Krauthammer body blow to AGW purists!!!!


Platinum Member
Aug 6, 2009
Not the middle of nowhere
Now how damn funny is THIS >>>>

"If climate science is settled, why do its predictions keep changing?"

And this passage at the end made me laugh thinking about how utterly stooped y9ou have to be to buy this nonsense!!!! >>>

"Sounds like California. Except that today there’s a new god, the Earth Mother. And a new set of sins — burning coal and driving a fully equipped F-150.

But whoring is whoring, and the gods must be appeased. So if California burns, you send your high priest (in carbon -belching Air Force One, but never mind) to the bone-dry land to offer up, on behalf of the repentant congregation, a $1 billion burnt offering called a “climate resilience fund.”

Ah, settled science in action."

This article decimates the religion!!!!!!

Charles Krauthammer: The myth of ?settled science? - The Washington Post
Irepeat: I’m not a global warming believer. I’m not a global warming denier. I’ve long believed that it cannot be good for humanity to be spewing tons of carbon dioxide into the atmosphere. I also believe that those scientists who pretend to know exactly what this will cause in 20, 30 or 50 years are white-coated propagandists.

This is the crux of the biscuit.
Irepeat: I’m not a global warming believer. I’m not a global warming denier. I’ve long believed that it cannot be good for humanity to be spewing tons of carbon dioxide into the atmosphere. I also believe that those scientists who pretend to know exactly what this will cause in 20, 30 or 50 years are white-coated propagandists.

This is the crux of the biscuit.

gonna have a lot of AGW k00ks going full blown retard today!!!:D:D:2up:
"Not surprisingly, these models have been “consistently and spectacularly wrong” in their predictions, write atmospheric scientists Richard McNider and John Christy — and always, amazingly, in the same direction."

It you're an AGW nutter........ouch.

Interesting too.......and I think its spot on.......these people sit staring at these models on a computer screen for 10 years and they start to believe them. Always felt like self-delusion was a big part of this hoax.
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Ol' Krauts a poltical pundit, and has no more credentials than I do for commenting on the validity of the present warming. However, his opposition to any kind of relief for the farmers in California strikes me as stupid in the extreme. Were they part of the military-industrial complex, he would be campaigning for more money for them.

As for predicting exactly what will happen where, we are hardly there yet in our models. However, for general predictions, the scientists studying affects of GHGs have gotten it pretty well correct. Dr. Hansen in 1981 predicted that the Northwest Passage would be open several times by this time, and he was completely correct. The denialists called him an alarmist, and said nothing of the sort would happen, and it was going to start cooling in any case.

Dr. Francis in her address to the Meteorological Society of America stated that because of the decreasing delta of the temperatures between the polar regions and the temperate regions, the Rossby Waves would be moving slower, and extending further North and South, resulting in temperatures extremes, and very fast temperature changes. This winter has been a very good example of exactly what she was talking about.

These are real scientists, not political whores like Krauthammer.
The global warming computer models all predicted that this would be a warm winter for the United States. The lowly Farmer's Almanac examined cyclical weather patterns and predicted an unusually cold winter. The warmist models were wrong. What's worse, they don't know why they were wrong.
Ol' Krauts a poltical pundit, and has no more credentials than I do for commenting on the validity of the present warming. However, his opposition to any kind of relief for the farmers in California strikes me as stupid in the extreme. Were they part of the military-industrial complex, he would be campaigning for more money for them.

As for predicting exactly what will happen where, we are hardly there yet in our models. However, for general predictions, the scientists studying affects of GHGs have gotten it pretty well correct. Dr. Hansen in 1981 predicted that the Northwest Passage would be open several times by this time, and he was completely correct. The denialists called him an alarmist, and said nothing of the sort would happen, and it was going to start cooling in any case.

Dr. Francis in her address to the Meteorological Society of America stated that because of the decreasing delta of the temperatures between the polar regions and the temperate regions, the Rossby Waves would be moving slower, and extending further North and South, resulting in temperatures extremes, and very fast temperature changes. This winter has been a very good example of exactly what she was talking about.

These are real scientists, not political whores like Krauthammer.

The truth of Krauthammer's statement isn't his "credibility." He simply points out the irrational contradictions in the claims of the AGW cult members. You don't make contradictions true by attacking the person who points them out.

Once again, you attempted the typical Alinskyite tactic of attacking the messenger rather than the message.

Colossal FAIL!

As for someone with absolutely no credibility, Dr. Hansen fits the bill. His predictions of the climate are completely wrong.

