Kiss of DEATH!~George Soros: Elizabeth Warren ‘Has Emerged As The Clear-Cut Person To Beat’ In 2020

No, because thanks to the clown in office before Trump, me and millions of others lost it thanks to him and the other commies. Trump cleaned up many mistakes by that big eared clown, you think he can clean up all of them?

But you are saying America has never been better... clearly, if you STILL can't get health insurance, things aren't better.

Logic isn't your strong suit, is it?

For crying out loud, the very first thing Trump said is he was made aware all his phone calls to foreign leaders were recorded the day he took office. Oh, they weren't accurate? Then why doesn't the good Col. tell us what was inaccurate about it? Oh, that's right, since he's the coups actual whistle blower, he can't tell you because he got all his information second hand.

Wow, it's fun to watch you guys attack a decorated military officer wounded in the service of his country. The Colonel made it very clear what was redacted in the fake transcript, that Bursima and Biden were much more prominantly talked about than the Transcript let on.

Quid pro Quo... Or "It's a nice country you got here, Zelensky, it would be a shame if something were to happen to it."

Trump had no obligation to release the first transcript. Here we go again, like "show us your tax records."

So let me get this straight. someone raised questions about this call. Trump released a dummied up transcript that STILL made him look pretty bad. We now find out that it was altered to cover up his obvious criminal activity, and you guys are acting like you are the wronged party here?

No evidence of that anywhere. The goal is to expose this commie ex-administation. Running for President doesn't give you a get out of jail free card. There was corruption along the lines of Slow Joe's quid pro quo which is exactly what it was. We have nearly 7 billion people in this world, do you think out of those 7 billion people, Hunter was the best pick for a job that paid 50K a month?

Well, he didn't have amazing skills like, "Driving in a straight Line"... But he did have a pretty darned impressive resume. Probably up there with a lot of CEO's who make seven and eight figure salaries.
What law did he break?

Obstruction of Justice
Misappropriation of Government Funds
Soliciting Election Help from a foreign government

In other words, made up shit. He didn't bribe or extort anybody, he never obstructed anything, what government funds are you talking about, he never mentioned anything about an election, and conspiracy to what?
In other words, made up shit. He didn't bribe or extort anybody, he never obstructed anything, what government funds are you talking about, he never mentioned anything about an election, and conspiracy to what?

Oh, I forgot Abuse of Power.

Come on, guy... your side claimed lying about a blow job in a dismissed civil suit was an impeachable offense.

This is considerably worse.
Feel free to quote me where I said that. Face it, the majority of voters aren't paying much attention to Washington, and will be turned off if they see the democrats getting so hysterical this close to an election. They'll wonder why we don't just vote him out if he's that bad. The reality is, however, you guys want to kick him out of office now because you know there's a very good chance he'll win next year and you won't have any way to get rid of him.

No, we want to get rid of him because he's dangerous and a buffoon.

The fact is, he broke the law. He needs to go.

What I find hysterical is watching the same people who thought Clinton should be impeached for getting a blow job think this is just fine.

Nobody with an above room temperature IQ thought Clinton should be impeached for getting a blow job. The only ones saying that are idiots who are pissed off that he was impeached.
In other words, made up shit. He didn't bribe or extort anybody, he never obstructed anything, what government funds are you talking about, he never mentioned anything about an election, and conspiracy to what?

Oh, I forgot Abuse of Power.

Come on, guy... your side claimed lying about a blow job in a dismissed civil suit was an impeachable offense.

This is considerably worse.

Nothing Trump ever did is worse than perjury, the crime Clinton actually committed. His law license was even suspended in his state for a year. He should have went to jail.
But you are saying America has never been better... clearly, if you STILL can't get health insurance, things aren't better.

Logic isn't your strong suit, is it?

It's not yours either. What you are saying here is because Trump didn't correct an Obama F-up, things aren't better since DumBama made it worse on millions of people. Sorry, but Trump tried to get Commie Care rescinded so the Republicans could start anew. Thanks to backstabbers like McCain, it's something he couldn't accomplish.

