Knockout Game

No one is side stepping anything. You dont seem to get that what you may or may not know is not important. You just don't have a clue about the subject you are speaking on. People are speaking out about it in the community. They are not doing it for you to pat them on the head and say "good boy". What makes you think they have to report to white people on what they do in the community? :wtf:

Show me videos of well known black people speaking out about the violence and racism in the black community. If white people get on camera to talk about this, its meaningless, but if black people address the problem, MAYBE we might get somewhere.

Why should I show you anything? You're no one important. When are you going to realize your input or blessing is not required on what goes on? Black people dont have anything to prove to whites. I guess one day you will get it through your head. :lol:

That is the kind of answer I would expect from someone who cant produce a video of the things he is suggesting are happening. When it is impossible to defend your position, maybe you should think about changing your position entirely. You aren't smart enough to make a move like that though. The racism runs strong in your veins.
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Show me videos of well known black people speaking out about the violence and racism in the black community. If white people get on camera to talk about this, its meaningless, but if black people address the problem, MAYBE we might get somewhere.

Why should I show you anything? You're no one important. When are you going to realize your input or blessing is not required on what goes on? Black people dont have anything to prove to whites. I guess one day you will get it through your head. :lol:

That is the kind of answer I would expect from someone who cant produce a video of the things he is suggesting are happening. When it is impossible to defend your position, maybe you should think about changing your position entirely. You aren't smart enough to make a move like that though. The racism runs strong in your veins.

You have me confused with someone that has to prove something to you or defend something. Racists whites cant stand it when they are not included in the process. :lol:
If this were white kids going around and knocking out blacks than I'm more than certain Sharpton and Jackson would be having a hissy fit and calling it hate crime. IMO, the reason they group up is that they are too coward to do it alone.

Where are the black leaders? Why are they not stepping up and speaking out against this?
Someone in an earlier post to this thread brought up some stats and they were correct. The white population accounts for 74.4% of the total population. Blacks account for 14.4%, so when blacks commit more murders than any other race it is mind boggling to say the least. :cuckoo:

I'm tired of that "Black leader" shit, that's shit has been played out decades ago. How many Blacks do you think that Sharpton and Jackson allegedly "lead"? I am willing to bet that it doesn't even come close to more than 1% of the Black population in this country. People need to lead themselves as individuals. These aforementioned people aren't really leaders, they are self appointed "advocates". Whether one agrees or disagrees with what they advocate is another matter.

Its quite apparent that racist whites view all Black people as monolithic and incapable of independent thought.

The truth and irony in that statement is that most racists in general are mentally and emotionaly weak, insecure and incapable of independent thought.
I'm tired of that "Black leader" shit, that's shit has been played out decades ago. How many Blacks do you think that Sharpton and Jackson allegedly "lead"? I am willing to bet that it doesn't even come close to more than 1% of the Black population in this country. People need to lead themselves as individuals. These aforementioned people aren't really leaders, they are self appointed "advocates". Whether one agrees or disagrees with what they advocate is another matter.

Its quite apparent that racist whites view all Black people as monolithic and incapable of independent thought.

The truth and irony in that statement is that most racists in general are mentally and emotionaly weak, insecure and incapable of independent thought.
Which is why blacks are the most racist demographic in America. This cowardly knock out shit is a manifestation of exactly that.
Its quite apparent that racist whites view all Black people as monolithic and incapable of independent thought.

The truth and irony in that statement is that most racists in general are mentally and emotionaly weak, insecure and incapable of independent thought.
Which is why blacks are the most racist demographic in America. This cowardly knock out shit is a manifestation of exactly that.

I am not condoning this so called "knockout" phenomena, and no one in this forum is from what I have read.

I can also state that I am not ignorant enough to label millions of individuals over the actions of some.

But predictably, it is no surprise that certain individuals will.
What is wrong with Black kids?

What’s wrong with conservatives?

That’s the actual question.

Why the bizarre obsession among rightists concerning this issue, why do they attempt to contrive from it some ‘political’ controversy, and why are they incorrectly placing it in an irrelevant racial context?

Are many conservatives so stupid as to believe this somehow ‘represents’ black culture?

Yep they reported it, but they never report the racial aspect of it. They state, kids did this. Not blacks kids are targeting whites in this racist game!

