Labor Participation Rate Lowest Since 1978 - Yet there are 10 Fold More Working Mom's Now!!!

Regulators and policymakers enabled this process at virtually every turn. Part of the reason they failed to understand the housing bubble was willful ignorance: they bought into the argument that the market would equilibrate itself. In particular, financial actors and regulatory officials both believed that secondary and tertiary markets could effectively control risk through pricing. of Disaster_0.pdf


Your cartoon is incorrect. It was not a free market. It was a highly regulated market.
Those are not the Wall Street Casino banks that were pushing the subprime mortgages.

Try again.

Please give me the name of a bank that does not fall under the jurisdiction of FRB regulations.

Your inability to point to even ONE state or nation to have a "free market", much less an unregulated banking system is noted Bubba :dance:

It was primarily private lenders who relaxed standards: Private lenders not subject to congressional regulations collapsed lending standards

Lest We Forget Why We Had A Financial Crisis - Forbes

But private lenders weren't bailed out. The banks were bailed out, and those banks were highly regulated, which was the cause of the crisis.

BTW, the 5 investment banks that drove the bubble? ALL gone. Want to guess where the two that survived went? lol

I find it odd that you would be upset over the disappearance of investment banks. I'd think you'd be happy to see them go.

Your dodge noted Bubba
Your cartoon is incorrect. It was not a free market. It was a highly regulated market.
Please give me the name of a bank that does not fall under the jurisdiction of FRB regulations.

Your inability to point to even ONE state or nation to have a "free market", much less an unregulated banking system is noted Bubba :dance:

It was primarily private lenders who relaxed standards: Private lenders not subject to congressional regulations collapsed lending standards

Lest We Forget Why We Had A Financial Crisis - Forbes

But private lenders weren't bailed out. The banks were bailed out, and those banks were highly regulated, which was the cause of the crisis.

You mean the economy was in danger of falling off the cliff AGAIN because they followed the closest thing to laissez faire governance the US had since Reagan's S&L disaster or Harding/Coolidge big depression? Shocking we would rescue them

"The banks were bailed out, and those banks were highly regulated, which was the cause of the crisis."


I've already proved that banks were highly regulated in 2008: FRB 2008 Banking and Consumer Regulatory Policy

Check out that long, long list of FRB regulations.

"highly regulated, which was the cause of the crisis."

You do know what cause means right? PLEASE do me a favor and show that regulation CAUSED the Bankster subprime crisis!

The banks were regulated, and the crisis happened.
There were 76 million people born between the years 1946 and 1964, the traditional window for the baby boom generation. That means that they will retire over a 19-year period. Simple math shows that 76 divided by 19 is 4 million, or almost 11,000 people a day.

While a certain percentage will die before they reach retirement age, analysts say that immigrants will actually boost the number of potential baby-boomer retirees to nearly 80 million —and not everyone retires exactly at 65 or 66. Some baby boomers likely retired at 62. So let’s say it’s 80 million over 20 years—which still yields 4 million a year.

Thus, as a simple round figure, 10,000 a day is pretty close. In fact, that a number used by the Social Security Administration in a 2012 report, which Portman spokeswoman Caitlin Conant said was a source used by the senator. She also cited a Pew Research Center report that used this figure.
Wise up, wise ass.
What is the Labor Force Participation Rate
Not entirely sure what tour point is, but the info from your link is true but not accurate. While many countries do have a max age, the U.S. does not. not.
My point is the guy does not know what the Labor Force Participation Rate is.
I didn't see him get anything wrong. You on the other hand gave a link with a definition that is wrong. There is no upper age limit in the U.S.
He said the retired counted as a negative in the labor participation rate.

They aren't a part of the equation.
Your ignorance is on display!

The repeal of Glass-Steagall deregulated the Wall Street Casino and enabled them to open "banks" that were not subject to the same regulations as normal banks. Those Wall Street Casino "banks" were responsible for flooding the market with subprime mortgages.

