Knockout Game

The knockout game is not part of Black culture.

I agree, it's not. However, in every documented instance across the country (and now spreading to England too), it has been overwhelmingly if not exclusively young Blacks attacking Caucasians. There's a reason they call it "Polar Bear Hunting".

Further, if this trend involved gangs of white kids attacking helpless Blacks, I'm quite sure prosecutors, the media...and you, would be quick to scream 'Hate Crime'. So far, that's not the case, which suggests a certain level of hypocrisy, I'm sure you would agree.

We have at least two deaths from these cowardly acts and some unbelievably horrific injuries. One guy got his eye kicked out of the socket as his attackers laughed. I urge all to practice situational awareness, learn self defense, and arm yourself with some type of weapon. While there may be no way to guard against these scum, in some cases the tables were turned on the attackers. May they rot jail or better yet, in Hell.
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The knockout game is not part of Black culture.

I agree, it's not. However, in every documented instance across the country (and now spreading to England too), it has been overwhelmingly if not exclusively young Blacks attacking Caucasians. There's a reason they call it "Polar Bear Hunting".

Further, if this trend involved gangs of white kids attacking helpless Blacks, I'm quite sure prosecutors, the media...and you, would be quick to scream 'Hate Crime'. So far, that's not the case, which suggests a certain level of hypocrisy, I'm sure you would agree.

We have at least two deaths from these cowardly acts and some unbelievably horrific injuries. One guy got his eye kicked out of the socket as his attackers laughed. I urge all to practice situational awareness, learn self defense, and arm yourself with some type of weapon. While there may be no way to guard against these scum, in some cases the tables were turned on the attackers. May they rot jail or better yet, in Hell.

I definitely agree its a serious issue. It is overwhelmingly Black kids that are doing this as far as I know of. Its a crime and should be punished no matter who is doing it. From my understanding crimes cannot be labeled a "hate crime" unless the victim is a member of a historically oppressed ethnicity, religious belief, or gay and the person committing the crime is doing so specifically because of one of those reasons. So no....I don't believe it to be hypocritical with that understanding if white kids did it to black kids.
The knockout game is not part of Black culture.

I agree, it's not. However, in every documented instance across the country (and now spreading to England too), it has been overwhelmingly if not exclusively young Blacks attacking Caucasians. There's a reason they call it "Polar Bear Hunting".

Further, if this trend involved gangs of white kids attacking helpless Blacks, I'm quite sure prosecutors, the media...and you, would be quick to scream 'Hate Crime'. So far, that's not the case, which suggests a certain level of hypocrisy, I'm sure you would agree.

We have at least two deaths from these cowardly acts and some unbelievably horrific injuries. One guy got his eye kicked out of the socket as his attackers laughed. I urge all to practice situational awareness, learn self defense, and arm yourself with some type of weapon. While there may be no way to guard against these scum, in some cases the tables were turned on the attackers. May they rot jail or better yet, in Hell.

I definitely agree its a serious issue. It is overwhelmingly Black kids that are doing this as far as I know of. Its a crime and should be punished no matter who is doing it. From my understanding crimes cannot be labeled a "hate crime" unless the victim is a member of a historically oppressed ethnicity, religious belief, or gay and the person committing the crime is doing so specifically because of one of those reasons. So no....I don't believe it to be hypocritical with that understanding if white kids did it to black kids.

Your "understanding" of it obviously came from Eric Holder. You aren't going to hear that shit from anyone else. I find it hilarious that you agree with not treating everyone equally on those occasions when it suits you. You are a hypocrite and undoubtedly racist.
I agree, it's not. However, in every documented instance across the country (and now spreading to England too), it has been overwhelmingly if not exclusively young Blacks attacking Caucasians. There's a reason they call it "Polar Bear Hunting".

Further, if this trend involved gangs of white kids attacking helpless Blacks, I'm quite sure prosecutors, the media...and you, would be quick to scream 'Hate Crime'. So far, that's not the case, which suggests a certain level of hypocrisy, I'm sure you would agree.

