Kid who put noose on statue of black man gets 6 months in prison

A hangman's noose is nothing more than a fancy knot on a rope. When does the rope become illegal now? Six months for a hangman's knot? How much for a slip knot? 3months?
And I think 6 months prison time is a punishment that is not fitting to the crime. Do you want to increase or decrease the prison population? Do you want to send people to prison for things like this? Really? That's stupid. The dumb kid should be doing community service and possibly paying some fines.
In this kids case we should increase the prison population. I still say they should turn him lose in the nearest Black "hood" with a sign chained to him saying he hates Black people.
What's messed up is that you see a real possibility of the guy being harmed for his beliefs.
While it's stupid to hate any particular race, it's even stupider to want to beat someone up because they don't like you.
I have no problem with his beliefs. Its his actions he is being punished for, not his beliefs.
You recommend he walk through a black neighborhood with a sign that voices his belief, suggesting that he would be hurt for it.

How sensitive does someone have to be that they feel the need to hurt someone that doesn't like them?
Since he wants to show disrespect I suggest he be brave and so people dont take him as a wimp. How sensitive does someone have to be to get upset over that?

This is stupid. This is why I won't waste my time arguing with you about an issue such as this. You are totally biased. I can understand why in a way, but this is a harsh punishment for something that was just childish and stupid. IF the boy has some kind of criminal history, then maybe I could understand.
And I think 6 months prison time is a punishment that is not fitting to the crime. Do you want to increase or decrease the prison population? Do you want to send people to prison for things like this? Really? That's stupid. The dumb kid should be doing community service and possibly paying some fines.
In this kids case we should increase the prison population. I still say they should turn him lose in the nearest Black "hood" with a sign chained to him saying he hates Black people.
What's messed up is that you see a real possibility of the guy being harmed for his beliefs.
While it's stupid to hate any particular race, it's even stupider to want to beat someone up because they don't like you.
I have no problem with his beliefs. Its his actions he is being punished for, not his beliefs.

For recreating an historic event?

Others do it all the time. They even recreate shooting one another.

This was only a statue.
Yes. When they learn respect they wont get prison sentences.

No, we don't give people prison sentences because they are perceived as disrespectful here in America. YOU are the one complaining about the police all the time!!! Now, you want them to arrest people for being disrespectful? Ridiculous! You are ridiculous caricature and troll, or just ignorant!
So, people should be arrested for being disrespectful, but if they fight the police, that should be acceptable? Is that NOT disrespectful? WTF is this bullshit?
Judge should be put in jail for unlawful imprisonment.

And for taking bribes. Obvious a racist white-hating group like BLM paid him to do this.
Six months for putting a rope on a statue... that's ridiculous. What do you get for playing hangman? Life? Effing morons.

What if there had been rioting and people had been killed because of this action?

Then the idiots who did the rioting and killed people should be charged for their own crimes.

And they are. You're just not getting the point that someone who incites someone to do things is just as guilty.
Oh? So what about the people who have made epitaphs and dummies of President GWB hanging from a tree and other such things? It was a harmless stupid act by a stupid kid. He shouldn't be in prison. He should be doing community service or something like that. This is ridiculous!

That may be so. However I've not spoken about whether prison is the right punishment, what I've spoken about is that what he did was A) not protected and B) a crime.

And I think 6 months prison time is a punishment that is not fitting to the crime. Do you want to increase or decrease the prison population? Do you want to send people to prison for things like this? Really? That's stupid. The dumb kid should be doing community service and possibly paying some fines.
In this kids case we should increase the prison population. I still say they should turn him lose in the nearest Black "hood" with a sign chained to him saying he hates Black people.
What's messed up is that you see a real possibility of the guy being harmed for his beliefs.
While it's stupid to hate any particular race, it's even stupider to want to beat someone up because they don't like you.
I have no problem with his beliefs. Its his actions he is being punished for, not his beliefs.

Why not just say what you REALLY mean? White people should be arrested if they offend you.
Judge should be put in jail for unlawful imprisonment.

And for taking bribes. Obvious a racist white-hating group like BLM paid him to do this.
Six months for putting a rope on a statue... that's ridiculous. What do you get for playing hangman? Life? Effing morons.

What if there had been rioting and people had been killed because of this action?
People should be responsible for their own actions. Putting a hangman's noose on a political opponent depiction is a time honored tradition. Want to see some photos of democrats doing it to republicans?

