Knockout Game

Why should I show you anything? You're no one important. When are you going to realize your input or blessing is not required on what goes on? Black people dont have anything to prove to whites. I guess one day you will get it through your head. :lol:

You do not have anything to prove to us because we know how dangerous and inferior you are. :mad:
I do not think that blacks are necessarily inferior to other races. However, to say blacks are intellectually superior is tantamount to saying that other races are as good at 100 meter sprints.

In some ways they are superior, but intellectually, no.
IF there are genetic differences between the races, they are so fucking miniscule that its irrelevant. Humans are humans. Some are raised in a healthy culture/environment, and others are not. There is no guarantee that a "healthy environment" will produce perfect kids every time, but it will certainly to do so far more often than an unhealthy environment will. Shitty cultures produce shitty people. Its as simple as that.

Africans don't suck because they are black; they suck because their culture sucks. Raise an African baby with a nice Swedish family in Sweden, and guess what, youll have a nice Swedish kid who happens to be black.

A 60-page review of the scientific evidence, some based on state-of-the-art magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) of brain size, has concluded that race differences in average IQ are largely genetic...

Trans-Racial Adoption Studies. Race differences in IQ remain following adoption by White middle class parents. East Asians grow to average higher IQs than Whites while Blacks score lower. The Minnesota Trans-Racial Adoption Study followed children to age 17 and found race differences were even greater than at age 7: White children, 106; Mixed-Race children, 99; and Black children, 89.
Race differences in average IQ are largely genetic
Black kids are a bigger threat to each other than to whites, any way you slice it. White racist couldn't do to blacks what they do to themselves. The knock out game ( and whatever veiled name for racist attacks by blacks) have been largely ignored by the media whilst minor issues like "racial profiling" by cops are played to the hilt. We have a broken nation divided by people in denial. Is the black community capable of fixing it’s own problems without blaming whites?
I am glad that a few newspapers and FOX News are finally covering this. For too long there has been a media cover up of the damage a large black population is doing to the United States by being here.

The failure of No Child Left Behind presents fresh evidence that they really are an genetically inferior race. Nevertheless, whenever NCLB is mentioned the official story is that it was poorly conceived, that it over emphasized tests, and so on.

The mass media has a moral obligation to draw attention to black crime, black stupidity, and black illegitimacy. Again and again these problems need to be emphasized so that everyone is aware of what is meant by every syllable.

Get the fuck outa here with that nonsense. IF there are genetic differences between the races, they are so fucking miniscule that its irrelevant. Humans are humans. Some are raised in a healthy culture/environment, and others are not. There is no guarantee that a "healthy environment" will produce perfect kids every time, but it will certainly to do so far more often than an unhealthy environment will. Shitty cultures produce shitty people. Its as simple as that.

Africans don't suck because they are black; they suck because their culture sucks. Raise an African baby with a nice Swedish family in Sweden, and guess what, youll have a nice Swedish kid who happens to be black.

I agree with this 100%.
Black kids are a bigger threat to each other than to whites, any way you slice it. White racist couldn't do to blacks what they do to themselves. The knock out game ( and whatever veiled name for racist attacks by blacks) have been largely ignored by the media whilst minor issues like "racial profiling" by cops are played to the hilt. We have a broken nation divided by people in denial. Is the black community capable of fixing it’s own problems without blaming whites?

No. They consider what is happening now, payback for something that happened 200 years ago. For all they know, the victims of their stupid game are related to those who sacrificed their lives with the underground, or didn't own slaves, or were against slavery. Do they think of these things? Oh hell no. It's too much "fun" to keep attacking old people or people who don't see it happenings. One word for this game that fits is "cowards".
You're the queen of the racist trailer park trash. Talk with some respect you will get some. Until then stick a finger up your ass and hum to yourself.

"Youre racist". Is that your go-to for everything?

The truth about blacks cannot be refuted. It can only be shouted down with cries of "Racist!"

Thats not true. Mutants like yourself try to refute it all the time. You want to see an example of Black culture take a look at your POTUS. Anything else is wishful thinking on your part. Should we consider trailer park trash to be the example of white culture?
Black kids are a bigger threat to each other than to whites, any way you slice it. White racist couldn't do to blacks what they do to themselves. The knock out game ( and whatever veiled name for racist attacks by blacks) have been largely ignored by the media whilst minor issues like "racial profiling" by cops are played to the hilt. We have a broken nation divided by people in denial. Is the black community capable of fixing it’s own problems without blaming whites?

No. They consider what is happening now, payback for something that happened 200 years ago. For all they know, the victims of their stupid game are related to those who sacrificed their lives with the underground, or didn't own slaves, or were against slavery. Do they think of these things? Oh hell no. It's too much "fun" to keep attacking old people or people who don't see it happenings. One word for this game that fits is "cowards".

Who told you thats what Black people consider the game to be?
Black kids are a bigger threat to each other than to whites, any way you slice it. White racist couldn't do to blacks what they do to themselves. The knock out game ( and whatever veiled name for racist attacks by blacks) have been largely ignored by the media whilst minor issues like "racial profiling" by cops are played to the hilt. We have a broken nation divided by people in denial. Is the black community capable of fixing it’s own problems without blaming whites?

No. They consider what is happening now, payback for something that happened 200 years ago. For all they know, the victims of their stupid game are related to those who sacrificed their lives with the underground, or didn't own slaves, or were against slavery. Do they think of these things? Oh hell no. It's too much "fun" to keep attacking old people or people who don't see it happenings. One word for this game that fits is "cowards".

Who told you thats what Black people consider the game to be?

Nov. 26, 2013 11:38am
Related:Al Sharpton
Some talking heads in the media, often times the more conservative ones on Fox News, have called on MSNBC’s Rev. Al Sharpton to condemn the recent spate of street crime across the country known as the “knockout game.”

Sharpton on Monday used his weekly column at The Huffington Post to address the matter, perhaps to the surprise of some of his critics:

It is an alarming trend that is spurring outrageous incidents across the country. It is deplorable, reprehensible and inexcusable. It is insane thuggery, and it is unequivocally wrong. These kids are targeting innocent people, and in many cases specifically targeting Jewish folks. We would not be silent if it were the other way around, and we will not be silent now. This behavior is racist, period. And we will not tolerate it. …

There is nothing funny or even remotely entertaining about attacking innocents walking down the street. This is not a “game”; it is inhumane behavior that has no place in our country or the world. When you start condoning it and you start to act like there’s something funny about these types of actions, you set up the kind of crisis that leads to the demise of everyone. Diversity is one of the greatest strengths of this nation, and we must respect one another in a way that preserves and further develops this diversity. Therefore, when an injustice happens to anyone, it is the duty of all to speak up. Silence is akin to tacit acceptance.

Many of the reported “knockout” incidents — wherein one person unexpectedly punches a random victim on the street — have been deemed racially charged, with the victim appearing to be white and the attackers black teens.

Sharpton speaks out against ?racist? knockout game |
"Youre racist". Is that your go-to for everything?

The truth about blacks cannot be refuted. It can only be shouted down with cries of "Racist!"

Thats not true. Mutants like yourself try to refute it all the time. You want to see an example of Black culture take a look at your POTUS. Anything else is wishful thinking on your part. Should we consider trailer park trash to be the example of white culture?

White trailer parks have lower crime rates than black slums.
But Libs say there is no such thing as the knockout game.
If anything they feel that it's just whitey getting what he had coming.
After years of keeping the black man down the white man needs to take a beating every now and again.

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