Labor Force Participation Rate at Record Lows, Worst Job Creation in Years

Obamacare has been an anchor on the economy since 2009.

We know where Obama's priorities were and they weren't with jobs or housing or immigration or infrastructure. Or even with making intelligent healthcare reform.
I agree, thank you for finally coming around... Seems pretty obvious now doesn't it?


Hey question... Are the rich richer and the middle class and poor poorer? Just wondering how you claim the economy is better while also claiming we need a min wage hike because of the inequality gape growing... If you believe all that.

I know, it sucks not talking to a hyper partisan Republican, they call you on your chit and you can't claim they voted for Bush as a get out of jail free.

The US economy is complex. You want to talk as though It is simple. So I let you "win". Accept it like the simpleton that you are.

[MENTION=36327]TheGreatGatsby[/MENTION] Another one! Weeeeeeeeeee!

Hey question... Are the rich richer and the middle class and poor poorer? Just wondering how you claim the economy is better while also claiming we need a min wage hike because of the inequality gape growing... If you believe all that.

I know, it sucks not talking to a hyper partisan Republican, they call you on your chit and you can't claim they voted for Bush as a get out of jail free.

The US economy is complex. You want to talk as though It is simple. So I let you "win". Accept it like the simpleton that you are.

[MENTION=36327]TheGreatGatsby[/MENTION] Another one! Weeeeeeeeeee!

I agree it's complex, we seem to disagree that expanding Bush era policies have been horrible for the economy. I think they have been bad, you seem to love Bush era polcies.

Loserterians care about destroying the public sector and having our nation ran by a unregulated private sector.

A sweat shop with no rights for the workers.

Care to cite where you got that information, or is this a continuation of you making things up as you go alone as you do in regards to claims about more money needs to be spent by Government.... even though more is being spent.

Last I looked Libertarians believed heavily in the constitution of America, and I don't see where it says the privet sector gets to run the country. Point that one of for me.
The economy has improved? The millions who have dropped out of the workforce and millions more who are underemployed might beg to differ.

Basically, the retiring Baby Boom generation has negatively effected the Labor Force Participation Rate. In 2005 the BLS correctly predicted this phenomenon by using the number of Baby Boomers and then applying simple math.

"The baby boomers’ exit from the prime-aged workforce
and their movement into older age groups
will lower the overall labor force participation rate,
leading to a slowdown in the growth of the labor force"Participation Rate.
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The economy has improved? The millions who have dropped out of the workforce and millions more who are underemployed might beg to differ.

Basically, the retiring Baby Boom generation has negatively effected the Labor Force Participation Rate. In 2005 the BLS correctly predicted this phenomenon by using the number of Baby Boomers and then applying simple math.

"The baby boomers’ exit from the prime-aged workforce
and their movement into older age groups
will lower the overall labor force participation rate,
leading to a slowdown in the growth of the labor force"Participation Rate.
Perhaps so but that hardly counts for all of it if your needing to extend unemployment benefits beyond 99 weeks for the long term unemployed then this is more than just retiring baby boomers.

Hey question... Are the rich richer and the middle class and poor poorer? Just wondering how you claim the economy is better while also claiming we need a min wage hike because of the inequality gape growing... If you believe all that.

I know, it sucks not talking to a hyper partisan Republican, they call you on your chit and you can't claim they voted for Bush as a get out of jail free.

The US economy is complex. You want to talk as though It is simple. So I let you "win". Accept it like the simpleton that you are.

[MENTION=36327]TheGreatGatsby[/MENTION] Another one! Weeeeeeeeeee!

I notice you didn't/couldn't answer the question. What's the matter, afraid to say anything of substance; particularly anything that adversely reflects upon your god, Obama?
Loserterians care about destroying the public sector and having our nation ran by a unregulated private sector.

A sweat shop with no rights for the workers.

It's ever so ironic that you should be making this argument....the people that you spend so much time hating would absolutely agree with you....but anyhow, name me one regulative body that is fair? Show me how they aren't adding artificial costs.
The economy has improved? The millions who have dropped out of the workforce and millions more who are underemployed might beg to differ.

Basically, the retiring Baby Boom generation has negatively effected the Labor Force Participation Rate. In 2005 the BLS correctly predicted this phenomenon by using the number of Baby Boomers and then applying simple math.

"The baby boomers’ exit from the prime-aged workforce
and their movement into older age groups
will lower the overall labor force participation rate,
leading to a slowdown in the growth of the labor force"Participation Rate.
Perhaps so but that hardly counts for all of it if your needing to extend unemployment benefits beyond 99 weeks for the long term unemployed then this is more than just retiring baby boomers.

