Kitty rescue stories....

Many of these rescues are by men! I believe that puts the old cliché " Men don't like cats", to rest....At least I hope it does!
A surprising number of guys have cat, or multiple cats! So much for the crazy cat lady stereotype.


A litter of orphaned kittens were rescued in the woods. When Shannon William’s daughter brought them home, their Boston Terrier began to nurse them despite not having been pregnant.

The kittens were found outside, cold and wet, when they were about a week old. Memory the dog used to be afraid of cats, but took in the little orphan babies and began nurturing and cuddling with the days-old kittens.

“She’s nursing them, cleaning them, carrying them around, everything.” Shannon wrote via Facebook.

“She’s been very protective from day one,” she told The Huffington Post. “On the second day that we had them, my daughter had one of the kittens in her hands. And Memory my dog took it out of her hands and carried it back to her dog bed with the other kittens.

“She would carry them up on the couch with her. If they got up and started to walk to the edge of the couch she got up, picked them up with her mouth and laid them down with her.
PHOTOS: Memory with her adopted kittens.


A litter of orphaned kittens were rescued in the woods. When Shannon William’s daughter brought them home, their Boston Terrier began to nurse them despite not having been pregnant.

The kittens were found outside, cold and wet, when they were about a week old. Memory the dog used to be afraid of cats, but took in the little orphan babies and began nurturing and cuddling with the days-old kittens.

“She’s nursing them, cleaning them, carrying them around, everything.” Shannon wrote via Facebook.

“She’s been very protective from day one,” she told The Huffington Post. “On the second day that we had them, my daughter had one of the kittens in her hands. And Memory my dog took it out of her hands and carried it back to her dog bed with the other kittens.

“She would carry them up on the couch with her. If they got up and started to walk to the edge of the couch she got up, picked them up with her mouth and laid them down with her.
PHOTOS: Memory with her adopted kittens.



Aww, now that is just absolutely adorable and heart warming. :)
It has been nearly a month since they discovered Mr. Cat. “We gave Mr. Cat the opportunity to live and thrive as the kitten that he should have been. This is Mr. Cat’s story and we would like to share it with the world,” reddit user darkkon wrote via imgur.

“While heading to my car, my colleague and I discovered a small furry thing plopped on the grass near where I worked. When we went up to inspect it, we discovered that it was an emaciated, blind, and dying kitten, much less than a year old. We were able to coax it to slowly get up and walk a few meters where it stopped. My colleague brought a can of cat food and fed it a portion while gently petting it’s skeleton-like frame.”

“We initially did not want to bring in the cat because we had two indoor cats of our own. We also did not know what kind of disease, parasites, and other pests the cat may have,” they wrote.

“Although we knew the cat was likely feral, he seem to understand we were trying to help him. His fear of us waned and he began acting as if we were his guardians. “

“Despite the risks, we created an outdoor shelter made of cardboard to keep it from the cold. Some more food and water, and the cat seemed to be thankful.”

“After discussing it with my partner, we decided to bring him in. A level 10 containment field was setup in our bathroom and a force field was established in the shower.”

They took the cat to the vet the next day. “The cat was in very poor health and severely underweight, but we knew surrendering him to the shelter would only result in him being euthanized,” they wrote. “There were many problems with the him besides the obvious malnutrition, fleas, and dehydration. A severe scabie and mite infestation made him vulnerable to bacterial infection and as a result his eyes were infected and sealed. There were also skin infections caused by lacerations probably from other animals.”

With support from Reddit and hitbox, they were able to raise fund to cover his major care and bring in the supplies needed to keep him comfortable.

“As time passed on, we knew Mr. Cat was getting healthier. The parasites were dying and he was gaining weight. However, one major thing we wanted to overcome was his blindness,” they added. “Lesions and scabs continue to fall off as we aggressively treat the scrabie and mite infestation on Mr. Cat.”

“Nearly three weeks after we discovered Mr. Cat, we did something we would have never imagined when we first got him: We actually touched his fur and gave Mr. Cat a belly rub!” they wrote. “After a final cleaning and haircut, Mr. Cat was beginning to look more and more like a playful, happy kitten. He will be forever blind in his right-eye but with luck, Mr. Cat has full vision on his left-eye. ‘One is better than none’…”

“We took Mr. Cat out to our living room for the first time. A few sardines to get him acquainted outside of the quarantine zone seems to work rather well.”

“Mr. Cat has so strongly associated safety with his box that we created a second vacation home for him outside of the ward. He immediately walks in and makes himself comfortable.”

“Mr. Cat has come a long way, but rehabilitation will be key in getting him comfortable with his new guardians. He may have recovered physically to an extent, but he deserves the kitten-hood that was taken away from him.”

