Know Why The Left Hides History?

Won't be long until we discover FDR could walk and only pretended to be crippled.
What a cheat, eh?

Are there any of my actual posts, revelations about your god, FDR, that you can actually come to grips with?

"about your god, FDR" us where that poster, or any of us here, have indicated that FDR was our god.

Do you really believe those trailer trash oxygen thieves are republicrats? Last I looked republicrats are reviled by such filth because republicrats throw them in prison where they belong.

Pete, something as simple as a label with a changed meaning has confused you to the point that you don't actually understand American history. You shouldn't be looking down on anybody.

Every word out of a Democrat/Liberal is a lie.

Here’s what we’re up against: the Washington Post lies outright, describing Senator William Fulbright as “a progressive on racial issues.” Fulbright was a full-bore segregationist, voting against the 1957, 1960, 1964, and 1965 civil rights bills.
"Every word out of a Democrat/Liberal is a lie."

Sweeping statements made to say an entire group is the same........signs of a weak mind.

Let's check:

"Cut the cost of a typical family's health insurance premium by up to $2,500 a year

"I will sign a universal health care bill into law by the end of my first term as president that will cover every American and cut the cost of a typical family's premium by up to $2,500 a year."

Speech, "A Politics of Conscience," June 23, 2007

Subjects: Families, Health Care, PolitiFact's Top Promises

You supported this low-life???? long have you been a dunce?
Won't be long until we discover FDR could walk and only pretended to be crippled.
What a cheat, eh?

Are there any of my actual posts, revelations about your god, FDR, that you can actually come to grips with?

"about your god, FDR" us where that poster, or any of us here, have indicated that FDR was our god.

god.....a superhuman being or spirit worshiped as having power over nature or human fortunes; a deity. Google

Are you old enough to have voted for this anti-American?

How's this?
""Men will thank God on their knees a hundred years from now that Franklin D. Roosevelt was in the White House," the New York Times editorialized..."
Franklin Delano Roosevelt (1882-1945) - December 31, 1999

Wait.....maybe the NYTimes is your god?????
1. Essentially, it's because they want to hide who they are, where they came from.

This sort of thing:

Liberal historian Eric Foner writes that the Klan was “…a military force serving the interests of the Democratic Party…” Foner, “Reconstruction: America’s Unfinished Revolution, 1863-1877,” p. 425

2. But, to pick up on today's headlines.....

....the KKK began with gun control as a major objective.

Guess whose guns they wanted to control?

3. "America’s most horrific racist organization, the Ku Klux Klan, began with gun control at the very top of its agenda. Before the Civil War, blacks in the South had never been allowed to possess guns. During the war, however, blacks obtained guns for the first time. Some served as soldiers in black units in the Union Army, which allowed its men, black and white, to take their guns home with them as partial payment of past due wages. Other Southern blacks bought guns in the underground marketplace, which was flooded with firearms produced for the war.

After the war, Southern states adopted discriminatory laws like the Black Codes, which among other things barred the freedmen from having guns. Racist whites began to form posses that would go out at night to terrorize blacks—and take away those newly obtained firearms. The groups took different names: the “Men of Justice” in Alabama; the “Knights of the White Camellia” in Louisiana; the “Knights of the Rising Sun” in Texas. The group formed in Pulaski, Tenn., became the most well-known: the Ku Klux Klan."
Adam Winkler, “Gun Fight” Author, On Gun Control’s Racism

4. "The night riders move through the darkness, white against the black road....they go about their business, their horsed draped, guns and bullwhips banging dully against saddles.

....this is the South Carolina of the 1870s, not of the turn of a new millennium, and the night riders are the terror of these times. They roam upcountry, visiting their version of justice on poor blacks and the Republicans that support them, refusing to bow to the requirements of the Fourteenth and Fifteenth Amendments."
From the novel "The White Road," by John Connolly

5. Of course, the sons of the KKK, the members of the Party of Jefferson Davis and Bull Connor, ride again....

....and for the same objective.....gun control.

