Laffer Doesn't Know if Bush Tax Cuts Pay for Themselves

No, the savings wouldn't be enough to hire someone.

We never mentioned any specific dollar amount, so that is a bit over-assuming on your part.

Pauli, it'd be silly to hire someone if the economy didn't pick up and you felt confident would be making a cost effective choice.

Freelancers would be the way to go if short staffed. No tax burden for business when hiring freelancers...I know that wouldn't work for every business but it would for mine.
Fair enough if free-lancers would benefit you, but there are plenty of businesses out there who really need more full-time staff and just can not afford to add it at this time. Big corporations, that's a different story. I'm talking small businesses anyway.

I find it ridiculous that anyone can say a tax break for a business will not add any jobs.

A scenario would be a small business where the owner who would normally be off location or just doing other productive work for the business, now has to stay on location and provide manpower where he/she can not afford to hire someone new.

The girlfriend and I are in the process right now of starting a pre school. The girlfriend will be filling a spot as a teacher when we open, but she would be better suited doing other things for the business and instead hire a second certified teacher to handle the workload. In fact, I'll probably even be putting some time in there myself as an "aide" to simply meet child to aide ratio requirements until she can hire someone.

I'll tell you right now, that if a decent enough tax break came through for her that would fill one of those needed spots, we would do it immediately.
A tax break is never going to be enough to hire an employee...unless you mean you want the government to actually pay your employees. :lol:

When you start off you have to deal with these problems of doing jobs that you are overqualified for...including keeping an eye on the little devils. Once you get a good client base you can hire more need money coming in to add employees, not a tax break.

I have a feeling you're very bad at figuring budgets, Rav.
We never mentioned any specific dollar amount, so that is a bit over-assuming on your part.

Fair enough if free-lancers would benefit you, but there are plenty of businesses out there who really need more full-time staff and just can not afford to add it at this time. Big corporations, that's a different story. I'm talking small businesses anyway.

I find it ridiculous that anyone can say a tax break for a business will not add any jobs.

A scenario would be a small business where the owner who would normally be off location or just doing other productive work for the business, now has to stay on location and provide manpower where he/she can not afford to hire someone new.

The girlfriend and I are in the process right now of starting a pre school. The girlfriend will be filling a spot as a teacher when we open, but she would be better suited doing other things for the business and instead hire a second certified teacher to handle the workload. In fact, I'll probably even be putting some time in there myself as an "aide" to simply meet child to aide ratio requirements until she can hire someone.

I'll tell you right now, that if a decent enough tax break came through for her that would fill one of those needed spots, we would do it immediately.
A tax break is never going to be enough to hire an employee...unless you mean you want the government to actually pay your employees. :lol:

When you start off you have to deal with these problems of doing jobs that you are overqualified for...including keeping an eye on the little devils. Once you get a good client base you can hire more need money coming in to add employees, not a tax break.

I have a feeling you're very bad at figuring budgets, Rav.
Could be...but at least I can afford to hire someone to figure them for me. :lol:
A tax break is never going to be enough to hire an employee...unless you mean you want the government to actually pay your employees. :lol:

When you start off you have to deal with these problems of doing jobs that you are overqualified for...including keeping an eye on the little devils. Once you get a good client base you can hire more need money coming in to add employees, not a tax break.

I have a feeling you're very bad at figuring budgets, Rav.
Could be...but at least I can afford to hire someone to figure them for me. :lol:

The fact that you're bad at them is what kills your argument in this thread.

Maybe you should have your budget person come finish out your contributions in this thread since you're in over your head :lol:

When your business inevitably flops you can take comfort in the fact that it is too hard in America to make money, what with all those damn taxes preventing you from hiring anyone.


When your business inevitably flops you can take comfort in the fact that it is too hard in America to make money, what with all those damn taxes preventing you from hiring anyone.

The Mrs. and I are way too intelligent to fail.

I guess the proper prefix would be Ms. though, huh? :lol:

When your business inevitably flops you can take comfort in the fact that it is too hard in America to make money, what with all those damn taxes preventing you from hiring anyone.

The Mrs. and I are way too intelligent to fail.

I guess the proper prefix would be Ms. though, huh? :lol:
Pretty much.

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