Kurt Schlichter explains to left wingers that what happened in the Montana race is their fault

is trump and the cons running around hitting people right now? (outside this *one* guy that is)

let me ask you this - which side at this point has done more to 'normalize violence' in todays political climate? actual actions, not fear driven ones.
That's a good question, but I'm not going down that road. I would need to take sides, wouldn't I?
not at all.

you're not picking sides if you notice who is winning a football game, are you? commentators giving you play by play are not taking sides, just talking about who is doing what.
you're not picking sides if you believe candidate X will win based on what you see vs. Y, who you may like...

if i notice a group of people are hellbent on beating the shit out of people who've yet to *as that group* beat the shit out of ANYONE, how is that choosing sides?

my noticing someones behavior doesn't condone it nor agree or disagree with it. those are different topics.
If I say what I believe is the truth, you'll argue with me. Guaranteed. You would take it as "taking sides."
no. id take it as your point of view. but your call.
You chose a bad day to ask that. I spent a lot of time this weekend talking to posters here blaming the victims of the Portland train incident on them. You can read all about it if you have the stomach.
I'd say the Right is winning in the war on justifying violence right now.
fair enough.

could this reaction from the right however stem from the lefts tirades theyve been under since trump won?
That's a good question, but I'm not going down that road. I would need to take sides, wouldn't I?
not at all.

you're not picking sides if you notice who is winning a football game, are you? commentators giving you play by play are not taking sides, just talking about who is doing what.
you're not picking sides if you believe candidate X will win based on what you see vs. Y, who you may like...

if i notice a group of people are hellbent on beating the shit out of people who've yet to *as that group* beat the shit out of ANYONE, how is that choosing sides?

my noticing someones behavior doesn't condone it nor agree or disagree with it. those are different topics.
If I say what I believe is the truth, you'll argue with me. Guaranteed. You would take it as "taking sides."
no. id take it as your point of view. but your call.
You chose a bad day to ask that. I spent a lot of time this weekend talking to posters here blaming the victims of the Portland train incident on them. You can read all about it if you have the stomach.
I'd say the Right is winning in the war on justifying violence right now.
fair enough.

could this reaction from the right however stem from the lefts tirades theyve been under since trump won?
not at all.

you're not picking sides if you notice who is winning a football game, are you? commentators giving you play by play are not taking sides, just talking about who is doing what.
you're not picking sides if you believe candidate X will win based on what you see vs. Y, who you may like...

if i notice a group of people are hellbent on beating the shit out of people who've yet to *as that group* beat the shit out of ANYONE, how is that choosing sides?

my noticing someones behavior doesn't condone it nor agree or disagree with it. those are different topics.
If I say what I believe is the truth, you'll argue with me. Guaranteed. You would take it as "taking sides."
no. id take it as your point of view. but your call.
You chose a bad day to ask that. I spent a lot of time this weekend talking to posters here blaming the victims of the Portland train incident on them. You can read all about it if you have the stomach.
I'd say the Right is winning in the war on justifying violence right now.
fair enough.

could this reaction from the right however stem from the lefts tirades theyve been under since trump won?
then we disagree is all. when "one side" uses whatever they can to justify violence on the,other side, human nature will tire of it sooner or later.

adult? no.
right? no.
expected? yes.
If I say what I believe is the truth, you'll argue with me. Guaranteed. You would take it as "taking sides."
no. id take it as your point of view. but your call.
You chose a bad day to ask that. I spent a lot of time this weekend talking to posters here blaming the victims of the Portland train incident on them. You can read all about it if you have the stomach.
I'd say the Right is winning in the war on justifying violence right now.
fair enough.

could this reaction from the right however stem from the lefts tirades theyve been under since trump won?
then we disagree is all. when "one side" uses whatever they can to justify violence on the,other side, human nature will tire of it sooner or later.

adult? no.
right? no.
expected? yes.
I don't remember justifying any violence lately, or anyone else on the left here either.
Pokin' at Trump with a stick? OH YEAH! For sure, they're trolling him hard. Is that what you mean by "violence?"
no. id take it as your point of view. but your call.
You chose a bad day to ask that. I spent a lot of time this weekend talking to posters here blaming the victims of the Portland train incident on them. You can read all about it if you have the stomach.
I'd say the Right is winning in the war on justifying violence right now.
fair enough.

could this reaction from the right however stem from the lefts tirades theyve been under since trump won?
then we disagree is all. when "one side" uses whatever they can to justify violence on the,other side, human nature will tire of it sooner or later.