“Mr. Cat shows his affection and gratitude for a little head scratching. At this point we know that he’s happy and comfortable in his new environment.”

“Mr. Cat will always have guardians to watch him now, until he grows and lives a long and happy life.”

It has been nearly a month since they discovered Mr. Cat. “We gave Mr. Cat the opportunity to live and thrive as the kitten that he should have been. This is Mr. Cat’s story and we would like to share it with the world,” reddit user darkkon wrote via imgur.

“While heading to my car, my colleague and I discovered a small furry thing plopped on the grass near where I worked. When we went up to inspect it, we discovered that it was an emaciated, blind, and dying kitten, much less than a year old. We were able to coax it to slowly get up and walk a few meters where it stopped. My colleague brought a can of cat food and fed it a portion while gently petting it’s skeleton-like frame.”

“We initially did not want to bring in the cat because we had two indoor cats of our own. We also did not know what kind of disease, parasites, and other pests the cat may have,” they wrote.

“Although we knew the cat was likely feral, he seem to understand we were trying to help him. His fear of us waned and he began acting as if we were his guardians. “

“Despite the risks, we created an outdoor shelter made of cardboard to keep it from the cold. Some more food and water, and the cat seemed to be thankful.”

“After discussing it with my partner, we decided to bring him in. A level 10 containment field was setup in our bathroom and a force field was established in the shower.”

They took the cat to the vet the next day. “The cat was in very poor health and severely underweight, but we knew surrendering him to the shelter would only result in him being euthanized,” they wrote. “There were many problems with the him besides the obvious malnutrition, fleas, and dehydration. A severe scabie and mite infestation made him vulnerable to bacterial infection and as a result his eyes were infected and sealed. There were also skin infections caused by lacerations probably from other animals.”

With support from Reddit and hitbox, they were able to raise fund to cover his major care and bring in the supplies needed to keep him comfortable.

“As time passed on, we knew Mr. Cat was getting healthier. The parasites were dying and he was gaining weight. However, one major thing we wanted to overcome was his blindness,” they added. “Lesions and scabs continue to fall off as we aggressively treat the scrabie and mite infestation on Mr. Cat.”

“Nearly three weeks after we discovered Mr. Cat, we did something we would have never imagined when we first got him: We actually touched his fur and gave Mr. Cat a belly rub!” they wrote. “After a final cleaning and haircut, Mr. Cat was beginning to look more and more like a playful, happy kitten. He will be forever blind in his right-eye but with luck, Mr. Cat has full vision on his left-eye. ‘One is better than none’…”

“We took Mr. Cat out to our living room for the first time. A few sardines to get him acquainted outside of the quarantine zone seems to work rather well.”

“Mr. Cat has so strongly associated safety with his box that we created a second vacation home for him outside of the ward. He immediately walks in and makes himself comfortable.”

“Mr. Cat has come a long way, but rehabilitation will be key in getting him comfortable with his new guardians. He may have recovered physically to an extent, but he deserves the kitten-hood that was taken away from him.”

“Mr. Cat shows his affection and gratitude for a little head scratching. At this point we know that he’s happy and comfortable in his new environment.”

“Mr. Cat will always have guardians to watch him now, until he grows and lives a long and happy life.”

Oh my, poor Mr. Cat was SO skinny! :(
A stray cat decided to jump into a man’s car to stay warm. “This little guy climbed into my work van yesterday in downtown Detroit to stay warm. They choose you right?” said Jonny (via reddit).

This beautiful black cat settled himself in his work car and didn’t want to go. So Jonny asked around the neighborhood to see if the cat belonged to anyone, but couldn’t find any. “The guy whose house I was at said it had been outside his place meowing for about two days. Also the neighborhood I was in had about 4 houses that weren’t abandoned, and Vet checked for a microchip.”

Jonny knew by then that the kitty needed a home, so he decided to adopt him.

A stray cat jumped into a man’s car to stay warm. When the man found out that the kitty needed a home, he had no hesitation to help him out


He took him home and he’s there to stay forever.



Simba & Timothy Kuklis

In Afghanistan, in the midst of war, many animals are lost and separated from their family. Many are found later by troops from the US, UK and Canada. Soldiers rescue these animals and get help from rescue groups that help them send these animals out of the country and to a forever loving home that they deserve.

Three US marine soldiers, Brian Chambers, Chris Berry and Aaron Shaw, started a mission to help bring home the kittens they have befriended while serving in Afghanistan (Facebook group). With generous donations from cat lovers and help from Noward Dogs animal rescue, Kiki and Keykey, two lovely ginger kitties, have successfully made it home in the US. Unfortunately 2 other cats, Simba and Ra-Ko, lost the battle against their illnesses a few weeks ago.