Still, those bank were not unregulated. They were highly regulated.

Prove it!


FRB 2008 Banking and Consumer Regulatory Policy

Those are not the Wall Street Casino banks that were pushing the subprime mortgages.

Try again.

Please give me the name of a bank that does not fall under the jurisdiction of FRB regulations.

We are talking about private lenders backed by the Wall Street Casino.

Private sector loans not Fannie or Freddie triggered crisis Economics McClatchy DC

Unregulated packagers and short-term regulated mortgage contracts Analysis Mortgage Strategy

Read and learn.
Your inability to point to even ONE state or nation to have a "free market", much less an unregulated banking system is noted Bubba :dance:

It was primarily private lenders who relaxed standards: Private lenders not subject to congressional regulations collapsed lending standards

Lest We Forget Why We Had A Financial Crisis - Forbes

But private lenders weren't bailed out. The banks were bailed out, and those banks were highly regulated, which was the cause of the crisis.

You mean the economy was in danger of falling off the cliff AGAIN because they followed the closest thing to laissez faire governance the US had since Reagan's S&L disaster or Harding/Coolidge big depression? Shocking we would rescue them

"The banks were bailed out, and those banks were highly regulated, which was the cause of the crisis."


I've already proved that banks were highly regulated in 2008: FRB 2008 Banking and Consumer Regulatory Policy

Check out that long, long list of FRB regulations.

"highly regulated, which was the cause of the crisis."

You do know what cause means right? PLEASE do me a favor and show that regulation CAUSED the Bankster subprime crisis!

The banks were regulated, and the crisis happened.

That's correlation. PLEASE do what you posited. SHOW CAUSE.


“When regulators don’t believe in regulation and don’t get what is going on at the companies they oversee, there can be no major white-collar crime prosecutions,”...“If they don’t understand what we call collective embezzlement, where people are literally looting their own firms, then it’s impossible to bring cases.”

The FBI correctly identified the epidemic of mortgage control fraud at such an early point that the financial crisis could have been averted had the Bush administration acted with even minimal competence.
The Two Documents Everyone Should Read to Better Understand the Crisis William K. Black

Dubya was warned by the FBI of an "epidemic" of mortgage fraud in 2004. He gave them less resources.

FBI saw threat of loan crisis - latimes

Shockingly, the FBI clearly makes the case for the need to combat mortgage fraud in 2005, the height of the housing crisis:

Financial Crimes Report to the Public 2005

FBI Financial Crimes Report 2005

The Bush Rubber Stamp Congress ignored the obvious and extremely detailed and well reported crime spree by the FBI.

THE BUSH ADMINISTRATION and CONGRESS stripped the White Collar Crime divisions of money and manpower.


Those are not the Wall Street Casino banks that were pushing the subprime mortgages.

Try again.

Please give me the name of a bank that does not fall under the jurisdiction of FRB regulations.

We are talking about private lenders backed by the Wall Street Casino.

Private sector loans not Fannie or Freddie triggered crisis Economics McClatchy DC

Unregulated packagers and short-term regulated mortgage contracts Analysis Mortgage Strategy

Read and learn.

But these private lenders weren't bailed out. The banks were bailed out. The highly regulated banks.
But private lenders weren't bailed out. The banks were bailed out, and those banks were highly regulated, which was the cause of the crisis.

You mean the economy was in danger of falling off the cliff AGAIN because they followed the closest thing to laissez faire governance the US had since Reagan's S&L disaster or Harding/Coolidge big depression? Shocking we would rescue them

"The banks were bailed out, and those banks were highly regulated, which was the cause of the crisis."


I've already proved that banks were highly regulated in 2008: FRB 2008 Banking and Consumer Regulatory Policy

Check out that long, long list of FRB regulations.

"highly regulated, which was the cause of the crisis."

You do know what cause means right? PLEASE do me a favor and show that regulation CAUSED the Bankster subprime crisis!

