KKK and White Supremacists embrace their inner Trump

White Supremacists are in their glory...they finally got a candidate who talks just like them
Trump reminds me alot of the old John Birchers.....preaching to the same crowd
More desperate transferrance from Democrats trying to cover up their own history.

The KKK little rightwinger pretends to complain about, was formed by Democrats in the Civil War days, and has been staffed and supported by them ever since. "Bull" Conner, who used fire hoses and attack dogs on peaceful black protesters, was a lifelong Democrat. And George Wallace, whose campaign slogan was "Segregation today, segregation tomorrow, segregation forever!", was a Democrat.

Even today it's Democrats who make up the majority of the KKK's membership.

And it is Democrats who keep passing legislation saying that black people can't make it on their own, and must have "help" from government to eat, sleep, get housing etc. While they make no such claims about Caucasians etc.

It's always a hoot seeing them try so desperately to fool people into thinking Republicans are the bigots and racists. When the Democrats' actual record tells a very different story.
More desperate transferrance from Democrats trying to cover up their own history.

The KKK little rightwinger pretends to complain about, was formed by Democrats in the Civil War days, and has been staffed and supported by them ever since. "Bull" Conner, who used fire hoses and attack dogs on peaceful black protesters, was a lifelong Democrat. And George Wallace, whose campaign slogan was "Segregation today, segregation tomorrow, segregation forever!", was a Democrat.

Even today it's Democrats who make up the majority of the KKK's membership.

And it is Democrats who keep passing legislation saying that black people can't make it on their own, and must have "help" from government to eat, sleep, get housing etc. While they make no such claims about Caucasians etc.

It's always a hoot seeing them try so desperately to fool people into thinking Republicans are the bigots and racists. When the Democrats' actual record tells a very different story.

Show me where the Democrats make up ANY of the KKKs membership or where the KKK endorses a single Democratic policy
The KKK does not support Dems or the party itself.

It supports racism.

It supports Donald Trump and CrusaderFrank.
Historically speaking it was FDR who appointed a former KKK member to the Supreme Court. Long time democrat senator Robert Byrd was a KKK recruiter. Democrats tried to stop the Civil Rights act. If you checked the wallets of KKK members during the troubled civil rights time you would find that they were all registered democrats. When Dr. Condie Rice was appointed Attorney General under President Bush the bigot racists in the mainstream media came up with a cartoon depicting her as a slave mammy with grotesque features. Donald Trump hires Blacks and Latinos but the old bigoted racist democrat party is still alive and well.
"He'd have to employ the military to do it, and I don't think they're going to do that," agreed former KKK leader Tom Metzger.
But that doesn't seem to bother him too much. "As long as [Trump is] causing chaos and havoc with the citizens, he's fine with me," Metzger said. "I love it."
Historically speaking it was FDR who appointed a former KKK member to the Supreme Court. Long time democrat senator Robert Byrd was a KKK recruiter. Democrats tried to stop the Civil Rights act. If you checked the wallets of KKK members during the troubled civil rights time you would find that they were all registered democrats. When Dr. Condie Rice was appointed Attorney General under President Bush the bigot racists in the mainstream media came up with a cartoon depicting her as a slave mammy with grotesque features. Donald Trump hires Blacks and Latinos but the old bigoted racist democrat party is still alive and well.

How many blacks and Latinos hold executive positions in Trumps organization?
As Trump leads his party into hate and bigotry

White supremacist groups credit surging interest to Donald Trump: 'He's certainly creating a movement'

At least one group is loving his rise to prominence: white supremacists. Politico reports that the white supremacist website Stormfront has had to upgrade its servers to handle all the new traffic coming their way since Trump took off in the polls; the Ku Klux Klan confirms that Trump has served as a major talking point for feeling out recruits.
"He's made it okay to talk about these incredible concerns of European Americans today," former KKK grand wizard and onetime Louisiana representative David Duke said.
Hate group monitors at the Southern Poverty Law Center (SPLC) and the Anti-Defamation League warn that Trump's statements about banning Muslims and rounding up Mexicans have "energized" racist intellectuals and neo-Nazis. "When well-known public figures make these kind of statements in the public square, they are taken as a permission-giving by criminal elements who go out and act on their words," SPLC's Mark Potak told Politico.

When Tyroneslurpscum posted this shit, I ignored it.

But I see that you of the demagogue - sociopath party are running scared.

Oh, and quoting the race hatred group SPLC invalidates any point you may have had.
How many blacks and Latinos hold executive positions in Trumps organization?

How many are presidential candidates in your filthy party?

How many have leadership positions in the traitor Obama's administration?

Lets see....we currently have the first black president and will soon have the first woman president
The fact is that for the last fifty years the KKK has been a far right conservative movement.
Lets see....we currently have the first black president and will soon have the first woman president

You really think Fiorina will win?

So the traitor Obama has no one but whites in leadership roles? All of the candidates of the democratic - socialist party are old, white, and Marxist.

You'll get the ISIS vote, but not much else.
More desperate transferrance from Democrats trying to cover up their own history.

The KKK little rightwinger pretends to complain about, was formed by Democrats in the Civil War days, and has been staffed and supported by them ever since. "Bull" Conner, who used fire hoses and attack dogs on peaceful black protesters, was a lifelong Democrat. And George Wallace, whose campaign slogan was "Segregation today, segregation tomorrow, segregation forever!", was a Democrat.

Even today it's Democrats who make up the majority of the KKK's membership.

And it is Democrats who keep passing legislation saying that black people can't make it on their own, and must have "help" from government to eat, sleep, get housing etc. While they make no such claims about Caucasians etc.

It's always a hoot seeing them try so desperately to fool people into thinking Republicans are the bigots and racists. When the Democrats' actual record tells a very different story.
Living in the past is a classic sign of a deluded RWr.

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