Wow, it's fun to watch you guys attack a decorated military officer wounded in the service of his country. The Colonel made it very clear what was redacted in the fake transcript, that Bursima and Biden were much more prominantly talked about than the Transcript let on.

Quid pro Quo... Or "It's a nice country you got here, Zelensky, it would be a shame if something were to happen to it."

So on what page of the transcript did Trump say that? You're so concerned about a decorated military officer, forgetting what the commies did to poor General Flynn, a very decorated officer. They drained him out of his life savings. He even had to sell his house. Comey sent agents to set him up by striking up a conversation, and not telling him it was an official questioning. Then Comey went out and bragged about how he Fd the General.

You people on the left loath the military, so don't give me this crap about an anti-Trump whistle blower, who doesn't fit the whistle blower category. He's a pro-Obama informant that should have been thrown out of the White House along with all the other Obama ass kissers. That's the only real mistake Trump made.

So let me get this straight. someone raised questions about this call. Trump released a dummied up transcript that STILL made him look pretty bad. We now find out that it was altered to cover up his obvious criminal activity, and you guys are acting like you are the wronged party here?

So where is this evidence? The Justice Department read the entire un-redacted version, and stated there was no wrongdoing on Trump's part. Even Zelenski stated he felt zero pressure from Trump. And where is this investigation in Ukraine? They got their military aid. So if it was a quid-pro-quo, where is the "dirt" Trump was looking for on Biden?

Well, he didn't have amazing skills like, "Driving in a straight Line"... But he did have a pretty darned impressive resume. Probably up there with a lot of CEO's who make seven and eight figure salaries.

Hunter didn't know the country.
He had zero experience in energy.
He didn't even know the language.
Nobody with an above room temperature IQ thought Clinton should be impeached for getting a blow job. The only ones saying that are idiots who are pissed off that he was impeached.

But that's what he was impeached for. He got a blow job, he was less than forthcoming about it... he got impeached.

It's not yours either. What you are saying here is because Trump didn't correct an Obama F-up, things aren't better since DumBama made it worse on millions of people. Sorry, but Trump tried to get Commie Care rescinded so the Republicans could start anew. Thanks to backstabbers like McCain, it's something he couldn't accomplish.

Uh, what was keeping him from starting something new without rescinding it? If there were problems, fix the problems. The thing is, after seven years of "Let's get rid of ObamaCare", the GOP didn't have a plan that didn't involve taking health care away from millions of people.

You're so concerned about a decorated military officer, forgetting what the commies did to poor General Flynn, a very decorated officer. They drained him out of his life savings. He even had to sell his house. Comey sent agents to set him up by striking up a conversation, and not telling him it was an official questioning. Then Comey went out and bragged about how he Fd the General.

Flynn is an islamophobic asshole, so no sympathy there. Obama warned Trump that the guy was on the payroll of the Russians and Turks, and Trump hired him anyway.

He lasted about a week.

You people on the left loath the military,

Hey, buddy, which one of us has a DD214 again?

so don't give me this crap about an anti-Trump whistle blower, who doesn't fit the whistle blower category. He's a pro-Obama informant that should have been thrown out of the White House along with all the other Obama ass kissers. That's the only real mistake Trump made.

The mistake Trump made was leaving people in the room who might realize he was committing multiple felonies? That's like saying John Gotti's only mistake was trusting Sammy the Bull...

So where is this evidence? The Justice Department read the entire un-redacted version, and stated there was no wrongdoing on Trump's part.

So let's declassify it, and let's all read it, and then determine what it really says. More importantly, let's consider in in CONTEXT of everything that Rudy Guiliani and others were doing.

Even Zelenski stated he felt zero pressure from Trump.

Of course he's not going to admit that. No one wants to admit they got blackmailed.

And where is this investigation in Ukraine? They got their military aid. So if it was a quid-pro-quo, where is the "dirt" Trump was looking for on Biden?

There isn't any... that's always been the problem here.. Biden didn't really do anything wrong, but since Trump ignores his seasoned professionals and listens to whatever crazy he reads on the internet, he thinks that Crowdstrike was real.

