Kindergarten Students in Connecticut Learn about Being Transgender in Line with ‘Social Justice Standards’

Don't fucking dare accuse me of preying on chilren [sic]. You will regret it. Promis [sic]

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You don't even realize how stupid that is do you? Who is indoctrinating kkids, [sic] and how? Not one of you jerks has been able to give an example.

A few examples have been explicitly, clearly given.

Denying them will not hide what everyone can clearly see.

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I have to wonnder about you people who are obsessed with perverts and see them everywhere. I suspect that you are struggling with some inner deamons
Do we have a chance to ignore them?

They are invading our schools and corrupting the children
Being transsexual has nothing to do with sex ....dumbass. It is about gender identity and no body is forcing the kids to do anything
It’s forcing them to study subjects they aren’t ready for.

Kids are too young to be introduced to the concept of changing their gender. It’s becoming a fad.

Kids love shit like changing their name, dressing up as opposite sex just to shock people, being dramatic.

To them it’s a game, they don’t realize how serious it is.

Why introduce all this to elementary school kids? They’re too young to deal with any of this. Puberty is confusing and stressful enough without telling them “hey, maybe you’re really a girl/boy”
It’s forcing them to study subjects they aren’t ready for.

Kids are too young to be introduced to the concept of changing their gender. It’s becoming a fad.

Kids love shit like changing their name, dressing up as opposite sex just to shock people, being dramatic.

To them it’s a game, they don’t realize how serious it is.

Why introduce all this to elementary school kids? They’re too young to deal with any of this. Puberty is confusing and stressful enough without telling them “hey, maybe you’re really a girl/boy”
You are a perfect example of why social/emotional learning is necessary. Apprently you have not had any. Like those parents-you are responding hysterically and irrationally at the simple mention of transger people in the presence of children without have an understanding of exactly what is being taught or what social/emotional learning is .

"What subject are they being forced to study?" You really can't explain that can you? They are being taught that people of different gender identies and different sexual orientations exist. They are being taught that -what ever, or whoever one encounters in life-that there is a rational and emotionally appropriate way of responding instead of being a jerk about it. They are being prepared for life in the real world. The chances are they they are already aware of trans and gay people. It is likely that a couple of them may be having feeling that they are "different" In any case they need adults to put it into perspectivefor them and to help them to develop appropriate ways to interact. Get over it already!
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You are a perfect example of why social/emotional learning is necessary. Apprently you have not had any. Like those parents-you are responding hysterically and irrationally at the simple mention of transger people in the presence of children .

"What subject are they being forced to study?" You really can't explain that can you? They are being taught that people of different gender identies and different sexual orientations exist. They are being taught that -what ever, or whoever oneencounters in life-that there ios a rational and emotionally appropriate way of responding. They are being prepared for life in the real world. The chances are they they are already aware of trans and gay people. It is likely that a couple of them may be having feeling that they are "different" In any case they need adults to put it into perspectivefor them and to help them to develop appropriate ways to interact. Get over it already!

Obviously I can’t site a specific school curriculum on the subject, it’s not as though I have access to them.

You can teach appropriate responses without making gender identity and changing your gender part of the lesson. It just doesn’t need to be brought up that young.
You can teach appropriate responses without making gender identity and changing your gender part of the lesson
What does that mean ,EXACTLY? Do you think that they are teaching kidshow , or encouraging them to be to be trans? Again, you and other seem to be getting all worked up about something that you have little understanding of, but have identified it as another progressive boggyman like critical race theory

I am willing to bet that genser and sexuality are only a small part of what is being discussed, but it must be discussed. You can't teach children to be tollerant and respectful of differences if you ccan't talk about what those differences are. The intent is to teach them to respond with a level of emotional maturity and appropriate social skills

The problem is that you people get freaked out about the very idea of transgender people and think that we should pretend that it doesn't exist and never mention it around children. Well the children already know about it. Therefor educators and parents have to work with them around the issue so that they do not become fearful and hateful bigots and bullies
The problem is that you people get freaked out about the very idea of transgender people and think that we should pretend that it doesn't exist and never mention it around children. Well the children already know about it. Therefor educators and parents have to work with them around the issue so that they do not become fearful and hateful bigots and bullies

Whatever sick shit consenting adults want to engage in between themselves is one thing.

Dragging children into any of it is another thing entirely.

In a sane society, your kind, if you were allowed to live at all, would be kept locked away in prisons and mental institutions, and under no circumstances ever be given any access to children.

It is madness and folly that in order to pander to sick freaks such as yourself, we are setting children up to be fucked-up for life.
Whatever sick shit consenting adults want to engage in between themselves is one thing.