When the BLS did their projections in 2005 they didn't project the Great Recession, they used constant numbers. They did see that the Baby Boomers by their massive numbers where going to seriously effect the participation rate by retiring.
Regarding those needing more than 99 weeks, I will cut them some slack and not demonize the entire group as there are currently three applicants for every job opening per BLS. That's a huge improvement from when it was 8 to 1. But in December 2000, the ratio was 1 to 1 and the unemployment rate was 4%. I just wanted to shoot those numbers out to show that there still isn't enough jobs. Profits have been great but companies aren't hiring enough people to fill the gap and of course offshoring jobs is still humming along. Our politicians from both sides of the aisle have done very little to improve the job situation. An honest person realizes that fingers can be pointed in several directions.
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Considering Pubs have blocked every real jobs bill since 2/2010- this is THEIR recovery now. BTW, layoffs were down over 300 k, and every jobs number has been changed up for months...Not reported on Pub propaganda machine, of course. For those happy at fear mongering BS, you are bad citizens as well as FOS...

shut up rw pub hater dupe. You are probably a racist koch brother as well.
Submitted by Pater Tenebrarum of Acting-Man blog,

The Problem of Economic Ignorance

The fact that economic ignorance is widespread is really a big problem in our view. Unfortunately even what is broadly considered the economic mainstream thought is riddled with stuff that we think just doesn't represent good economics. This is not meant to say that there is absolutely nothing worthwhile offered by the so-called mainstream. Often one comes across valuable insights and stimulating ideas. Still, there are a number of very fundamental issues on which various schools of economic thought don't agree – beginning with basic questions of methodology.

Regarding the place economics should have in our lives, Ludwig von Mises once wrote:

“Economics must not be relegated to classrooms and statistical offices and must not be left to esoteric circles. It is the philosophy of human life and action and concerns everybody and everything. It is the pith of civilization and of man's human existence.”
We agree wholeheartedly with this sentiment. There is little harm in leaving astronomy to astronomers and quantum physics to experts in theoretical physics. With economics it is different, because even though it is supposed to be wertfrei (value-free) as a science, economics necessarily has a political dimension, since politics is all about the acquisition and distribution of property by political (as opposed to economic) means. In other words, economic policy is the main topic around which politics revolves.

More here: People Not In Labor Force Soar To Record 91.8 Million; Participation Rate Plunges To 1978 Levels | Zero Hedge
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The Libs explain that 90+ million people are out of the work force because they retired.
Are you kidding me! 90+ million...How convenient for Obama.
The Libs explain that 90+ million people are out of the work force because they retired.
Are you kidding me! 90+ million...How convenient for Obama.

plus, the media harped more older folk died than usual.

Nice touch

Obama and the Libs throw out a lot of BS because they know there are people who are dumb enough to
believe it.
HEY the ECONOMY IS GREAT...........................

What the hell, we need UNEMPLOYMENT EXTENDED..............

What the Hell, we need MORE STIMULUS....................

What the Hell, we need more Federal Reserve Dollars in the Stock Market.........4 TRILLION wasn't enough.......................

Hey the deficit is falling,..........................

No Shiite Sherlock, which part of the Bail out spending that spiked the amount spent by the Fed don't you understand................Spend 4 times as much in a short period, and then go back to normal spending and GO LOOK, THE DEFICIT IS FALLING..................

Hypocrisy has no bounds with Liberals............

What do they want................MORE MORE MORE GOV'T.............This song is dedicated to you..........

[ame=]Billy Idol - Rebel Yell - YouTube[/ame]
The economy has improved? The millions who have dropped out of the workforce and millions more who are underemployed might beg to differ.

Basically, the retiring Baby Boom generation has negatively effected the Labor Force Participation Rate. In 2005 the BLS correctly predicted this phenomenon by using the number of Baby Boomers and then applying simple math.

"The baby boomers’ exit from the prime-aged workforce
and their movement into older age groups
will lower the overall labor force participation rate,
leading to a slowdown in the growth of the labor force"Participation Rate.
Perhaps so but that hardly counts for all of it if your needing to extend unemployment benefits beyond 99 weeks for the long term unemployed then this is more than just retiring baby boomers.
Here is the problem, the know-it-alls are badly misinformed! The 99 week max ended in May 2012. The Dems are asking for a 13 week extension to the current 27 week max.

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