Yep, people should be responsible for their actions.This kid is taking responsibility for his actions.

There's a BIG difference between putting a noose on a republican or democrat, and on a black person. In case you didn't do history at school, nooses were used on black people FOR REAL without trial and for racist reasons.
Well.... if you can't figure it out....... It probably won't make much difference if I tell you or not. Saying that I've said why a few times, you could try reading what I wrote.

No, you are imagining things that didn't happen, and people are responsible for their OWN behaviors. The kid put a noose on a statue. Do you agree with that sentence for this "crime of the century?"

Fine, you don't understand rights or laws and things. That's fine. You go do something stupid and see where it gets you then.

Defacing a statue should NOT get you 6 months in prison. And you do NOT punish a person for crimes other people MAY or may not commit. What the fuck constitution are YOU reading?

But this isn't about defacing a statue, it's about making a statement.

Shouting fire just as you're having fun with a woman shouldn't get you 6 months in prison either. Shouting fire in a crowded theater on the other hand might just do that. You know why right?
Defacing a black statue in a situation which could easily have become a tinderbox, what with what has happened in the US recently, like Ferguson etc, and you have a completely different situation.

And YES you DO punish people for crimes OTHER people may commit.

Treason. You go tell that nice guy down the street that you know someone who's doing something. They then go tell a terrorist who then goes and kills ten people based on the information you just gave. You're not guilty of a crime? Sure you are.

This is stupid and you are a pussy.

If it were so stupid you'd be making an argument as to why, instead of insulting people....... but you're insulting people, so I'd have to ask why.
And for taking bribes. Obvious a racist white-hating group like BLM paid him to do this.
Six months for putting a rope on a statue... that's ridiculous. What do you get for playing hangman? Life? Effing morons.

What if there had been rioting and people had been killed because of this action?

Then the idiots who did the rioting and killed people should be charged for their own crimes.

And they are. You're just not getting the point that someone who incites someone to do things is just as guilty.

Well then, I suppose you think the leader of the New Black Panthers should also be thrown in jail?
Hell with the fines. This should not be a crime in any way shape or form.
You think causing problems that could lead to deaths, pillaging, and other such problems should not be a crime.

You nitwit. Anything COULD lead to deaths.

It could, but in certain cases, like shouting fire in a crowded theater, it is someone inciting violence which could lead to deaths. This is the issue. It's not hard.

Shouting fire in a crowded theater - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Schenck v. United States - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Take a look.
I see so now according to the democrats all depictions of violence against democrats are crimes. But it's ok if it's a depiction of violence against evil rich people, right?

I'm not a Democrat, so I can't answer your question.
And for taking bribes. Obvious a racist white-hating group like BLM paid him to do this.
Six months for putting a rope on a statue... that's ridiculous. What do you get for playing hangman? Life? Effing morons.

What if there had been rioting and people had been killed because of this action?
People should be responsible for their own actions. Putting a hangman's noose on a political opponent depiction is a time honored tradition. Want to see some photos of democrats doing it to republicans?

Yep, people should be responsible for their actions.This kid is taking responsibility for his actions.

There's a BIG difference between putting a noose on a republican or democrat, and on a black person. In case you didn't do history at school, nooses were used on black people FOR REAL without trial and for racist reasons.

NOOSES have been used on a LOT of people throughout history. Duh.
No, you are imagining things that didn't happen, and people are responsible for their OWN behaviors. The kid put a noose on a statue. Do you agree with that sentence for this "crime of the century?"

Fine, you don't understand rights or laws and things. That's fine. You go do something stupid and see where it gets you then.

Defacing a statue should NOT get you 6 months in prison. And you do NOT punish a person for crimes other people MAY or may not commit. What the fuck constitution are YOU reading?

But this isn't about defacing a statue, it's about making a statement.

Shouting fire just as you're having fun with a woman shouldn't get you 6 months in prison either. Shouting fire in a crowded theater on the other hand might just do that. You know why right?
Defacing a black statue in a situation which could easily have become a tinderbox, what with what has happened in the US recently, like Ferguson etc, and you have a completely different situation.

And YES you DO punish people for crimes OTHER people may commit.

Treason. You go tell that nice guy down the street that you know someone who's doing something. They then go tell a terrorist who then goes and kills ten people based on the information you just gave. You're not guilty of a crime? Sure you are.