We have at least two deaths from these cowardly acts and some unbelievably horrific injuries. One guy got his eye kicked out of the socket as his attackers laughed. I urge all to practice situational awareness, learn self defense, and arm yourself with some type of weapon. While there may be no way to guard against these scum, in some cases the tables were turned on the attackers. May they rot jail or better yet, in Hell.

I definitely agree its a serious issue. It is overwhelmingly Black kids that are doing this as far as I know of. Its a crime and should be punished no matter who is doing it. From my understanding crimes cannot be labeled a "hate crime" unless the victim is a member of a historically oppressed ethnicity, religious belief, or gay and the person committing the crime is doing so specifically because of one of those reasons. So no....I don't believe it to be hypocritical with that understanding if white kids did it to black kids.

Your "understanding" of it obviously came from Eric Holder. You aren't going to hear that shit from anyone else. I find it hilarious that you agree with not treating everyone equally on those occasions when it suits you. You are a hypocrite and undoubtedly racist.

Says here that Eric Holder is the AGOTUS. I'm not qualified to make the decisions he gets paid to do. Who should I get my understanding of the law from then if not Eric Holder?

The office of Attorney General was established by Congress by the Judiciary Act of 1789. The original duties of this officer were "to prosecute and conduct all suits in the Supreme Court in which the United States shall be concerned, and to give his advice and opinion upon questions of law when required by the president of the United States, or when requested by the heads of any of the departments."[1] Only in 1870 was the Department of Justice established to support the attorney general in the discharge of his responsibilities.
The current attorney general, Eric Holder,[2] was confirmed to office by the Senate on February 2, 2009, and sworn into office on February 3, 2009.[3] Holder is the 82nd United States Attorney General and the first African-American to hold the position.

Also where do you see me say I agree with it? There should be no such thing as a hate crime.
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I definitely agree its a serious issue. It is overwhelmingly Black kids that are doing this as far as I know of. Its a crime and should be punished no matter who is doing it. From my understanding crimes cannot be labeled a "hate crime" unless the victim is a member of a historically oppressed ethnicity, religious belief, or gay and the person committing the crime is doing so specifically because of one of those reasons. So no....I don't believe it to be hypocritical with that understanding if white kids did it to black kids.

Your "understanding" of it obviously came from Eric Holder. You aren't going to hear that shit from anyone else. I find it hilarious that you agree with not treating everyone equally on those occasions when it suits you. You are a hypocrite and undoubtedly racist.

Says here that Eric Holder is the AGOTUS. I'm not qualified to make the decisions he gets paid to do. Who should I get my understanding of the law from then if not Eric Holder?

Is it all word games with you? Do you think that supposed cleverness is a legitimate substitute genuine thought and understanding? You occasionally make a good point, but then ruin it by falling back on canned jibber-jabber.
Your "understanding" of it obviously came from Eric Holder. You aren't going to hear that shit from anyone else. I find it hilarious that you agree with not treating everyone equally on those occasions when it suits you. You are a hypocrite and undoubtedly racist.

Says here that Eric Holder is the AGOTUS. I'm not qualified to make the decisions he gets paid to do. Who should I get my understanding of the law from then if not Eric Holder?

Is it all word games with you? Do you think that supposed cleverness is a legitimate substitute genuine thought and understanding? You occasionally make a good point, but then ruin it by falling back on canned jibber-jabber.

If you perceive me as trying to be clever then that falls under the realm of a personal problem. I answered the guys question and posed one which he will ignore because he is literally lost out in emotional left field. I'll ask you the same question. Where should I get my understanding of the hate crime law from if not the person that was paid to interpret it? I mean come on. We cant go around interpreting laws based on what we think they should be. If you want to know if I agree with a law or not why not be direct and ask?
The knockout game is not part of Black culture.

I agree, it's not. However, in every documented instance across the country (and now spreading to England too), it has been overwhelmingly if not exclusively young Blacks attacking Caucasians. There's a reason they call it "Polar Bear Hunting".

Further, if this trend involved gangs of white kids attacking helpless Blacks, I'm quite sure prosecutors, the media...and you, would be quick to scream 'Hate Crime'. So far, that's not the case, which suggests a certain level of hypocrisy, I'm sure you would agree.

