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Killing Homosexual Marriage

Ladies and Gentlemen, now that we have been so thoroughly entertained by the liberal secular push for homosexual marriage legalization in all 50 states... {yay}... We can sit back and look forward to it's demise.

What's that, Boss? Did you mean to say "demise?" What's wrong with you man, the high court just ruled it constitutional across the land... it hardly seems likely we're going to see it's demise! What kind of drugs are you smoking these days? ...Yes, I know... bold statement... I've been known to make those here. It's what I do!

What the giddy left has not come down off their clouds enough to realize is how much vehement opposition is out there, who have no intention of accepting this as a "norm" of society. Oh yes, the studies all show there has been a growing acceptance of gay marriage but we have to look at the reason for this. Homosexuals represent somewhere around 10% of the population, studies vary but in that ballpark. The gay marriage initiative has been pushed largely by heterosexuals, not homosexuals. Heterosexuals, you have to believe, are not supporting it because homosexuality appeals to them personally, it is because there has been a perceived discrimination and inequity presented. The poor gays are being denied something.. that is what has fueled heterosexual support.

Now, what they have been denied is same-sex marriage licenses, which curiously didn't exist because marriage is the union of a man and woman. SCOTUS has now ruled that States cannot ban same-sex marriages through licenses which restrict that. So now, a marriage license has to be issued to same-sex couples the same as traditional male-female couples. Gay Marriage, here to stay, right? Not so fast....

There is no Constitutional requirement for the State to issue marriage licenses or recognize marriages of any kind. Regardless of whether they do or not, it doesn't change what any two people want to call marriage. I have pointed out numerous times in these long thread debates, that I attended a gay wedding in 1986, in rural Alabama.... of all places. No one came and stopped it, no one protested or caused a scene, it was a beautiful ceremony conducted by a Rastafarian pastor on a nice Spring day, on a mountainside in the country. We threw rice, the couple went on a honeymoon, they had a wedding cake and wedding album. In every sense of the word, in their hearts and souls, they are married. It does not matter that the State of Alabama doesn't recognize it.

So again, it is this perception of inequity and discrimination which has prompted the heterosexual support behind gay marriage. If States remove themselves from the issue by rendering marriage licensing obsolete, there is no more inequity or discrimination. Without that perception, the heterosexual support for gay marriage dissipates and eventually goes away, along with the popularity of gays marrying. After all, if there is no benefit to marriage from government, what is the point for homosexuals? Sure, there might be that rare case like the gay wedding I attended in 1986, but I am betting the vast majority of gay couples wouldn't really give a crap about "marrying" if there weren't some benefit.

Is my idea an unconventional strategy? Perhaps, but there are not many options remaining if we hope to get rid of this atrocious SCOTUS ruling. There isn't enough support to adopt a Constitutional Amendment and prohibition amendments don't historically last anyway. No other viable legal options remain, it's settled law according to SCOTUS. Keep in mind that even slavery could not be ended in this country without Amending the Constitution because of SCOTUS ruling.... even after a Civil War! So this is here to stay... as long as States authorize marriage licenses.

So Boss, how do we deal with the many intricacies of insurance, property rights, taxes, etc., if we don't have some government method of defining domestic partnerships? Well, contracts! That's how we do it. The same as my gay friends from 1986 have done it. They obtained a series of various contract agreements to cover those bases as they arose and they have no real issue in that regard other than taxation, which is minimal. And as more and more States abandon marriage licensing, this contract process will become more standard with insurance and other things... it will simply be a matter of filling out a form and submitting it... done! Equality!

Oh... So you're gonna take your ball and go home? Well, yes... in a manner of speaking, that's exactly what we are going to do. You didn't think we're just going to let you hijack the traditional institution of marriage and get away with that, did you? A non-sequitur... that's what you turn the SCOTUS ruling into. That effectively Kills Homosexual Marriage.
Good luck with that, Homie. We are marrying every day....you can't roll back the clock now.
Maybe if you stomp your feet harder gays won't be allowed to get married anymore. All these sullen tears taste so marvelous.
. After all, if there is no benefit to marriage from government, what is the point for homosexuals?....., but I am betting the vast majority of gay couples wouldn't really give a crap about "marrying" if there weren't some benefit..

