KKK and White Supremacists embrace their inner Trump

Historically speaking it was FDR who appointed a former KKK member to the Supreme Court. Long time democrat senator Robert Byrd was a KKK recruiter. Democrats tried to stop the Civil Rights act. If you checked the wallets of KKK members during the troubled civil rights time you would find that they were all registered democrats. When Dr. Condie Rice was appointed Attorney General under President Bush the bigot racists in the mainstream media came up with a cartoon depicting her as a slave mammy with grotesque features. Donald Trump hires Blacks and Latinos but the old bigoted racist democrat party is still alive and well.

How many blacks and Latinos hold executive positions in Trumps organization?
The FDR administration was gigantic. How many Blacks and Latinos did FDR hire? JFK's quirky A.G. brother illegally tapped MLK's phone. LBJ freely used the "N" word in public. The liberal media never apologized for the racist and offensive cartoon about Dr. Condie Rice. The smarmy democrat who coined the political saying "never let a crisis go to waste" is now accused of racist policies that led to the shooting of a Black kid by a White Police Officer in Chicago. Barry Hussein never met a payroll in his freaking life and Trump meets a payroll every freaking week that includes Blacks and Latinos.

Damn......80 years ago
Why not bring up the founding fathers?
Damn......80 years ago
Why not bring up the founding fathers?

Comrade, WHEN was that pile of shit Duke in congress?

1988 in a 7 way special election to fill the remainder of the term left vacant by Charles Cusimano? With active opposition by the GOP? Duke failed to secure a full term in a regular election.

Yeah, you're a fucking liar - but what do we expect from racist piles of shit like the democratic - socialists?
David Duke is far right,

Well that's a filthy lie - though kind of expected from you.

was once a registered Democrat and switched to the Republican party. It was as a Republican that he was elected as a Louisiana legislator. It's shit stains like him who need to be eliminated from the Republican party.

Duke is a pile of shit, to be sure, but what supports your lie of him being "far right?"

David Duke.
Damn......80 years ago
Why not bring up the founding fathers?

Comrade, WHEN was that pile of shit Duke in congress?

1988 in a 7 way special election to fill the remainder of the term left vacant by Charles Cusimano? With active opposition by the GOP? Duke failed to secure a full term in a regular election.

Yeah, you're a fucking liar - but what do we expect from racist piles of shit like the democratic - socialists?

Duke is a proud Republican
This is no difference what is going on in France with nationalism on the rebound because of the Muslim invasion of their country. White Nationalism + Donald Trump = the prevention of White genocide and preservation of our nations borders, culture and language. Bottom line, we want this country to become great again. Trump will make it happen by returning this country to the people the founders created it for, White people.

White supremacist groups see Trump bump
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This has been posted several times - Here's what I posted in another thread posted a few minutes ago that the OP is too stupid to find.

No accident that white supremacists, david duke, kkk, anti-Semites, anti-gay, anti-woman, anti-child, anti-US and anti-Constitution RWNJ traitors love Drumpf's openly fascist garbage.

Is there anyone or any group he has not insulted and attacked?

He even insults his own base and they hump his leg.
This is no difference what is going on in France with nationalism on the rebound because of the Muslim invasion of their country. White Nationalism + Donald Trump = the prevention of White genocide and preservation of our nations borders, culture and language. Bottom line, we want this country to become great again. Trump will make it happen by returning this country to the people the founders created it for, White people.

White supremacist groups see Trump bump

I believe once Trump become President he will go further than Stalin and require all American to interbreed and by doing so eliminate white, black, brown and Albino Chimp from Outer Space race.

As for sparking the White Pride, well that kill his chances of being President...
"the white supremacist website Stormfront has had to upgrade its servers to handle all the new traffic coming their way since Trump took off in the polls; the Ku Klux Klan confirms that Trump has served as a major talking point for feeling out recruits."

Conservative dogma endorses neither racism nor bigotry; unfortunately racists and bigots find refuge among the ranks of conservatives and republicans, where it's incumbent upon both to examine their flawed dogma to discover why, and fix the problem as soon as possible.

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