We have at least two deaths from these cowardly acts and some unbelievably horrific injuries. One guy got his eye kicked out of the socket as his attackers laughed. I urge all to practice situational awareness, learn self defense, and arm yourself with some type of weapon. While there may be no way to guard against these scum, in some cases the tables were turned on the attackers. May they rot jail or better yet, in Hell.

I definitely agree its a serious issue. It is overwhelmingly Black kids that are doing this as far as I know of. Its a crime and should be punished no matter who is doing it.

As would everyone.

From my understanding crimes cannot be labeled a "hate crime" unless the victim is a member of a historically oppressed ethnicity, religious belief, or gay and the person committing the crime is doing so specifically because of one of those reasons. So no....I don't believe it to be hypocritical with that understanding if white kids did it to black kids.


That is, frankly, ridiculous.

While every state has a different definition of hate crime, they all basically say the same thing: A hate crime is defined as one that involves threats, harassment, or physical harm and is motivated by prejudice against someone's race, color, religion, national origin, ethnicity, sexual orientation or physical or mental disability.

There is NOTHING in hate crime laws that suggests the victim must be "historically oppressed". Good God man, is there any group of people on the planet that were not oppressed by someone at one point or another?

Definitions of hate crime from several different sources:

Hate crime
Definition - Noun
: a crime that violates the victim's civil rights and that is motivated by hostility to the victim's race, religion, creed, national origin, sexual orientation, or gender

Definition of HATE CRIME
: any of various crimes (as assault or defacement of property) when motivated by hostility to the victim as a member of a group (as one based on color, creed, gender, or sexual orientation)
Says here that Eric Holder is the AGOTUS. I'm not qualified to make the decisions he gets paid to do. Who should I get my understanding of the law from then if not Eric Holder?

Holder may be the Attorney General, but the doesn't change the definition of a hate crime. From the FBI's own website:

A hate crime is a traditional offense like murder, arson, or vandalism with an added element of bias. For the purposes of collecting statistics, Congress has defined a hate crime as a “criminal offense against a person or property motivated in whole or in part by an offender’s bias against a race, religion, disability, ethnic origin or sexual orientation.”

You've implied Caucasians cannot be victims of a hate crime. That suggests an incredible bias or double standard on your part.
Says here that Eric Holder is the AGOTUS. I'm not qualified to make the decisions he gets paid to do. Who should I get my understanding of the law from then if not Eric Holder?

Holder may be the Attorney General, but the doesn't change the definition of a hate crime. From the FBI's own website:

A hate crime is a traditional offense like murder, arson, or vandalism with an added element of bias. For the purposes of collecting statistics, Congress has defined a hate crime as a “criminal offense against a person or property motivated in whole or in part by an offender’s bias against a race, religion, disability, ethnic origin or sexual orientation.”

You've implied Caucasians cannot be victims of a hate crime. That suggests an incredible bias or double standard on your part.

LOL. You are making the other clowns look bad. Why cant they pose good challenges like this ^..? My next question would be who has authority here? The AG or the FBI? The FBI can arrest me for a hate crime but if the law says its not because of the SCOTUS or the AGs interpretation where does that leave us? I didn't imply anything. i didn't make the law and as stated before I don't agree with it if it excludes anyone. I simply understand the law to be interpreted the way the person that gets paid to do so explained. I think the law is actually useless in a way. Why not just make every instance of violence the same level of wrongness?
Black kids like all children should be expected to be moral, respectable and responsible in life.

Shame that their parents and our public school system is failing them.

I agree with the parents part of your statement. The schools can only deal with what comes from the home, they spend seven or so hours in school and seventeen or so hours out of school. My wife is a teacher and it's been my experience that most of the problem kids have problem parents. True story.........................
If this were white kids going around and knocking out blacks than I'm more than certain Sharpton and Jackson would be having a hissy fit and calling it hate crime. IMO, the reason they group up is that they are too coward to do it alone.