If there is no benefit to marriage from government, what is the point for heterosexuals?

Your homophobia comes through strong and clear again. You are like the person who tells us he is not bigoted towards blacks- and has black friends- but then proceeds to explain why blacks are different from whites- how they think differently.

I guess your 'grand' idea for 'killing' heterosexual marriage is just to kill legal marriage for all Americans.

And of course you don't give a damn about whether Americans agree with you or not.
The world will wax worse and worse in it's own vomit and sin.
But there will be a day of judgment, and, you selfish desires will seem very small indeed............
OK. You go make all those changes all across the country...

It's not up to me, it's up to the States. Alabama has already tried to pass a measure... actually, did pass it, but needed a super-majority because of some stupid rule regarding the governor's agenda. It will eventually be passed because it had enormous support. The same thing is happening in states across the country where same-sex marriage had been banned. This won't take long to develop once it starts.

There is not one word in the Constitution which requires States to recognize marriage. I think this is something Constitutional Conservatives, Social Conservatives and Libertarian Conservatives can all support.
So your solution is that states stop marrying anybody and instead calls it a union or something like that? I think that's fair. And if a gay or straight couple wants to call themselves married, they just have to find a church that will do it.

States don't need to call it anything. You can call it whatever you please. If churches want to ordain it, that's up to the churches. If there is some legal need for establishment of partnership, there are contracts for that. Marriage need not be a state or government issue at all. It's not in the Constitution, it's not a requirement of government to recognize or sanction it.

Some smart ass says... get with the 21st century, Boss! Well... okay, let's get with the 21st century and get government out of the marrying business where they don't fucking belong!
Oh... So you're gonna take your ball and go home? Well, yes... in a manner of speaking, that's exactly what we are going to do. You didn't think we're just going to let you hijack the traditional institution of marriage and get away with that, did you? A non-sequitur... that's what you turn the SCOTUS ruling into. That effectively Kills Homosexual Marriage.

Imagine if the opponents of mixed race marriage had proposed this same 'solution' in 1967?

I wouldn't be legally married right now.

And boy would I be pissed off at the racists who killed marriage- just so that they could kill mixed race marriage.
Chicken littles long winded comment might hold water, if large numbers of people over wide areas balked at the Supreme Court ruling. But as we all know, that didn't happen. As a matter of fact, the transition couldn't have gone better.

I was taught something very important back when I was younger and thinking of going into in the car business.

When you make the sale, stop selling the car.

Those simple words are not a rule, but a warning. You'd be surprised by the number of deals that quickly and permanently unraveled after the sale by failing to heed that warning.

Well at least in this OP he didn't tell us again about his fear that gays were going to try to make it legal for them to rape him in public.
OK. You go make all those changes all across the country...

It's not up to me, it's up to the States. Alabama has already tried to pass a measure... actually, did pass it, but needed a super-majority because of some stupid rule regarding the governor's agenda. It will eventually be passed because it had enormous support. The same thing is happening in states across the country where same-sex marriage had been banned. This won't take long to develop once it starts..

Alabama is not killing marriage- not even for gay Americans- the law would simply eliminated marriage licenses.

Probably will fuck up married couples who are required to provide marriage licenses for insurance purposes or any other legal purpose they need to prove that they are married, but hell you are willing to fuck over all Americans just because you are upset that gay Amercans can marry each other.
There is no such thing as "homosexual marriage," there is only one marriage law that can accommodate same- or opposite-sex couples.

LOL... And now, there will be ZERO laws to accommodate ZERO kinds of marriage. Subsequently, ZERO discrimination or inequity. --Game Over!

And there is ZERO chance that your dream of fucking over Americans who want to be legally married will come true.
To undo gay marriage you'd have to undo the country. Good luck with that.
Im all for gay marriage however I must point out that saying to undo it would undo the country is about as foolish a thing that Ive read here in a long time.
Please tell, how is it that this country would be undone if gay marriage was once again unacceptable?
and if it has to do with the constitution and the around about way it was twisted to include gay marriage (marriage for anyone was not a right up until this point), the explain how taking away the right to own and carry a gun wont undo this country when in fact there is a specific right outlined to do so.
The world will wax worse and worse in it's own vomit and sin.
But there will be a day of judgment, and, you selfish desires will seem very small indeed............