Kiki and his sister Bones were found by Brian Chambers, a US marine.



Kiki taking a nap

“At only 3 weeks old, their mother had disappeared and they were left alone to live rough and fend for themselves like the other cats in this area. We looked after them both and they lived in a box in the office, after a week they were allowed to roam around during the day and sleep with us in the hooch at night.”

Unfortunately Bones vanished a week after along with Kiki, but Kiki eventually returned.

Kiki was injured badly on Monday 8th of March. Brian found him in horrible condition. “He was too frightened to approach me, I ran to find some wipes to clean him and I then realised how bad this wounds really were…”

A vet came the next day and put Kiki on a course of antibiotics. Today Kiki has fully recovered.

“Kiki is a very playful adventurous cat, he loves to explore and is very curious, he enjoys sitting on my shoulder, chewing on my hand and running up my legs. He hasn’t been put off by what has happened to him.”



Keykey cuddling with his buddy

Keykey was found by another US marine named Chris Berry.

“I found Keykey tangled up in c-wire one day in the beginning of the deployment, I took him in and fixed his wounds. He was also extremely malnourished so I constantly kept an eye on him and fed him until he got back to good health and he has been by my side ever since.”

Both Keykey and Kiki have arrived in the US. Kiki is currently living with Brian’s parents in Houston, Texas until he leaves the Marines and moves home. Keykey is living with Chris’ parents in Detroit, Michigan and enjoying his new family.

For soldiers who are on duty overseas, often time the only chance they get to cuddle is when they meet these stray animals. These soldiers are lonely and longing for love from their family and friends. The kitties are abandoned, lost and have nowhere to call home. When they find each other, they become best friends.

Photos courtesy of Brian Chambers, Louise Hastie and Yianna ‘Gigi’ Chambers.



Kiki & Brian Chambers






James and his kitty friend share a bed



Timothy Kuklis attempts to give kitty a kiss



Aaron Shaw and Simba



Kiki and Timothy





Kiki, Ra-ko & Simba



Kiki, Ra-ko & Simba



Keykey and Chris Berry



Kiki's new home in Houston, Texas



Kiki's new furry buddy in his new home



Keykey's new home in Detroit, Michigan
Two feral cats, a mother and her son, had been roaming around a neighborhood for over a year. A family decided to help them out. This is how far they have come since then. It was with a lot of patience and love. “I don’t usually do albums, but it marks a year since this choice and I just can’t believe the first picture compared to the last picture,” they wrote. (via imgur)

“The Calico had been seen around the neighborhood for over a year, but no one knew about her kitten until we saw it run from behind our air conditioner back to wherever they were sheltered (later found to be under a neighbor’s rear, elevated patio). We were feeding them from that point on regularly, and had a security camera pointing out at the area to observe them.”

First trip to their new home: “After a major snowstorm we decided we had to at least trap them for the sake of getting them shots and spayed/neutered & perhaps bring them to a no-kill animal rescue place near us. Thankfully (and surprisingly), mom and and son both tested perfectly healthy. (Aside for the expected fleas, which were treated) We decided at that point we had to take them in, and mom was spayed immediately following her clean bill of health.”

“We have an unused room which was where our two new additions stayed until we were certain the fleas were dead and the standard “De-worming” medicine we were provided would be effective. They hid under the dresser in the room, but were very quick to use the litterbox we provided for them. They ate regularly, and our security camera placed in the room caught many instances of them playing around overnight. Mom hissed at us a lot but never attacked. Her son was just very timid, but we got a wand toy for him which helped with his reluctance toward movement.”

“When the sun began coming in the back doors in the spring, no one was happier than mom & son. They basked in the sunbeams, leading to this amazing picture we absolutely love. They still ran from us if we got too close, but at this point they were camped out under our bed. We found that really funny, as they were scared of us, but spent a lot of their time sleeping directly underneath us.”

1 Year on Son: “Son is still very scared of us when he is out from under the bed. He comes out a lot and goes everywhere in the house and plays with the other cats. When he is under the bed, we can reach in and pet him non-stop and he purrs and rolls around. Our belief is he still believes at this point he is a very tiny kitten, and is not — in fact — an 8lb tomcat.”

1 Year on Mom: “The biggest surprise is Momma, Momma comes out every time we go upstairs in order to be pet. She’s still very timid when we’re “vertical”, but when we’re sitting on the steps she rolls around chirps at us to be pet. She just went for her booster shots, and has gained 1.5lb since we took her in and has one of the smoothest coats our vet has seen.”

“There’s still a long way to go with both of them, but we are both very patient and loving with them and are thankful every day it is freezing, snowy, windy, rainy, etc. that they are healthy and warm.