The banks were regulated, and the crisis happened.

That's correlation. PLEASE do what you posited. SHOW CAUSE.


“When regulators don’t believe in regulation and don’t get what is going on at the companies they oversee, there can be no major white-collar crime prosecutions,”...“If they don’t understand what we call collective embezzlement, where people are literally looting their own firms, then it’s impossible to bring cases.”

The FBI correctly identified the epidemic of mortgage control fraud at such an early point that the financial crisis could have been averted had the Bush administration acted with even minimal competence.
The Two Documents Everyone Should Read to Better Understand the Crisis William K. Black

Dubya was warned by the FBI of an "epidemic" of mortgage fraud in 2004. He gave them less resources.

FBI saw threat of loan crisis - latimes

Shockingly, the FBI clearly makes the case for the need to combat mortgage fraud in 2005, the height of the housing crisis:

Financial Crimes Report to the Public 2005

FBI Financial Crimes Report 2005

The Bush Rubber Stamp Congress ignored the obvious and extremely detailed and well reported crime spree by the FBI.

THE BUSH ADMINISTRATION and CONGRESS stripped the White Collar Crime divisions of money and manpower.


The free market did not cause the banking crisis, because the banks were not operating under a free market. They were operating under a highly regulated market. So your contention that the free market caused the crisis is blatantly false.

Those are not the Wall Street Casino banks that were pushing the subprime mortgages.

Try again.

Please give me the name of a bank that does not fall under the jurisdiction of FRB regulations.

We are talking about private lenders backed by the Wall Street Casino.

Private sector loans not Fannie or Freddie triggered crisis Economics McClatchy DC

Unregulated packagers and short-term regulated mortgage contracts Analysis Mortgage Strategy

Read and learn.

But these private lenders weren't bailed out. The banks were bailed out. The highly regulated banks.

Mortgage lending was DEREGULATED by the GOP. Read the links provided by Dad2three and myself and get back to us once you have figured out the Wall Street Casino Bosses used the deregulation to fund shady subprime mortgages that bypassed all normal banking regulations and then sold them off to investors as triple AAA rated securities when they were nothing but junk.

It was the biggest Ponzi scheme in the world and it only happened because Glass-Steagall was repealed by the GOP.
There were 76 million people born between the years 1946 and 1964, the traditional window for the baby boom generation. That means that they will retire over a 19-year period. Simple math shows that 76 divided by 19 is 4 million, or almost 11,000 people a day.

While a certain percentage will die before they reach retirement age, analysts say that immigrants will actually boost the number of potential baby-boomer retirees to nearly 80 million —and not everyone retires exactly at 65 or 66. Some baby boomers likely retired at 62. So let’s say it’s 80 million over 20 years—which still yields 4 million a year.

Thus, as a simple round figure, 10,000 a day is pretty close. In fact, that a number used by the Social Security Administration in a 2012 report, which Portman spokeswoman Caitlin Conant said was a source used by the senator. She also cited a Pew Research Center report that used this figure.
Wise up, wise ass.
What is the Labor Force Participation Rate
Not entirely sure what tour point is, but the info from your link is true but not accurate. While many countries do have a max age, the U.S. does not. not.
My point is the guy does not know what the Labor Force Participation Rate is.
I didn't see him get anything wrong. You on the other hand gave a link with a definition that is wrong. There is no upper age limit in the U.S.
He said the retired counted as a negative in the labor participation rate.

They aren't a part of the equation.

Up to 65, even if retired, they are
You mean the economy was in danger of falling off the cliff AGAIN because they followed the closest thing to laissez faire governance the US had since Reagan's S&L disaster or Harding/Coolidge big depression? Shocking we would rescue them

"The banks were bailed out, and those banks were highly regulated, which was the cause of the crisis."


I've already proved that banks were highly regulated in 2008: FRB 2008 Banking and Consumer Regulatory Policy

Check out that long, long list of FRB regulations.