It would seem so.
I guess when the game is blacks going up to whites and sucker-punching them like cowards without any provocation, I think the racial aspect speaks for itself. However, that might be lost on mental midgets like you!
Happened again early this morning, this time to a Jewish man in Brooklyn.

Police: Stranger Punched Man in 'Knockout' Attack

Fucking cowards!
Look at the ages (38, 34, 31, and 28) of the cowards!!! It's upsetting that it had to be a Jew before it finally gets charged as a hate crime. Like all the other white Christians weren't victims of vicious hate crimes also.

I am just glad the Jew was tough enough to get up an flag a police officer who arrested the filthy animals!
Happened again early this morning, this time to a Jewish man in Brooklyn.

Police: Stranger Punched Man in 'Knockout' Attack

Fucking cowards!
Look at the ages (38, 34, 31, and 28) of the cowards!!! It's upsetting that it had to be a Jew before it finally gets charged as a hate crime. Like all the other white Christians weren't victims of vicious hate crimes also.

I am just glad the Jew was tough enough to get up an flag a police officer who arrested the filthy animals!

Yes, and apparently this time the suspect is a Middle Eastern man who is seen getting into the police car with handcuffs on. [video]

Libertarian Republican

Surprise! A Middle Eastern man has been arrested. Additionally, one suspect walking out of the police station was wearing a Trayvon Martin hoodie.

All media everywhere, are avoiding descriptions of the attacks as Muslim on Jew, or Black on Jew. (Though, it's quite apparent from their names and photos.)
That is the better question. Too bad most racist white people spend their time claiming only Black people are violent. The only problem with the question is that most racist whites think they know the answer even when you tell them something different. Its more of a rhetorical question if you are not really wanting to know.

Why don't you walk your sissy-gay white ass, alone, down to 14th/I Streets some evening and chit-chat with the young black folk.

You stupid fuck.

What makes you think I'm white you stupid brainless piece of dog shit? I can walk where I want to without any worry as long as its not the backwoods of Mississippi.

Even though you are black you would be safer with poor whites in the backwoods of Misdsissippi than in any black neighborhood.
1. Are there any white attackers?
2. Are there any black victims?

If there were it would be front page news on every liberal newspaper in the country.

When Trayvon Martin got what he had been asking for the official story was that he was a sweet innocent black boy who was killed by a brutal racist. The first photo everyone saw of Martin was of him at the age of 12 or 13. The photo everyone saw of George Zimmerman was a mug shot for when he had been arrested for a trivial offense. No body looks good in a mug shot.
I am glad that a few newspapers and FOX News are finally covering this. For too long there has been a media cover up of the damage a large black population is doing to the United States by being here.

The failure of No Child Left Behind presents fresh evidence that they really are an genetically inferior race. Nevertheless, whenever NCLB is mentioned the official story is that it was poorly conceived, that it over emphasized tests, and so on.

The mass media has a moral obligation to draw attention to black crime, black stupidity, and black illegitimacy. Again and again these problems need to be emphasized so that everyone is aware of what is meant by every syllable.
Why should I show you anything? You're no one important. When are you going to realize your input or blessing is not required on what goes on? Black people dont have anything to prove to whites. I guess one day you will get it through your head. :lol:

You do not have anything to prove to us because we know how dangerous and inferior you are. :mad:
I am glad that a few newspapers and FOX News are finally covering this. For too long there has been a media cover up of the damage a large black population is doing to the United States by being here.

The failure of No Child Left Behind presents fresh evidence that they really are an genetically inferior race. Nevertheless, whenever NCLB is mentioned the official story is that it was poorly conceived, that it over emphasized tests, and so on.

The mass media has a moral obligation to draw attention to black crime, black stupidity, and black illegitimacy. Again and again these problems need to be emphasized so that everyone is aware of what is meant by every syllable.

Get the fuck outa here with that nonsense. IF there are genetic differences between the races, they are so fucking miniscule that its irrelevant. Humans are humans. Some are raised in a healthy culture/environment, and others are not. There is no guarantee that a "healthy environment" will produce perfect kids every time, but it will certainly to do so far more often than an unhealthy environment will. Shitty cultures produce shitty people. Its as simple as that.

Africans don't suck because they are black; they suck because their culture sucks. Raise an African baby with a nice Swedish family in Sweden, and guess what, youll have a nice Swedish kid who happens to be black.
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