Where are the black leaders? Why are they not stepping up and speaking out against this?
Someone in an earlier post to this thread brought up some stats and they were correct. The white population accounts for 74.4% of the total population. Blacks account for 14.4%, so when blacks commit more murders than any other race it is mind boggling to say the least. :cuckoo:

I'm tired of that "Black leader" shit, that's shit has been played out decades ago. How many Blacks do you think that Sharpton and Jackson allegedly "lead"? I am willing to bet that it doesn't even come close to more than 1% of the Black population in this country. People need to lead themselves as individuals. These aforementioned people aren't really leaders, they are self appointed "advocates". Whether one agrees or disagrees with what they advocate is another matter.
If this were white kids going around and knocking out blacks than I'm more than certain Sharpton and Jackson would be having a hissy fit and calling it hate crime. IMO, the reason they group up is that they are too coward to do it alone.

Where are the black leaders? Why are they not stepping up and speaking out against this?
Someone in an earlier post to this thread brought up some stats and they were correct. The white population accounts for 74.4% of the total population. Blacks account for 14.4%, so when blacks commit more murders than any other race it is mind boggling to say the least. :cuckoo:

I'm tired of that "Black leader" shit, that's shit has been played out decades ago. How many Blacks do you think that Sharpton and Jackson allegedly "lead"? I am willing to bet that it doesn't even come close to more than 1% of the Black population in this country. People need to lead themselves as individuals. These aforementioned people aren't really leaders, they are self appointed "advocates". Whether one agrees or disagrees with what they advocate is another matter.

Its quite apparent that racist whites view all Black people as monolithic and incapable of independent thought.
If this were white kids going around and knocking out blacks than I'm more than certain Sharpton and Jackson would be having a hissy fit and calling it hate crime. IMO, the reason they group up is that they are too coward to do it alone.

Where are the black leaders? Why are they not stepping up and speaking out against this?
Someone in an earlier post to this thread brought up some stats and they were correct. The white population accounts for 74.4% of the total population. Blacks account for 14.4%, so when blacks commit more murders than any other race it is mind boggling to say the least. :cuckoo:

I'm tired of that "Black leader" shit, that's shit has been played out decades ago. How many Blacks do you think that Sharpton and Jackson allegedly "lead"? I am willing to bet that it doesn't even come close to more than 1% of the Black population in this country. People need to lead themselves as individuals. These aforementioned people aren't really leaders, they are self appointed "advocates". Whether one agrees or disagrees with what they advocate is another matter.

Its quite apparent that racist whites view all Black people as monolithic and incapable of independent thought.

You guys are side stepping his question with filibuster nonsense. He says "where are the black leaders? Why aren't they speaking out about this?". You respond with "there are no black leaders that every single black person follows".

Well no shit. The point isn't how many people follow Sharpton or Jesse, the point is, why aren't there any respected black people speaking out against the rampant and violent racism coming from the black community? Ok, so Bill Cosby counts as one, though even he hasn't done it in awhile. Is there no one else? Isnt this a problem? Will ignoring it make it go away? I don't think so. It only seems to be getting worse every day. Violent racism in the black community is becoming a major problem, for everyone.

*cue the canned "youre a racist" response*
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If this were white kids going around and knocking out blacks than I'm more than certain Sharpton and Jackson would be having a hissy fit and calling it hate crime. IMO, the reason they group up is that they are too coward to do it alone.

Where are the black leaders? Why are they not stepping up and speaking out against this?
Someone in an earlier post to this thread brought up some stats and they were correct. The white population accounts for 74.4% of the total population. Blacks account for 14.4%, so when blacks commit more murders than any other race it is mind boggling to say the least. :cuckoo:

I'm tired of that "Black leader" shit, that's shit has been played out decades ago. How many Blacks do you think that Sharpton and Jackson allegedly "lead"? I am willing to bet that it doesn't even come close to more than 1% of the Black population in this country. People need to lead themselves as individuals. These aforementioned people aren't really leaders, they are self appointed "advocates". Whether one agrees or disagrees with what they advocate is another matter.

Its quite apparent that racist whites view all Black people as monolithic and incapable of independent thought.
I don't think all blacks are monolithic and incapable of independent thought, but I think most of them are, including you. If that makes me racist, so be it. Don't give a rat's ass.
I'm tired of that "Black leader" shit, that's shit has been played out decades ago. How many Blacks do you think that Sharpton and Jackson allegedly "lead"? I am willing to bet that it doesn't even come close to more than 1% of the Black population in this country. People need to lead themselves as individuals. These aforementioned people aren't really leaders, they are self appointed "advocates". Whether one agrees or disagrees with what they advocate is another matter.

