Kiss My Ass , George W Bush!

Come on Tom; the packaging of mortgage backed securities into Collateralized Debt Obligations (CDO's) under Clinton was a license for Wall Street bankers to steal with impunity.

When there is corruption from the greasy skid mark writing an ARM to a scumbag with a 450 FICO score all the way up to Bernanke, it's GOING to come crashing down.

But at least all those bastards went to prison.

Oh wait, they didn't go to prison, we gave them a billion dollars of taxpayer money....

Come on what? I said 2007 was the turning point when the Rats took the committees over and prevented Fanny and Freddie from being audited to find out what they were doing. Maxine Waters husband was involved and she called Dubya "racist" for wanting a look at the books. Of course Clinton's CRA loans for mortgages were crap, and the bankers could have eaten that shit sandwich but they didn't. Packaged them up and sold them to the whole world...and threw the whole world into recession. Both sides are guilty of what's happened but the Rats were in charge of the committees that kept action from being taken.
I would like to thank all of Trump's Chumps for raising your hands and identifying yourselves as the most credulous stack of rubes to come down the pike in ages.

But Hitlery Clinton is legit!!! Do ya know who told me that? A leftard......why would he lie about something like that? What would he have to gain? (snicker)

Let me tell ya somethin', Hitlery is one of the sorriest excuses for a human being ever. She treats those beneath her like shit because she feels that she is "above" everyone. What makes anyone believe that she would give a flying fuck about you serfs? It's not like she is going to have any "real" power anyway because she is 100 percent compromised to the hilt....but what she is allowed to do isn't going to bode well for the masses.
The GOP failed from 1994 to 2006 to do the right thing in Congress, and Horn points at 2007.

The neck of his arguments are no more effective in escaping the noose of truth than was that of his hero.
Deregulations caused the great depression and great recession. Bush fucked this nation by following loserterianism and this is why hillary better win.

No, deregulations or regulations didn't have a fucking thing to do with the "Great Depression". The big bankers pulled out of the market at it's peak, made a margin call which caused a run on the bank (that didn't have enough on hand to meet that margin call) which made the market crash. These same thieving bastards then re-entered the market and bought up controlling shares in corporations that they coveted but had been unable to get their grubby little hands on. Then they bought up insolvent banks thus adding to their monopoly. You don't know shit...seriously, really suck at researching the issues. You use "buzzwords" to make yourself sound relevant...but the fact of the matter is you are absolutely CLUELESS.
Dale, you give a very narrow one-sided view that reflects maybe six or seven bankers who did that.

Do you know how many bankers jumped to their death because of their stupidity?

You are really very ignorant on the subject.
I would like to thank all of Trump's Chumps for raising your hands and identifying yourselves as the most credulous stack of rubes to come down the pike in ages.

What causes your inability to understand that, at least for me, my vote for Trump is a vote against Hillary and the continuation of the horrendous Obama machine. No rube.
You just don't get that it isn't out of love for one but it is contempt for the other that determines my vote. Lassie would have a better chance of garnering my vote than Hillary. I believe that woman is evil.

If Trump keeps even a few of his campaign promises then, Yippy!!! We're still better off. Vote for America this time. We've given enough away.

the horrendous Obama machine! That sounds bad.
It's a shame more right wingers didn't do that when he was throwing our economy into the crapper.
Democrats won the majority in the 2nd half of Bush's second term. Barney Frank became the chairperson of the House Banking Committee which had oversight responsibility for Fanny Mae. Frank told Americans that Fannie was solvent and stable when it was on the brink of collapse. President Bush bears ultimate responsibility for Fannie's collapse which brought down the economy just before the election but you have to admit that Barney Frank was either negligent or criminally responsible for the debacle. Unfortunately the mainstream media never asks the tough questions to democrats and Frank retired with his new boyfriend and nobody ever tracked him down.
It's a shame more right wingers didn't do that when he was throwing our economy into the crapper.
I find it much easier to forgive economic slumps and blunders than foreign policy fiasco.