adult? no.
right? no.
expected? yes.
I don't remember justifying any violence lately, or anyone else on the left here either.
Pokin' at Trump with a stick? OH YEAH! For sure, they're trolling him hard. Is that what you mean by "violence?"
not trump. i never said "Trump" - i've been saying all along - human nature "in people". i also never said "you" justify anything. i'm speaking in far more generic terms about the state of things is all

i think it's obvious we all identify with one side or another. in so doing it can run the risk of us understanding the frustrations those of similar mindsets and not say as much as when someone on "the other side" does it. when that happens we can "lose it" so to speak. so while we may not agree with all the things the "idiots" on *our* side do, we do understand the frustrations behind it.

i mean the anti-fa wearing masks and stopping any conservative from talking. they demand tolerance and give none. if we disagree there then this convo is about to get a lot harder. :)

i mean the liberals saying NAZI - OK TO HIT!!! and normalizing violence in politics. i do believe they were the ones to do this but if you can show me where conservatives made it ok to hit people you don't like, show me. i promise i'll listen in. til then, i see the left do this on a religious basis and how long will "human nature" allow 1 side to ride what would appear to be roughshod over another before the 2nd side says ENOUGH.

take the politics, history, and people out of the equation and would you agree that one side is passionate about their views to the point where they've condoned violence? or at least understand it why that side is getting violent in their beliefs? and if one side says it's ok to hit people you don't agree with, how long before the other side hits back?

is it right? no - he started it is as old as it gets but that's where we are today. being mean to trump? look what you did to obama!!! and repeat on back pretty much as long as we've had politicians.

should people be more adult than this? you bet. wouldn't argue that at all but we're not. life reminds us daily how immature we really are as a culture. online bravado sure hasn't helped people maintain civility either now has it?

put it all together and we're kinda in a "perfect storm" of events that bad things can and have historically happened in the past. little things like world wars. usually this brings things to a head and when over we work at coming back together. til then we're just living in a pretty jacked up society where the biggest excuse both sides pull daily is YOUR SIDE DID WORSE. i will never for the life of me understand how that validates anything at all other than we're all acting a collective 12.

people get so mad at trump that when you tell them they're acting like a child they don't consider that maybe they are, you're a trumper and they hate you too. just much easier.

so for now i'll stick with my premise that the left is the one advocating violence to get their way and the right is simply following the course of "well you did it first" and hitting back. if the left doesn't want to get hit, do what my mom said to do - stop egging people on and picking the fight. yes the right can be more mature about it but sooner or later you will tire of the child screaming and just want it stopped, in an adult manner or just scream back. whatever it takes.

not saying it's right, not justifying it - but i do understand where they're coming from. but put me squarely in the camp of "both sides, grow the fuck up". but also with realization that ain't happening any time soon.

and i understand that too.
Assault is not okay, nor will it help your cause.

Yes, even such basics now need to be explained to degenerates on the right.

Maybe the problem is the way you fascist democrats "explain" it?


View attachment 129764

Nope, explanation is very clear, its you.
Now that the RWnuts have admitted that they believe violence against those exercising their rights is acceptable,

just throw this example right back in their faces every time they start crying about some RWnut getting his or her rights violated.

No, violence against those infringing on their first amendment rights is what is acceptable. The first amendment gives everyone the right to peaceable assemble. That means people do not have a right to disrupt something like a political rally and speakers at that rally or gathering. So in cases where the fascist left use violence and shouting to disrupt events, the people attending that event have every right to use force against them. In those cases it's perfectly acceptable to punch a fascist liberal disruptor in his or her face.
You chose a bad day to ask that. I spent a lot of time this weekend talking to posters here blaming the victims of the Portland train incident on them. You can read all about it if you have the stomach.
I'd say the Right is winning in the war on justifying violence right now.
fair enough.

could this reaction from the right however stem from the lefts tirades theyve been under since trump won?
then we disagree is all. when "one side" uses whatever they can to justify violence on the,other side, human nature will tire of it sooner or later.

adult? no.
right? no.
expected? yes.
I don't remember justifying any violence lately, or anyone else on the left here either.
Pokin' at Trump with a stick? OH YEAH! For sure, they're trolling him hard. Is that what you mean by "violence?"
not trump. i never said "Trump" - i've been saying all along - human nature "in people". i also never said "you" justify anything. i'm speaking in far more generic terms about the state of things is all

i think it's obvious we all identify with one side or another. in so doing it can run the risk of us understanding the frustrations those of similar mindsets and not say as much as when someone on "the other side" does it. when that happens we can "lose it" so to speak. so while we may not agree with all the things the "idiots" on *our* side do, we do understand the frustrations behind it.

