KKK and White Supremacists embrace their inner Trump

As Trump leads his party into hate and bigotry

White supremacist groups credit surging interest to Donald Trump: 'He's certainly creating a movement'

At least one group is loving his rise to prominence: white supremacists. Politico reports that the white supremacist website Stormfront has had to upgrade its servers to handle all the new traffic coming their way since Trump took off in the polls; the Ku Klux Klan confirms that Trump has served as a major talking point for feeling out recruits.
"He's made it okay to talk about these incredible concerns of European Americans today," former KKK grand wizard and onetime Louisiana representative David Duke said.
Hate group monitors at the Southern Poverty Law Center (SPLC) and the Anti-Defamation League warn that Trump's statements about banning Muslims and rounding up Mexicans have "energized" racist intellectuals and neo-Nazis. "When well-known public figures make these kind of statements in the public square, they are taken as a permission-giving by criminal elements who go out and act on their words," SPLC's Mark Potak told Politico.

I don't know if he led them into hate and bigotry. they've been there for years. he just made it acceptable for them to say it out loud
More desperate transferrance from Democrats trying to cover up their own history.

The KKK little rightwinger pretends to complain about, was formed by Democrats in the Civil War days, and has been staffed and supported by them ever since. "Bull" Conner, who used fire hoses and attack dogs on peaceful black protesters, was a lifelong Democrat. And George Wallace, whose campaign slogan was "Segregation today, segregation tomorrow, segregation forever!", was a Democrat.

Even today it's Democrats who make up the majority of the KKK's membership.

And it is Democrats who keep passing legislation saying that black people can't make it on their own, and must have "help" from government to eat, sleep, get housing etc. While they make no such claims about Caucasians etc.

It's always a hoot seeing them try so desperately to fool people into thinking Republicans are the bigots and racists. When the Democrats' actual record tells a very different story.
Living in the past is a classic sign of a deluded RWr.

But....but...50 years ago some Democrats were racists
David Duke is far right,

Well that's a filthy lie - though kind of expected from you.

was once a registered Democrat and switched to the Republican party. It was as a Republican that he was elected as a Louisiana legislator. It's shit stains like him who need to be eliminated from the Republican party.

Duke is a pile of shit, to be sure, but what supports your lie of him being "far right?"
David Duke is far right,

Well that's a filthy lie - though kind of expected from you.

was once a registered Democrat and switched to the Republican party. It was as a Republican that he was elected as a Louisiana legislator. It's shit stains like him who need to be eliminated from the Republican party.

Duke is a pile of shit, to be sure, but what supports your lie of him being "far right?"

David Duke.
and yet you have more in common with ISIL and never knew it...

( most religious bigots can't see it because they believe their book is the only book about God and it word )

What do I have in common with the ally of the democrats, sploogy?

Oh, you're just lying.

Carry on.
David Duke is far right,

Well that's a filthy lie - though kind of expected from you.

was once a registered Democrat and switched to the Republican party. It was as a Republican that he was elected as a Louisiana legislator. It's shit stains like him who need to be eliminated from the Republican party.

Duke is a pile of shit, to be sure, but what supports your lie of him being "far right?"

Duke also speaks against what he describes as Jewish control of the Federal Reserve Bank, the U.S. federal government and the media. Duke supports the preservation of what he considers to be Western culture and traditionalist Christian family values, Constitutionalism, abolition of the Internal Revenue Service, voluntary racial segregation, anti-Communism and white separatism.[10][11][12] He also opposes what he considers to be "promotion of homosexuality" by Jews.[13]

David Duke - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

That's not a liberal, that's for damn sure.
David Duke.

David Duke what? You lied that he is far right, what is "far right" about him?

Fact is, you are but a demagogue seeking to slander your political enemies. You have no fucking clue what you're talking about, you just know Duke is a scumbag so you use him to smear those you hate.
David Duke.

David Duke what? You lied that he is far right, what is "far right" about him?

Fact is, you are but a demagogue seeking to slander your political enemies. You have no fucking clue what you're talking about, you just know Duke is a scumbag so you use him to smear those you hate.

If that were the case, I would have accused you of being David Duke.
Duke also speaks against what he describes as Jewish control of the Federal Reserve Bank, the U.S. federal government and the media. Duke supports the preservation of what he considers to be Western culture and traditionalist Christian family values, Constitutionalism, abolition of the Internal Revenue Service, voluntary racial segregation, anti-Communism and white separatism.[10][11][12] He also opposes what he considers to be "promotion of homosexuality" by Jews.[13]

David Duke - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

That's not a liberal, that's for damn sure.

Really? Ever hear Dot Com spew his filthy shit about JOOOOZZZ, or Paintmyhouse? Or a hundred other leftist piles of shit around here?

Duke is a scumbag, but there is nothing remotely conservative about him. You lied to slander your enemies - end of story.
Duke also speaks against what he describes as Jewish control of the Federal Reserve Bank, the U.S. federal government and the media. Duke supports the preservation of what he considers to be Western culture and traditionalist Christian family values, Constitutionalism, abolition of the Internal Revenue Service, voluntary racial segregation, anti-Communism and white separatism.[10][11][12] He also opposes what he considers to be "promotion of homosexuality" by Jews.[13]

David Duke - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

That's not a liberal, that's for damn sure.

Really? Ever hear Dot Com spew his filthy shit about JOOOOZZZ, or Paintmyhouse? Or a hundred other leftist piles of shit around here?

Duke is a scumbag, but there is nothing remotely conservative about him. You lied to slander your enemies - end of story.


For someone who as just talking a moment ago about using Duke to slander political opponents, you've sure zeroed in on one thing while ignoring all the other evidence, all so that you can slander your political opponents.

Does it hurt to be so pathetic? What am I saying, of course it doesn't. That's why you keep doing it.
Historically speaking it was FDR who appointed a former KKK member to the Supreme Court. Long time democrat senator Robert Byrd was a KKK recruiter. Democrats tried to stop the Civil Rights act. If you checked the wallets of KKK members during the troubled civil rights time you would find that they were all registered democrats. When Dr. Condie Rice was appointed Attorney General under President Bush the bigot racists in the mainstream media came up with a cartoon depicting her as a slave mammy with grotesque features. Donald Trump hires Blacks and Latinos but the old bigoted racist democrat party is still alive and well.

How many blacks and Latinos hold executive positions in Trumps organization?
The FDR administration was gigantic. How many Blacks and Latinos did FDR hire? JFK's quirky A.G. brother illegally tapped MLK's phone. LBJ freely used the "N" word in public. The liberal media never apologized for the racist and offensive cartoon about Dr. Condie Rice. The smarmy democrat who coined the political saying "never let a crisis go to waste" is now accused of racist policies that led to the shooting of a Black kid by a White Police Officer in Chicago. Barry Hussein never met a payroll in his freaking life and Trump meets a payroll every freaking week that includes Blacks and Latinos.


For someone who as just talking a moment ago about using Duke to slander political opponents, you've sure zeroed in on one thing while ignoring all the other evidence, all so that you can slander your political opponents.

Does it hurt to be so pathetic? What am I saying, of course it doesn't. That's why you keep doing it.

You lied, you got caught.

You're a demagogue, it's going to happen.

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