Kim's Going Back To Jail

The aggressive tactics the gay mafia is using is turning people against their cause.
Looks more like gays are winning.

ROFLMAO, look at the last elections in 2014, the drop in the polls for fag marriage and the likelihood of an Article V Convention and you still think the fags are winning?

Dude, get with reality. They are winning hands down, as they should. You nuts who think the world is going to spin backwards are just that. Their rights aren't decided by your homophobic opinions...
Lol, based on what evidence are they winning? That they have cock-sucked their way into getting a bunch of amoral establishment creeps to let them have their way? roflmao, that wont work for much longer, ass wipe.

And you still haven't answered my question, 'Why did the Greek Platonists abandon polytheism for monotheism?'

Smart ass.
The aggressive tactics the gay mafia is using is turning people against their cause.
Looks more like gays are winning.

ROFLMAO, look at the last elections in 2014, the drop in the polls for fag marriage and the likelihood of an Article V Convention and you still think the fags are winning?

Dude, get with reality. They are winning hands down, as they should. You nuts who think the world is going to spin backwards are just that. Their rights aren't decided by your homophobic opinions...
Lol, based on what evidence are they winning? That they have cock-sucked their way into getting a bunch of amoral establishment creeps to let them have their way? roflmao, that wont work for much longer, ass wipe.

And you still haven't answered my question, 'Why did the Greek Platonists abandon polytheism for monotheism?'

Smart ass.
I notice your question changed, and are they winning, oh yeah. Only a few morons like you, Kim Davis, Sil, Kosher, Sassy, etc. give a damn. Gay marriage, like being gay, is no big deal to most. You are a dying breed, thank God for small favors.
The aggressive tactics the gay mafia is using is turning people against their cause.
Looks more like gays are winning.

ROFLMAO, look at the last elections in 2014, the drop in the polls for fag marriage and the likelihood of an Article V Convention and you still think the fags are winning?


LGBT service in the military and entitles to equal rights, why should they not get married?

The bigots are out of step.
The aggressive tactics the gay mafia is using is turning people against their cause.
Looks more like gays are winning.

ROFLMAO, look at the last elections in 2014, the drop in the polls for fag marriage and the likelihood of an Article V Convention and you still think the fags are winning?

Dude, get with reality. They are winning hands down, as they should. You nuts who think the world is going to spin backwards are just that. Their rights aren't decided by your homophobic opinions...
Lol, based on what evidence are they winning?

Lets see. Numerous court victories resulting in universal recognition of same sex marriage, growing support for same sex marriage with a clear majority supporting it, a perfect record of failure for opponents of same sex marriage since Obergefell.......and Kim Davis relenting, allowing marriage certificates to be issued in Rowan County.
The aggressive tactics the gay mafia is using is turning people against their cause.
Looks more like gays are winning.

ROFLMAO, look at the last elections in 2014, the drop in the polls for fag marriage and the likelihood of an Article V Convention and you still think the fags are winning?


LGBT service in the military and entitles to equal rights, why should they not get married?

The bigots are out of step.
"LGBT service in the military and entitles to equal rights, why should they not get married?"

Can you put that in English?

Numerous court victories resulting in universal recognition of same sex marriage, growing support for same sex marriage with a clear majority supporting it, a perfect record of failure for opponents of same sex marriage since Obergefell.......and Kim Davis relenting, allowing marriage certificates to be issued in Rowan County.

So because some old senile farts are going soft on the buggery, you think all society is? Thus the fags are winning the cultural war?

No, most people are just tired of the issue and toss off a live and let live dismissal when asked.

The targeting of Christian martyrs like Kim Davis is turning this around, just like every other group that has attacked the church, by 2100 nobody will have a teardrop of sympathy for the rights of fags to pretend like they are married.

And Kim got her way on the biggest point; her name is not on those evil contemptuous pieces of shyte known as fagot marriage certificates.
LGBT service in the military and entitles to equal rights, why should they not get married?

The bigots are out of step.

The ABSOLUTE COOLEST THING about people who call other's 'bigots', is that in so doing, they demonstrate the traits essential to 'bigotry'... .

Allow me to demonstrate:

Bigotry: intolerance toward those who hold different opinions from oneself.

See how that works?

There's you being intolerant of those who hold differing opinions than you hold... LOL! While LAMENTING people who are intolerant of YOUR opinions!

HOW COOL IS THAT? We call these sort of things, a "PARADOX".

But hey... if you weren't an imbecile, you'd have known that.
I notice your question changed, and are they winning, oh yeah. Only a few morons like you, Kim Davis, Sil, Kosher, Sassy, etc. give a damn. Gay marriage, like being gay, is no big deal to most. You are a dying breed, thank God for small favors.