Dragging children into any of it is another thing entirely.

In a sane society, your kind, if you were allowed to live at all, would be kept locked away in prisons and mental institutions, and under no circumstances ever be given any access to children.

It is madness and folly that in order to pander to sick freaks such as yourself, we are setting children up to be fucked-up for life.

How did you get to be so fucked up Bobby Boy?
Part of schooling is SOCIALIZATION, which is introducing kids to the norms and mores of the society. In teaching kids that sexual/gender delusions are normal and acceptable, you are guaranteeing that many of them will explore that option for any number of reasons - usually to draw attention themselves, and how that delusion will play out in the future is unknowable.

Not to mention that it is biological and factual bullshit; there are TWO genders, period. There is no middle ground or alternative gender. Belief that one is the other gender is either a neurosis or a psychotic break from reality, and it serves no purpose whatsoever to patronize that delusion.

From the inception of public education in this country until LAST WEEK (figuratively speaking), kids were NEVER introduced to transsexualism, and everyone survived. It was an extremely rare condition, frequently ending disastrously. THere is no benefit whatsoever in introducing small, impressionable children to this perversion of reality.

Which is why the Left supports it, utterly.
Part of schooling is SOCIALIZATION, which is introducing kids to the norms and mores of the society. In teaching kids that sexual/gender delusions are normal and acceptable, you are guaranteeing that many of them will explore that option for any number of reasons - usually to draw attention themselves, and how that delusion will play out in the future is unknowable.

Not to mention that it is biological and factual bullshit; there are TWO genders, period. There is no middle ground or alternative gender. Belief that one is the other gender is either a neurosis or a psychotic break from reality, and it serves no purpose whatsoever to patronize that delusion.

From the inception of public education in this country until LAST WEEK (figuratively speaking), kids were NEVER introduced to transsexualism, and everyone survived. It was an extremely rare condition, frequently ending disastrously. There is no benefit whatsoever in introducing small, impressionable children to this perversion of reality.

Which is why the Left supports it, utterly.

I think it is undeniable that a significant motive behind this is to make children more vulnerable, and easier prey for pedophiles. Introducing such deep sexual confusion into children at a younger age than that at which any sexuality really exists creates a hook for child molesters to exploit, to further confuse, manipulate, and exploit children.

Not going to mention any names, in this post, but take a look at which users on this forum are most supportive of dragging children into this shit. What is it, about these particular users, that is pretty obvious, even if we are not allowed to come out and say it about them?

Don't answer, of course, or the moderators may come down on you. But you know it, and I know it, and they know it, and even the moderators as they try to cover for it, know it.
At what age do they teach the kids about anal intercourse and bi-racial sex?
My kid (now 39) was taught about "safe" anal sex in his public school when he was ten. This was purportedly to fight the AIDS epidemic, the heterosexual element of which never actually existed.
YOU are full of shit and not that bright.!! Read the description Social and Emotional Learning of that I posted and tell me how it sexualized children. You people are so fucked in the head. Looks like you found another culture war boggie man to behysterical about
No one will believe the propaganda we are told.
My kid (now 39) was taught about "safe" anal sex in his public school when he was ten. This was purportedly to fight the AIDS epidemic, the heterosexual element of which never actually existed.
My son's 12 year old granddaughter came home from school where she was told she was a non binary lesbian. She wanted to come to Gramna and Grandpa where she could be a girl. She was here for 3 weeks.
You are a perfect example of why social/emotional learning is necessary. Apprently you have not had any. Like those parents-you are responding hysterically and irrationally at the simple mention of transger people in the presence of children without have an understanding of exactly what is being taught or what social/emotional learning is .

"What subject are they being forced to study?" You really can't explain that can you? They are being taught that people of different gender identies and different sexual orientations exist. They are being taught that -what ever, or whoever one encounters in life-that there is a rational and emotionally appropriate way of responding instead of being a jerk about it. They are being prepared for life in the real world. The chances are they they are already aware of trans and gay people. It is likely that a couple of them may be having feeling that they are "different" In any case they need adults to put it into perspectivefor them and to help them to develop appropriate ways to interact. Get over it already!
There should be no such thing as social emotional learning. It is just propaganda to force children to accept that which they know is abhorrent. Those who want to force these children into such education should be beaten to within an inch of their lives, then two more inches.
There should be no such thing as social emotional learning. It is just propaganda to force children to accept that which they know is abhorrent. Those who want to force these children into such education should be beaten to within an inch of their lives, then two more inches.

I say that the correct treatment of such filth involves a large millstone and a one-way boat trip to some deep part of the sea.

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