"highly regulated, which was the cause of the crisis."

You do know what cause means right? PLEASE do me a favor and show that regulation CAUSED the Bankster subprime crisis!

The banks were regulated, and the crisis happened.

That's correlation. PLEASE do what you posited. SHOW CAUSE.


“When regulators don’t believe in regulation and don’t get what is going on at the companies they oversee, there can be no major white-collar crime prosecutions,”...“If they don’t understand what we call collective embezzlement, where people are literally looting their own firms, then it’s impossible to bring cases.”

The FBI correctly identified the epidemic of mortgage control fraud at such an early point that the financial crisis could have been averted had the Bush administration acted with even minimal competence.
The Two Documents Everyone Should Read to Better Understand the Crisis William K. Black

Dubya was warned by the FBI of an "epidemic" of mortgage fraud in 2004. He gave them less resources.

FBI saw threat of loan crisis - latimes

Shockingly, the FBI clearly makes the case for the need to combat mortgage fraud in 2005, the height of the housing crisis:

Financial Crimes Report to the Public 2005

FBI Financial Crimes Report 2005

The Bush Rubber Stamp Congress ignored the obvious and extremely detailed and well reported crime spree by the FBI.

THE BUSH ADMINISTRATION and CONGRESS stripped the White Collar Crime divisions of money and manpower.


The free market did not cause the banking crisis, because the banks were not operating under a free market. They were operating under a highly regulated market. So your contention that the free market caused the crisis is blatantly false.

Utter nonsense!

The private lenders were NOT REGULATED and that was how the subprime mortgages were dumped onto the market.

Those are not the Wall Street Casino banks that were pushing the subprime mortgages.

Try again.

Please give me the name of a bank that does not fall under the jurisdiction of FRB regulations.

We are talking about private lenders backed by the Wall Street Casino.

Private sector loans not Fannie or Freddie triggered crisis Economics McClatchy DC

Unregulated packagers and short-term regulated mortgage contracts Analysis Mortgage Strategy

Read and learn.

But these private lenders weren't bailed out. The banks were bailed out. The highly regulated banks.

Mortgage lending was DEREGULATED by the GOP. Read the links provided by Dad2three and myself and get back to us once you have figured out the Wall Street Casino Bosses used the deregulation to fund shady subprime mortgages that bypassed all normal banking regulations and then sold them off to investors as triple AAA rated securities when they were nothing but junk.

It was the biggest Ponzi scheme in the world and it only happened because Glass-Steagall was repealed by the GOP.

You keep trying to blame the free market, but the mortgage market was not a free market. It was a regulated market.
You mean the economy was in danger of falling off the cliff AGAIN because they followed the closest thing to laissez faire governance the US had since Reagan's S&L disaster or Harding/Coolidge big depression? Shocking we would rescue them

"The banks were bailed out, and those banks were highly regulated, which was the cause of the crisis."


I've already proved that banks were highly regulated in 2008: FRB 2008 Banking and Consumer Regulatory Policy

Check out that long, long list of FRB regulations.

"highly regulated, which was the cause of the crisis."

You do know what cause means right? PLEASE do me a favor and show that regulation CAUSED the Bankster subprime crisis!

The banks were regulated, and the crisis happened.

That's correlation. PLEASE do what you posited. SHOW CAUSE.


“When regulators don’t believe in regulation and don’t get what is going on at the companies they oversee, there can be no major white-collar crime prosecutions,”...“If they don’t understand what we call collective embezzlement, where people are literally looting their own firms, then it’s impossible to bring cases.”

The FBI correctly identified the epidemic of mortgage control fraud at such an early point that the financial crisis could have been averted had the Bush administration acted with even minimal competence.
The Two Documents Everyone Should Read to Better Understand the Crisis William K. Black

Dubya was warned by the FBI of an "epidemic" of mortgage fraud in 2004. He gave them less resources.

