Lake is now calling herself the "duly elected Governor of Arizona. "

Yes there has. TONS of it. University professor type mathematical experts have examined it and concluded there were unexplainable statistical anomalies. Your refusal to acknowledge them makes you a willfully ignorant leftard lemming.
Statistical anomalies? What a pathetic attempt to justify yet another conspiracy theory.
And they've been contradicted by other mathematical experts who shred the analysis of the first, pointing out numerous fatal flaws and a stunning lack of evidence to back it.


There is no math professor who denied the validity of the statistical evidence

Not one.

That kind of bullshit only comes from lying demonaziscumbag politicians.

Trump lost because he was an unpopular president in the midst of a struggling economy. No ridiculously complicated and exotic batshit crazy conspiracy necessary.

Trump's loss has nothing to do with it

As long as you stupid fucktards keep bleating about Trump the problem will continue and EVENTUALLY you'll be on the butt end of it

Just plain, old, boring reality.

Reality says your election results are six standard deviations out.

I think this women has lost her mind. Really!

Someone needs to slap her upside the head and tell her to wake up. If she was governor then her security would be able to tackled him or her to the ground. Instead she would just deny that someone in the room slap the governor upside the head.
And they've been contradicted by other mathematical experts who shred the analysis of the first, pointing out numerous fatal flaws and a stunning lack of evidence to back it.

Trump lost because he was an unpopular president in the midst of a struggling economy. No ridiculously complicated and exotic batshit crazy conspiracy necessary.

Just plain, old, boring reality.
81 million votes is still a laughable number. Anyone who believes that happened is a first class idiot.
Someone needs to slap her upside the head and tell her to wake up. If she was governor then her security would be able to tackled him or her to the ground. Instead she would just deny that someone in the room slap the governor upside the head.
Someone needs to slap people in the head who think that election had one bit of integrity.
So by 'every single one of you hypocritical leftard assholes', you mean Stacy Abrams citing Stacy Abrams.

When I say 'you guys', I'm referring to the LEGION of insanity riddled conspiracy theory dipshits that permeate the conservative movement like fat through a juicy roast. Like this 'asshole'.

View attachment 745075
Crying because your hypocrisy got exposed again asshole. See dumbfuck, you claim something and cite only yourself. Hey asswipe, your squawking and crying has proven my point beyond all doubt. Now cite where I called Lake the winner. Go. Or be proven once again to be a moron.
Crying because your hypocrisy got exposed again asshole. See dumbfuck, you claim something and cite only yourself. Hey asswipe, your squawking and crying has proven my point beyond all doubt. Now cite where I called Lake the winner. Go. Or be proven once again to be a moron. more sniveling excuses why you can't quote me claiming that Stacy is the rightful governor of Georgia?

Color me shocked!

Meanwhile, our board is a wasteland of your ilk clinging to hapless conspiracy fantasies about 'stolen elections'. Like this poor, guillable rube:


Tell us again about how the election was stolen, tinfoil.

For the giggles.
Lake is calling herself 'governor'?

Big deal - Abrams already did it 1st... Besides Biden called Harris 'President' again today.

Read the post that cretin responded to. That should clear it up.

Not really. You'll cling to your conspiracies beyond any sense or point.

Do I really need to quote you to you on your batshit 'Big Lie' conspiracies?
Not really. You'll cling to your conspiracies beyond any sense or point.

Do I really need to quote you to you on your batshit 'Big Lie' conspiracies?
You need to admit how many conspiracies have turned out to be true. These are no different.
You need to admit how many conspiracies have turned out to be true. These are no different.

You need to admit how little you care about whether or not a conspiracy is actually long as it feels true to you. And how you invent the conspiracy before you have any evidence to support it.

With the rest of your time being the futile scramble trying to back up claims you made up, never researched, and can't support with evidence.

Like say, that Kari Lake won the Arizona gubentarial election. She demonstrably lost.
You need to admit how little you care about whether or not a conspiracy is actually long as it feels true to you. And how you invent the conspiracy before you have any evidence to support it.

With the rest of your time being the futile scramble trying to back up claims you made up, never researched, and can't support with evidence.

Like say, that Kari Lake won the Arizona gubentarial election. She demonstrably lost.
What seems true to you since no one has told you the truth in years? Why do you still listen to those assholes?
What seems true to you since no one has told you the truth in years? Why do you still listen to those assholes?

What the evidence supports seems true to me.

And that is where your perceptoin of the world breaks. You begin with your fantasy stories, and then scramble to find some connection to reality for them. Worse, when you cling to your fantasies anyway. Both are irrational, the latter far more than the former.

And why do I 'listen to these assholes'.....instead of who? You? Alex Jones? Kari Lake? Trump?

I have the Maracopa County Election Board on the accuracy of their own election.....vs. some random dude on the internet who insists he knows better.

Our sources are not equal.
What the evidence supports seems true to me.

And that is where your perceptoin of the world breaks. You begin with your fantasy stories, and then scramble to find some connection to reality for them. Worse, when you cling to your fantasies anyway. Both are irrational, the latter far more than the former.

And why do I 'listen to these assholes'.....instead of who? You? Alex Jones? Kari Lake? Trump?

I have the Maracopa County Election Board on the accuracy of their own election.....vs. some random dude on the internet who insists he knows better.

Our sources are not equal.
You are right Maricopa is corrupt. I am much more credible than they are.

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