Its quite apparent that racist whites view all Black people as monolithic and incapable of independent thought.

You guys are side stepping his question with filibuster nonsense. He says "where are the black leaders? Why aren't they speaking out about this?". You respond with "there are no black leaders that every single black person follows".

Well no shit. The point isn't how many people follow Sharpton or Jesse, the point is, why aren't there any respected black people speaking out against the rampant and violent racism coming from the black community? Ok, so Bill Cosby counts as one, though even he hasn't done it in awhile. Is there no one else? Isnt this a problem? Will ignoring it make it go away? I don't think so. It only seems to be getting worse every day. Violent racism in the black community is becoming a major problem, for everyone.

*cue the canned "youre a racist" response*

No one is side stepping anything. You dont seem to get that what you may or may not know is not important. You just don't have a clue about the subject you are speaking on. People are speaking out about it in the community. They are not doing it for you to pat them on the head and say "good boy". What makes you think they have to report to white people on what they do in the community? :wtf:
Its quite apparent that racist whites view all Black people as monolithic and incapable of independent thought.

You guys are side stepping his question with filibuster nonsense. He says "where are the black leaders? Why aren't they speaking out about this?". You respond with "there are no black leaders that every single black person follows".

Well no shit. The point isn't how many people follow Sharpton or Jesse, the point is, why aren't there any respected black people speaking out against the rampant and violent racism coming from the black community? Ok, so Bill Cosby counts as one, though even he hasn't done it in awhile. Is there no one else? Isnt this a problem? Will ignoring it make it go away? I don't think so. It only seems to be getting worse every day. Violent racism in the black community is becoming a major problem, for everyone.

*cue the canned "youre a racist" response*

No one is side stepping anything. You dont seem to get that what you may or may not know is not important. You just don't have a clue about the subject you are speaking on. People are speaking out about it in the community. They are not doing it for you to pat them on the head and say "good boy". What makes you think they have to report to white people on what they do in the community? :wtf:

Show me videos of well known black people speaking out about the violence and racism in the black community. If white people get on camera to talk about this, its meaningless, but if black people address the problem, MAYBE we might get somewhere.
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What is wrong with Black kids?

What’s wrong with conservatives?

That’s the actual question.

Why the bizarre obsession among rightists concerning this issue, why do they attempt to contrive from it some ‘political’ controversy, and why are they incorrectly placing it in an irrelevant racial context?

Are many conservatives so stupid as to believe this somehow ‘represents’ black culture?

Yep they reported it, but they never report the racial aspect of it. They state, kids did this. Not blacks kids are targeting whites in this racist game!

It would seem so.
You guys are side stepping his question with filibuster nonsense. He says "where are the black leaders? Why aren't they speaking out about this?". You respond with "there are no black leaders that every single black person follows".

Well no shit. The point isn't how many people follow Sharpton or Jesse, the point is, why aren't there any respected black people speaking out against the rampant and violent racism coming from the black community? Ok, so Bill Cosby counts as one, though even he hasn't done it in awhile. Is there no one else? Isnt this a problem? Will ignoring it make it go away? I don't think so. It only seems to be getting worse every day. Violent racism in the black community is becoming a major problem, for everyone.

*cue the canned "youre a racist" response*

No one is side stepping anything. You dont seem to get that what you may or may not know is not important. You just don't have a clue about the subject you are speaking on. People are speaking out about it in the community. They are not doing it for you to pat them on the head and say "good boy". What makes you think they have to report to white people on what they do in the community? :wtf:

Show me videos of well known black people speaking out about the violence and racism in the black community. If white people get on camera to talk about this, its meaningless, but if black people address the problem, MAYBE we might get somewhere.

Why should I show you anything? You're no one important. When are you going to realize your input or blessing is not required on what goes on? Black people dont have anything to prove to whites. I guess one day you will get it through your head. :lol:
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