6. Who do they want to disarm today?
Democrats who own guns are more likely to vote for a Republican.
If you're a woman, and you own a gun, you are more likely to vote for a Republican.
If you're African-American, and you own a gun, are more likely to vote for a Republican.

But.....but......the kkk......errrrr....they are republicans....or something?
Are they? Currently which political party supports the flying of the con-federate flag?
This shit again? At that point in history the southern Democrats were the right wing of the country. Those "Democrats" all joined the Republican party in the 1950/60s. You're using labels that no longer carry the same meaning to distort history. Whether you're doing that intentionally or out of stupidity is unknown, but the truth of it is that that's the legacy of the right wing, not the left.

Check this out.


I bet if you looked up the platform of the southern "Democrats" from that time period you'd agree with just about everything they were saying. People from the right that claim that the KKK was born from the left either have absolutely no integrity or they don't have a strong understanding of history.
FDR was a Republican?


This new learning amazes me

Yup.....and Lincoln was a Democrat!

You didn't know?????


"A public university in Illinois bears a plaque stating that Abraham Lincoln was a Democrat.

According to, the plaque, which was installed on a historic building on Northeastern Illinois University’s Chicago campus in 1905..."
Abraham Lincoln, a Democrat?
No...Lincoln was a Republican. Before that, he was a Whig. Do we have to tell you EVERYTHING?
Won't be long until we discover FDR could walk and only pretended to be crippled.
What a cheat, eh?

Are there any of my actual posts, revelations about your god, FDR, that you can actually come to grips with?

"about your god, FDR" us where that poster, or any of us here, have indicated that FDR was our god.

god.....a superhuman being or spirit worshiped as having power over nature or human fortunes; a deity. Google

Are you old enough to have voted for this anti-American?

How's this?
""Men will thank God on their knees a hundred years from now that Franklin D. Roosevelt was in the White House," the New York Times editorialized..."
Franklin Delano Roosevelt (1882-1945) - December 31, 1999

Wait.....maybe the NYTimes is your god?????
Still waiting for you to show where any poster have indicated that FDR was our god..............besides you, that is.
Won't be long until we discover FDR could walk and only pretended to be crippled.
What a cheat, eh?

Are there any of my actual posts, revelations about your god, FDR, that you can actually come to grips with?

"about your god, FDR" us where that poster, or any of us here, have indicated that FDR was our god.

Read through regent’s posts on almost any subject.
He says that FDR is a superhuman being?
This shit again? At that point in history the southern Democrats were the right wing of the country. Those "Democrats" all joined the Republican party in the 1950/60s. You're using labels that no longer carry the same meaning to distort history. Whether you're doing that intentionally or out of stupidity is unknown, but the truth of it is that that's the legacy of the right wing, not the left.

Check this out.


I bet if you looked up the platform of the southern "Democrats" from that time period you'd agree with just about everything they were saying. People from the right that claim that the KKK was born from the left either have absolutely no integrity or they don't have a strong understanding of history.
FDR was a Republican?


This new learning amazes me

Yup.....and Lincoln was a Democrat!

You didn't know?????


"A public university in Illinois bears a plaque stating that Abraham Lincoln was a Democrat.

According to, the plaque, which was installed on a historic building on Northeastern Illinois University’s Chicago campus in 1905..."
Abraham Lincoln, a Democrat?
No...Lincoln was a Republican. Before that, he was a Whig. Do we have to tell you EVERYTHING?

You moron.....I was mocking lying Liberals.
Won't be long until we discover FDR could walk and only pretended to be crippled.
What a cheat, eh?

Are there any of my actual posts, revelations about your god, FDR, that you can actually come to grips with?

"about your god, FDR" us where that poster, or any of us here, have indicated that FDR was our god.

god.....a superhuman being or spirit worshiped as having power over nature or human fortunes; a deity. Google

Are you old enough to have voted for this anti-American?

