Kim Davis...and the Judge's "mistake"

Tell us, OKT, do agree with Jesus on this?

"No one can serve two masters. Either you will hate the one and love the other, or you will be devoted to the one and despise the other. You cannot serve both God and money." - Matthew 6:24

That's none of your fucking business asshole. Why do you keep deflecting to religion when I haven't brought it up once?
So what will you say if she wins her appeal?
She won't because the judge has been very smart and very patient about her. She's dead wrong, and nearly everyone knows it. She had three outs, and didn't use any of them. That is not the fault of the judge.

Right, he's taken everything into account except the KY law that gives her an option.
He took that into account as well. You read the law, you know that it requires her to issue a marriage license in one particular case, otherwise she'd be in violation of the civil rights of a very young woman. Your dog won't hunt, let it go. Only she and one other bozo are having issues with this, and for all I know he's already caved...

Really, name that female.
Any girl under 18 with permission to marry. That's the law eh?

Was one that sued a female under 18? If not you point is moot.
Tell us, OKT, do agree with Jesus on this?

"No one can serve two masters. Either you will hate the one and love the other, or you will be devoted to the one and despise the other. You cannot serve both God and money." - Matthew 6:24

I'm not addressing the religious issue, legally it has no bearing on the case. KY law gives her the option to issue marriage licenses or not, her reasons are irrelevant. Until that is changed she has done nothing legally wrong.
The law needs to be updated, obviously, but the law that she broke is Contempt. You cannot ignore a court order and get away with it.

And answer the question, do you agree with Jesus or not?

The court can not order to do something she is not compelled to do under KY law.

And NO.
The hell it can't, obviously.

An no, you don't agree with Jesus on serving two masters? Well, that explains a great deal. You and Davis are loony birds of a feather...

And NO, I ain't going there.
Totally irrelevant, to this point she has done nothing illegal.

Yes she has.

Name it.

Contempt of court for starters.

Denying constitutional rights by using an unconstitutional law.

Not complying with an illegal order from a judge is not a violation of law. It's being appealed.

When was the KY law on who MAY ISSUE marriage licenses overturned?

You're asking a stupid question.

I've already given you enough correct, intelligent answers.

Once again, your surrender is duly noted.
She won't because the judge has been very smart and very patient about her. She's dead wrong, and nearly everyone knows it. She had three outs, and didn't use any of them. That is not the fault of the judge.

Right, he's taken everything into account except the KY law that gives her an option.
He took that into account as well. You read the law, you know that it requires her to issue a marriage license in one particular case, otherwise she'd be in violation of the civil rights of a very young woman. Your dog won't hunt, let it go. Only she and one other bozo are having issues with this, and for all I know he's already caved...

Really, name that female.
Any girl under 18 with permission to marry. That's the law eh?

Was one that sued a female under 18? If not you point is moot.
Not yet, but soon enough. That **** for Christ is going down, just a matter of time.

If her next position isn't as Wal-Mart stock clerk we haven't done our job...
Tell us, OKT, do agree with Jesus on this?

"No one can serve two masters. Either you will hate the one and love the other, or you will be devoted to the one and despise the other. You cannot serve both God and money." - Matthew 6:24

I'm not addressing the religious issue, legally it has no bearing on the case. KY law gives her the option to issue marriage licenses or not, her reasons are irrelevant. Until that is changed she has done nothing legally wrong.
The law needs to be updated, obviously, but the law that she broke is Contempt. You cannot ignore a court order and get away with it.

And answer the question, do you agree with Jesus or not?

The court can not order to do something she is not compelled to do under KY law.

And NO.
The hell it can't, obviously.

An no, you don't agree with Jesus on serving two masters? Well, that explains a great deal. You and Davis are loony birds of a feather...

And NO, I ain't going there.
It hardly matters whether you want to go there or not. Jesus was entirely clear on the matter and you rejecting his teachings means you are rejecting, for most Americans, their God...
most Americans realize that our laws don't depend upon what Jesus may have been entirely clear on...
I'm not addressing the religious issue, legally it has no bearing on the case. KY law gives her the option to issue marriage licenses or not, her reasons are irrelevant. Until that is changed she has done nothing legally wrong.
The law needs to be updated, obviously, but the law that she broke is Contempt. You cannot ignore a court order and get away with it.

And answer the question, do you agree with Jesus or not?

The court can not order to do something she is not compelled to do under KY law.

And NO.
The hell it can't, obviously.

An no, you don't agree with Jesus on serving two masters? Well, that explains a great deal. You and Davis are loony birds of a feather...

And NO, I ain't going there.
It hardly matters whether you want to go there or not. Jesus was entirely clear on the matter and you rejecting his teachings means you are rejecting, for most Americans, their God...

You're assuming shit not in evidence, so get off the religious BS, my opinions one way or the other are none of your concern.
most Americans realize that our laws don't depend upon what Jesus may have been entirely clear on...
We are not discussing our laws, but serving your God. Tell us, which calling is higher? If you are forced to choose between God and Country, or God and Money, which one do you choose?

A reminder:

"No one can serve two masters. Either you will hate the one and love the other, or you will be devoted to the one and despise the other. You cannot serve both God and money." - Matthew 6:24

Now, how does working for the state, a secular entity by law, serve God?
The law needs to be updated, obviously, but the law that she broke is Contempt. You cannot ignore a court order and get away with it.

And answer the question, do you agree with Jesus or not?

The court can not order to do something she is not compelled to do under KY law.

And NO.
The hell it can't, obviously.