And you still haven't answered my question, 'Why did the Greek Platonists abandon polytheism for monotheism?'
LGBT service in the military and entitles to equal rights, why should they not get married?

The bigots are out of step.

The ABSOLUTE COOLEST THING about people who call other's 'bigots', is that in so doing, they demonstrate the traits essential to 'bigotry'... .

Allow me to demonstrate:

Bigotry: intolerance toward those who hold different opinions from oneself.

See how that works?

There's you being intolerant of those who hold differing opinions than you hold... LOL! While LAMENTING people who are intolerant of YOUR opinions!

HOW COOL IS THAT? We call these sort of things, a "PARADOX".

But hey... if you weren't an imbecile, you'd have known that.

You could call it a 'paradox', or you could call it 'libtard stupidity'.

Six of one, half a dozen of the other.
LGBT service in the military and entitles to equal rights, why should they not get married?

The bigots are out of step.

The ABSOLUTE COOLEST THING about people who call other's 'bigots', is that in so doing, they demonstrate the traits essential to 'bigotry'... .

Allow me to demonstrate:

Bigotry: intolerance toward those who hold different opinions from oneself.

See how that works?

There's you being intolerant of those who hold differing opinions than you hold... LOL! While LAMENTING people who are intolerant of YOUR opinions!

HOW COOL IS THAT? We call these sort of things, a "PARADOX".

But hey... if you weren't an imbecile, you'd have known that.

People should be tolerant of those who are rabid haters?
We should be tolerant of terrorist and mass murders?
We should we tolerant of those who commit genocide?

People can hate but when they spread that hate and too often use or incites violence as well, there is no reason to tolerate such behavior

Call people bigots is not intolerant but just stating fact.............and the rest of the people should give them a pat on the head and let them spread and spew their hate?
Davis could have said she does not approve of gay marriage but when she refuses to do her job and takes it public and on a national forum she and those who support her views are just wrong. When her beliefs and actions violate the law, she is just plain wrong.

If she promoted throwing gays off of building should we be tolerant of her hate? At what point should we stop tolerating haters and inciters? When is calling a bigot "a bigot" acceptable to you?
People should be tolerant of those who are rabid haters?

#1 - People should never tolerate Relativism.

We should be tolerant of terrorist and mass murders?

#2 - Left-think should never be tolerated.

We should we tolerant of those who commit genocide?

See #1 & #2.

Call people bigots is not intolerant but just stating fact.

ROFLMNAO! Sweet MOTHER you're an idiot. But in your defense, what Leftist isn't?
Gay marriage...

Marriage is the Joining of One Man and One Woman.

Marriage used to a sale of daughters, usually loveless or to a stranger. Now that is wrong.
Marriage, be it common law or by taking vows with a state license between two consenting adults is not wrong.
Love is not wrong, but hate is

Davis by the standards of her own church is a sinner, so why should she be casting stones?

Davis is failing to carry out her duty and follow the law. Twice now the courts have ruled against her and her refusal to serve her state in the way she has sworn to do. She took an oath, so if she can't live up to that oath, she should resign her office. 26 yrs in the clerks office, it is not like she does not know the duty and laws she is bound to serve. It is not her place to deny others their rights. It is not her place to decide what is and is not lawful or moral.

She can object, but not with the clerks office. Let her object after she steps down. Let her object as a private citizen not as a public servant.

She is misinterpreting and abusing the bible to justify hate. Love is not the sin. Hate is a sin, not the bond of two soul mates.
I'm curious..........................can any of you Christians cite the actual Bible verse(s) that state explicitly that marriage is strictly between one man and one woman?

Now, I don't want the verses that say gays are bad, I want the ones that state explicitly the requirements of what a marriage is.

I'm betting you can't.
People should be tolerant of those who are rabid haters?

#1 - People should never tolerate Relativism.

We should be tolerant of terrorist and mass murders?

#2 - Left-think should never be tolerated.

We should we tolerant of those who commit genocide?

See #1 & #2.

Call people bigots is not intolerant but just stating fact.

ROFLMNAO! Sweet MOTHER you're an idiot. But in your defense, what Leftist isn't?

Oh well, let all live in the stone age with selling women and slavery then. Let go back to stoning people like Davis for adultery. Lets go back to sexual, racial and religious segregation and persecution.

Sorry, but I've living in places that do that.

The US has a separation between church and state. Davis' faith does not supersede the law. Her faith has no place in the clerks office. It is not her place to decide what laws the clerks in her office can and cannot follow.

61% support same sex marriage. Davis and her church are out of step morally and legally.
'libtard stupidity' is OK, but calling someone a bigot is not?

Wow, such hypocrisy.


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