FBI saw threat of loan crisis - latimes

Shockingly, the FBI clearly makes the case for the need to combat mortgage fraud in 2005, the height of the housing crisis:

Financial Crimes Report to the Public 2005

FBI Financial Crimes Report 2005

The Bush Rubber Stamp Congress ignored the obvious and extremely detailed and well reported crime spree by the FBI.

THE BUSH ADMINISTRATION and CONGRESS stripped the White Collar Crime divisions of money and manpower.


The free market did not cause the banking crisis, because the banks were not operating under a free market. They were operating under a highly regulated market. So your contention that the free market caused the crisis is blatantly false.

YOUR contention that regulations caused it is a blatant lie, and your dodge is noted Bubba!
I've already proved that banks were highly regulated in 2008: FRB 2008 Banking and Consumer Regulatory Policy

Check out that long, long list of FRB regulations.

"highly regulated, which was the cause of the crisis."

You do know what cause means right? PLEASE do me a favor and show that regulation CAUSED the Bankster subprime crisis!

The banks were regulated, and the crisis happened.

That's correlation. PLEASE do what you posited. SHOW CAUSE.


“When regulators don’t believe in regulation and don’t get what is going on at the companies they oversee, there can be no major white-collar crime prosecutions,”...“If they don’t understand what we call collective embezzlement, where people are literally looting their own firms, then it’s impossible to bring cases.”

The FBI correctly identified the epidemic of mortgage control fraud at such an early point that the financial crisis could have been averted had the Bush administration acted with even minimal competence.
The Two Documents Everyone Should Read to Better Understand the Crisis William K. Black

Dubya was warned by the FBI of an "epidemic" of mortgage fraud in 2004. He gave them less resources.

FBI saw threat of loan crisis - latimes

Shockingly, the FBI clearly makes the case for the need to combat mortgage fraud in 2005, the height of the housing crisis:

Financial Crimes Report to the Public 2005

FBI Financial Crimes Report 2005

The Bush Rubber Stamp Congress ignored the obvious and extremely detailed and well reported crime spree by the FBI.

THE BUSH ADMINISTRATION and CONGRESS stripped the White Collar Crime divisions of money and manpower.


The free market did not cause the banking crisis, because the banks were not operating under a free market. They were operating under a highly regulated market. So your contention that the free market caused the crisis is blatantly false.

Utter nonsense!

The private lenders were NOT REGULATED and that was how the subprime mortgages were dumped onto the market.

The private lenders were not bailed out. The highly regulated banks were.
I've already proved that banks were highly regulated in 2008: FRB 2008 Banking and Consumer Regulatory Policy

Check out that long, long list of FRB regulations.

"highly regulated, which was the cause of the crisis."

You do know what cause means right? PLEASE do me a favor and show that regulation CAUSED the Bankster subprime crisis!

The banks were regulated, and the crisis happened.

That's correlation. PLEASE do what you posited. SHOW CAUSE.


“When regulators don’t believe in regulation and don’t get what is going on at the companies they oversee, there can be no major white-collar crime prosecutions,”...“If they don’t understand what we call collective embezzlement, where people are literally looting their own firms, then it’s impossible to bring cases.”

The FBI correctly identified the epidemic of mortgage control fraud at such an early point that the financial crisis could have been averted had the Bush administration acted with even minimal competence.
The Two Documents Everyone Should Read to Better Understand the Crisis William K. Black

Dubya was warned by the FBI of an "epidemic" of mortgage fraud in 2004. He gave them less resources.

FBI saw threat of loan crisis - latimes

Shockingly, the FBI clearly makes the case for the need to combat mortgage fraud in 2005, the height of the housing crisis:

Financial Crimes Report to the Public 2005

FBI Financial Crimes Report 2005

The Bush Rubber Stamp Congress ignored the obvious and extremely detailed and well reported crime spree by the FBI.

THE BUSH ADMINISTRATION and CONGRESS stripped the White Collar Crime divisions of money and manpower.


