Kudos To Sarah Sanders

Like off The Democrat Plantation?
Do you dream of LIL Kim reading you bedtime stories as you watch America be consumed by Nuclear Fire?

You seem like you are cheering him on, so you must be his friend.

Unlike Donald Trump I have never had a kind thing to say about Kim Jung Un.
I didnt say bug, I said parasite as in a Democrat that demands a paycheck for sitting on his ass.

A bug is something Obama plants in Trump Tower to try to cheat in an election. And then when that fails, he uses Russian Moles in The FBI, DOJ, and FISA to commit Treason.

You Democrats sure love nature, unless it has something to do with the XY Chromosome, then you call your DNA...... LIAR!

They have tapeworms over there.

What parasite do you have?

Trump Derangement Syndrome Chiggers?

I heard it causes a person to cheer on our enemies and boo our President

I'll answer both, no and yes.

So, after that is North Korea becoming more of a super power or less? (hint, it's more)

Less actually, sanctions are hurting him.

"THE increasingly severe trade and other sanctions the UN has imposed on North Korea have the aim of getting its dictator, Kim Jong Un, to give up his nuclear weapons. That the sanctions were causing pain plausibly played some part in bringing Mr Kim to suspend his nuclear and missile testing, and to extend a hand first to South Korea and then to the United States, at a summit in Singapore in June with President Donald Trump. Their continuation, say Americans negotiating with North Korea, is essential to maintain pressure on Mr Kim to disarm."

How badly are sanctions hurting North Korea’s Kim Jong Un?

It's a bit more complicated than you may realize. No one expected Kim to give up his nuclear ambitions right away but Trump has made more inroads than Obama ever dreamed of.

The title of your article: How badly are sanctions hurting North Korea’s Kim Jong Un?
The tagline: Not as much as people think

North Korea has been under harsh sanctions for a long time now. But thankfully they don't have to worry about those pesky 'war games' with the U.S. and South Korea anymore.

Un is not suffering and he's only expanding his nuclear program.

The only parasite I have is this really dumb bug who keeps posting behind me with the most assinine shit.
I didnt say bug, I said parasite as in a Democrat that demands a paycheck for sitting on his ass.

A bug is something Obama plants in Trump Tower to try to cheat in an election. And then when that fails, he uses Russian Moles in The FBI, DOJ, and FISA to commit Treason.

They have tapeworms over there.

What parasite do you have?

Trump Derangement Syndrome Chiggers?

I heard it causes a person to cheer on our enemies and boo our President

I'll answer both, no and yes.

So, after that is North Korea becoming more of a super power or less? (hint, it's more)

Less actually, sanctions are hurting him.

"THE increasingly severe trade and other sanctions the UN has imposed on North Korea have the aim of getting its dictator, Kim Jong Un, to give up his nuclear weapons. That the sanctions were causing pain plausibly played some part in bringing Mr Kim to suspend his nuclear and missile testing, and to extend a hand first to South Korea and then to the United States, at a summit in Singapore in June with President Donald Trump. Their continuation, say Americans negotiating with North Korea, is essential to maintain pressure on Mr Kim to disarm."

How badly are sanctions hurting North Korea’s Kim Jong Un?

It's a bit more complicated than you may realize. No one expected Kim to give up his nuclear ambitions right away but Trump has made more inroads than Obama ever dreamed of.

The title of your article: How badly are sanctions hurting North Korea’s Kim Jong Un?
The tagline: Not as much as people think

North Korea has been under harsh sanctions for a long time now. But thankfully they don't have to worry about those pesky 'war games' with the U.S. and South Korea anymore.

Un is not suffering and he's only expanding his nuclear program.

The only parasite I have is this really dumb bug who keeps posting behind me with the most assinine shit.

^I have no desire to continue such an obviously pointless discussion with the dullard.
I didnt say bug, I said parasite as in a Democrat that demands a paycheck for sitting on his ass.

A bug is something Obama plants in Trump Tower to try to cheat in an election. And then when that fails, he uses Russian Moles in The FBI, DOJ, and FISA to commit Treason.

They have tapeworms over there.

What parasite do you have?

Trump Derangement Syndrome Chiggers?

I heard it causes a person to cheer on our enemies and boo our President

Less actually, sanctions are hurting him.

"THE increasingly severe trade and other sanctions the UN has imposed on North Korea have the aim of getting its dictator, Kim Jong Un, to give up his nuclear weapons. That the sanctions were causing pain plausibly played some part in bringing Mr Kim to suspend his nuclear and missile testing, and to extend a hand first to South Korea and then to the United States, at a summit in Singapore in June with President Donald Trump. Their continuation, say Americans negotiating with North Korea, is essential to maintain pressure on Mr Kim to disarm."