How's this?
""Men will thank God on their knees a hundred years from now that Franklin D. Roosevelt was in the White House," the New York Times editorialized..."
Franklin Delano Roosevelt (1882-1945) - December 31, 1999

Wait.....maybe the NYTimes is your god?????
Still waiting for you to show where any poster have indicated that FDR was our god..............besides you, that is.

FDR is the god of every Democrat.
Won't be long until we discover FDR could walk and only pretended to be crippled.
What a cheat, eh?

Are there any of my actual posts, revelations about your god, FDR, that you can actually come to grips with?

So far, no. What might you reveal: that FDR was elected by the people four times in a row, a record that still stands; America's most noted historians have never rated FDR below third best and now, America's best. How can I argue against the people's judgment four times in a row and the historian's rating since 1948? Might try the balanced budget thing again, and maybe the MacArthur appointment.
Won't be long until we discover FDR could walk and only pretended to be crippled.
What a cheat, eh?

Are there any of my actual posts, revelations about your god, FDR, that you can actually come to grips with?

So far, no. What might you reveal: that FDR was elected by the people four times in a row, a record that still stands; America's most noted historians have never rated FDR below third best and now, America's best. How can I argue against the people's judgment four times in a row and the historian's rating since 1948? Might try the balanced budget thing again, and maybe the MacArthur appointment.

Are there any of my actual posts, revelations about your god, FDR, that you can actually come to grips with?



Not a one?????

Soooo....inadvetently, you're testimony is that I am 100% correct, and accurate in my myriad posts about your god, FDR.

Witness is dismissed.
Won't be long until we discover FDR could walk and only pretended to be crippled.
What a cheat, eh?

Are there any of my actual posts, revelations about your god, FDR, that you can actually come to grips with?

So far, no. What might you reveal: that FDR was elected by the people four times in a row, a record that still stands; America's most noted historians have never rated FDR below third best and now, America's best. How can I argue against the people's judgment four times in a row and the historian's rating since 1948? Might try the balanced budget thing again, and maybe the MacArthur appointment.

Are there any of my actual posts, revelations about your god, FDR, that you can actually come to grips with?



Not a one?????

Soooo....inadvetently, you're testimony is that I am 100% correct, and accurate in my myriad posts about your god, FDR.

Witness is dismissed.
And what testimony do you present that the voting public, and the historians are wrong?
Won't be long until we discover FDR could walk and only pretended to be crippled.
What a cheat, eh?

Are there any of my actual posts, revelations about your god, FDR, that you can actually come to grips with?

So far, no. What might you reveal: that FDR was elected by the people four times in a row, a record that still stands; America's most noted historians have never rated FDR below third best and now, America's best. How can I argue against the people's judgment four times in a row and the historian's rating since 1948? Might try the balanced budget thing again, and maybe the MacArthur appointment.

Are there any of my actual posts, revelations about your god, FDR, that you can actually come to grips with?



Not a one?????

Soooo....inadvetently, you're testimony is that I am 100% correct, and accurate in my myriad posts about your god, FDR.

Witness is dismissed.
And what testimony do you present that the voting public, and the historians are wrong?

Why are you back?

You and I both know that everything I've revealed about Democrat hater FDR is true.
Won't be long until we discover FDR could walk and only pretended to be crippled.
What a cheat, eh?

Are there any of my actual posts, revelations about your god, FDR, that you can actually come to grips with?

So far, no. What might you reveal: that FDR was elected by the people four times in a row, a record that still stands; America's most noted historians have never rated FDR below third best and now, America's best. How can I argue against the people's judgment four times in a row and the historian's rating since 1948? Might try the balanced budget thing again, and maybe the MacArthur appointment.

Are there any of my actual posts, revelations about your god, FDR, that you can actually come to grips with?



Not a one?????