Personally, I think we should all be trying to be nicer to each other, and spend less time trying to fuck each other over.

Boss feels otherwise.
The world will wax worse and worse in it's own vomit and sin.
But there will be a day of judgment, and, you selfish desires will seem very small indeed............

Personally, I think we should all be trying to be nicer to each other, and spend less time trying to fuck each other over.

Boss feels otherwise.

People can not help themselves to be self-interested.
It's the downfall of man.
The world will wax worse and worse in it's own vomit and sin.
But there will be a day of judgment, and, you selfish desires will seem very small indeed............

Personally, I think we should all be trying to be nicer to each other, and spend less time trying to fuck each other over.

Boss feels otherwise.

People can not help themselves to be self-interested.
It's the downfall of man.

But we can channel our self interest so that we do not do so at the expense of others.
For Boss and others like him.

Do the people who think homosexuality / transgender people are perverted suffer from a lack of self esteem or personal security? Anyone who is secure in their gender role knows that they cannot simply switch hit. If you constantly find it necessary to criticize those different from you, are you simply trying to prop up your own masculinity? Are you afraid of stumbling into sin because you feel it a choice rather than a biologic fact? Are you fighting something inside yourself?

Could it be that those obsessed with gays are secretly gay? That could explain why they see something everywhere, you only see what you want to, you only see where your mind leads you. "Jesse Bering has written a thought provoking article for the magazine, January 30, 2009 issue of the magazine, Scientific American Mind. In it he cites two pieces of empirical research that support the notion of homophobic young men harbor secret homosexual impulses. Both research studies were published in the distinguished publication, Journal of Abnormal Psychology. The first study was done in 2006 by Henry Adams and his team at the University of Georgia. Complete descriptions of the works can be found on Scientific American Mind but you may have to pay for the article or buy the magazine."

Clinical Depression, Separation Anxiety: Allan Schwartz, Ph.D.

"Compassion is the antitoxin of the soul: where there is compassion even the most poisonous impulses remain relatively harmless." Eric Hoffer

I can't speak for anyone but myself on this. I am not homophobic. I don't hate gay people. I have many gay friends and family members. I attended a gay wedding in 1986. I'm going to another jam-fest this weekend and will probably sleep in a tent with a gay guy, again... we usually bunk together because it's practical. I don't sleep with one eye open afraid he might rape me... contrary to what some here might have you believe. I know he is gay, he knows I am straight and we're just good friends who don't think of each other in regard to sexuality. And that's how I am with most all my friends, gay or straight. I don't judge what people do, that's up to them, as long as they aren't harming me or my family, I couldn't care less. I can even see how many heterosexuals have been sucked in to this perception of inequity regarding gay couples and marriage.

My approach here is purely clinical. Homosexuality is relatively rare. Like I said, one in ten, maybe. So it's not a prevalent thing in society and it won't ever be. Overwhelmingly, humans are heterosexual and that isn't ever going to change. Gay Marriage has not emerged because of the homosexuals, they don't have anywhere near the numbers to make it an issue. It is fueled by mostly secular left-wing radical liberal heterosexuals who have adopted "the cause" on the pretense of some inequity or discrimination.

As for your psychobabble, I could contend that liberal heterosexuals who support gay marriage are "secretly gay" as well! It works both ways with psychobabble... didn't Freud teach you anything?
The world will wax worse and worse in it's own vomit and sin.
But there will be a day of judgment, and, you selfish desires will seem very small indeed............

Personally, I think we should all be trying to be nicer to each other, and spend less time trying to fuck each other over.

Boss feels otherwise.

People can not help themselves to be self-interested.
It's the downfall of man.

But we can channel our self interest so that we do not do so at the expense of others.

For what reason?
There is no such thing as "homosexual marriage," there is only one marriage law that can accommodate same- or opposite-sex couples.

LOL... And now, there will be ZERO laws to accommodate ZERO kinds of marriage. Subsequently, ZERO discrimination or inequity. --Game Over!
You are correct...if there are zero laws....it is equal per the 14th amendment. No problems there. Now....how do you think straights would feel about that?

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