Kiss My Ass , George W Bush!

Dubya is a fine man and was a terrific president...he suckered al-Qaida into Iraq and murdered them by the bushel. The economy was strong despite Willy's meltdown and 9/11. I slept well during those years knowing he was on watch.

I've always thought Iraq was an excuse to get our military over and start taking out al Qaeda. President Bush kept us safe despite having to deal with that piece of shit Harry Reid and that dumbass Nancy "Gotta pass it to see what's in it" Pelosi.
I've always thought Iraq was an excuse to get our military over and start taking out al Qaeda. President Bush kept us safe despite having to deal with that piece of shit Harry Reid and that dumbass Nancy "Gotta pass it to see what's in it" Pelosi.

Yep, that's what "bring it on" was about....let's see what they could do against Airborne and USMC instead of office workers and airline stewardesses....they streamed into Iraq and we were there waiting.
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"W" was a neoconservative TURD who made the biggest foreign policy blunder in US history.

He was so stupid he started two wars, cut taxes, and increased entitlements- at the same time!!

He was no friend to liberty either- the "Patriot act", NSA eavesdropping, Gitmo, extraordinary rendition,domestic spying programs, the TSA, etc..

Fortunately he did destroy the PNAC and the neoconservative movement. For that we can be grateful.

As for those who say "he kept us safe" - Well. 9//11 happened on his watch... so sorry, but he really didn't keep us safe either. He was a TURD.
"W" was a neoconservative TURD who made the biggest foreign policy blunder in US history.

He was so stupid he started two wars, cut taxes, and increased entitlements- at the same time!!

He was no friend to liberty either- the "Patriot act", NSA eavesdropping, Gitmo, extraordinary rendition,domestic spying programs, the TSA, etc..

Fortunately he did destroy the PNAC and the neoconservative movement. For that we can be grateful.

As for those who say "he kept us safe" - Well. 9//11 happened on his watch... so sorry, but he really didn't keep us safe either. He was a TURD.

9/11 was Scum Willy's show....they were already here training when Dubya took the Oath of office...not that it makes any difference to you Rat liars.
I've always thought Iraq was an excuse to get our military over and start taking out al Qaeda. President Bush kept us safe despite having to deal with that piece of shit Harry Reid and that dumbass Nancy "Gotta pass it to see what's in it" Pelosi.

Yep, that's what "bring it on" was about....let's see what they could do against Airborne and USMC instead of office workers and airline stewardesses....they streamed into Iraq and we were there waiting.

I see Fakey Jake is having another of his laughing fits....somebody turn off the nitrous oxide before his nose starts bleeding. :eusa_snooty:
Yeah, kiss our ass Trump as well.
Love this!!

The party seems to be imploding. Sad.

Appears that the party imploding is that of the Democrats. Wouldn't you agree?

Hillary Clinton and her cabal knew this would simply be a coronation.because of the

They had it all mapped out except for Bernie Sanders. People see her as a loser...AGAIN. Just as NO ONE expected Donald Trump to be the last man standing, having beaten 16 highly qualified, talented candidates.

Now you have Hillary Clinton, months later and tens of millions of dollars spent and they have yet to shake Bernie Sanders. Fights have broken out and what do you imagine is going to happen at the national convention?

Donald Trump is working fast to pull the Republicans together. At the same time, the Democrats are having fist fights between Hillary and Bernie supporters. Worse, Bernie refuses to leave and intends to be at the convention until the last vote is cast.

Had the Democrats nominating process not been so corrupt, it probably would not be such a SNAFU.

Do you agree?
It's a shame more right wingers didn't do that when he was throwing our economy into the crapper.
Democrats won the majority in the 2nd half of Bush's second term. Barney Frank became the chairperson of the House Banking Committee which had oversight responsibility for Fanny Mae. Frank told Americans that Fannie was solvent and stable when it was on the brink of collapse. President Bush bears ultimate responsibility for Fannie's collapse which brought down the economy just before the election but you have to admit that Barney Frank was either negligent or criminally responsible for the debacle. Unfortunately the mainstream media never asks the tough questions to democrats and Frank retired with his new boyfriend and nobody ever tracked him down.

Bloomberg News -
How the Democrats Created the Financial Crisis -

Democrats in their own words covering up the Fannie Mae, Freddie Mac

Timeline shows Bush, McCain warning Democrats of Financial Crisis

From the New York Times
New Agency Proposed to Oversee Freddie Mac and Fannie Mae

Published: September 11, 2003 WASHINGTON,

Sept. 10— The Bush administration today recommended the most significant regulatory overhaul in the housing finance industry since the savings and loan crisis a decade ago.