Taking in ferals is not something done for immediate love and companionship. For us, it’s just the knowledge they are safe and healthy, have other cats they get along amazingly with (thankfully), and generally appear happy with their new situation that make us happy to have them in our family.”
A cat survived the unthinkable and is doing well after he was found frozen on the side of the road covered in snow and ice. R.J. Poulter was on Route 13 in Old Chatham, New York, when he noticed the cat.

Poulter wasn’t sure if the cat was still alive until he noticed some breathing from the cat. He then called Summer Brenna of Little Brook Farm for help. “Once we got him home we sat in front of the fire and we had towels and were massaging him and trying to warm him up,” said Brenna via news10.

They named the little guy Rudy Valentino and he is about 9 months to a year old and is in good health. They took him to see the vet today and the kitty was rolling around on the table at the vet’s office, having a great time. (Facebook)

Meet Valentino the cat, a little survivor, found frozen on the side of the road covered in snow and ice.

A kind person rescued him from the frozen ground and a rescue group worked around the clock to warm him up.

That cat looks like my Elijah. Super fluffy and beautiful eyes. I rescued Elijah over a year ago in the middle of a road with traffic running both ways. Weighed a 1/2 pound at the time. What a cat! Magnificent specimen.

Our most recent addition to the family was sleeping under leaves to keep warm in the freezing weather. I do not have a photo to share yet. She has already been to the vet and been fixed. Although she didn't want to stay in the house at first - she has adjusted now and is doing great. She acts like she has lived here forever. The other kind of most recent addition was a fish! He was in a filthy container in a dark shelf shoved behind the clean container fishes at Walmart- a Beta fish - he looked like he would not last much longer. (I'll never shop there again - God willing)

So I bought him and then had to buy everything he would need - although for now he is in a large fish bowl that is about a two gallon size. I'm buying a large octagon aquarium today from a pet store with lights and plants and some little ornaments he can hide in if he feels like it. He will be the only fish and so the tank should stay very clean and comfortable for him. (I named him Baruch which in Hebrew means, "Blessed" )
Betas are solo fish, anyway. My daughter used to raise Betas and each had to have their own container. They originate in small, murky puddles, but their puddles are not filthy like what you describe. If you want to raise your fish's blood pressure, place a mirror where he can see his reflection. Nice name, by-the-way!

Thanks, Gallantwarrior! I finally found him a suitable tank. (I changed my mind about the octagon tank) This tank is not too big - not too small - he can see out from all sides (except the bottom of course) and it has lighting for day and blue lighting for night time. I did a lot of research to find the perfect tank and decided to buy this one. (which I did) Beta fish are very smart. This morning when I came in to my office to say hello to him he swam right up to me and was flapping his little fins like a puppy would wag its tail when it is happy to see its owner! He definitely recognized me and I am going to train him to eat from my fingers. So we can bond.

Here is the tank style I bought him - it's called a Fluval Edge. All of the hardware is hidden in the black casing and so it is very attractive and he will have the tank to himself - but I plan on finding him a "wife" - for a separate tank - and I am buying a book on raising beta babies. I think he deserves to have a family after all he has been through! After all, he's supposed to be blessed! note - this tank has many features - it lights up in blue at night and is quite beautiful. Click on the picture of tank and you can get a closer look at it. It is very roomy for a beta fish.

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A cat survived the unthinkable and is doing well after he was found frozen on the side of the road covered in snow and ice. R.J. Poulter was on Route 13 in Old Chatham, New York, when he noticed the cat.

Poulter wasn’t sure if the cat was still alive until he noticed some breathing from the cat. He then called Summer Brenna of Little Brook Farm for help. “Once we got him home we sat in front of the fire and we had towels and were massaging him and trying to warm him up,” said Brenna via news10.

They named the little guy Rudy Valentino and he is about 9 months to a year old and is in good health. They took him to see the vet today and the kitty was rolling around on the table at the vet’s office, having a great time. (Facebook)

Meet Valentino the cat, a little survivor, found frozen on the side of the road covered in snow and ice.

A kind person rescued him from the frozen ground and a rescue group worked around the clock to warm him up.

That cat looks like my Elijah. Super fluffy and beautiful eyes. I rescued Elijah over a year ago in the middle of a road with traffic running both ways. Weighed a 1/2 pound at the time. What a cat! Magnificent specimen.

