Kyle Rittenhouse sued by estate of Joseph Rosenbaum

a trained police officer that has no clue about the rules of Lethal Force?

a 'fat little fuck wannabe looking for people to shoot, that didn't pull the trigger til he was attacked?

Yes, you have a double standard.

You're just too egotistical to admit it.

All these deviant sociopaths are narcissists; all those disorders go together.
So when the black guy drives across state lines with an illegal weapon to a white supremacist rally and kills some white supremacists that's OK.

Thank you, racists, for acknowledging that.
Gun is legal you retarded negro. And it's called self defense.
Too many people testified as to what happened. Gads, you are so used to democrats lying, you can't recognize what's true.

They're low life sleaze; they could care less about the truth, they have no interest in that, which is why it's pointless to treat them as anything but feral sub-humans.
Quite the contrary, the German military had developed an assault rifle, and Hitler refused to put it into production.

As usual, you should avoid making a fool of yourself by staying silent.

In 1943 the German Army began fielding the Maschinenpistole 43 (MP43) a new kind of automatic rifle which was chambered in the intermediate 7.92 Kurz round. It was instantly popular with the Wehrmacht and when Hitler asked his commanders what they needed more of they requested more of the new...

As part of the propaganda push to raise the morale of the German people, who faced ever increasing dangers an hardships and who knew the war was going badly, Hitler decided to rename the MP43 the Sturmgewehr 44 or when translated into English the ‘Storm/Assault-Rifle 44’. He described it as one of the Third Reich’s new wonder weapons, along with the Me-262 Jet Fighter and V-Weapons, which would turn the tide of the war for Germany
In 1943 the German Army began fielding the Maschinenpistole 43 (MP43) a new kind of automatic rifle which was chambered in the intermediate 7.92 Kurz round. It was instantly popular with the Wehrmacht and when Hitler asked his commanders what they needed more of they requested more of the new...

By 1944 it was too late... Germany was losing the war badly.

The term assault rifle is generally attributed to Adolf Hitler, who used the German word Sturmgewehr (which translates to "assault rifle") as the new name for the MP 43 (Maschinenpistole), subsequently known as the Sturmgewehr 44.[6][8][9][10][11][12][13][14] Allied propaganda suggested that the name was chosen for propaganda purposes, but the main purpose was to differentiate the Sturmgewehr from German submachine guns such as the MP 40.[15]

It has been suggested, however, that the Heereswaffenamt was responsible for the name Sturmgewehr, and Hitler had no input besides signing the production order.[16][15] Furthermore, Hitler was initially opposed to the idea of a new infantry rifle, as Germany lacked the industrial capacity to replace the 12,000,000 Karabiner 98k rifles already in service, only changing his mind once he saw it first-hand.[17]
By 1944 it was too late... Germany was losing the war badly.

The term assault rifle is generally attributed to Adolf Hitler, who used the German word Sturmgewehr (which translates to "assault rifle") as the new name for the MP 43 (Maschinenpistole), subsequently known as the Sturmgewehr 44.[6][8][9][10][11][12][13][14] Allied propaganda suggested that the name was chosen for propaganda purposes, but the main purpose was to differentiate the Sturmgewehr from German submachine guns such as the MP 40.[15]

It has been suggested, however, that the Heereswaffenamt was responsible for the name Sturmgewehr, and Hitler had no input besides signing the production order.[16][15] Furthermore, Hitler was initially opposed to the idea of a new infantry rifle, as Germany lacked the industrial capacity to replace the 12,000,000 Karabiner 98k rifles already in service, only changing his mind once he saw it first-hand.[17]

Um, yeah. It was Hitler who coined the term 'assault rifle' as described to you.

You didn't know wiki can be edited by anyone?
Um, yeah. It was Hitler who coined the term 'assault rifle' as described to you.