Soooo....inadvetently, you're testimony is that I am 100% correct, and accurate in my myriad posts about your god, FDR.

Witness is dismissed.
And what testimony do you present that the voting public, and the historians are wrong?

OK.....I'll give you another chance to prove you have a spine, or that bulbous organ atop one......

This about your god, Franklin Roosevelt.
Any disagreement about these facts????
1. he extended the recession into a depression
2. he turned over military control of US strategy in WWII to Joseph Stalin
3. he despised minorities
4. he despised the Constitution
5. he kept WWII going an extra 2-3 years with concomitant casualties.

and.....can you clarify this age old query?
'Was FDR a socialist or a communist?'
Won't be long until we discover FDR could walk and only pretended to be crippled.
What a cheat, eh?

Are there any of my actual posts, revelations about your god, FDR, that you can actually come to grips with?

So far, no. What might you reveal: that FDR was elected by the people four times in a row, a record that still stands; America's most noted historians have never rated FDR below third best and now, America's best. How can I argue against the people's judgment four times in a row and the historian's rating since 1948? Might try the balanced budget thing again, and maybe the MacArthur appointment.

Are there any of my actual posts, revelations about your god, FDR, that you can actually come to grips with?



Not a one?????

Soooo....inadvetently, you're testimony is that I am 100% correct, and accurate in my myriad posts about your god, FDR.

Witness is dismissed.
And what testimony do you present that the voting public, and the historians are wrong?

OK.....I'll give you another chance to prove you have a spine, or that bulbous organ atop one......

This about your god, Franklin Roosevelt.
Any disagreement about these facts????
1. he extended the recession into a depression
2. he turned over military control of US strategy in WWII to Joseph Stalin
3. he despised minorities
4. he despised the Constitution
5. he kept WWII going an extra 2-3 years with concomitant casualties.

and.....can you clarify this age old query?
'Was FDR a socialist or a communist?'
You should get that information to the historians as soon as possible, getting the information to the people that voted for FDR four times may be kinda late.
Are there any of my actual posts, revelations about your god, FDR, that you can actually come to grips with?

So far, no. What might you reveal: that FDR was elected by the people four times in a row, a record that still stands; America's most noted historians have never rated FDR below third best and now, America's best. How can I argue against the people's judgment four times in a row and the historian's rating since 1948? Might try the balanced budget thing again, and maybe the MacArthur appointment.

Are there any of my actual posts, revelations about your god, FDR, that you can actually come to grips with?



Not a one?????

Soooo....inadvetently, you're testimony is that I am 100% correct, and accurate in my myriad posts about your god, FDR.

Witness is dismissed.
And what testimony do you present that the voting public, and the historians are wrong?

OK.....I'll give you another chance to prove you have a spine, or that bulbous organ atop one......

This about your god, Franklin Roosevelt.
Any disagreement about these facts????
1. he extended the recession into a depression
2. he turned over military control of US strategy in WWII to Joseph Stalin
3. he despised minorities
4. he despised the Constitution
5. he kept WWII going an extra 2-3 years with concomitant casualties.

and.....can you clarify this age old query?
'Was FDR a socialist or a communist?'
You should get that information to the historians as soon as possible, getting the information to the people that voted for FDR four times may be kinda late.

So you agree that all of 'em are correct??

1. he extended the recession into a depression
2. he turned over military control of US strategy in WWII to Joseph Stalin
3. he despised minorities
4. he despised the Constitution
5. he kept WWII going an extra 2-3 years with concomitant casualties.

and.....can you clarify this age old query?
'Was FDR a socialist or a communist?'
So far, no. What might you reveal: that FDR was elected by the people four times in a row, a record that still stands; America's most noted historians have never rated FDR below third best and now, America's best. How can I argue against the people's judgment four times in a row and the historian's rating since 1948? Might try the balanced budget thing again, and maybe the MacArthur appointment.