Our most recent addition to the family was sleeping under leaves to keep warm in the freezing weather. I do not have a photo to share yet. She has already been to the vet and been fixed. Although she didn't want to stay in the house at first - she has adjusted now and is doing great. She acts like she has lived here forever. The other kind of most recent addition was a fish! He was in a filthy container in a dark shelf shoved behind the clean container fishes at Walmart- a Beta fish - he looked like he would not last much longer. (I'll never shop there again - God willing)

So I bought him and then had to buy everything he would need - although for now he is in a large fish bowl that is about a two gallon size. I'm buying a large octagon aquarium today from a pet store with lights and plants and some little ornaments he can hide in if he feels like it. He will be the only fish and so the tank should stay very clean and comfortable for him. (I named him Baruch which in Hebrew means, "Blessed" )
Betas are solo fish, anyway. My daughter used to raise Betas and each had to have their own container. They originate in small, murky puddles, but their puddles are not filthy like what you describe. If you want to raise your fish's blood pressure, place a mirror where he can see his reflection. Nice name, by-the-way!

Thanks, Gallantwarrior! I finally found him a suitable tank. (I changed my mind about the octagon tank) This tank is not too big - not too small - he can see out from all sides (except the bottom of course) and it has lighting for day and blue lighting for night time. I did a lot of research to find the perfect tank and decided to buy this one. (which I did) Beta fish are very smart. This morning when I came in to my office to say hello to him he swam right up to me and was flapping his little fins like a puppy would wag its tail when it is happy to see its owner! He definitely recognized me and I am going to train him to eat from my fingers. So we can bond.

Here is the tank style I bought him - it's called a Fluval Edge. All of the hardware is hidden in the black casing and so it is very attractive and he will have the tank to himself - but I plan on finding him a "wife" - for a separate tank - and I am buying a book on raising beta babies. I think he deserves to have a family after all he has been through! After all, he's supposed to be blessed! note - this tank has many features - it lights up in blue at night and is quite beautiful. Click on the picture of tank and you can get a closer look at it. It is very roomy for a beta fish.

That's a gorgeous tank, Jeremiah! I'm sure your Beta will thrive there. Good luck with raising a family. Pay close attention to the water pH and temperature, especially. While my daughter raised Betas, I raised Discus. Discus require lower pH values (5.5 to 7, with 6 being considered ideal) and temps in the high 80s. Most fish won't breed if the water conditions are close to ideal. Also, make sure you have some place where the babies can get away from the parents. Lots of fish will eat their young. Bon chance!
A cat survived the unthinkable and is doing well after he was found frozen on the side of the road covered in snow and ice. R.J. Poulter was on Route 13 in Old Chatham, New York, when he noticed the cat.

Poulter wasn’t sure if the cat was still alive until he noticed some breathing from the cat. He then called Summer Brenna of Little Brook Farm for help. “Once we got him home we sat in front of the fire and we had towels and were massaging him and trying to warm him up,” said Brenna via news10.

They named the little guy Rudy Valentino and he is about 9 months to a year old and is in good health. They took him to see the vet today and the kitty was rolling around on the table at the vet’s office, having a great time. (Facebook)

Meet Valentino the cat, a little survivor, found frozen on the side of the road covered in snow and ice.

A kind person rescued him from the frozen ground and a rescue group worked around the clock to warm him up.

That cat looks like my Elijah. Super fluffy and beautiful eyes. I rescued Elijah over a year ago in the middle of a road with traffic running both ways. Weighed a 1/2 pound at the time. What a cat! Magnificent specimen.

Our most recent addition to the family was sleeping under leaves to keep warm in the freezing weather. I do not have a photo to share yet. She has already been to the vet and been fixed. Although she didn't want to stay in the house at first - she has adjusted now and is doing great. She acts like she has lived here forever. The other kind of most recent addition was a fish! He was in a filthy container in a dark shelf shoved behind the clean container fishes at Walmart- a Beta fish - he looked like he would not last much longer. (I'll never shop there again - God willing)

So I bought him and then had to buy everything he would need - although for now he is in a large fish bowl that is about a two gallon size. I'm buying a large octagon aquarium today from a pet store with lights and plants and some little ornaments he can hide in if he feels like it. He will be the only fish and so the tank should stay very clean and comfortable for him. (I named him Baruch which in Hebrew means, "Blessed" )
Betas are solo fish, anyway. My daughter used to raise Betas and each had to have their own container. They originate in small, murky puddles, but their puddles are not filthy like what you describe. If you want to raise your fish's blood pressure, place a mirror where he can see his reflection. Nice name, by-the-way!

Thanks, Gallantwarrior! I finally found him a suitable tank. (I changed my mind about the octagon tank) This tank is not too big - not too small - he can see out from all sides (except the bottom of course) and it has lighting for day and blue lighting for night time. I did a lot of research to find the perfect tank and decided to buy this one. (which I did) Beta fish are very smart. This morning when I came in to my office to say hello to him he swam right up to me and was flapping his little fins like a puppy would wag its tail when it is happy to see its owner! He definitely recognized me and I am going to train him to eat from my fingers. So we can bond.