The free market did not cause the banking crisis, because the banks were not operating under a free market. They were operating under a highly regulated market. So your contention that the free market caused the crisis is blatantly false.

YOUR contention that regulations caused it is a blatant lie, and your dodge is noted Bubba!

YOUR contention that the free market caused the crisis is counter to reality, because the financial industry was not a free market. It was a highly regulated market.
There were 76 million people born between the years 1946 and 1964, the traditional window for the baby boom generation. That means that they will retire over a 19-year period. Simple math shows that 76 divided by 19 is 4 million, or almost 11,000 people a day.

While a certain percentage will die before they reach retirement age, analysts say that immigrants will actually boost the number of potential baby-boomer retirees to nearly 80 million —and not everyone retires exactly at 65 or 66. Some baby boomers likely retired at 62. So let’s say it’s 80 million over 20 years—which still yields 4 million a year.

Thus, as a simple round figure, 10,000 a day is pretty close. In fact, that a number used by the Social Security Administration in a 2012 report, which Portman spokeswoman Caitlin Conant said was a source used by the senator. She also cited a Pew Research Center report that used this figure.
Wise up, wise ass.
What is the Labor Force Participation Rate
Not entirely sure what tour point is, but the info from your link is true but not accurate. While many countries do have a max age, the U.S. does not. not.
My point is the guy does not know what the Labor Force Participation Rate is.
I didn't see him get anything wrong. You on the other hand gave a link with a definition that is wrong. There is no upper age limit in the U.S.
He said the retired counted as a negative in the labor participation rate.

They aren't a part of the equation.
Yes, they are…they're part of the denominator. . As I said, your link was mistaken when it said there was an upper limit of age in the statistics. There's not.
"highly regulated, which was the cause of the crisis."

You do know what cause means right? PLEASE do me a favor and show that regulation CAUSED the Bankster subprime crisis!

The banks were regulated, and the crisis happened.

That's correlation. PLEASE do what you posited. SHOW CAUSE.


“When regulators don’t believe in regulation and don’t get what is going on at the companies they oversee, there can be no major white-collar crime prosecutions,”...“If they don’t understand what we call collective embezzlement, where people are literally looting their own firms, then it’s impossible to bring cases.”

The FBI correctly identified the epidemic of mortgage control fraud at such an early point that the financial crisis could have been averted had the Bush administration acted with even minimal competence.
The Two Documents Everyone Should Read to Better Understand the Crisis William K. Black

Dubya was warned by the FBI of an "epidemic" of mortgage fraud in 2004. He gave them less resources.

FBI saw threat of loan crisis - latimes

Shockingly, the FBI clearly makes the case for the need to combat mortgage fraud in 2005, the height of the housing crisis:

Financial Crimes Report to the Public 2005

FBI Financial Crimes Report 2005

The Bush Rubber Stamp Congress ignored the obvious and extremely detailed and well reported crime spree by the FBI.

THE BUSH ADMINISTRATION and CONGRESS stripped the White Collar Crime divisions of money and manpower.


The free market did not cause the banking crisis, because the banks were not operating under a free market. They were operating under a highly regulated market. So your contention that the free market caused the crisis is blatantly false.

YOUR contention that regulations caused it is a blatant lie, and your dodge is noted Bubba!

YOUR contention that the free market caused the crisis is counter to reality, because the financial industry was not a free market. It was a highly regulated market.

Got it YOU can't prove your posit, that regulations CAUSED the Bankster Bubble

I'm shocked. Totally.

THIS was because of regulations around for decades right:

Not entirely sure what tour point is, but the info from your link is true but not accurate. While many countries do have a max age, the U.S. does not. not.
My point is the guy does not know what the Labor Force Participation Rate is.
I didn't see him get anything wrong. You on the other hand gave a link with a definition that is wrong. There is no upper age limit in the U.S.
He said the retired counted as a negative in the labor participation rate.

They aren't a part of the equation.