Under the plan, disclosed at a Congressional hearing today, a new agency would be created within the Treasury Department to assume supervision of Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac, the government-sponsored companies that are the two largest players in the mortgage lending industry.

The new agency would have the authority, which now rests with Congress, to set one of the two capital-reserve requirements for the companies. It would exercise authority over any new lines of business. And it would determine whether the two are adequately managing the risks of their ballooning portfolios.

The plan is an acknowledgment by the administration that oversight of Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac -- which together have issued more than $1.5 trillion in outstanding debt -- is broken. A report by outside investigators in July concluded that Freddie Mac manipulated its accounting to mislead investors, and critics have said Fannie Mae does not adequately hedge against rising interest rates.

Read more: New Agency Proposed to Oversee Freddie Mac and Fannie Mae
"W" was a neoconservative TURD who made the biggest foreign policy blunder in US history.

He was so stupid he started two wars, cut taxes, and increased entitlements- at the same time!!

He was no friend to liberty either- the "Patriot act", NSA eavesdropping, Gitmo, extraordinary rendition,domestic spying programs, the TSA, etc..

Fortunately he did destroy the PNAC and the neoconservative movement. For that we can be grateful.

As for those who say "he kept us safe" - Well. 9//11 happened on his watch... so sorry, but he really didn't keep us safe either. He was a TURD.

As you know, the events leading up to the 9/11/2001 attack stemmed from the Gorelick Wall of Silence ordered by President Bill Clinton.

After the act of war on the United States, President Bush protected us from any other fatal Islamic terrorist attacks until several months into the administration of...ta da...Lame Duck President Barack Hussein Obama.
As you know, the events leading up to the 9/11/2001 attack stemmed from the Gorelick Wall of Silence ordered by President Bill Clinton.

After the act of war on the United States, President Bush protected us from any other fatal Islamic terrorist attacks until several months into the administration of...ta da...Lame Duck President Barack Hussein Obama.

But Jamie Gorelick wasn't done...not by a long shot....

A 2006 report of an investigation by the Office of Federal Housing Enterprise Oversight into Fannie Mae's accounting practices and corporate governance revealed that from 1998 to 2002 Gorelick received a total of $26,466,834.00 in income.
that was quite lame of the guy looking for his 15 minutes....

and to quote what Trump has said about others...''You started it''...meaning Trump started it this time...He belittled and demeaned George w Bush on the national stage in the debates with a major rant against GWB...does this ass in the op video truly believe GWB should or would support Trump, after Trump did that?

Get real!
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that was quite lame of the guy looking for his 15 minutes....

and to quote what Trump has said about others...''You started it''...meaning Trump started it this time...He belittled and demeaned George w Bush on the national stage in the debates with a major rant against GWB...does this ass in the op video truly believe GWB should or would support Trump, after Trump did that?

Get real!

It's politics.
that was quite lame of the guy looking for his 15 minutes....

and to quote what Trump has said about others...''You started it''...meaning Trump started it this time...He belittled and demeaned George w Bush on the national stage in the debates with a major rant against GWB...does this ass in the op video truly believe GWB should or would support Trump, after Trump did that?

Get real!

It's politics.
Not really "politics"

Just an old guy, likely washed up & looking to be relevant again.
As you know, the events leading up to the 9/11/2001 attack stemmed from the Gorelick Wall of Silence ordered by President Bill Clinton.

After the act of war on the United States, President Bush protected us from any other fatal Islamic terrorist attacks until several months into the administration of...ta da...Lame Duck President Barack Hussein Obama.

But Jamie Gorelick wasn't done...not by a long shot....

A 2006 report of an investigation by the Office of Federal Housing Enterprise Oversight into Fannie Mae's accounting practices and corporate governance revealed that from 1998 to 2002 Gorelick received a total of $26,466,834.00 in income.
Love this!!

There you go. No matter what you think of Donald Trump he's one of the very few Republicans who have told the truth about G.W. All-Hat-No-Cattle Bush. Way back in 2005 he was saying in public on CNN he was surprised G.W. wasn't impeached for lying the country into war. The biggest mystery of all this is how and why the loudest, most foul mouthed blowhard supporters of G.W. "Mission-Accomplished" Bush for 15 years became, without a hitch in their stride, the loudest most foul mouthed supporters of "Go-Fuck-yourself-Bush" Donald Trump today. Sweet justice.
Bush was the fourth worst president in American history.
Very possibly over-estimating 'W'. Probably, with the ultimate ramifications of what he and his administration did, history will place him even lower.

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