Here is the tank style I bought him - it's called a Fluval Edge. All of the hardware is hidden in the black casing and so it is very attractive and he will have the tank to himself - but I plan on finding him a "wife" - for a separate tank - and I am buying a book on raising beta babies. I think he deserves to have a family after all he has been through! After all, he's supposed to be blessed! note - this tank has many features - it lights up in blue at night and is quite beautiful. Click on the picture of tank and you can get a closer look at it. It is very roomy for a beta fish.

That's a gorgeous tank, Jeremiah! I'm sure your Beta will thrive there. Good luck with raising a family. Pay close attention to the water pH and temperature, especially. While my daughter raised Betas, I raised Discus. Discus require lower pH values (5.5 to 7, with 6 being considered ideal) and temps in the high 80s. Most fish won't breed if the water conditions are close to ideal. Also, make sure you have some place where the babies can get away from the parents. Lots of fish will eat their young. Bon chance!

Thank you! I thank you for the information, Gallantwarrior. I did read about the PH and water temperature for Beta and you are right. There is even evidence that they can get sick if the water is too cold because they are a tropical fish - as for the mating - I'm reading that after female gives birth - you remove her and let the male care for them for 2 days and then take the male out. (or he'll eat them) I'm going to read a book about it but I have been reading online about them. From what I am reading they are very smart fish. You can even teach them how to jump out of the water and through a hoop. Did you know that? It's true. Some guy wrote a book about it. Who knew?
A cat survived the unthinkable and is doing well after he was found frozen on the side of the road covered in snow and ice. R.J. Poulter was on Route 13 in Old Chatham, New York, when he noticed the cat.

Poulter wasn’t sure if the cat was still alive until he noticed some breathing from the cat. He then called Summer Brenna of Little Brook Farm for help. “Once we got him home we sat in front of the fire and we had towels and were massaging him and trying to warm him up,” said Brenna via news10.

They named the little guy Rudy Valentino and he is about 9 months to a year old and is in good health. They took him to see the vet today and the kitty was rolling around on the table at the vet’s office, having a great time. (Facebook)

Meet Valentino the cat, a little survivor, found frozen on the side of the road covered in snow and ice.

A kind person rescued him from the frozen ground and a rescue group worked around the clock to warm him up.

That cat looks like my Elijah. Super fluffy and beautiful eyes. I rescued Elijah over a year ago in the middle of a road with traffic running both ways. Weighed a 1/2 pound at the time. What a cat! Magnificent specimen.

Our most recent addition to the family was sleeping under leaves to keep warm in the freezing weather. I do not have a photo to share yet. She has already been to the vet and been fixed. Although she didn't want to stay in the house at first - she has adjusted now and is doing great. She acts like she has lived here forever. The other kind of most recent addition was a fish! He was in a filthy container in a dark shelf shoved behind the clean container fishes at Walmart- a Beta fish - he looked like he would not last much longer. (I'll never shop there again - God willing)

So I bought him and then had to buy everything he would need - although for now he is in a large fish bowl that is about a two gallon size. I'm buying a large octagon aquarium today from a pet store with lights and plants and some little ornaments he can hide in if he feels like it. He will be the only fish and so the tank should stay very clean and comfortable for him. (I named him Baruch which in Hebrew means, "Blessed" )
Betas are solo fish, anyway. My daughter used to raise Betas and each had to have their own container. They originate in small, murky puddles, but their puddles are not filthy like what you describe. If you want to raise your fish's blood pressure, place a mirror where he can see his reflection. Nice name, by-the-way!

Thanks, Gallantwarrior! I finally found him a suitable tank. (I changed my mind about the octagon tank) This tank is not too big - not too small - he can see out from all sides (except the bottom of course) and it has lighting for day and blue lighting for night time. I did a lot of research to find the perfect tank and decided to buy this one. (which I did) Beta fish are very smart. This morning when I came in to my office to say hello to him he swam right up to me and was flapping his little fins like a puppy would wag its tail when it is happy to see its owner! He definitely recognized me and I am going to train him to eat from my fingers. So we can bond.

Here is the tank style I bought him - it's called a Fluval Edge. All of the hardware is hidden in the black casing and so it is very attractive and he will have the tank to himself - but I plan on finding him a "wife" - for a separate tank - and I am buying a book on raising beta babies. I think he deserves to have a family after all he has been through! After all, he's supposed to be blessed! note - this tank has many features - it lights up in blue at night and is quite beautiful. Click on the picture of tank and you can get a closer look at it. It is very roomy for a beta fish.