This is stupid and you are a pussy.

If it were so stupid you'd be making an argument as to why, instead of insulting people....... but you're insulting people, so I'd have to ask why.

Because it is a cowardly way of thinking and doing things.
Six months for putting a rope on a statue... that's ridiculous. What do you get for playing hangman? Life? Effing morons.

What if there had been rioting and people had been killed because of this action?

Then the idiots who did the rioting and killed people should be charged for their own crimes.

And they are. You're just not getting the point that someone who incites someone to do things is just as guilty.

Well then, I suppose you think the leader of the New Black Panthers should also be thrown in jail?

Probably. If you show me examples of inciting violence then I'd more than likely say yes.
Six months for putting a rope on a statue... that's ridiculous. What do you get for playing hangman? Life? Effing morons.

What if there had been rioting and people had been killed because of this action?

Then the idiots who did the rioting and killed people should be charged for their own crimes.

And they are. You're just not getting the point that someone who incites someone to do things is just as guilty.

Well then, I suppose you think the leader of the New Black Panthers should also be thrown in jail?

Probably. If you show me examples of inciting violence then I'd more than likely say yes.
And for taking bribes. Obvious a racist white-hating group like BLM paid him to do this.
Six months for putting a rope on a statue... that's ridiculous. What do you get for playing hangman? Life? Effing morons.

What if there had been rioting and people had been killed because of this action?
People should be responsible for their own actions. Putting a hangman's noose on a political opponent depiction is a time honored tradition. Want to see some photos of democrats doing it to republicans?

Yep, people should be responsible for their actions.This kid is taking responsibility for his actions.

There's a BIG difference between putting a noose on a republican or democrat, and on a black person. In case you didn't do history at school, nooses were used on black people FOR REAL without trial and for racist reasons.
Why? What's the difference? How do you know it was for racist reasons? Cause he was white and it was a black guy on the statue? If it's a white statue it's not racist?
Six months for putting a rope on a statue... that's ridiculous. What do you get for playing hangman? Life? Effing morons.

What if there had been rioting and people had been killed because of this action?

Then the idiots who did the rioting and killed people should be charged for their own crimes.

And they are. You're just not getting the point that someone who incites someone to do things is just as guilty.

Well then, I suppose you think the leader of the New Black Panthers should also be thrown in jail?

Probably. If you show me examples of inciting violence then I'd more than likely say yes.

Are you kidding me? You are just grasping at straws now, because you know you're wrong. You have a double standard, and it shows.
Six months for putting a rope on a statue... that's ridiculous. What do you get for playing hangman? Life? Effing morons.

What if there had been rioting and people had been killed because of this action?

Then the idiots who did the rioting and killed people should be charged for their own crimes.

And they are. You're just not getting the point that someone who incites someone to do things is just as guilty.

Well then, I suppose you think the leader of the New Black Panthers should also be thrown in jail?

Probably. If you show me examples of inciting violence then I'd more than likely say yes.
How many white people were killed because this white guy put a noose on the black statue?
Six months for putting a rope on a statue... that's ridiculous. What do you get for playing hangman? Life? Effing morons.

What if there had been rioting and people had been killed because of this action?

Then the idiots who did the rioting and killed people should be charged for their own crimes.

And they are. You're just not getting the point that someone who incites someone to do things is just as guilty.

Well then, I suppose you think the leader of the New Black Panthers should also be thrown in jail?

Probably. If you show me examples of inciting violence then I'd more than likely say yes.

Do you ever browse the web? Good grief! There are MUCH worse things online!!! Are those people being rounded up and thrown in jail? Is that what you want?
Six months for putting a rope on a statue... that's ridiculous. What do you get for playing hangman? Life? Effing morons.

What if there had been rioting and people had been killed because of this action?

Then the idiots who did the rioting and killed people should be charged for their own crimes.

And they are. You're just not getting the point that someone who incites someone to do things is just as guilty.

Well then, I suppose you think the leader of the New Black Panthers should also be thrown in jail?

Probably. If you show me examples of inciting violence then I'd more than likely say yes.
Inciting violence example: Guy on podium whips up crowd.. tells them to pick up their weapons and march on a guy's house to burn it to the ground. Crowd marches to the guy's house and burns it to the ground killing all inside.

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