Labor Participation Rate Lowest Since 1978 - Yet there are 10 Fold More Working Mom's Now!!!

Yep, and his economic policy has almost turned US around?

dear, its slowest recovery since depression with u6 at 11%, LFP at all time high, income going down, and interest rates at 0% . If he strings it out as long as FDR he will be your greatest hero right?

True, when the GOP dig a hole, they dig it wide AND deep right? THEN they refuse to help get US out of it. Go figure!
Americans Not in Labor Force Exceed 93 Million for First Time 62.7 Labor Force Participation Matches 37-Year Low CNS News

93 million Americans do not work. That is nearly a 1/3 of the TOTAL US population. That is the lowest labor participation rate since 1978. In 1978, there were 10 fold more stay at home mothers than now and Jimmy "Limp Dick" Carter as presidente. Yet labor participation rate was similarly horrendously low.

We are lead to believe by the faux numbers and the librat media that the economy is peachy, yet the driving force for the so-called 5.5% unemployment number is the absolutely frightening labor participation rate.

So 93 million Americans don't work. Obama is made more don't work. If he could only get 100 million more to so-call leave the labor force he would have full employment numbers!

Talk to new grads and you hear, man I got $90K in student loan debt, yet there are no jobs to be had other than low paid unskilled service jobs!

The economy isn't good and no amount of librat propaganda can change the reality on the ground!
Funny how the number of people not in the labor force has been growing rather steadily for 17 years now, but the right didn't care about it until Obama became president.

the right didn't care about it[LFP] until Obama became president.

its only under OBAMA that we got low LFP, low income, high u6 unemployment, and interest rates at 0%. Seen together it all paints a horrible picture of liberalism. This is why China switched to Republican capitalism.
What makes you think a U6 of 11% is bad?

all agree its very very bad because its 40% higher than before Barry's recession. Falling income is bad too. Did you know that?
What I do know is that brain-dead conservatives really suck at math. The U-6 is up 30% (rounded) since before Bush's Great Recession, not 40%. And that's because the U-6 rate was artificially low due to the real-estate bubble.
the right didn't care about it[LFP] until Obama became president.

its only under OBAMA that we got low LFP, low income, high u6 unemployment, and interest rates at 0%. Seen together it all paints a horrible picture of liberalism. This is why China switched to Republican capitalism.
Stupid posts are ... stupid.

The federal fund rate dropped to 0% under Bush, not Obama. The LFPR began dropping under Bush, not Obama. The U-6 rate began climbing under Bush, not Obama. Real median household income began dropping under Bush, not Obama.

Basically, everything you cited started under Bush. Yet here you are bitching and moaning how Obama hasn't cleaned up all of Bush's mess. :eusa_doh:
The U-6 is up 30% (rounded) since before Bush's Great Recession, not 40%. And that's because the U-6 rate was artificially low due to the real-estate bubble.

dear, it was 7% in 1999, now its 11%, thats up 57%. Combine that with shrinking incomes, low LFP, low artificial interest rates , 50 million on food stamps, and liberal policies still shipping jobs to China you can see the scope of the disaster. Red China saw this and switched to Republican capitalism. Why are liberals so 100% stupid.
Both have dropped almost 5%.

dear, u6 has dropped 35%, not 5%, but it still way way above where it was before Obama's recession. Do you understand??
Under Bush, the U6 rate increased 95% (100% = double)

Under Obama, the U6 rate decreased 23%

Bush had 2 months to deal with it while Barry has had 7 years. Did you know that 7 years is a lot longer than 2 months??
Yet more evidence you're delusional.

Bush was president for 8 years.

Obama's been president for 6.2 years.

The real estate debacle could have been prevented years earlier. Bush had more than 2 months to work on it.
The U-6 is up 30% (rounded) since before Bush's Great Recession, not 40%. And that's because the U-6 rate was artificially low due to the real-estate bubble.

dear, it was 7% in 1999, now its 11%, thats up 57%. Combine that with shrinking incomes, low LFP, low artificial interest rates , 50 million on food stamps, and liberal policies still shipping jobs to China you can see the scope of the disaster. Red China saw this and switched to Republican capitalism. Why are liberals so 100% stupid.
So now Obama is responsible for ALL of Bush's term? Bush practically doubled it. I blame him. Obama has lowered it since becoming president.
Basically, everything you cited started under Bush.

dear all agree the liberal recession started under Bush as he left office , but Obamas recovery has been the worst since the depression. Do you understand?? Lib commieism did not work in Red China so they switched to capitalism!!
The federal fund rate dropped to 0% under Bush, not Obama

too stupid!! its supposed to be 0% for a month or two not 7 years!!!!OMG a liberal is too slow.
Moron, you listed a whole litany of complaints you stated started under Obama. Not one of them did. Including the Federal fund rate.

You just can't take ownership of your mistakes, can you?

Typical conservative. :itsok:
So now Obama is responsible for ALL of Bush's term?.

dear, Obama is responsible for the worst recovery since the Great Depression and it stands to reason given the libcommie interference policies they didn't work in East Germany or Red China.

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