An no, you don't agree with Jesus on serving two masters? Well, that explains a great deal. You and Davis are loony birds of a feather...

And NO, I ain't going there.
It hardly matters whether you want to go there or not. Jesus was entirely clear on the matter and you rejecting his teachings means you are rejecting, for most Americans, their God...

You're assuming shit not in evidence, so get off the religious BS, my opinions one way or the other are none of your concern.
In a discussion of faith, her faith, ignoring the teachings of her Lord is not an option. And if you call yourself a Christian but you don't agree with the teachings of Jesus, then you aren't one so don't bother...
That's a lie, read the KY law on who MAY ISSUE marriage licenses. It's already been discussed at length in this and other threads. The law does not say "shall issue", with ONE MINOR exception.
No pun intended.

And you know she's going back to jail soon eh? She's not smart enough to realize the trap that's been set for her...
The court can not order to do something she is not compelled to do under KY law.

And NO.
The hell it can't, obviously.

An no, you don't agree with Jesus on serving two masters? Well, that explains a great deal. You and Davis are loony birds of a feather...

And NO, I ain't going there.
It hardly matters whether you want to go there or not. Jesus was entirely clear on the matter and you rejecting his teachings means you are rejecting, for most Americans, their God...

You're assuming shit not in evidence, so get off the religious BS, my opinions one way or the other are none of your concern.
In a discussion of faith, her faith, ignoring the teachings of her Lord is not an option. And if you call yourself a Christian but you don't agree with the teachings of Jesus, then you aren't one so don't bother...

You're not paying attention, I haven't mentioned her faith once, if you have questions about her faith, ask her.
That's a lie, read the KY law on who MAY ISSUE marriage licenses. It's already been discussed at length in this and other threads. The law does not say "shall issue", with ONE MINOR exception.

402.080 Marriage license required
Who may issue.
No marriage shall be solemnized without a license therefor. The license shall be issued by
the clerk of the county
in which the female resides at the time, unless the female is
eighteen (18) years of age or over or a widow, and the license is issued on her
in person or by writing signed by her, in which case it may be issued by any county clerk.
July 13, 1984
Amended 1984 Ky. Acts ch. 279, sec. 1, effective July 13, 1984.
1980 Ky. Acts ch. 74, sec. 1, effective Ju
ly 15, 1980.
Amended 1978 Ky. Acts ch.
384, sec. 518, effective June 17, 1978.
Amended 1968 Ky. Acts ch. 100, sec. 14.
Amended 1948 Ky. Acts ch. 42, sec. 1.
Recodified 1942 Ky. Acts ch. 208, sec. 1,
effective October 1, 1942, from Ky. Stat. sec
. 2105

Fucks you pretty darnn good, and her even moreso...
The hell it can't, obviously.

An no, you don't agree with Jesus on serving two masters? Well, that explains a great deal. You and Davis are loony birds of a feather...

And NO, I ain't going there.
It hardly matters whether you want to go there or not. Jesus was entirely clear on the matter and you rejecting his teachings means you are rejecting, for most Americans, their God...

You're assuming shit not in evidence, so get off the religious BS, my opinions one way or the other are none of your concern.
In a discussion of faith, her faith, ignoring the teachings of her Lord is not an option. And if you call yourself a Christian but you don't agree with the teachings of Jesus, then you aren't one so don't bother...

You're not paying attention, I haven't mentioned her faith once, if you have questions about her faith, ask her.
Her faith is crap. It's a safe bet that yours is as well...
That's a lie, read the KY law on who MAY ISSUE marriage licenses. It's already been discussed at length in this and other threads. The law does not say "shall issue", with ONE MINOR exception.
No pun intended.

And you know she's going back to jail soon eh? She's not smart enough to realize the trap that's been set for her...

Butt out bubba, I deliberately worded it that way for the other ignorant person to discover.
That's a lie, read the KY law on who MAY ISSUE marriage licenses. It's already been discussed at length in this and other threads. The law does not say "shall issue", with ONE MINOR exception.
No pun intended.

And you know she's going back to jail soon eh? She's not smart enough to realize the trap that's been set for her...

Butt out bubba, I deliberately worded it that way for the other ignorant person to discover.
What you are is dead wrong. That's obvious. And Calvary Kim is headed back to the Clink. Just give it a couple of days. That **** for Christ can't help herself...
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That's a lie, read the KY law on who MAY ISSUE marriage licenses. It's already been discussed at length in this and other threads. The law does not say "shall issue", with ONE MINOR exception.

402.080 Marriage license required
Who may issue.
No marriage shall be solemnized without a license therefor. The license shall be issued by
the clerk of the county
in which the female resides at the time, unless the female is
eighteen (18) years of age or over or a widow, and the license is issued on her
in person or by writing signed by her, in which case it may be issued by any county clerk.
July 13, 1984
Amended 1984 Ky. Acts ch. 279, sec. 1, effective July 13, 1984.
1980 Ky. Acts ch. 74, sec. 1, effective Ju
ly 15, 1980.
Amended 1978 Ky. Acts ch.
384, sec. 518, effective June 17, 1978.
Amended 1968 Ky. Acts ch. 100, sec. 14.
Amended 1948 Ky. Acts ch. 42, sec. 1.
Recodified 1942 Ky. Acts ch. 208, sec. 1,
effective October 1, 1942, from Ky. Stat. sec
. 2105

Fucks you pretty darnn good, and her even moreso...

Sure, if it ended at your bold, it doesn't. Of course you already knew that.

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