink to say that TransCanada was quoted as saying

KXL will divert Tar Sands oil now supplying Midwest refineries, so it can be sold at
higher prices to the Gulf Coast and export markets. As a result, consumers in the
Midwest could be paying 10 to 20 cents more per gallon for gasoline and diesel
fuel. These additional costs (estimated to total $2–4 billion) will suppress other
spending and will therefore cost jobs.

why in the hell did you have to lie like that?

Apparently, you need to go read a bit more.
Let's make some more false analogies.....

If Adrian Peterson beats his son with a bigger stick, won't his son have bigger bruises?

How is an analogy of supply false? Your "analogy" had nothing to do with supply

Because you're confining your analogy to hypotheticals and closing out facts that make for substantially different circumstances.

If the grocery store switches to larger trucks, and then uses those larger to redirect the local supply of bread half way across the country, and ships out most of the bread to overseas markets, then you're darn right I would expect the price of bread to go up.

But the larger pipe will NOT be used to redirect oil. I mean seriously my analogy was dead on. The refineries that are CURRENTLY getting oil will get MORE oil to refine.

Once it's refined of course it goes on the world market and who knows, yes there is no guarantee that the refined oil will remain in the US; but the REFINERIES will absolutely , positively have more oil to refine if the last phase of the Keystone pipeline is finished.

Your stupidity is astounding.

Well isn't this interesting. You didn't actually supply a quote from TransCanada.

You supplied a link to a paper written by Cornell University,
and dishonestly hid the link and changed your hyperlink to say that TransCanada was quoted as saying

KXL will divert Tar Sands oil now supplying Midwest refineries, so it can be sold at
higher prices to the Gulf Coast and export markets. As a result, consumers in the
Midwest could be paying 10 to 20 cents more per gallon for gasoline and diesel
fuel. These additional costs (estimated to total $2–4 billion) will suppress other
spending and will therefore cost jobs.

why in the hell did you have to lie like that?

Apparently, you need to go read a bit more.

Did you or did you not hide the fact that that was a study by Cornell University, and try to play that off as a quote from within the company?

Yes, or no?
Let's make some more false analogies.....

If Adrian Peterson beats his son with a bigger stick, won't his son have bigger bruises?

How is an analogy of supply false? Your "analogy" had nothing to do with supply

Because you're confining your analogy to hypotheticals and closing out facts that make for substantially different circumstances.

If the grocery store switches to larger trucks, and then uses those larger to redirect the local supply of bread half way across the country, and ships out most of the bread to overseas markets, then you're darn right I would expect the price of bread to go up.

But the larger pipe will NOT be used to redirect oil. I mean seriously my analogy was dead on. The refineries that are CURRENTLY getting oil will get MORE oil to refine.

Once it's refined of course it goes on the world market and who knows, yes there is no guarantee that the refined oil will remain in the US; but the REFINERIES will absolutely , positively have more oil to refine if the last phase of the Keystone pipeline is finished.

Your stupidity is astounding.

Again Carla, disagreeing with you does not = stupid.

You have no business in any serious conversation. Go make me a sandwich.
I won't read all 14 pages. New Senate or not Obama will veto Keystone. Something for all the RW's who suggest the Dems can gloat for now. The RW's can talk trash for now, the biggest shoe has yet to fall on Keystone.
Let's make some more false analogies.....

If Adrian Peterson beats his son with a bigger stick, won't his son have bigger bruises?

How is an analogy of supply false? Your "analogy" had nothing to do with supply

Because you're confining your analogy to hypotheticals and closing out facts that make for substantially different circumstances.

If the grocery store switches to larger trucks, and then uses those larger to redirect the local supply of bread half way across the country, and ships out most of the bread to overseas markets, then you're darn right I would expect the price of bread to go up.

But the larger pipe will NOT be used to redirect oil. I mean seriously my analogy was dead on. The refineries that are CURRENTLY getting oil will get MORE oil to refine.

Once it's refined of course it goes on the world market and who knows, yes there is no guarantee that the refined oil will remain in the US; but the REFINERIES will absolutely , positively have more oil to refine if the last phase of the Keystone pipeline is finished.

Your stupidity is astounding.

Again Carla, disagreeing with you does not = stupid.

You have no business in any serious conversation. Go make me a sandwich.

Ignorance can be educated, and crazy can be medicated, but there's no cure for stupid.

How Many Louisiana Jobs Are Actually At Stake In Keystone Debate It s All Politics NPR
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Just getting the liberal scum on record for denying people good paying jobs.....

The guy taking gold out of jewish mouths in was making a nice profit too and had a job.

