Kitty rescue stories....

Able the cat looks like a little penguin when he walks. He’s very special with only two hind legs, but Able doesn’t let anything stop him.
This amazing kitty is a survivor from an accident that cost him his two front legs and a tail. He was found homeless in Thailand and rescued by a kind family who was determined to bring him back to health.
Able has a strong will to live and is always so happy. He loves to play and can jump just like other cats.

Meet Able, a very special cat, who has only 2 legs, but he doesn’t let anything stop him.

Able lost his front legs and a tail from an accident, but nothing can stop him from loving life.

He looks like a little penguin when he walks.

Able and his favorite mousey.

“Do you like my new tie?”

A few treats will make him the happiest kitty in the world.

He loves it when he takes naps in his comfy bed.

Look at the amazing transformation!

He can stand and walk on his two hind legs like a little person.

He loves his humans who gave him a second chance at life.

Winston Young heard a little kitten’s crying from beneath his mother’s porch. He worked through a narrow opening to bring a tiny kitten up to safety and reunited the kitten with his cat mama.
“Rescued a kitten out of a 8-10 foot deep crawlspace that it fallen into. We attached yarn to 4 corners of a mesh netting bag and then had a rope attached to the 4 lengths of yarn. Placed kitten food in an attempt to help attract the trapped kitten. The mother of the kitten eventually brought 3 more kittens out of the crawl space,” Winston wrote.

A tiny kitten fell under a porch but was rescued by two men who worked through a narrow opening to bring the kitty up to safety.

They reunited the kitten with his cat mom.

The kitty went straight to mama’s belly for a very needed meal.
Able the cat looks like a little penguin when he walks. He’s very special with only two hind legs, but Able doesn’t let anything stop him.
This amazing kitty is a survivor from an accident that cost him his two front legs and a tail. He was found homeless in Thailand and rescued by a kind family who was determined to bring him back to health.
Able has a strong will to live and is always so happy. He loves to play and can jump just like other cats.

Meet Able, a very special cat, who has only 2 legs, but he doesn’t let anything stop him.

Able lost his front legs and a tail from an accident, but nothing can stop him from loving life.

He looks like a little penguin when he walks.

Able and his favorite mousey.

“Do you like my new tie?”

A few treats will make him the happiest kitty in the world.

He loves it when he takes naps in his comfy bed.

Look at the amazing transformation!

He can stand and walk on his two hind legs like a little person.

He loves his humans who gave him a second chance at life.

Another bunny kitty! :)
Wow, how they learn to hop around and adapt to just two legs is pretty amazing! :)
Lucille the kitten was found in a field. When a man spotted the little kitten, she came running up to him and the rest is history.
“She was abandoned in a field by his work,” said MissApril via reddit. “She came running up to him and he couldn’t resist.”
“My husband called me to say he was sorry but he was gonna bring home a kitten,” she added. “We already have 3 cats, but hey, what’s one more?”
“He has a soft spot for cats as it is. I was in tears over the little thing.”
Meet little Lucille. She was abandoned in a field. When she ran up to the man who found her, he simply couldn’t resist.

He called his wife that he was bringing home a kitten. “We already have 3 cats, but hey, what’s one more?”

Milo the ginger cat wasn’t thrilled with the little new kitty at first…

But that quickly changed.

They are best pals now!

Lucille snuggling with her human mom. Happy and loved!
Seven very fluffy kittens came to their foster home not too long ago. These little ones have a lot of growing to do. Meet the Bunny Cats.
“Three girls, four boys, about a month old. They are Manx kittens,” the foster mom wrote via instagram.
Felix the resident cat is helping his mom to babysit the kitties.

It’s a snuggle fest. All seven kittens and their babysitter Felix the cat (the one with a fluffy tail).


Spooning Level: Expert.


The kitties love their foster dad Felix.


Seven purr motors purring away.
Orange and White Kitten Discovered in Car Engine

He was a charming and handsome little guy, everybody told him so. So why then was this little lone kitten left behind in his kennel, watching people and forever families pass him by? He stood at the front of his kennel every day, interested in the cacophony of the busy animal shelter, but no forever family stopped by his front door.

The orange and white tabby kitten came to an overburdened animal shelter young and underfed; he wasn’t even two months old when he arrived. He was also so skinny it was a wonder he had survived for as long as he had.


The staff at the animal shelter knew he was running out of time. With kennel space at a premium, they needed to find a safe place for this kitten to find a loving home. On December 1, the animal shelter connected with the staff at Helen Woodward Animal Center and pleaded for this lone kitten’s fate. Luckily, there was space and a team was dispatched to pick up the kitten without delay.


While picking him up from the shelter, our staff heard something unbelievable. When the kitten had been brought in, he was black as soot and covered in grime. This little one was actually found huddling in a car engine for days trying to find shelter. After his bath, it was a shock to discover that he wasn’t grey after all, but a gorgeous orange and white tabby with brilliant blue eyes.