Hunter didn't know the country.
He had zero experience in energy.
He didn't even know the language.

How many CEOs of companies that do business in Japan bother to learn Japanese? Nope, they get underlings for that.

Hunter Biden - Wikipedia

After graduating from law school, Biden took a position at MBNA America, a major bank holding company which was also a major contributor to his father's political campaigns. By 1998, he had risen to the rank of executive vice president.[4][16] From 1998 to 2001, he served in the United States Department of Commerce, focusing on ecommerce policy.[17] Biden became a lobbyist in 2001, co-founding the firm of Oldaker, Biden & Belair.[18] According to Adam Entous of The New Yorker, Biden and his father established a relationship in which "Biden wouldn't ask Hunter about his lobbying clients, and Hunter wouldn't tell his father about them."[4] In 2006, Biden and his uncle, James Biden, attempted to buy Paradigm, a hedge-fund group, but the deal fell apart before completion.[4] That same year, Biden was appointed by President George W. Bush to the board of directors of Amtrak; he was on the board of Amtrak from 2006 to 2009

After his father was elected as vice president in 2008, Biden resigned from his position on the Amtrak board of directors and left his career as a lobbyist.[4] Along with Christopher Heinz, stepson of John Kerry, and Devon Archer, Biden founded the investment firm Rosemont Seneca.[18]

He also became an attorney with the law firm Boies Schiller Flexner LLP,[4] and founded Eudora Global, a venture capital firm.[15]

n 2013, Biden, Devon Archer, and Chinese businessman Jonathan Li founded BHR Partners, a business focused on investing Chinese capital in companies based outside of China.[4]

That's a heck of a resume...
Nobody with an above room temperature IQ thought Clinton should be impeached for getting a blow job. The only ones saying that are idiots who are pissed off that he was impeached.

But that's what he was impeached for. He got a blow job, he was less than forthcoming about it... he got impeached.

It's not yours either. What you are saying here is because Trump didn't correct an Obama F-up, things aren't better since DumBama made it worse on millions of people. Sorry, but Trump tried to get Commie Care rescinded so the Republicans could start anew. Thanks to backstabbers like McCain, it's something he couldn't accomplish.

Uh, what was keeping him from starting something new without rescinding it? If there were problems, fix the problems. The thing is, after seven years of "Let's get rid of ObamaCare", the GOP didn't have a plan that didn't involve taking health care away from millions of people.

You're so concerned about a decorated military officer, forgetting what the commies did to poor General Flynn, a very decorated officer. They drained him out of his life savings. He even had to sell his house. Comey sent agents to set him up by striking up a conversation, and not telling him it was an official questioning. Then Comey went out and bragged about how he Fd the General.

Flynn is an islamophobic asshole, so no sympathy there. Obama warned Trump that the guy was on the payroll of the Russians and Turks, and Trump hired him anyway.

He lasted about a week.

You people on the left loath the military,

Hey, buddy, which one of us has a DD214 again?

so don't give me this crap about an anti-Trump whistle blower, who doesn't fit the whistle blower category. He's a pro-Obama informant that should have been thrown out of the White House along with all the other Obama ass kissers. That's the only real mistake Trump made.

The mistake Trump made was leaving people in the room who might realize he was committing multiple felonies? That's like saying John Gotti's only mistake was trusting Sammy the Bull...

So where is this evidence? The Justice Department read the entire un-redacted version, and stated there was no wrongdoing on Trump's part.

So let's declassify it, and let's all read it, and then determine what it really says. More importantly, let's consider in in CONTEXT of everything that Rudy Guiliani and others were doing.

Even Zelenski stated he felt zero pressure from Trump.

Of course he's not going to admit that. No one wants to admit they got blackmailed.

And where is this investigation in Ukraine? They got their military aid. So if it was a quid-pro-quo, where is the "dirt" Trump was looking for on Biden?

There isn't any... that's always been the problem here.. Biden didn't really do anything wrong, but since Trump ignores his seasoned professionals and listens to whatever crazy he reads on the internet, he thinks that Crowdstrike was real.