Up to 65, even if retired, they are
No, up to infinity. There's no max age!
Those are not the Wall Street Casino banks that were pushing the subprime mortgages.

Try again.

Please give me the name of a bank that does not fall under the jurisdiction of FRB regulations.

We are talking about private lenders backed by the Wall Street Casino.

Private sector loans not Fannie or Freddie triggered crisis Economics McClatchy DC

Unregulated packagers and short-term regulated mortgage contracts Analysis Mortgage Strategy

Read and learn.

But these private lenders weren't bailed out. The banks were bailed out. The highly regulated banks.

Mortgage lending was DEREGULATED by the GOP. Read the links provided by Dad2three and myself and get back to us once you have figured out the Wall Street Casino Bosses used the deregulation to fund shady subprime mortgages that bypassed all normal banking regulations and then sold them off to investors as triple AAA rated securities when they were nothing but junk.

It was the biggest Ponzi scheme in the world and it only happened because Glass-Steagall was repealed by the GOP.

You keep trying to blame the free market, but the mortgage market was not a free market. It was a regulated market.

Those are not the Wall Street Casino banks that were pushing the subprime mortgages.

Try again.

Please give me the name of a bank that does not fall under the jurisdiction of FRB regulations.

We are talking about private lenders backed by the Wall Street Casino.

Private sector loans not Fannie or Freddie triggered crisis Economics McClatchy DC

Unregulated packagers and short-term regulated mortgage contracts Analysis Mortgage Strategy

Read and learn.

But these private lenders weren't bailed out. The banks were bailed out. The highly regulated banks.

Mortgage lending was DEREGULATED by the GOP. Read the links provided by Dad2three and myself and get back to us once you have figured out the Wall Street Casino Bosses used the deregulation to fund shady subprime mortgages that bypassed all normal banking regulations and then sold them off to investors as triple AAA rated securities when they were nothing but junk.

It was the biggest Ponzi scheme in the world and it only happened because Glass-Steagall was repealed by the GOP.

You keep trying to blame the free market, but the mortgage market was not a free market. It was a regulated market.

Please provide links proving that the private lenders making those subprime mortgages were regulated.
"highly regulated, which was the cause of the crisis."

You do know what cause means right? PLEASE do me a favor and show that regulation CAUSED the Bankster subprime crisis!

The banks were regulated, and the crisis happened.

That's correlation. PLEASE do what you posited. SHOW CAUSE.


“When regulators don’t believe in regulation and don’t get what is going on at the companies they oversee, there can be no major white-collar crime prosecutions,”...“If they don’t understand what we call collective embezzlement, where people are literally looting their own firms, then it’s impossible to bring cases.”

The FBI correctly identified the epidemic of mortgage control fraud at such an early point that the financial crisis could have been averted had the Bush administration acted with even minimal competence.
The Two Documents Everyone Should Read to Better Understand the Crisis William K. Black

Dubya was warned by the FBI of an "epidemic" of mortgage fraud in 2004. He gave them less resources.

FBI saw threat of loan crisis - latimes

Shockingly, the FBI clearly makes the case for the need to combat mortgage fraud in 2005, the height of the housing crisis:

Financial Crimes Report to the Public 2005

FBI Financial Crimes Report 2005

The Bush Rubber Stamp Congress ignored the obvious and extremely detailed and well reported crime spree by the FBI.

THE BUSH ADMINISTRATION and CONGRESS stripped the White Collar Crime divisions of money and manpower.


The free market did not cause the banking crisis, because the banks were not operating under a free market. They were operating under a highly regulated market. So your contention that the free market caused the crisis is blatantly false.

Utter nonsense!

The private lenders were NOT REGULATED and that was how the subprime mortgages were dumped onto the market.

The private lenders were not bailed out. The highly regulated banks were.

You are confusing cause and effect.

The lack of regulations on the private lenders making toxic subprime mortgages was the cause of the 2008 GOP economic collapse.

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