i mean the anti-fa wearing masks and stopping any conservative from talking. they demand tolerance and give none. if we disagree there then this convo is about to get a lot harder. :)

i mean the liberals saying NAZI - OK TO HIT!!! and normalizing violence in politics. i do believe they were the ones to do this but if you can show me where conservatives made it ok to hit people you don't like, show me. i promise i'll listen in. til then, i see the left do this on a religious basis and how long will "human nature" allow 1 side to ride what would appear to be roughshod over another before the 2nd side says ENOUGH.

take the politics, history, and people out of the equation and would you agree that one side is passionate about their views to the point where they've condoned violence? or at least understand it why that side is getting violent in their beliefs? and if one side says it's ok to hit people you don't agree with, how long before the other side hits back?

is it right? no - he started it is as old as it gets but that's where we are today. being mean to trump? look what you did to obama!!! and repeat on back pretty much as long as we've had politicians.

should people be more adult than this? you bet. wouldn't argue that at all but we're not. life reminds us daily how immature we really are as a culture. online bravado sure hasn't helped people maintain civility either now has it?

put it all together and we're kinda in a "perfect storm" of events that bad things can and have historically happened in the past. little things like world wars. usually this brings things to a head and when over we work at coming back together. til then we're just living in a pretty jacked up society where the biggest excuse both sides pull daily is YOUR SIDE DID WORSE. i will never for the life of me understand how that validates anything at all other than we're all acting a collective 12.

people get so mad at trump that when you tell them they're acting like a child they don't consider that maybe they are, you're a trumper and they hate you too. just much easier.

so for now i'll stick with my premise that the left is the one advocating violence to get their way and the right is simply following the course of "well you did it first" and hitting back. if the left doesn't want to get hit, do what my mom said to do - stop egging people on and picking the fight. yes the right can be more mature about it but sooner or later you will tire of the child screaming and just want it stopped, in an adult manner or just scream back. whatever it takes.

not saying it's right, not justifying it - but i do understand where they're coming from. but put me squarely in the camp of "both sides, grow the fuck up". but also with realization that ain't happening any time soon.

and i understand that too.
I have to go, but do me a favor, if you would. Please give me some concrete examples of the left advocating and condoning violence SANS ANTIFA, which is no more part of the Dems/Left than the KKK is part of the Repubs/Right.
I'll look at it tomorrow.
fair enough.

could this reaction from the right however stem from the lefts tirades theyve been under since trump won?
then we disagree is all. when "one side" uses whatever they can to justify violence on the,other side, human nature will tire of it sooner or later.

adult? no.
right? no.
expected? yes.
I don't remember justifying any violence lately, or anyone else on the left here either.
Pokin' at Trump with a stick? OH YEAH! For sure, they're trolling him hard. Is that what you mean by "violence?"
not trump. i never said "Trump" - i've been saying all along - human nature "in people". i also never said "you" justify anything. i'm speaking in far more generic terms about the state of things is all

i think it's obvious we all identify with one side or another. in so doing it can run the risk of us understanding the frustrations those of similar mindsets and not say as much as when someone on "the other side" does it. when that happens we can "lose it" so to speak. so while we may not agree with all the things the "idiots" on *our* side do, we do understand the frustrations behind it.

i mean the anti-fa wearing masks and stopping any conservative from talking. they demand tolerance and give none. if we disagree there then this convo is about to get a lot harder. :)

i mean the liberals saying NAZI - OK TO HIT!!! and normalizing violence in politics. i do believe they were the ones to do this but if you can show me where conservatives made it ok to hit people you don't like, show me. i promise i'll listen in. til then, i see the left do this on a religious basis and how long will "human nature" allow 1 side to ride what would appear to be roughshod over another before the 2nd side says ENOUGH.

take the politics, history, and people out of the equation and would you agree that one side is passionate about their views to the point where they've condoned violence? or at least understand it why that side is getting violent in their beliefs? and if one side says it's ok to hit people you don't agree with, how long before the other side hits back?

is it right? no - he started it is as old as it gets but that's where we are today. being mean to trump? look what you did to obama!!! and repeat on back pretty much as long as we've had politicians.

should people be more adult than this? you bet. wouldn't argue that at all but we're not. life reminds us daily how immature we really are as a culture. online bravado sure hasn't helped people maintain civility either now has it?

put it all together and we're kinda in a "perfect storm" of events that bad things can and have historically happened in the past. little things like world wars. usually this brings things to a head and when over we work at coming back together. til then we're just living in a pretty jacked up society where the biggest excuse both sides pull daily is YOUR SIDE DID WORSE. i will never for the life of me understand how that validates anything at all other than we're all acting a collective 12.

