Lake is now calling herself the "duly elected Governor of Arizona. "

You are right Maricopa is corrupt. I am much more credible than they are.

You're projecting your beliefs again, void of evidence.....and demonstrating my point about how you'll just make up claims.

You don't know anything about the Maricopa election. You'd have to look up and study the information they already know. And you refuse to do even that. They are source matter experts, and you're a rank amatuer.....who refuses to do research. And has been demonstrated to just make shit up.

Our sources are not equal.
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I think this women has lost her mind. Really!

So I'm guessing you know nothing about the evidence of serious voter fraud in the Lake-Hobbs election. Lake has every reason to dispute the results, because there are valid questions about the results. Here are some sources for you to read:

So I'm guessing you know nothing about the evidence of serious voter fraud in the Lake-Hobbs election. Lake has every reason to dispute the results, because there are valid questions about the results. Here are some sources for you to read:

First, kudos on your links. All but one seem to not show any bias. The last one does, but since the content is covered by the other links it doesn't change anything.

Now for the bad news. Not one of those links give any evidence and scant claim of voter fraud. It's respectively an account of rejected ballots for legitimate reasons. A chain of custody dispute for a single document, on a limited amount of ballots, without any indication of intent. A discrepancy in the amount of ballots that needed signature verification (more were verified) , something that is done to PREVENT voter fraud. And a technician's error, easily explained, and again showing no evidence of intent in a grand total of 3 polling places.

And as in 2020 the sought out remedy for these things is the overturning of an entire election.

Is it any surprise that judges reject this horse manure?
And a technician's error, easily explained, and again showing no evidence of intent in a grand total of 3 polling places.
If you believe that you're dumber than a stump.

No computer tech acts "independently of the election board", that's complete and total bullshit.

Apparently you know nothing of Arizona election law, which requires the hardware to be certified BY THE BOARD 24 hours in advance of the election. You think they're going to let some dweeb tech get in there AFTER the machines have already been certified?

You fucking lemmings will believe ANY bullshit spewn by CNN, won't you?

They're testing you to see how stupid you are.

And you're failing. Miserably
If you believe that you're dumber than a stump.

No computer tech acts "independently of the election board", that's complete and total bullshit.

Apparently you know nothing of Arizona election law, which requires the hardware to be certified BY THE BOARD 24 hours in advance of the election. You think they're going to let some dweeb tech get in there AFTER the machines have already been certified?

You fucking lemmings will believe ANY bullshit spewn by CNN, won't you?

They're testing you to see how stupid you are.

And you're failing. Miserably
I'm failing? Last time I checked a judge appointed by a Republican DISMISSED this entire thing citing lack of evidence.

That is the reality. Just like it was reality in 2020.

Keep on living in your fact free bubble as long as you want. Meanwhile grownups will continue to dismiss all you whiners.
Someone needs to slap her upside the head and tell her to wake up. If she was governor then her security would be able to tackled him or her to the ground. Instead she would just deny that someone in the room slap the governor upside the head.
She is eat up with trumpism. I expect it will take years and years of intensive therapy to remove the stain that the disease has left on her mind.
I'm failing? Last time I checked a judge appointed by a Republican DISMISSED this entire thing citing lack of evidence.

That is the reality. Just like it was reality in 2020.

Keep on living in your fact free bubble as long as you want. Meanwhile grownups will continue to dismiss all you whiners.
It will take generations to remove the smell an damaged caused by trumpism. I am not sure I will see a day when these MAGA freaks are not lurking in the shadows whining about "massive voter fraud."
Hey, it works for Rump. All MAGAt losers will do this.
Yup, if Dems win there is always "massive voter fraud." If repubs win, then the system worked perfectly. That is the definition of Fascism.
Buh-bye, Kari.



So I'm guessing you know nothing about the evidence of serious voter fraud in the Lake-Hobbs election. Lake has every reason to dispute the results, because there are valid questions about the results. Here are some sources for you to read:

There are always questions from those that lost. That doesn't make them valid.
You're projecting your beliefs again, void of evidence.....and demonstrating my point about how you'll just make up claims.

You don't know anything about the Maricopa election. You'd have to look up and study the information they already know. And you refuse to do even that. They are source matter experts, and you're a rank amatuer.....who refuses to do research. And has been demonstrated to just make shit up.

Our sources are not equal.
The machines failed and the printers failed. Fact.
So I'm guessing you know nothing about the evidence of serious voter fraud in the Lake-Hobbs election. Lake has every reason to dispute the results, because there are valid questions about the results. Here are some sources for you to read:

This is a country of laws and courts. She had her days in several courts. There is NO evidence that she has presented that convinced a judge she has argument. When Al Gore lost to Bush Jr., he contested it up to the USSC. When he lost there, he conceded. He didn't whine and cry for months or years. That is what trumpism does. It is anti-democratic and anti-American.

trump tried to overthrow an election and the POS is still out there preaching Lies. If the DOJ does not indict him on one of his crimes, the country will suffer another coup attempt. There is little doubt.
She is eat up with trumpism. I expect it will take years and years of intensive therapy to remove the stain that the disease has left on her mind.
Yes they will take it to the grave or just forget conveniently forget about it ( nothing to see here folks move along) . It will be a good day if
he is found guilty in a court of law by a judge. That would keep them quite about Trump but I am afraid the MAGA is loose and won't go away quietly

If its is a jury there is bound to be one MAGA who will never vote guilty because it is Trump.

Trump is MAGA and his followers who still promote it lies

MAGA = Make America Greedy Again
I'm failing? Last time I checked a judge appointed by a Republican DISMISSED this entire thing citing lack of evidence.

That is the reality. Just like it was reality in 2020.

Keep on living in your fact free bubble as long as you want. Meanwhile grownups will continue to dismiss all you whiners.
Fucked up shit for brains retarded libtards will continue to WILLFULLY DENY THE ELECTION SECURITY PROBLEM.

It's on you. The Reptards are going to outcheat you. It's already started.

You ain't no adult. You're a stupid retarded dumbass shit for brains dimwitted leftard jackass.

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