How badly are sanctions hurting North Korea’s Kim Jong Un?

It's a bit more complicated than you may realize. No one expected Kim to give up his nuclear ambitions right away but Trump has made more inroads than Obama ever dreamed of.

The title of your article: How badly are sanctions hurting North Korea’s Kim Jong Un?
The tagline: Not as much as people think

North Korea has been under harsh sanctions for a long time now. But thankfully they don't have to worry about those pesky 'war games' with the U.S. and South Korea anymore.

Un is not suffering and he's only expanding his nuclear program.

The only parasite I have is this really dumb bug who keeps posting behind me with the most assinine shit.

^I have no desire to continue such an obviously pointless discussion with the dullard.

I didnt say bug, I said parasite as in a Democrat that demands a paycheck for sitting on his ass.

A bug is something Obama plants in Trump Tower to try to cheat in an election. And then when that fails, he uses Russian Moles in The FBI, DOJ, and FISA to commit Treason.

They have tapeworms over there.

What parasite do you have?

Trump Derangement Syndrome Chiggers?

I heard it causes a person to cheer on our enemies and boo our President

The title of your article: How badly are sanctions hurting North Korea’s Kim Jong Un?
The tagline: Not as much as people think

North Korea has been under harsh sanctions for a long time now. But thankfully they don't have to worry about those pesky 'war games' with the U.S. and South Korea anymore.

Un is not suffering and he's only expanding his nuclear program.

The only parasite I have is this really dumb bug who keeps posting behind me with the most assinine shit.

^I have no desire to continue such an obviously pointless discussion with the dullard.


You and dull Groot should have a conversation about who is the bigger fanboy of the guy who let Un off the hook for killing an innocent U.S. citizen.
Lol The Troll just can’t hang.

Probably had to run to the bathroom because of TDS Chiggars

I didnt say bug, I said parasite as in a Democrat that demands a paycheck for sitting on his ass.

A bug is something Obama plants in Trump Tower to try to cheat in an election. And then when that fails, he uses Russian Moles in The FBI, DOJ, and FISA to commit Treason.

They have tapeworms over there.

What parasite do you have?

Trump Derangement Syndrome Chiggers?

I heard it causes a person to cheer on our enemies and boo our President

The title of your article: How badly are sanctions hurting North Korea’s Kim Jong Un?
The tagline: Not as much as people think

North Korea has been under harsh sanctions for a long time now. But thankfully they don't have to worry about those pesky 'war games' with the U.S. and South Korea anymore.

Un is not suffering and he's only expanding his nuclear program.

The only parasite I have is this really dumb bug who keeps posting behind me with the most assinine shit.

^I have no desire to continue such an obviously pointless discussion with the dullard.

I'm not the one using North Korea's economy to demonstrate what North Korea is doing, that's all on you. If you think your own argument is shaky then I'd agree with you. I'm just saying North Korea is continuing to build up it's nuclear infrastructure.

OK so what do you propose? What should we do? Bomb NK? It's easy to be an armchair negotiator.
I'm not the one using North Korea's economy to demonstrate what North Korea is doing, that's all on you. If you think your own argument is shaky then I'd agree with you. I'm just saying North Korea is continuing to build up it's nuclear infrastructure.

OK so what do you propose? What should we do? Bomb NK? It's easy to be an armchair negotiator.

Stop claiming North Korea is no longer a nuclear threat, don't give North Korea the world stage unless they actually do something to demonstrate they are serious. Don't let the guy kill U.S. citizens and then claim he's probably not responsible.

I don't blame Trump for North Korea's actions, I blame Trump for lying about them.

EDIT: For clarification, I do not blame Trump for Otto's death. I should have worded that better.
Well if you call taking Nukes off of Un in a peaceful way and opening up a closed society who desperately needs to see the outside world’s view on Human Rights and how allowing such things in your country, and allowing Civil Protections for your people leads to prosperity and personal wealth and even more freedom and happiness for your people, I guess I am a fan of that.

AOC is a lot like LIL Rocket Man

She said be happy robots are going to take your job because you’ll have more time to go in to space.

Unemployed Spacemen.

What a great country.

I didnt say bug, I said parasite as in a Democrat that demands a paycheck for sitting on his ass.

A bug is something Obama plants in Trump Tower to try to cheat in an election. And then when that fails, he uses Russian Moles in The FBI, DOJ, and FISA to commit Treason.

They have tapeworms over there.

What parasite do you have?

Trump Derangement Syndrome Chiggers?

I heard it causes a person to cheer on our enemies and boo our President

The only parasite I have is this really dumb bug who keeps posting behind me with the most assinine shit.

