L—Licentious, B—Brutal, J—Jack-in-office


Sep 23, 2010
LBJ ranks near the top of every list of elected officials who did the most harm to this country. This excerpt defines the personality type that has been governing this country for most of my life:

4. Scorn -- Ronald Kessler relays illuminating experiences of Secret Service agents protecting Johnson in his book In the President’s Secret Service. The agents recall Johnson boarding Air Force One and waving to gathered crowds while muttering, “You dumb sonsofbitches. I piss on all you.” In a later chapter the same book highlights agents recalling an instance during Hilary Clinton’s 2000 Senatorial bid where she was to speak at a 4-H club meeting. Kessler writes, “[When] she saw people dressed in jeans and surrounded by cows, Hilary flew into a rage. She turned to a staffer and said, ‘What the [expletive] did we come here for? There’s no money here!” Or President Obama’s remarks about the rubes who “cling to their guns and religion.” Elitism and scorn for the people they mean to serve is not the exclusive province of Democrats, but their barely concealed contempt is more often visible.

August 19, 2015
Lyndon Baines Johnson: Face of the Modern Democratic Party
By Jonathan Ehret

Articles Lyndon Baines Johnson Face of the Modern Democratic Party

LBJ & Company were made possible by two events:

1. The income tax.

Tax dollars exposes the hatred they feel about the very people who support them:

“You dumb sonsofbitches. I piss on all you.”​


‘What the [expletive] did we come here for? There’s no money here!”​


. . . rubes who “cling to their guns and religion.”​

LBJ’s heirs hate individuals first. They hate the poor; they hate by race; they hate by religion; they hate the uneducated, they hate the disabled; they hate every personality type except their own. They hate everything and everybody who will not obey. In their sick minds they strive to breed the perfect personality they cannot find a reason to hate. They are sick and getting sicker with every success that brings them closer to absolute control because the perfect personality never existed and never will.

Unchecked religions and governments are murderous by nature because they nurture the worst personality types.

The fact is that the US Constitution restricted humankind’s foulest personality type —— the control freak. Control freaks learned one thing from the US Constitution: Never, ever, put freedom in writing. That’s why control freaks began abolishing the Constitution 30 years before the Civil War began. And please do not waste my time telling me about ‘freeing the slaves’.

The next step in the evolution of forms of government must be guided by a constitution designed to neuter a specific personality type for all time. America’s Founders came very close to keeping the worst of humankind out of government, but the problem remains because mankind has never been able to breed swamp creatures out of the human race. They not only get into government they immediately find legal ways to justify their cruelty.

Totalitarians leading this country to domestic and global Socialism/Communism may not be here tomorrow to exercise the murderous powers they seek today, but their heirs will carry-out the wishes of their political ancestors with Caligula-like relish just as the current bunch carry out LBJ’s wishes. Severely limiting the size and authority of government officials is the best chance of keeping the LBJ type to an absolute minimum.

Freedom to the LBJ type wielding absolute power always means their own freedom to get even with previously-free private sector individuals because they took so long to submit to their government masters.

In every form of government throughout history male human trash found their way into government, yet it took women to institute the slaughter evil men could only dream about.

2. Television.

Television changed the image of the people in government, but did nothing to prevent the personality type that is drawn to government authority. The personality type that television portrays as the noblest of mankind ascended to political power on television. In a just world they would be second-rate troublemakers scrounging for nickels and dimes in society’s underbelly without television’s tax dollar income.

Solving the problem television created is easily understood while not easily corrected. Start by eliminating the tax dollars politicians distribute to a vast array of preferred individuals, groups, and institutions. The ugly truth is that they do their harm collectively because of television and the income tax. Put it in perspective this way: Television would do the same amount of harm to the country if tax dollars going to the two most powerful institutions, education and entertainment industries, could be eliminated.

Finally, it is impossible to eliminate television, but it is possible to do away with the income tax.
seems you and polichic work for the same right wing company.
To Moonglow: I going to start charging you for giving you a life. You must sit in front of your computer screen waiting for me to post a message. You responded to this one 4 minutes after I posted it.
Ned Flanders is a hoot
To guno: I’ll pay you when say something original!

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