people get so mad at trump that when you tell them they're acting like a child they don't consider that maybe they are, you're a trumper and they hate you too. just much easier.

so for now i'll stick with my premise that the left is the one advocating violence to get their way and the right is simply following the course of "well you did it first" and hitting back. if the left doesn't want to get hit, do what my mom said to do - stop egging people on and picking the fight. yes the right can be more mature about it but sooner or later you will tire of the child screaming and just want it stopped, in an adult manner or just scream back. whatever it takes.

not saying it's right, not justifying it - but i do understand where they're coming from. but put me squarely in the camp of "both sides, grow the fuck up". but also with realization that ain't happening any time soon.

and i understand that too.
I have to go, but do me a favor, if you would. Please give me some concrete examples of the left advocating and condoning violence SANS ANTIFA, which is no more part of the Dems/Left than the KKK is part of the Repubs/Right.
I'll look at it tomorrow.
fair enough and put like that - i may well be putting anti-fa into "my idea of the left" which wouldn't be fair on my part. good point.
I think Gianforte ruffing up the reporter helped him for the simple fact that most people can relate. If someone is harassing you and won't stop you will get physical after awhile.

"Smart" liberals aren't that smart since they think that freedom of the press means access. It simply means that the government can't punish you for reporting on the government.

The title of this post can be: when is physical violence ok? Whenever you can make excuses for it!
Physical violence is ok anytime you are in fear for your safety. You like obama, kiss every criminals ass presented.

I think Gianforte ruffing up the reporter helped him for the simple fact that most people can relate. If someone is harassing you and won't stop you will get physical after awhile.

"Smart" liberals aren't that smart since they think that freedom of the press means access. It simply means that the government can't punish you for reporting on the government.

The title of this post can be: when is physical violence ok? Whenever you can make excuses for it!
Physical violence is ok anytime you are in fear for your safety. You like obama, kiss every criminals ass presented.

Not for me it won't be! I won't be on my knees ion front of some criminal democrat like you will be. Self defense is wonderful! I've done it a few times!
Nope, explanation is very clear, its you.

So, assault is not okay UNLESS it is committed by your Brown Shirt Fascist thugs? :thup:

I think what you're trying to say is "fighting back is not okay."

Look, you fascists wanted violence, now you've got it.
Nope, explanation is very clear, its you.

So, assault is not okay UNLESS it is committed by your Brown Shirt Fascist thugs? :thup:

I think what you're trying to say is "fighting back is not okay."

Look, you fascists wanted violence, now you've got it.
Sure that's what they say, unless it is one of the sick libs. Just look at how much obama apologized and kissed ass.
Nope, explanation is very clear, its you.

So, assault is not okay UNLESS it is committed by your Brown Shirt Fascist thugs? :thup:

I think what you're trying to say is "fighting back is not okay."

Look, you fascists wanted violence, now you've got it.
Sure that's what they say, unless it is one of the sick libs. Just look at how much obama apologized and kissed ass.

The violence in America is a result of the democrat Brown Shirts and their riots, killing cops, etc.

The fascists better stick to downtown areas. If they get into the suburbs, they will face resistance to their evil.
Nope, explanation is very clear, its you.

So, assault is not okay UNLESS it is committed by your Brown Shirt Fascist thugs? :thup:

I think what you're trying to say is "fighting back is not okay."

Look, you fascists wanted violence, now you've got it.

WTF are you talking about? WHERE did I okay any violence???

Why are you pulling shit out of your ass instead of making an honest argument?
WTF are you talking about? WHERE did I okay any violence???

Why are you pulling shit out of your ass instead of making an honest argument?

YOU do GRASP that the images provided are your fellow fascists engaged in violent riots, right?

Now we have the Bernie supporting scumbag in Oregon stabbing people on a train. Violence is something that the Soros left has pushed onto the America scene. The right has sat back while you Brown Shirts have rampaged, but that can't hold much longer. The violence you leftists are engaging in, will beget more violence.
WTF are you talking about? WHERE did I okay any violence???

Why are you pulling shit out of your ass instead of making an honest argument?

YOU do GRASP that the images provided are your fellow fascists engaged in violent riots, right?

Now we have the Bernie supporting scumbag in Oregon stabbing people on a train. Violence is something that the Soros left has pushed onto the America scene. The right has sat back while you Brown Shirts have rampaged, but that can't hold much longer. The violence you leftists are engaging in, will beget more violence.

My fellow? What the fk makes you think i they are my fellows in any shape or form or that I somehow approve of something they did??

See unlike you I don't need to deflect or but...but...but my way to condemning assault by ANYONE, left, right or blue.
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