That's a gorgeous tank, Jeremiah! I'm sure your Beta will thrive there. Good luck with raising a family. Pay close attention to the water pH and temperature, especially. While my daughter raised Betas, I raised Discus. Discus require lower pH values (5.5 to 7, with 6 being considered ideal) and temps in the high 80s. Most fish won't breed if the water conditions are close to ideal. Also, make sure you have some place where the babies can get away from the parents. Lots of fish will eat their young. Bon chance!

Thank you! I thank you for the information, Gallantwarrior. I did read about the PH and water temperature for Beta and you are right. There is even evidence that they can get sick if the water is too cold because they are a tropical fish - as for the mating - I'm reading that after female gives birth - you remove her and let the male care for them for 2 days and then take the male out. (or he'll eat them) I'm going to read a book about it but I have been reading online about them. From what I am reading they are very smart fish. You can even teach them how to jump out of the water and through a hoop. Did you know that? It's true. Some guy wrote a book about it. Who knew?
I didn't know that about Betas, cool! I kept mostly cichlids and can vouch that they demonstrate some pretty distinctive personality characteristics, so Betas doing the same would not surprise me. I used to keep several 50-70 gallons tanks but after two broke during an earthquake, and I moved out of my big house, I gave up keeping fish. (Took me weeks to dry out the carpet and padding, too!)
Sorry about the earthquake! That must have been some clean up! This is my first fish rescue - my cats are quite intrigued by him ( Baruch ) but I do not let them see him if I am not there in the room. I do not want them getting in his face. He needs his privacy. The way to train him to jump through a hoop is with food. You start with a stick and food on the end. He eats off the stick. Then you raise the stick higher and higher until he has to jump out of the water to get the food. (this is how you train him to eat from your hand later too) Once he is jumping out of the water you can move to the hoop trick.
Sorry about the earthquake! That must have been some clean up! This is my first fish rescue - my cats are quite intrigued by him ( Baruch ) but I do not let them see him if I am not there in the room. I do not want them getting in his face. He needs his privacy. The way to train him to jump through a hoop is with food. You start with a stick and food on the end. He eats off the stick. Then you raise the stick higher and higher until he has to jump out of the water to get the food. (this is how you train him to eat from your hand later too) Once he is jumping out of the water you can move to the hoop trick.
Yeah, I'd be careful with a smaller fish and cats. Cichlids can get quite large, I had an Oscar that grew to almost 10". Every now-and-then, one of the cats would get ambitious and go "fishing". Thing was, the Oscar was accustomed to taking food from our hands and would rise to the surface and "strike". I guess a cat's paw kinda looks tasty from an Oscar's pov. It was fun to watch a cat launch a couple of feet into the air and levitate backwards when the fish tried to grab a paw dipped into his tank.
A Japanese company in Tokyo hoped to help their employees unwind and increase productivity by adopting rescue cats into their office. In a cramped and hectic city like Tokyo, having a pet is often a luxury. Most apartments do not allow pets and residents have to visit cat cafes to get their pet fix.

The company named Ferray Corporation, an internet solutions business, has taken in nine rescue cats that are allowed to roam freely in the office. They become cute little balls of stress-relief.

According to rocketnews24, the employees think the cats have been an enormous net positive. Office communication has increased dramatically. The cats have brought them together and lowered everyone’s stress.

The company also encourages their workers to bring in their pets, so every day is Bring Your Pet to Work Day. If they don’t have a pet of their own, the company pays out a monthly “cat bonus” of about $42USD to anyone who adopts a cat that needs a home.

Ferray says that the most important quality they look for in new hires is a “love of felines.”

Here are the 9 rescue cats they have adopted:

They have all grown up now. Here, one is enjoying the lap time with an employee and the other one supervises.

A typical day in the office.

Kitty consultation.

Meeting time. Kitty joins in for the power point presentation.

“We brought you some snacks humans!”

Purry phone manager.

He also manages the copier.

They guard the books.


The supurrvisor is taking his job very seriously!


She’s always the first to come into the meeting room and the last to leave.


We know who is really running the meeting.


Everyone needs that dose of kitty love

Meet Edward! He was just a little kitten when they found him outside their apartment door back in 2004. “an abandoned kitten found me, and my roommate and I nursed him back to health!” (imgur)

“Roommate found him outside our door. He meowed once but was silent after that. He could fit in the palm of my hand, and was so light I couldn’t feel any weight. He was in bad shape.” (reddit)


“It was cold out, so he was grateful to be somewhere warm. He wouldn’t eat or move, but finally dozed off after about an hour. Took him to the vet the next morning."


2 weeks later: “he gained tons of weight almost instantly. Within 2 weeks he was romping around like a crazy healthy kitten, had his shots and was free of fleas.”


“He would always jump into my closet and sleep in my clothes bins.”