^I have no desire to continue such an obviously pointless discussion with the dullard.


You and dull Groot should have a conversation about who is the bigger fanboy of the guy who let Un off the hook for killing an innocent U.S. citizen.
Stop claiming North Korea is no longer a nuclear threat, don't give North Korea the world stage unless they actually do something to demonstrate they are serious. Don't let the guy kill U.S. citizens and then claim he's probably not responsible.

I don't blame Trump for North Korea's actions, I blame Trump for lying about them.

EDIT: For clarification, I do not blame Trump for Otto's death. I should have worded that better.

Trump never claimed NK was no longer a nuclear threat. When did he say that? What exactly did Trump lie about? I'd rather see Trump negotiating with Kim than have to worry about missiles raining down.
Bomb Kim
Bomb Kim
Bomb Kim!

I'm not the one using North Korea's economy to demonstrate what North Korea is doing, that's all on you. If you think your own argument is shaky then I'd agree with you. I'm just saying North Korea is continuing to build up it's nuclear infrastructure.

OK so what do you propose? What should we do? Bomb NK? It's easy to be an armchair negotiator.
Well if you call taking Nukes off of Un in a peaceful way and opening up a closed society who desperately needs to see the outside world’s view on Human Rights and how allowing such things in your country, and allowing Civil Protections for your people leads to prosperity and personal wealth and even more freedom and happiness for your people, I guess I am a fan of that.
re to continue such an obviously pointless discussion with the dullard.

The irony of Trumpsters rallying for human rights is funny and sad.

There is absolutely no reason to think anything you just posted is actually happening.
Stop claiming North Korea is no longer a nuclear threat, don't give North Korea the world stage unless they actually do something to demonstrate they are serious. Don't let the guy kill U.S. citizens and then claim he's probably not responsible.

I don't blame Trump for North Korea's actions, I blame Trump for lying about them.

EDIT: For clarification, I do not blame Trump for Otto's death. I should have worded that better.

Trump never claimed NK was no longer a nuclear threat.

“There is no longer a Nuclear Threat from North Korea,”
Trump Is Misleading the American People About North Korea

When did he say that? What exactly did Trump lie about? I'd rather see Trump negotiating with Kim than have to worry about missiles raining down.

Considering Trump's negotiation skills you just might see both.
Unlike Donald Trump I have never had a kind thing to say about Kim Jung Un.

Your opinion is noted however, you don't have the responsibility of actually deferring what could have been a world crisis (like Trump does) either.
If Hillary Clinton were President Kim would have Nuked Japan and South Korea already and ISIS would be in control of half of the Middle East.
Unlike Donald Trump I have never had a kind thing to say about Kim Jung Un.

Your opinion is noted however, you don't have the responsibility of actually deferring what could have been a world crisis (like Trump does) either.

I have the responsibility of letting you know that Trump claimed North Korea was no longer a nuclear threat to demonstrate that you had no idea Trump made the statement. It's now you're responsibility to deal with it.
So wait, happy happy joy joy would insult Kim, and then ask Kim to negotiate with him?

I don’t like the guy either, but there are tactics you have to use to work with people you don’t like and don’t agree with, and one of them is having a personal relationship with them.

Unlike Donald Trump I have never had a kind thing to say about Kim Jung Un.

Your opinion is noted however, you don't have the responsibility of actually deferring what could have been a world crisis (like Trump does) either.
So wait, happy happy joy would insult Kim, and the ask Kim to negotiate with him?

I don’t like the guy either, but there are tactics you have to use to work with people you don’t like and don’t agree with, and one of them is having a personal relationship with them.

Fucking hilarious. I was first accused of being a Kim fanboy, when I showed you that it's actually Trump who is you then flip flop on how Kim should be treated. You are just not a serious person.
Trump has met with N. Korea twice now. The first time, all he got was a note saying that Un would think about getting rid of his nukes, but it was a non binding agreement.

What did Un get out of the first meeting? Recognition as a nuclear world leader by the USA, as well as a cancellation of joint war exercises between the USA and S. Korea.

The second meeting? Un asked for partial lifting of the sanctions so that he could feed his people. Trump said no way, and the meeting was ended when Trump walked away from the table. Again, Trump got nothing.

What did Un get? More recognition as a world power, some good propaganda that Un could use to show his people how he was standing up to the USA. Oh yeah, he also got Trump to permanently cancel military exercises between S. Korea and the USA. Trump says that it's because the drills are too costly, but he's only saying that to cover the fact that he caved in to Un.

Yep, if this is "winning", I'm tired of it.

What progress did Half Black Jesus have with lil’kim? Meh, never mind. Say, you hear about that missile NK shot over Japan last week?

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