We gave him a ride to the Center and as he was getting to know our medical staff, we gave him a name fitting for a kitten with fiery orange fur and a zesty personality: Firebird!

After a week or so of foster family love and care, Firebird sped off into his forever home before the holidays. We can imagine him waking up on Christmas morning, surrounded by his forever family, Congratulations, little guy!
A tiny tabby kitten was crying outside an office. An employee spotted the little kitty and came to the rescue.

“My coworker brought the kitten into our office, trembling either because he was cold or afraid. He stayed in our arms, climbing across all of our shoulders and seemed content to be held. After a few minutes, his shivering changed to purring.

Coworker looked around when he first found the kitty but the little fellow had no collar and didn’t seem to have a home. He’s going to check around the area, including the local animal shelter, but another coworker has volunteered to adopt him if no owner is found,” another employee wrote via reddit.

“I tried to find others or the mother to no avail. He was out on it’s own trying to find some food, warmth, and a human to dominate,” said the rescuer.

By the end of the day, they found the little kitten a forever home.

A tiny tabby kitten was crying outside an office. An employee spotted the little kitten and came to the rescue.

“My coworker brought the kitten into our office, trembling either because he was cold or afraid. He stayed in our arms, climbing across all of our shoulders and seemed content to be held. After a few minutes, his shivering changed to purring.”

One of the employees there adopted the little kitten. Here’s how the kitty is doing.

A tiny tabby kitten was crying outside an office. An employee spotted the little kitty and came to the rescue.

“My coworker brought the kitten into our office, trembling either because he was cold or afraid. He stayed in our arms, climbing across all of our shoulders and seemed content to be held. After a few minutes, his shivering changed to purring.

Coworker looked around when he first found the kitty but the little fellow had no collar and didn’t seem to have a home. He’s going to check around the area, including the local animal shelter, but another coworker has volunteered to adopt him if no owner is found,” another employee wrote via reddit.

“I tried to find others or the mother to no avail. He was out on it’s own trying to find some food, warmth, and a human to dominate,” said the rescuer.

By the end of the day, they found the little kitten a forever home.

A tiny tabby kitten was crying outside an office. An employee spotted the little kitten and came to the rescue.

“My coworker brought the kitten into our office, trembling either because he was cold or afraid. He stayed in our arms, climbing across all of our shoulders and seemed content to be held. After a few minutes, his shivering changed to purring.”

One of the employees there adopted the little kitten. Here’s how the kitty is doing.

That is a beautiful little kitten! :)
He may look like a tough guy, but this man has a soft spot for cats. When a skinny stray cat came up to him two years ago asking for a pat and some love, the next thing he knew he was on his way to the vet with his new cat.

Doxxus from Melbourne, Australia wrote via reddit: “This little thing came up to me as I was about to pull out some broken glass, started mewing and wanting a pat. I had a look at the girl and her fur was mottled in places, she was bones, looking tired, but very approachable. I gave her some of my water and she lapped it up. I gave her some scratch time on the belly and when I went to my van to get some tools, she followed and jumped in.

I decided to have another look at her. Her coat was dirty (except her chest), but she didn’t seem to have any fleas. I kept her in my van with the aircon going, and once I had finished my job, took her to a pet store to get a cardboard carrier and some treats. After that, I took her back to my factory to show my wife, who agreed we should see if she were chipped.

Once at the vet, the vet’s wife told me she was not chipped but once her husband came back he can have a good look at her, and if we wanted to keep her they can proceed with all the things… have to add, she enjoyed jumping on me.” They named the kitty Sous.

“When I was 6, my grandmother surprised me with a cat. She had lived until I was 12 but died of cancer which broke my heart.” His daughter was 6 month old at the time, and when he took the kitty home, he introduced Sous to her little human sister.

Today, Sous is all grown up, healthy and very loved.

A skinny and tired stray cat came up to this guy two years ago asking for a pat and some love, the next thing he knew he was on his way to the vet with his new cat.

The cat didn’t have a family, so they took her in. They named her Sous.

This is Sous in the garden with her fluffy tail up in the air.

She loves to take walks with her human dad and has grown so much. “Sous can’t fit all her paws onto the post she sits on.”

Sous and her favorite person in the world.

Phil the kitten who was born without upper eyelids is able to see with new eyes after life-changing surgery that helped him save his sight..

This brave little kitten was born with a condition called Agenesis which makes it impossible for him to blink. Without the surgery, constant irritation brought on by dry and itchy eyes could lead to ulceration and, eventually, complete blindness.