He loved the comforter.




All grown up!


Edward was then adopted by the roommate when they moved out of the apartment. Today Edward is living happily with his human at the age of 10.
A Japanese company in Tokyo hoped to help their employees unwind and increase productivity by adopting rescue cats into their office. In a cramped and hectic city like Tokyo, having a pet is often a luxury. Most apartments do not allow pets and residents have to visit cat cafes to get their pet fix.

The company named Ferray Corporation, an internet solutions business, has taken in nine rescue cats that are allowed to roam freely in the office. They become cute little balls of stress-relief.

According to rocketnews24, the employees think the cats have been an enormous net positive. Office communication has increased dramatically. The cats have brought them together and lowered everyone’s stress.

The company also encourages their workers to bring in their pets, so every day is Bring Your Pet to Work Day. If they don’t have a pet of their own, the company pays out a monthly “cat bonus” of about $42USD to anyone who adopts a cat that needs a home.

Ferray says that the most important quality they look for in new hires is a “love of felines.”

Here are the 9 rescue cats they have adopted:

They have all grown up now. Here, one is enjoying the lap time with an employee and the other one supervises.

A typical day in the office.

Kitty consultation.

Meeting time. Kitty joins in for the power point presentation.

“We brought you some snacks humans!”

Purry phone manager.

He also manages the copier.

They guard the books.


The supurrvisor is taking his job very seriously!


She’s always the first to come into the meeting room and the last to leave.


We know who is really running the meeting.


Everyone needs that dose of kitty love

Where do I apply? I'd love to work in a "cat-friendly" environment!
A Japanese company in Tokyo hoped to help their employees unwind and increase productivity by adopting rescue cats into their office. In a cramped and hectic city like Tokyo, having a pet is often a luxury. Most apartments do not allow pets and residents have to visit cat cafes to get their pet fix.

The company named Ferray Corporation, an internet solutions business, has taken in nine rescue cats that are allowed to roam freely in the office. They become cute little balls of stress-relief.

According to rocketnews24, the employees think the cats have been an enormous net positive. Office communication has increased dramatically. The cats have brought them together and lowered everyone’s stress.

The company also encourages their workers to bring in their pets, so every day is Bring Your Pet to Work Day. If they don’t have a pet of their own, the company pays out a monthly “cat bonus” of about $42USD to anyone who adopts a cat that needs a home.

Ferray says that the most important quality they look for in new hires is a “love of felines.”

Here are the 9 rescue cats they have adopted:

They have all grown up now. Here, one is enjoying the lap time with an employee and the other one supervises.

A typical day in the office.

Kitty consultation.

Meeting time. Kitty joins in for the power point presentation.

“We brought you some snacks humans!”

Purry phone manager.

He also manages the copier.

They guard the books.


The supurrvisor is taking his job very seriously!


She’s always the first to come into the meeting room and the last to leave.


We know who is really running the meeting.


Everyone needs that dose of kitty love


So cute! I know I've seen a couple of these cats in funny cat office memes! :D
Tumbelina is a very special kitty. She has the will to move and run but not the ability, but that doesn’t stop her. Now she is learning how to get around despite her limitations thanks to a specially designed wheelchair.

Tumbelina has cerebellar hypoplasia according to Valley Cats Inc in Woodland Hills. The rescue organization saved Tumbelina from being put down.

Now she’s given a chance to move and walk around on her own thanks to the 4-wheel buggy. The next step is to find Timbelina a forever loving home.

Meet Tumbelina. She’s a very special cat who has the will to move but not the ability.


She has cerebellar hypoplasia but it does’t stop her.


They are determined to help Tumbelina walk on her own.


They custom designed a 4-wheel chair for Tumberlina


The four-wheel buggy will allow Tumbelina to propel herself forward without the help and support of her caregivers.


The next step is to find Tumbelina a forever loving home.
Tumbelina is a very special kitty. She has the will to move and run but not the ability, but that doesn’t stop her. Now she is learning how to get around despite her limitations thanks to a specially designed wheelchair.

Tumbelina has cerebellar hypoplasia according to Valley Cats Inc in Woodland Hills. The rescue organization saved Tumbelina from being put down.

Now she’s given a chance to move and walk around on her own thanks to the 4-wheel buggy. The next step is to find Timbelina a forever loving home.

Meet Tumbelina. She’s a very special cat who has the will to move but not the ability.


She has cerebellar hypoplasia but it does’t stop her.


They are determined to help Tumbelina walk on her own.


They custom designed a 4-wheel chair for Tumberlina


The four-wheel buggy will allow Tumbelina to propel herself forward without the help and support of her caregivers.


The next step is to find Tumbelina a forever loving home.

Robocat! :D

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