This pipeline will create 35 permant jobs... Thats it...

Saying that build the stupid thing... Enviromentally it doesn't matter that much as the area is going to be mined anyway...

Obama will not bother vetoing it as it doesn't matter that much <1% of US enviromental concerns. He will concentrate on Coal where is the big wins are. He got a big win last week with China.

Well isn't this interesting. You didn't actually supply a quote from TransCanada.

You supplied a link to a paper written by Cornell University,
and dishonestly hid the link and changed your hyperlink to say that TransCanada was quoted as saying

KXL will divert Tar Sands oil now supplying Midwest refineries, so it can be sold at
higher prices to the Gulf Coast and export markets. As a result, consumers in the
Midwest could be paying 10 to 20 cents more per gallon for gasoline and diesel
fuel. These additional costs (estimated to total $2–4 billion) will suppress other
spending and will therefore cost jobs.

why in the hell did you have to lie like that?

Apparently, you need to go read a bit more.

Did you or did you not hide the fact that that was a study by Cornell University, and try to play that off as a quote from within the company?

Yes, or no?

No. If you had been paying attention the first time around, you would have seen that very same link in my earlier post, stating precisely that it was a study from Cornell.

If you would bother to read, you would see that what I posted was a quotation, word for word, from the link I've now posted twice.

If you were smarter than the average bear, you would not be making yourself out to be such a damned fool right about now.

For god's sake, you even quote my post where I posted the link the first time! Read before you respond!!
I won't read all 14 pages. New Senate or not Obama will veto Keystone. Something for all the RW's who suggest the Dems can gloat for now. The RW's can talk trash for now, the biggest shoe has yet to fall on Keystone.

More far left propaganda based on the far left religious programming..

for an American Congress to enforce eminent domain on American citizens, grab their land so a French Canadian oil company can ship oil to China is WRONG .. that pisses me off ... if it doesn't piss off EVERY American obviously you're not an American ... like you Kosh.

Well isn't this interesting. You didn't actually supply a quote from TransCanada.

You supplied a link to a paper written by Cornell University,
and dishonestly hid the link and changed your hyperlink to say that TransCanada was quoted as saying

KXL will divert Tar Sands oil now supplying Midwest refineries, so it can be sold at
higher prices to the Gulf Coast and export markets. As a result, consumers in the
Midwest could be paying 10 to 20 cents more per gallon for gasoline and diesel
fuel. These additional costs (estimated to total $2–4 billion) will suppress other
spending and will therefore cost jobs.

why in the hell did you have to lie like that?

Apparently, you need to go read a bit more.

Did you or did you not hide the fact that that was a study by Cornell University, and try to play that off as a quote from within the company?

Yes, or no?

No. If you had been paying attention the first time around, you would have seen that very same link in my earlier post, stating precisely that it was a study from Cornell.

If you would bother to read, you would see that what I posted was a quotation, word for word, from the link I've now posted twice.

If you were smarter than the average bear, you would not be making yourself out to be such a damned fool right about now.

For god's sake, you even quote my post where I posted the link the first time! Read before you respond!!

Please post a link to the message where you first posted this link and said it was from a cornell study. If I'm wrong and you DID say so, big deal. I'll apologize and move on. No big deal.
But the larger pipe will NOT be used to redirect oil. I mean seriously my analogy was dead on. The refineries that are CURRENTLY getting oil will get MORE oil to refine.

Once it's refined of course it goes on the world market and who knows, yes there is no guarantee that the refined oil will remain in the US; but the REFINERIES will absolutely , positively have more oil to refine if the last phase of the Keystone pipeline is finished.

Your stupidity is astounding.

Again Carla, disagreeing with you does not = stupid.

You have no business in any serious conversation. Go make me a sandwich.

Ignorance can be educated, and crazy can be medicated, but there's no cure for stupid.

Yet another irony impaired far left post!

Your Post Needs To Contain Relevant On Topic Content besides Your Flame. -- Politics forum rules

You may want to remind Carla of that as well.
I won't read all 14 pages. New Senate or not Obama will veto Keystone. Something for all the RW's who suggest the Dems can gloat for now. The RW's can talk trash for now, the biggest shoe has yet to fall on Keystone.

More far left propaganda based on the far left religious programming..

for an American Congress to enforce eminent domain on American citizens, grab their land so a French Canadian oil company can ship oil to China is WRONG .. that pisses me off ... if it doesn't piss off EVERY American obviously you're not an American ... like you Kosh.

More far left propaganda and scare tactics from the far left religious programming!

How about do NOT pay your taxes to the fed government or pay your property taxes and see how long you keep your land..

Go ahead!

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