Um, no, he opposed employing them because it would have been too much trouble to replace all the weapons currently in use.
His job was to protect Congress and the Capitol Grounds... can't blame the man for doing his job.
Man you say ? So scared of an unarmed female that he shoots first in hopes to ask questions later or was it not his hopes to ask questions later ?

Look, let's say that certain people in the gang/group who entered the white house were insurrectionist, and it was all because they believed their nation was under attack in every way imaginable, and so it was their hopes as patriotic citizens to gain their nation back by conducting some kind of citizens arrest on those responsible for the theft of their election and this country because of the allowing of the theft to take place. Was this their thinking maybe ??

Was this what the courts and government was avoiding when they decided to shut down any review of the discovery or of the alleged evidence that was being presented in regards to the defense trying to make it's case before or in the aftermath, otherwise concerning the alleged stolen election prior too, and in the aftermath of J6 ? Was there evidence that possibly would have given some credence to the fears and thoughts that these people may have had when they tried what they did or why they tried what they did ???

I'm guessing that the challenge of the election isn't what drove these people insane, otherwise to do what they did, but the entirety of Trump's 4 year's being under constant attack by leftist IMO is what compiled the negative emotional affects in which they began to have, and it ultimately led them into thinking that the country was being stolen by forces that didn't have their American interest at heart any longer.

What say you ?
This is going to be a real problem. I doubt whoever was funding his $million + defense is paying for his civil defense fund.

Without that he may have real problems. It depends on how good the plaintiff's counsel is (ie how much money they are going to spend). As always, its all about the Benjamins.
Hopefully, it’s more about justice. That way Kyle will win yet again.
Man you say ? So scared of an unarmed female that he shoots first in hopes to ask questions later or was it not his hopes to ask questions later ?

An Unarmed female who was in a crowd of a couple hundred other angry people who burst down a locked door in a secure area. You leave that part out.

Look, let's say that certain people in the gang/group who entered the white house were insurrectionist, and it was all because they believed their nation was under attack in every way imaginable, and so it was their hopes as patriotic citizens to gain their nation back by conducting some kind of citizens arrest on those responsible for the theft of their election and this country because of the allowing of the theft to take place. Was this their thinking maybe ??

If that was their thinking, then we should remove them from the fucking gene pool. (ALso, it was the Capitol, not the White House).

Democrats felt robbed in 2000 and 2016 (because they were!) but you didn't see them storming the Capitol.

Was this what the courts and government was avoiding when they decided to shut down any review of the discovery or of the alleged evidence that was being presented in regards to the defense trying to make it's case before or in the aftermath, otherwise concerning the alleged stolen election prior too, and in the aftermath of J6 ? Was there evidence that possibly would have given some credence to the fears and thoughts that these people may have had when they tried what they did or why they tried what they did ???

Except 56 courts heard the "evidence" and rejected it, including judges appointed by Trump.

I'm guessing that the challenge of the election isn't what drove these people insane, otherwise to do what they did, but the entirety of Trump's 4 year's being under constant attack by leftist IMO is what compiled the negative emotional affects in which they began to have, and it ultimately led them into thinking that the country was being stolen by forces that didn't have their American interest at heart any longer.
Actually, the insanity is your cult like worship of this con artist, where he's perfectly willing to use you as cannon fodder. When Jan 6 went south, look how fast he turned on your asses.
An Unarmed female who was in a crowd of a couple hundred other angry people who burst down a locked door in a secure area. You leave that part out.

If that was their thinking, then we should remove them from the fucking gene pool. (ALso, it was the Capitol, not the White House).

Democrats felt robbed in 2000 and 2016 (because they were!) but you didn't see them storming the Capitol.

Except 56 courts heard the "evidence" and rejected it, including judges appointed by Trump.

Actually, the insanity is your cult like worship of this con artist, where he's perfectly willing to use you as cannon fodder. When Jan 6 went south, look how fast he turned on your asses.
An Unarmed female
that's the key part of your post.

she was, herself, no danger.

If he had shot someone that was armed, I wouldn't have an issue with it.

as it is, it was cold blooded murder.

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