Kyle Rittenhouse FLEES from a group of students w/dog in tow after being asked a few questions

Even if Rittenhouse said it - WHO GIVES A YOU KNOW WHAT?

Last I checked we have freedom of speech in this country.

At least for now.

I'm confident you agree - but had to be said.

Yes, I agree.

I don't see anything wrong with what C. Kirk said anyway, or at least the things I have heard him say.
You support Mob justice then . Every mob that ever went out to lynch someone to death, felt justified. That was justice without a trial.

Now Rittenhouse was found innocent in a court of law, so if people like YOU had their way... justice would be dealt out by popular opinion right or wrong. People have every right to go listen to someone speak, only an idiot would protest that.
We alwasy see this type of self righteous suppression coming from self righteous Democrat/ leftists. Its never from the Conservatives .. well unless your for putting porn books in middle schools.

Your for suppressing the freedom of speech, all based on your opinion. I have a much lower opinion of you now, thats for sure.
Other than some civil protest of porn for kids, sex, change operations for kids by conservatives, and even people on the left…. We have never seen anything of the likes of the BLM rioter on the right.

There are no examples of hundreds of white trump supporters acting like animals screaming and shouting at people. That’s specifically reserved for left-wing BLM types.
IM2 Dragonlady Synthaholic Superbadbrutha Curried Goats john doe 101 citygator Lakhota John Edgar Slow Horses Fort Fun Indiana candycorn MarcATL Crepitus Magnus MagicMike

That’s all the left wingers or Trump critics I could think of for now. The same people who constantly talk about January 6.

Some of their excuses will be “well their systemic racism against blacks” which is not true.

But we do know that there are tons of white people who get denied loans every day from the banks. Do we see tons of white Trump supporters who get denied loans riding and preventing people from speaking at college campuses, screaming at people and attacking people at college campuses?? …

all you folks can be honest here. There’s been perhaps over 1000 of these BLM riots and protests where they shout down people, push shove and attack people even kill people. I just wonder why do you folks lie to yourselves every day about the fake threat of “white supremacy” and you say nothing about the BLM riots or support them.

Is this a prelude to what might happen over the summer. Or during the election if Donald Trump wins or even if he doesn’t. There is no example nothing like this on the right. Imagine for a moment a black left-wing speaker at a college… hundreds of white people in trump hats are screaming and shouting at her ..pushing and shoving people even punching people. We would be hearing about it from left wingers, and from the media every day for a year or two. “ white supremacy, this white supremacy that.”

Those types of videos we see above is an embarrassment. It’s a disgrace to the black community and to African values. Those Black people pictured above are acting like savages. Hooting and hollering, screaming at people pushing, shoving others. Course we all remember the BLM rioters from 2016 to 2020 they will kill. They’ve killed dozens of people Injured thousands and caused billions of dollars of damage.

We need to as a country learn how from previous BLM riots so we can’t let this happen again. These anti-American, anti-free speech BLM people must be countered this time around by those who oppose racism and anti-American of BLM.

Nothing on the right huh? Nonsense. There's violence on both sides.
It's not just blacks as I see whites & even one Oriental person amongst the rioters. The rioters are obviously of the statist left marxinazi religion who view private firearm ownership as a threat against their all powerful totalitarian form of g'ment.
Yes, I agree 100%. There are usually whites and non-blacks present at these types of riots. Either way, they’re all part of the anti-free speech left-wing. They are a small percentage of the USA in my opinion, but with the destruction and chaos they cause ….they present a problem. They are cowards as well. They often attack women and children, and gang up on individuals.
Too bad that most of your posts are without any substance.

I’d like to hear one time some kind of constructive argument from lefties. Obviously there is no moral way to support BLM especially the BLM rioting we saw in the video in the original post. In response blm supporters make troll type posts.

Synthaholic Curried Goats JoeB131 Lesh john doe 101 … Imagine for a moment 200 white people wearing Trump hats, spitting on a truck of a black person going home from a blm rally . It never happens. There’s nothing like that. If it happened one single time it would be in the media every day.

Hoping that you guys can see the light and stop supporting BLM. And take a step back and stop engaging and trolling type posts. Because there is no moral justification for those blm folks in the video screaming hooting hollering. Just acting like a bunch of babies…. They are also cowards. Ganging up on kids and families.
Listen, pussy, you can't make a rational argument for objective morality so at some point your bitch ass is going to have to come to accept that people feel differently than you and accept that we're going to have to fight it out.

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