When Phil came to MSPCS’s Boston adoption center, he was such a joy to everyone at the shelter. “I was immediately struck by Phil’s personality… Even though his lack of eyelids caused painful irritation, he was still a typical and playful kitten. We were eager to get him back to Angell (Animal Medical Center) where we knew he could get the operating he needed to save his sight,” said Alyssa Krieger of MSPCA’s Boston.

“A cat’s upper eyelid is very similar in form and function to the tissue in their lip,’ Dr. Martin Coster from Angel Animal Medical Center said. “By taking some tissue from Phil’s lip and attaching it to the muscles that enable him to blink, we can, in effect, reconstruct his missing eyelids.”

While Phil was at the adoption center, he met Vixen the cat. The two became best friends and can’t be separated.

On Jan 8, the shelter shared the news at Facebook that Phil the kitten had been adopted along with his feline bestie, Vixen. “Phil and Vixen are now at home!”

Meet Phil, a homeless kitten, who was born without upper eyelids. He got a life-changing surgery that helped him see again.


Phil is a brave little guy with an infectious personality


While he was at the adoption center, he met Vixen the cat. The two bonded and can’t be separated.

Rue the rescue kitty was found when she was just two weeks old.

“We found her abandoned. She’s a little cross-eyed, but we love her,” said Rue’s human mom (reddit).

“We found her next to an abandoned barn when she was only about 2 weeks old. She was so tiny, really dirty, and so scared she was shaking. We only found her because we kept hearing a tiny little mewing noise. We gave her lots of love and a warm bath and she perked right up.

Here’s some pictures of her growing up in the past year and gaining a new best pal -Simon! The first few are on the first day we found her.”

This is Rue. She was found next to an abandoned barn when she was 2 weeks old. She’s a little cross-eyed.

“She was so tiny, really dirty, and so scared she was shaking. We only found her because we kept hearing a tiny little mewing noise.”

“We gave her lots of love and a warm bath and she perked right up.”

They set up a comfortable warm bed for Rue. She loved it.

“Look at my mittens!”

Today Rue’s grown into a beautiful lady cat.

And she is the boss in the house.

They found her a friend, Simon…

…and Rue took him in like a brother.

Seven, a sweet little kitten, was found in a box of discarded Christmas decorations in a communal corridor of a tower block in Wandsworth, London.

She is about 3-4 months old. They named her ‘Seven’ because she was found on the seventh floor of the building on January 7th at around 7PM according to RSPCA.

“Seven was found as a terrified little ball inside a litter tray, on top of a huge cardboard box full of old junk and festive paraphemalia,” said RSPCA.

They brought her into the shelter and treated her infection. “She’s very lovely and purrs at the slightest touch, but is understandably a bit timid. We hope when the time is right, we can find her a new forever home which gives her the kindness she deserves.”

Seven, a sweet kitten, was found in a box of discarded Christmas decorations on the 7th floor of a building on the 7th day of January at around 7PM.

She is about 3-4 months old.

The RSPCA brought her into the shelter, treated her infection and showered her with love.

“She’s very lovely and purrs at the slightest touch, but is understandably a bit timid. We hope when the time is right, we can find her a new forever home which gives her the kindness she deserves.”

Fuego the ginger kitten found a new mom Luna the dog. When the kitten met the gentle Great Pyrenees at his new home, he immediately clung to her like family.

It is a definite bond.

Fuego likes to snuggle with Luna’s big fluffy tail.

or anywhere that he can snug into.

Luna is a caring mom to her purr-ey little baby.

She cleans him while he tries to grab her face.

and always stays close to him like a protective mom.

Little Nina was 5 weeks old when they found her on the side of the road. It’s amazing what a little food, warmth and love can accomplish.

“We found her on the side of the road in Cleveland Ohio, covered in mud and getting splashed by cars. I picked her up with intentions of nursing her back to health. The vet was kind enough to give me a free exam, which was enough to tell me that she has a severe upper respiratory infection and extreme malnutrition. Her eyes were glued shut with yellow gunk when I found her. And the vet told me that she thought she was about 5 weeks old, but was the size of a 3 week old kitten,” said Nina’s rescue mom. (Instagram)

They managed to raise enough fund to pay for Little Nina’s medical bills. Today, Nina’s grown into a beautiful kitty cat. It’s amazing how far she’s come!

They found little Nina on the side of the road. She was 5 weeks old, but was the size of a 3 week old kitten.

Less than 16 hours in her new home. It’s amazing what a little food, warmth and love can accomplish.

Taking a nap with her new mom.

Getting all the motherly love she needs.

“I love these dishes! They have a place for me to sit while I eat!”

Nina found a place to snuggle with her mom while she is working in her studio.

When she found out how wonderful sun spots can be…

Her mom made her a cardboard house to play in. She loved it!

Nina is smiling in her sleep.

Look at that face! It’s amazing how far she’s come.

Nina’s first Christmas. It will be many to come!


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