Are there any of my actual posts, revelations about your god, FDR, that you can actually come to grips with?



Not a one?????

Soooo....inadvetently, you're testimony is that I am 100% correct, and accurate in my myriad posts about your god, FDR.

Witness is dismissed.
And what testimony do you present that the voting public, and the historians are wrong?

OK.....I'll give you another chance to prove you have a spine, or that bulbous organ atop one......

This about your god, Franklin Roosevelt.
Any disagreement about these facts????
1. he extended the recession into a depression
2. he turned over military control of US strategy in WWII to Joseph Stalin
3. he despised minorities
4. he despised the Constitution
5. he kept WWII going an extra 2-3 years with concomitant casualties.

and.....can you clarify this age old query?
'Was FDR a socialist or a communist?'
You should get that information to the historians as soon as possible, getting the information to the people that voted for FDR four times may be kinda late.

So you agree that all of 'em are correct??

1. he extended the recession into a depression
2. he turned over military control of US strategy in WWII to Joseph Stalin
3. he despised minorities
4. he despised the Constitution
5. he kept WWII going an extra 2-3 years with concomitant casualties.

and.....can you clarify this age old query?
'Was FDR a socialist or a communist?'
Are there any of my actual posts, revelations about your god, FDR, that you can actually come to grips with?

So far, no. What might you reveal: that FDR was elected by the people four times in a row, a record that still stands; America's most noted historians have never rated FDR below third best and now, America's best. How can I argue against the people's judgment four times in a row and the historian's rating since 1948? Might try the balanced budget thing again, and maybe the MacArthur appointment.

Are there any of my actual posts, revelations about your god, FDR, that you can actually come to grips with?



Not a one?????

Soooo....inadvetently, you're testimony is that I am 100% correct, and accurate in my myriad posts about your god, FDR.

Witness is dismissed.
And what testimony do you present that the voting public, and the historians are wrong?

OK.....I'll give you another chance to prove you have a spine, or that bulbous organ atop one......

This about your god, Franklin Roosevelt.
Any disagreement about these facts????
1. he extended the recession into a depression
2. he turned over military control of US strategy in WWII to Joseph Stalin
3. he despised minorities
4. he despised the Constitution
5. he kept WWII going an extra 2-3 years with concomitant casualties.

and.....can you clarify this age old query?
'Was FDR a socialist or a communist?'
You should get that information to the historians as soon as possible, getting the information to the people that voted for FDR four times may be kinda late.

Again, nothing but logical fallacy and idol fellatio.
So far, no. What might you reveal: that FDR was elected by the people four times in a row, a record that still stands; America's most noted historians have never rated FDR below third best and now, America's best. How can I argue against the people's judgment four times in a row and the historian's rating since 1948? Might try the balanced budget thing again, and maybe the MacArthur appointment.

Are there any of my actual posts, revelations about your god, FDR, that you can actually come to grips with?



Not a one?????

Soooo....inadvetently, you're testimony is that I am 100% correct, and accurate in my myriad posts about your god, FDR.

Witness is dismissed.
And what testimony do you present that the voting public, and the historians are wrong?

OK.....I'll give you another chance to prove you have a spine, or that bulbous organ atop one......

This about your god, Franklin Roosevelt.
Any disagreement about these facts????
1. he extended the recession into a depression
2. he turned over military control of US strategy in WWII to Joseph Stalin
3. he despised minorities
4. he despised the Constitution
5. he kept WWII going an extra 2-3 years with concomitant casualties.

and.....can you clarify this age old query?
'Was FDR a socialist or a communist?'
You should get that information to the historians as soon as possible, getting the information to the people that voted for FDR four times may be kinda late.

Again, nothing but logical fallacy and idol fellatio.

I don't think the 238 presidential scholars that selected FDR as America's best president care too much about your evaluation. After all new groups of scholars are selected every few years and new groups of historians have been voting since 1948. How do you think conservative historians would vote for best president?

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