Hunter didn't know the country.
He had zero experience in energy.
He didn't even know the language.

How many CEOs of companies that do business in Japan bother to learn Japanese? Nope, they get underlings for that.

Hunter Biden - Wikipedia

After graduating from law school, Biden took a position at MBNA America, a major bank holding company which was also a major contributor to his father's political campaigns. By 1998, he had risen to the rank of executive vice president.[4][16] From 1998 to 2001, he served in the United States Department of Commerce, focusing on ecommerce policy.[17] Biden became a lobbyist in 2001, co-founding the firm of Oldaker, Biden & Belair.[18] According to Adam Entous of The New Yorker, Biden and his father established a relationship in which "Biden wouldn't ask Hunter about his lobbying clients, and Hunter wouldn't tell his father about them."[4] In 2006, Biden and his uncle, James Biden, attempted to buy Paradigm, a hedge-fund group, but the deal fell apart before completion.[4] That same year, Biden was appointed by President George W. Bush to the board of directors of Amtrak; he was on the board of Amtrak from 2006 to 2009

After his father was elected as vice president in 2008, Biden resigned from his position on the Amtrak board of directors and left his career as a lobbyist.[4] Along with Christopher Heinz, stepson of John Kerry, and Devon Archer, Biden founded the investment firm Rosemont Seneca.[18]

He also became an attorney with the law firm Boies Schiller Flexner LLP,[4] and founded Eudora Global, a venture capital firm.[15]

n 2013, Biden, Devon Archer, and Chinese businessman Jonathan Li founded BHR Partners, a business focused on investing Chinese capital in companies based outside of China.[4]

That's a heck of a resume...

Like I said, the only people who believe Bubba was impeached for getting a blow job are idiots who are just mad that he was impeached. You prove my point.
Like I said, the only people who believe Bubba was impeached for getting a blow job are idiots who are just mad that he was impeached. You prove my point.

It was about a blow job... Sorry, man. It was a really stupid reason to impeach a president who was legitimately elected AND was doing a pretty good job. .
Like I said, the only people who believe Bubba was impeached for getting a blow job are idiots who are just mad that he was impeached. You prove my point.

It was about a blow job... Sorry, man. It was a really stupid reason to impeach a president who was legitimately elected AND was doing a pretty good job. .
Many think Donny was legitimately elected and is doing a good job. Is impeaching him stupid?
Like I said, the only people who believe Bubba was impeached for getting a blow job are idiots who are just mad that he was impeached. You prove my point.

It was about a blow job... Sorry, man. It was a really stupid reason to impeach a president who was legitimately elected AND was doing a pretty good job. .

That's the real killer; someone like Sen. L. Graham was all over Clinton and wanted him gone just for appearance sake of his affair! Now he's supporting a president that's showing his bi-sexuality and has no problem with it! Trump's been "doing" Putin for years! :21: :abgg2q.jpg: :adoreheart: - OBTW, Warren's leading in IOWA poll while Biden's slowly burning out as I thought in 4th place! :113:
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Like I said, the only people who believe Bubba was impeached for getting a blow job are idiots who are just mad that he was impeached. You prove my point.

It was about a blow job... Sorry, man. It was a really stupid reason to impeach a president who was legitimately elected AND was doing a pretty good job. .

It was Clinton lying under oath about that good job that got him impeached. It could have all been avoided had Bill just admitted to wrongdoing and apologize to Jones. But typical Democrat, always thinking they are the smartest ones in the room, figured he could get away with his antics as he has so many times in the past.

But Democrats never learn, that's why Durham announced his investigation is now a criminal investigation.
In other words, made up shit. He didn't bribe or extort anybody, he never obstructed anything, what government funds are you talking about, he never mentioned anything about an election, and conspiracy to what?

Oh, I forgot Abuse of Power.

Come on, guy... your side claimed lying about a blow job in a dismissed civil suit was an impeachable offense.

This is considerably worse.