James Hansen’s climate forecast of 1988: a whopping 150% wrong.

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Ol' Krauts a poltical pundit, and has no more credentials than I do for commenting on the validity of the present warming. However, his opposition to any kind of relief for the farmers in California strikes me as stupid in the extreme. Were they part of the military-industrial complex, he would be campaigning for more money for them.

As for predicting exactly what will happen where, we are hardly there yet in our models. However, for general predictions, the scientists studying affects of GHGs have gotten it pretty well correct. Dr. Hansen in 1981 predicted that the Northwest Passage would be open several times by this time, and he was completely correct. The denialists called him an alarmist, and said nothing of the sort would happen, and it was going to start cooling in any case.

Dr. Francis in her address to the Meteorological Society of America stated that because of the decreasing delta of the temperatures between the polar regions and the temperate regions, the Rossby Waves would be moving slower, and extending further North and South, resulting in temperatures extremes, and very fast temperature changes. This winter has been a very good example of exactly what she was talking about.

These are real scientists, not political whores like Krauthammer.

Krauthammer is simply taking names and keeping score. So that the REALITY of the failure is more evident to the public than the recent MASSIVE POLITICAL campaign to revive this turkey. If you read his assault on the GW track record, he points out that when you SHOTGUN predictions like a bad Vegas Psychic does, you're bound to be able to point some "successes". That's ENTERTAINING for some folks.. But it's NOT the scientific method.
Ol' Krauts a poltical pundit, and has no more credentials than I do for commenting on the validity of the present warming. However, his opposition to any kind of relief for the farmers in California strikes me as stupid in the extreme. Were they part of the military-industrial complex, he would be campaigning for more money for them.

As for predicting exactly what will happen where, we are hardly there yet in our models. However, for general predictions, the scientists studying affects of GHGs have gotten it pretty well correct. Dr. Hansen in 1981 predicted that the Northwest Passage would be open several times by this time, and he was completely correct. The denialists called him an alarmist, and said nothing of the sort would happen, and it was going to start cooling in any case.

Dr. Francis in her address to the Meteorological Society of America stated that because of the decreasing delta of the temperatures between the polar regions and the temperate regions, the Rossby Waves would be moving slower, and extending further North and South, resulting in temperatures extremes, and very fast temperature changes. This winter has been a very good example of exactly what she was talking about.

These are real scientists, not political whores like Krauthammer.

Did Hansen predict the Pacific Ocean eating the Global Warming?
Ol' Krauts a poltical pundit, and has no more credentials than I do for commenting on the validity of the present warming. However, his opposition to any kind of relief for the farmers in California strikes me as stupid in the extreme. Were they part of the military-industrial complex, he would be campaigning for more money for them.

As for predicting exactly what will happen where, we are hardly there yet in our models. However, for general predictions, the scientists studying affects of GHGs have gotten it pretty well correct. Dr. Hansen in 1981 predicted that the Northwest Passage would be open several times by this time, and he was completely correct. The denialists called him an alarmist, and said nothing of the sort would happen, and it was going to start cooling in any case.

Dr. Francis in her address to the Meteorological Society of America stated that because of the decreasing delta of the temperatures between the polar regions and the temperate regions, the Rossby Waves would be moving slower, and extending further North and South, resulting in temperatures extremes, and very fast temperature changes. This winter has been a very good example of exactly what she was talking about.

These are real scientists, not political whores like Krauthammer.

Did Hansen predict the Pacific Ocean eating the Global Warming?

No he didn't :(
Irepeat: I’m not a global warming believer. I’m not a global warming denier. I’ve long believed that it cannot be good for humanity to be spewing tons of carbon dioxide into the atmosphere. I also believe that those scientists who pretend to know exactly what this will cause in 20, 30 or 50 years are white-coated propagandists.

This is the crux of the biscuit.

Every living breathing thing on the planet breaths out carbon dioxide.
Every living tree and plant breaths it in.
I don’t know how anyone could even classify Co2 as a green house gas when it makes up only .033 % of the atmosphere. It is a trace gas!
Being a climatologist who does not two the AGW line, is akin to being a black Republican.
Now, imagine being a black republican climatologist who doesn't believe in!!!
Denialists, what's your fallback plan for when denialism goes too far down the shitter to be resurrected?

Remember, you've only got about two years, and it pays to plan ahead. Will you flee the sinking ship along with the other rats and pretend you were never a deniailst, or do you plan to fight to the bitter end and go down with the ship?

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