Hell, for some, getting fired maybe the best thing to ever happen to them. A whole new world may open up to them if they are kicked out of a dead end job.
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Democrats won the majority in the 2nd half of Bush's second term. Barney Frank became the chairperson of the House Banking Committee which had oversight responsibility for Fanny Mae. Frank told Americans that Fannie was solvent and stable when it was on the brink of collapse. President Bush bears ultimate responsibility for Fannie's collapse which brought down the economy just before the election but you have to admit that Barney Frank was either negligent or criminally responsible for the debacle. Unfortunately the mainstream media never asks the tough questions to democrats and Frank retired with his new boyfriend and nobody ever tracked him down.

I only dispute Bush bearing ultimate responsibility for the economy (built on housing after NAFTA and GATT gutted our manufacturing) crashing. He had two wars going on and terrorist threats in every shape and form to deal with. And remember, he had Paulson bring the banksters to the WH, lock them in a room, and tell them nobody was leaving until they signed promissory notes at 10% interest to stay solvent.
Dale, you give a very narrow one-sided view that reflects maybe six or seven bankers who did that.

Do you know how many bankers jumped to their death because of their stupidity?

You are really very ignorant on the subject.

The "bankers" that killed themselves were not part of the elites that orchestrated this collapse. It was Rothschild agents like J P Morgan, Joe Kennedy, the Rockefellers, DuPonts, etc, etc. The Crash mirrors what the House of Rothschild did during the England war with France when a Rothschild courier made it back a full 24 hours before anyone else to give the news that Boneparte had been defeated. Rothschild started dumping his bonds. Others noticed and figured that Rothschild had inside info that England had lost.... so they started dumping their bonds. Rothschild had his agents jump in and buy them up when they reached the bottom and when it was found out that England had won the war? The House of Rothschild owned England.

Ever see that movie "Trading Places" with Eddie Murphy and Dan Akroyd? Same fucking scenario that played out in England. What happened in 1929 was pretty dam close to the same thing.
The bankers floated out cheap loans to buy stocks with the stipulation that the loans (margin call) could be called at any time so they created a bubble and then pulled out with massive profits and then popped that bubble and that was what caused the Great Depression...then these bastards that also ran the Federal Reserve did nothing to alleviate the problem by continuing to retract the money supply. Ignorant? Hardly.......I live and breathe this stuff. I know more than you...infinitely more. The Chapter 11 Bankruptcy of USA.INC in March of 1933 was because of this orchestrated event and made everyone born thereafter a "surety" on the debt. Seriously, I should be charging you for this education...sheesh.
The "bankers" that killed themselves were not part of the elites that orchestrated this collapse. It was Rothschild agents like J P Morgan, Joe Kennedy, the Rockefellers, DuPonts, etc, etc. The Crash mirrors what the House of Rothschild did during the England war with France when a Rothschild courier made it back a full 24 hours before anyone else to give the news that Boneparte had been defeated. Rothschild started dumping his bonds. Others noticed and figured that Rothschild had inside info that England had lost.... so they started dumping their bonds. Rothschild had his agents jump in and buy them up when they reached the bottom and when it was found out that England had won the war? The House of Rothschild owned England.

Ever see that movie "Trading Places" with Eddie Murphy and Dan Akroyd? Same fucking scenario that played out in England. What happened in 1929 was pretty dam close to the same thing.
The bankers floated out cheap loans to buy stocks with the stipulation that the loans (margin call) could be called at any time so they created a bubble and then pulled out with massive profits and then popped that bubble and that was what caused the Great Depression...then these bastards that also ran the Federal Reserve did nothing to alleviate the problem by continuing to retract the money supply. Ignorant? Hardly.......I live and breathe this stuff. I know more than you...infinitely more. The Chapter 11 Bankruptcy of USA.INC in March of 1933 was because of this orchestrated event and made everyone born thereafter a "surety" on the debt. Seriously, I should be charging you for this education...sheesh.

My mom was a young woman in 1929 and she told me everybody was buying get-rich-quick stocks in the late 20's...and I mean everybody. Store clerks, car mechanics, shoe-shine boys...none of them knew how it worked, only that they'd get rich. When the crash came, her bank (before FDIC) closed their doors and left town....she lost her savings of $22 and never really trusted banks of any stripe again.

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