Why do you all keep saying it was about the blow job?
It was because he lied under oath.
Uh, what was keeping him from starting something new without rescinding it? If there were problems, fix the problems. The thing is, after seven years of "Let's get rid of ObamaCare", the GOP didn't have a plan that didn't involve taking health care away from millions of people.

Neither did the Democrats, that's why the plan should have been scrapped. It was a lie before, during, and after it's passage. Since the commies took leadership, Trump can't even get 3 billion bucks for a wall. They are not going to pass anything that Trump or Republicans submit. They don't have the time anyway. They've concentrated all their time on trying to get rid of Trump instead of doing the work of the American people.

Hey, buddy, which one of us has a DD214 again?

And your leftists friends hated you then.

he mistake Trump made was leaving people in the room who might realize he was committing multiple felonies? That's like saying John Gotti's only mistake was trusting Sammy the Bull...

Multiple felonies? You can't honestly name one, and I stress the word honestly. Trump had no fear because he knew he wasn't doing anything wrong. Now the commies are going to make up their own version that never happened to try and impeach Trump. Such a Nazi mentality that will go down in history since Trump will be a historic President talked about for generations.

So let's declassify it, and let's all read it, and then determine what it really says. More importantly, let's consider in in CONTEXT of everything that Rudy Guiliani and others were doing.

Do you understand why documents are kept away, and if brought out, need to be redacted? It's to protect innocent people. You can't just say to hell with the innocent people, Democrats are trying to overturn an election!

Of course he's not going to admit that. No one wants to admit they got blackmailed.

If he really got blackmailed, why wouldn't he want to get Trump in trouble?

There isn't any... that's always been the problem here.. Biden didn't really do anything wrong, but since Trump ignores his seasoned professionals and listens to whatever crazy he reads on the internet, he thinks that Crowdstrike was real.

CrowdStrike is real. They were the people the Democrats turned over their server to after it was supposedly hacked, and not the FBI.

How many CEOs of companies that do business in Japan bother to learn Japanese? Nope, they get underlings for that.

That might be true if it was a CEO well versed in the business, and so valuable few could do their job. But as we both know (and you lie about) that isn't the case here. The case is he didn't know anything about the energy business, no experience in the energy business, and had no ties to Ukraine; only his father did.
Like I said, the only people who believe Bubba was impeached for getting a blow job are idiots who are just mad that he was impeached. You prove my point.

It was about a blow job... Sorry, man. It was a really stupid reason to impeach a president who was legitimately elected AND was doing a pretty good job. .

Lying under oath is not a stupid reason to impeach a president. If you really believe that it is and if Trump is impeached for lying under oath, I'll expect you to stand up and say so (who am I kidding, you'll have some excuse why you won't). Judges REALLY don't like it when lawyers lie under oath to their courts. Bubba kind of forgot that.
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Many think Donny was legitimately elected and is doing a good job. Is impeaching him stupid?

No, because he actually broke a serious law, other than sticking a cigar up an intern's twat.

Lying under oath is not a stupid reason to impeach a president. If you really believe that it is and if Trump is impeached for lying under oath, I'll expect you to stand up and say so (who am I kidding, you'll have some excuse why you won't). Judges REALLY don't like it when lawyers lie under oath to their courts. Bubba kind of forgot that.

Okay, realizing you like the sound of your own voice, won't waste much more time with you.

Clinton lied about a personal matter that had nothing to do with the execution of his office or duties. The case itself was frivolous and dismissed by the presiding judge as having no merit.
Like I said, the only people who believe Bubba was impeached for getting a blow job are idiots who are just mad that he was impeached. You prove my point.

It was about a blow job... Sorry, man. It was a really stupid reason to impeach a president who was legitimately elected AND was doing a pretty good job. .
Many think Donny was legitimately elected and is doing a good job. Is impeaching him stupid?

They will realize how stupid it is when Trump is reelected and they lose the House, and the Republicans retain the Senate.
They will realize how stupid it is when Trump is reelected and they lose the House, and the Republicans retain the Senate.

Ain't gonna happen.

By next year, Trump, if he survives impeachment, will be looking at a recession, and the Republicans would have signed onto a lawless president.

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